We live on a farm so it seems natural to talk about types of milk, even though we don't have cows or goats yet. There is cow milk and there is goat milk, and then there are a whole host of "milks" that are not dairy products at all. Cow milk breaks down into whole milk, reduced fat, low fat, and fat free milk, raw or pastureurized.
Now let's mention some milks that are not milk like milks made from nuts, coconut, oats, soy, quinoa, rice and more. I had no idea it was so extensive.
Happy First Day Of Spring! Woo-hoo! Winter is done! It got down to 46° so it still feels like winter here. It should get up to 60° and then back down to 46° overnight which is still too cold for the plants to come back out of the greenhouse.
It is chilly in the house and even colder outside. We have a lot of weekend orders to ship out this morning. Chances are that we won't finish them until tomorrow because there are so many orders and so few of us.
I need to go water my greenhouse and put sand on my potato plants again. The sky is overcast. The deer are out playing next door.
It is still so cold out at 5pm. It is 58° but feels frigid. It sprinkled on and off all day long. The sky stayed grey all day long. We had one set of customers. I figured we would not have any on such a cold, wet day.
I am going back to the house now to cook dinner and do more laundry. I have been sending out orders all day long, helping the crew.
Whenever we think of milk, cow milk is what we picture. As a little girl where I lived, there were a lot of dairy farms. The only kind of milk in the grocery store was cow's milk. It came in whole and skim. I do not remember there being a two percent back then in the 1960s but I suppose there could have been. We always got the cheapest whole milk possible.
I would drink chocolate milk or strawberry milk (shoutout to Nestle Quik!) but I hated white milk. I would pour it on my breakfast cereal, eat the cereal and pour the milk down the drain where it belonged! At school, I would eat the lunch and toss my carton of milk in the trash.
It wasn't until I got pregnant that I drank milk. Even then, in the 1980s and 1990s, I do not remember there being any milk choices other than cow's milk. We always lived in the city after our move from upstate New York so there were no goats. I have tasted goat milk and I find it equally disgusting.
The only time I sort of like cow's milk was when we lived in Colorado Springs and we had fresh milk delivered to our home twice a week by the milkman. It was creamy and tasted fairly good, a whole lot better than the watered down whole milk sold at the grocery store. But it was expensive and then we left Colorado. There is no milkman in Michigan, Arkansas, or any part of Texas that we have ever lived in.
Now let's talk about fat content in cow milk. There is whole milk which is probably what most people buy at the grocery store. An eight ounce glass of whole milk has 150 calories and eight grams of fat.
Reduced fat milk is 2% milk. We started buying that when our children were little and the pediatrician said that would be best for them. An eight ounce glass has about 125 calories and five grams of fat.
Low fat milk is 1% milk. It has 100 calories and two and one half grams of fat in an eight ounce glass.
Then there is skim milk which is also called fat free. It has 80 calories and zero fat in an eight ounce glass. David calls it dishwater so there's that.
Raw milk is milk that comes straight from the cow without having anything done to it. It tastes best that way but you cannot buy it in the store. It is legal in some places for farms to sell raw milk but they must meet certain conditions. It is very expensive and goes bad in about one week. We have bought some local raw milk around here just to try it out and it was nasty in about five days. We paid twice the price of grocery store milk and tossed most of it.
Pasteurized milk is milk from the cow that is heated high enough to kill germs that are in the milk. This process was invented by Louis Pasteur in 1864 and is still used today. Back then, people did not have refrigerators or refrigerated trucks to move milk around. (They didn't even have trucks, lol!) Most people got their milk on their own property from their own cow. When milk was transported to cities in the warm air, apparently the germs caused some really horrible sicknesses like typhoid, diphtheria, and tuberculosis. There is no doubt that pasteurization helped curb a lot of that but now we have refrigeration.
The people who own cows say that pasteurization kills the good bacteria, changes the flavor of the milk as well as the texture. I believe this is true as raw milk tastes better than what you buy in the store but the government makes most dairies do the pasteurization process. Apparently, the calcium in raw milk is more easily absorbed than when it is heated. Studies show that if small children drink raw milk early in life, they are less likely to have asthma or other respiratory illnesses because of fat globules in the milk prior to homogenization, the process of blending up all of the fat in with the liquid of the milk.
Homesteading is the way to go so you can do what you want with your milk for your family. You still can't sell it unless you follow the rules your county has for raw milk.
Good Tuesday morning. Guess what? It is chilly and raining again. The temperature is 60° at 9:50am. Alexa said there would be no rain overnight or today.
This morning, in the rain, we had one customer who came for jalapeno plants. Well, the jalapeno plants were the first to go last month so we had to plant more. They are not yet ready. He left.
It finally stopped raining and it is now 72°. Since then, we have had three customers for seeds and plants so it is turning out to be a much better day than we thought it would be.
I put out a David's Garden Seeds® newsletter on growing tomatoes. Sign up for our newsletter if you haven't already. Nacho is here with two of his helpers today getting outdoor projects done as well as getting things sent up to Amazon on our Amazon store.
Tomorrow is David's birthday so his presents came from Amazon today. I boxed them up but I still have to wrap them. I was going to do that this afternoon but then the rain stopped and people keep coming by.
I put together a quick chicken blurb video and put that up on YouTube. Is it my imagination, or is it more difficult to put them up? I used to put some up a long time ago on a crafting channel I no longer have but this was majorly difficult. They keep making so many changes.
It is now almost 5pm. No one was in the store so I decided to do a tour of the store video and wouldn't you know it? David walked in. There is always someone walking in when I am doing my videos. I have decided that no matter how bad it is, I am going to build my YouTube channel. Please subscribe and I promise I will put up more. It is so difficult to find the time but I think that is the only way our seed business will pick up. I notice most of the seed companies do a lot of videos so we need to do that as well. I will just be me, nothing exciting or professional, just me. I am, by no means, eloquent in my speech or fancy in how I do things. If you know me, you already know that.
If you want to order your spring seeds right now, spend $40 and get free shipping at David's Garden Seeds®. At this point, we don't know how long the free shipping will last so act fast if you have not yet ordered your spring seeds.
We know people here who raise milk goats. We know people who drink goat milk because it does not upset their stomachs like cow milk does. I have tasted goat milk and I think it tastes about the same as cow milk from the store.
Some breeds of goats are made for milking. You can make anything with it that you can make with cow's milk except the cream in the goat milk does not separate like it does in cow's milk. The cheese is a bit different, but good. I like feta cheese. It is pretty tasty.
It takes a lot less space to keep goats than to keep cows which is one advantage to having goats to milk. Goat milk is thicker because the cream does not separate out like the cow milk does. Supposedly, there are less allergies in children to goat milk than to cow milk plus it is easier to digest.
An eight ounce glass of goat milk has 168 calories and 10 grams of fat.
Happy Birthday to David, my husband, father of my children, and founder of our business, David's Garden Seeds®!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! It is also the one year anniversary of the day we got Pamela and Sue Ellen for David's birthday. It has gone by so fast. They are such cute little girls. Sue Ellen always has some sort of chewy in her mouth, always looking like she is chomping a cigar. She will not go outside without one in her mouth.
Alexa says it should be raining right now. It is not raining, it's 7am and 70°. I was outside with Ethel and there were no sprinkles. It is now after 8am and no rain although the sky is dreary. I have been making an order for pickup with Walmart.
I need to go outside and turn the heaters off in my greenhouse. David wants the plants brought outside.
I opened the door to my greenhouse and turned off the heaters. I also brought out some of the tomato plants per David's request. It continues to stay overcast and gloomy. So far, no rain today.
Early in the afternoon, the David's Garden Seeds® team presented David with some presents and a delicious, sugar free, chocolate bundt cake. It was so good and you would never know that it was sugar free!
At 5pm, we had a text from our sweet neighbors across the street.
Carolyn brought over a delicious blueberry cheesecake for David. We have the best neighbors!
Matt and I took David to the Triple C Steakhouse in Devine for dinner. Then we picked up a grocery order at Walmart. We came home and he opened gifts and we had some blueberry cheesecake. It was very tasty. Matt went home and we watched Perry Mason. I was spent and fell asleep in the chair. I woke up at 11:30pm and went to bed.
There are so many plant based "milks" these days but we all know they are not really milk. They do well in coffee and over cereal but that is about it. Some of them certainly taste better than real milk.
Oat milk is made from oats. Who doesn't like oats? I like mine in oatmeal cookies with raisins and cinnamon. Oat bread is good, as well. Of course, oak milk may be perfect for you if you are allergic to dairy milk or nuts or if you are lactose intolerant. Oat milk contains soluble fiber that helps with digestion and maintaining good cholesterol levels.
Oat milk is made by blending oats and water and then straining out the oat pieces.
Good Thursday morning! I slept for a good five hours once I got to bed at 11:30pm. Then I woke up with a clogged nose. I went out to the living room and slept some more until David started grinding our labeled pecan coffee beans.
It started out at 70° early this morning. It is now 2pm and 82°, still overcast. We haven't had any sprinkles.
David took some of the team, including our Thursday teen helpers, out to the back forty. They are planting seeds. It is not raining, although the sky looks like it could at any second.
I grabbed a hoe and pushed dirt over my potato plants again. This is the third time I have had to bury my plants again. They were looking beautiful.
A couple was just in here this morning, surprised to see so many seeds. The woman said this was their first time here and then asked, "where is the full service nursery with shrubs?" I wonder if they got us confused with another business?
Now what is it about the name "David's Garden Seeds" that says we are a full service nursery with shrubs? This couple did not want vegetable plants or seeds. They wanted shrubs.
We sell garden seeds and plants that we grow from our seeds or that we root from larger plants but that is it. We don't sell grass seeds or trees or shrubs. We don't sell berry bushes. Although we are licensed by the state of Texas as a nursery, we only sell our own plants that we grow from our own seeds or plants that we have rooted from cuttings. Our bread and butter, the main way we make our money, is selling our seeds in small packs for the home gardener. We have been doing this now for almost 14 years and we are good at what we do.
This evening, David noticed that one of the greenhouse air conditioners was not coming on due to an electrical problem. He called an electrician who came out after 7pm and fixed the problem.
Meanwhile, our oven did not turn off again tonight. Normally, we flip the fuse and it turns off. It turned off but as soon as we flipped it again, the oven came back on so now we don't have an oven or a microwave to use. I guess we will have to call to have it serviced again. What a pain in the butt.
Soy milk used to be pretty popular as a milk alternative but now there are so many others that you rarely hear about it. Soy milk is made with soybeans soaked in water and then strained. Soy milk comes in both sweetened and unsweetened varieties. An eight ounce glass has 80 calories and four grams of fat. I have used soy milk but it doesn't taste very good unless you buy one of the flavored kinds. Then again, I don't care for real milk so there is that. Maybe you will like soy milk.
Good morning. It is hot and humid outside. I am burning up in the house because of the humidity outside. Hugo, Nacho's helper, is here to work today. He doesn't speak a word of English so I hope he is understanding what David wants him to do. Nacho is not here today. I think everyone else is here but our Saturday guy won't be here tomorrow or Monday so there will be no tours or trips out to the greenhouse tomorrow.
It is 8:30am and 72°, overcast. The humidity is thick and there is a 57% chance of rain at 9am according to Alexa.
I need to put some jeans on and go out to open the store. I have some lounge pants on now since I have been working in the house getting things cleaned up, dishes done, laundry started, and bills paid. Fun times.
It is now 2pm. We have had a few people stop by. It is warm and sunny, 90° but the low is supposed to be 48°. What? I hope it doesn't get down that low.
Rice milk is made with brown rice, water, and a sweetener. It has one gram of unsaturated fat per eight ounce glass. It is good for people who have a dairy, soy, or nut allergy. I really like rice but I have never tried rice milk. I love rice pudding and I used to make it a lot when our children were small.
You can actually make your own rice milk by blending cooked rice, either white or brown, with water. Blend to the consistency you like it. They say that using brown rice makes a sweeter non-dairy beverage.
There are also pea milk, quinoa milk, hemp milk, sesame milk, and flax seed milk.
Good Saturday morning. It did not get as cold as we were told. It got down to 57° Fahrenheit. This morning, we are having a big plant sale starting with some that are just 50 cents each. This includes lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, watermelon, and cantaloupe. The tomatoes are now $3.00. We have herbs, eggplant, different peppers, and more so come on by.
I have one large citronella plant for $39.95 and two smaller ones for $9.95 each. We have more that are rooting in the greenhouse. We will bring them out when they are ready.
It is a beautiful day today with the breeze so light at 78°. It is 11:30am. I haven't had a chance to go out back and look at my greenhouse or my potatoes today.
I have four dozen eggs in the refrigerator and we still have some varieties of our whole bean pecan flavored one pound coffee bags.
I cleaned out the pond yesterday but there are a lot of leaves and things that keep blowing in so I am going to clean it out right now for visitors. I think everyone is on spring break today. We have had just two people come by all day. Usually by now, I am going out of my mind with so many customers and it is a beautiful day.
Svengoolie was a replay so we watched a strange Brad Pitt movie. I forget the name. It was funny but there was a lot of blood. Gross.
Almost any nut you can think of can be made into a milk. Peanut milk, walnut milk, cashew milk, hazelnut milk, pistachio milk, almond milk, and macadamia nut milk. The nut milks taste good to me because I am a fan of nuts. The nuts are blended with water to make the milk. I am a fan of the almond milk. I see that in the grocery stores all the time. Every time I bring some home, David thinks it is disgusting. He wants real, whole milk only.
Today is the day that God's Scrap Iron, a singing group from Leakey, TX will be here at the church we attend at 5pm. Come on out and here some amazing gospel music today.
After church, I went out to the pond and found a snake in it. Once Matt got here, he tried to get it but all of a sudden, he slipped back down into the pond and we could not find it again.
It was in the 90s this afternoon. Some of the God's Scrap Iron group and their wives came to visit and they bought plants and seeds. Ruth Anne had asked me to open for them so I did.
Someone from the Rossville Volunteer Fire Department brought some stuff for us to hold until the Strawberry Festival while our visitors were here so things got pretty busy.
Then it was time to go to the concert.
The church had a pretty good crowd.
The concert was very good. Everyone enjoyed it and it was over way too quickly.
By the time we got home, I was spent. We still had to take care of the animals and make dinner. I put together a quick dinner of rice in butter with sliced mushrooms and eggs. It was tasty. We sat on the couch answering emails and such with Perry Mason, season five on. It was a good day.
I am a big fan of coconut milk because I love coconut. I see coconut milk in the grocery stores all the time. Coconut milk is not the liquid found inside of coconuts. That is called coconut water and I love to drink that. Coconut milk is made by combining water with pressed coconut, blending it together. It is good with morning cereal, in coffee, and in baked goods.
Coconut milk makes your cereal taste good. It works great when you are baking. Just don't let David know that there is coconut milk in the baked goods because he then deems it as not tasting good.
Return from Types Of Milk to Our Fourth Year
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!