There are lots of chemicals in the form of artificial flavors in our foods. Yes, most packaged foods need flavoring in order to taste good. Of course, this means chemicals are being added to bioengineered foods that already contain chemicals to make the colors.
This week, we will learn more about packaged foods, drinks, candies, puddings, gelatins, cakes, cookies, and lots of other packaged foods that would not be tasty without chemical flavoring.
Good Monday morning! It is 7am and 63°. The air feels amazing and cool outside. I wish it could stay like this always here in South Central Texas! But the weatherman says it will hit 92° today so there's that.
This week, we will talk about artificial flavors in our food. Some of them taste pretty good but others taste way off, such as the fake strawberry flavor in Tic Tacs. I have a pack of Strawberry and Cream. The cream part tastes great but that strawberry tastes like nasty fake sweetener and, of course, they are sugar free. We talked about sugar substitutes two weeks ago.
I got some Bird of Paradise seeds in the mail today from one of our customers who visited last week. I am so excited to plant them and see if I can grow them. Thank you, Irene, for sending me the seeds. I will let you know what happens.
It was a busy day. No customers here, but plenty of orders to be filled and mailed. It is now 5pm and is our Pay Day but we still have not received the stubs from our accountant, even though we have called to remind him. I have staff who wants to go home...hopefully, the stubs will come soon.
I finally got the stubs and wrote the checks.
Matt saw a copperhead snake over by the generator. I am scared. I never saw it.
I went out after dinner to get some packages. Our gate was wide open. I had a terrible time getting it to close but finally did it with the clicker. Not sure what is going on with it.
We had a beautiful sunset this evening.
Somewhere around 8:45pm, we were in the den watching TV and the power went out completely. David had his feet up in the electric recliner so I had to go over in the dark and help him get up. That was not easy. I took my phone out to the kitchen and found a lighter and some candles. I got them lit and it helped a lot.
I heard from a friend down the road wanting to know if our power is out. I replied yes but never heard anything else. David called Karnes Electric and they already had a recording going that the power outage had been reported. I guess someone hit an electric pole or something.
I looked on Facebook and someone says a drunk hit a power station but does not say where. According to Facebook, Rossville, Sand Branch, Kyote, and much of Poteet is out. It is still out nearly an hour later...
Hey there, fellow food lovers! Let's
talk about something we encounter every time we stroll down those
tempting grocery aisles: artificial flavors in our food.
know, those delicious chips, candies, and sodas we often crave? Many of
them owe their mouthwatering flavors, not to nature's bounty, but to
something called "artificial flavors."
Now, you might be
wondering, "What exactly are artificial flavors, and why should I care?"
Well, buckle up, because we're about to dive deep into the fascinating,
and sometimes surprising, world of artificial flavors in our food.
start with the basics: Artificial flavors are essentially chemical
concoctions designed to mimic the flavors of natural ingredients. Think
of that juicy strawberry candy you love. Chances are, it gets its
irresistible strawberry-ness, not from real strawberries, but from a
carefully crafted blend of chemicals. Yum!
"Artificial Flavors In Our Food" is a
hot topic these days, and for good reason. We're becoming more and more
conscious of what we put into our bodies, and understanding these
mysterious flavorings is a big part of that.
So, where do these
artificial flavors come from? Well, they don't sprout from magical
flavor trees, unfortunately. Instead, they're born in laboratories,
where skilled chemists combine various chemicals to create specific
flavor profiles.
Now, before you picture mad scientists brewing
strange potions, let's demystify the process a bit. Creating artificial
flavors is a bit like composing a symphony, but instead of musical
notes, chemists use chemical compounds.
These compounds are often
derived from natural sources, like fruits, vegetables, or spices. But
here's the catch: they're processed and refined to isolate specific
flavor molecules. These isolated molecules are then combined in precise
ratios to recreate a desired flavor.
I think the power was out for over two hours. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up at 11:30pm and it was on...
I have been up for a few hours now. It is 7am and I am watching a Benny Johnson video. He has some footage of Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio going in people's yards and killing and eating pets. They also squat in people's yards and go to the park and kill and eat ducks and geese. The Biden Harris administration is doing this. Why? What on earth are the democrats doing allowing more than 11 million illegals into our country, taking our tax dollars, trashing our cities, and now eating our pets? Here is a link to this Benny Johnson video if you would like to be shocked like I am.
This should really help Kamala in the polls. Ha ha ha. She
has lost her mind allowing this and punishing Americans. This could
also be happening in neighborhoods near you! This should make all
Americans very upset. When it happens near you, you will be upset...
The debate is tonight and I am really looking forward to it. There is no defense for bringing in millions of illegals and letting them run wild while financing them. Americans are paying for this. Close the border and send them all home. Stop financing wars with our tax dollars and bring the prices back down so Americans can eat and afford to live.
David went to Lytle and got a bed full of dirt for the fall plants.
We lost power around 12:30pm and that lasted until 1pm. No rhyme or reason. It all just went off for 30 minutes and that means we had no internet for that time. Our business is mostly online so I could not mail out packages during that time. There was no storm, just like last night.
It is now 5pm and 95°. We had one customer today. My car was finally fixed since all of the parts and tools came in. Thank you to Michelle and Jayson for fixing the car and bringing it home. It is finally out of the Walmart parking lot.
On a bad note, Michelle found mouse turds in the kitchen today, something we have not seen in about four years. Our pest control guy had put some mesh above the dishwasher back then which worked well but the original hole behind the dishwasher was never dealt with. The mice somehow got through the metal mesh. We found holes that were chewed through. I contacted the pest control guy and he will come out on Friday. Matt pulled the dishwasher out, cleaned up the mouse poo, patched up the hole, and turned the mesh around and put it back above the dishwasher. What an awesome son.
I am getting spice shelves so we can get all of that mess off of the counter. I will have to cleanse them all from unrighteousness and that will be a job. I am throwing out the toaster. I have a new one coming. I am just sick about this nasty mouse situation but that is living in the country.
After work, I noticed that one of the chicks had pasty butt. I knew I had to take care of that right away so I did. Pasty butt is what it sounds like. The vent hole gets blocked by feces and other stuff, hardens, and then the chick can't poo. You have to get a wet cloth and gently clean it away or they will die. I had to do this before with other chicks. Anyway, she is fine now.
The crescent moon was behind some clouds tonight when I took Ethel out for potty time. I thought it looked pretty cool.
For instance, that artificial
strawberry flavor in your candy might start with a tiny amount of
natural strawberry extract. But to achieve that intense, long-lasting
strawberry punch, chemists enhance it with other compounds, some of
which might surprise you.
One common culprit is vanillin. You
know, that warm, comforting flavor we associate with vanilla? Well,
while real vanilla extract comes from vanilla beans, artificial vanillin
is often synthesized from wood pulp or even petroleum byproducts.
you read that right—petroleum! Yummy! Petroleum in our candy, cakes, soft drinks, and more! It might sound strange, but it's a
common practice in the world of artificial flavors. And vanillin is just
the tip of the iceberg.
Many other artificial flavors are
derived from similar sources, using complex chemical processes to
transform raw materials into those familiar tastes we love.
at this point, you might be thinking, "Whoa, chemicals in my food? How
many are we talking about?" That's a great question, and unfortunately,
there's no easy answer.
It is 9/11, Patriot Day. Today, we think about that awful 9/11 that took place in 2001. We remember all of the people who lost their lives due to terrorism. We also celebrate all of the heroes from that day and we think of the brave men and women who work now to protect and serve us. No, we do not want to defund the police. We need the police, the firemen, EMTs, doctors, nurses, and all of the good people who protect and serve us.
Back in 2001, on this day, I was at work, in training for a new position. Some of my coworkers talked about it and we were all in shock. When I got home, I got to see what happened on TV and then it hit me that terrorists had done this to our country, to my home state. I cried. It was awful.
Fast forward 23 years and the baffoons in office are allowing terrorists into our country, giving them money, and allowing them to commit crimes. They have absolutely no sense. Why are we paying our tax dollars to them while we struggle to buy food? The prices are sky high. What is wrong with the brains of those in government?
I watched the debate last night. It was three against one. Moderator Linsey Davis is Kamala's sorority sister. Can you believe that? They did not fact check her once yet they did it with Trump over and over. Kamala's record is available for all to see. I guess she thinks she is fooling Americans by saying everything she believes in is now all lies. She is a Marxist like her father. Just look at what she did in San Francisco. She wants your guns and is against fracking and fossil fuel and for electric cars. She is for defunding police. Enough of all of that. If you want to see some of it, go to YouTube and type in Kamala Harris and watch video of her saying what she believes before she became the 2024 Democratic nominee.
Nacho is here this morning planting trees and weeding. I was about to step outside in my nightclothes to take care of something before 7am and he walked by carrying a six foot tree. I had no idea he was here...I will dress first.
I got dressed and went out to take care of the chicks. They are fine and getting big...they are eight days old today. I then took Trump for a walk. He is just so cute holding the leash and strutting around. Nacho brought two helpers today and they are out there getting it done...He brought donuts. There was a chocolate donut filled with chocolate. Note the tense of the previous sentence...
I need to finish getting ready and get myself out there and get orders done!
I worked on orders in the morning. Then I went in to tend to my violated kitchen. I completely cleaned everything off of the counters and found a bit more mouse number two that she missed yesterday. I cleansed it and everything that was on the counter thoroughly. There were no new mouse droppings.
Then I checked on the chicks and it was way too hot even with the air conditioner in there so we moved them outdoors in the daytime. We will move them back in at night until they are feathered out. Their wings are already feathering. It is currently 5pm and 95°. The air conditioner is one that you have to add water to which makes it very humid. We have gotten chicks in the spring only so there has never been a heat problem.
I went back inside and washed my hands. I heard the store doorbell go off and walked to the front door to go wait on customers. It was at that moment that Ethel, my corgi, decided to barf her guts out in the living room. So fun! I found my wonderful son, Matt, who cleaned it up while I waited on the customers. What a good son!
Nacho and his team are leaving. I need to go out and see all that they did and take some photos.
Gordon Ramsay is on tonight. We are planning to get Filipino food to enjoy while we watch. I hope you have an amazing evening.
The seeds in the grow tower are starting to come up! One of our customers noticed this today.
I walked around after Nacho left today and took a few photos for this page. They got a lot done.
Here we have a chemistry lab-like setting with various flasks and tubes
containing a clear substance indicative of the synthetic compound,
vanillin, which is derived from lignin, a compound in wood. Next time you buy a bottle of artificial vanilla to add to your baked goods because it is way cheaper than real vanilla, think about the wood that it is made from. Vanilla beans are in real vanilla which I have made. It is very expensive to buy the beans and good quality alcohol to make real vanilla.
manufacturers are only required to list "artificial flavors" on
ingredient labels, without specifying the exact "chemical flavoring"
used or the "how many chemicals are in our foods." This lack of
transparency can be frustrating for consumers who want to make informed
choices about their diet.
But here's the good news: there are
resources available to help us navigate this complex world of artificial
flavors. Websites like the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) provide valuable
information on food additives, including artificial flavors.
organizations conduct research, analyze data, and advocate for greater
transparency in food labeling, empowering consumers to make healthier
So, now that we have a better understanding of what
artificial flavors are and where they come from, let's explore why
they're so prevalent in our food system.
One major reason is
cost-effectiveness. Artificial flavors are often significantly cheaper
to produce than their natural counterparts. Think about it: growing,
harvesting, and processing real strawberries is a labor-intensive
process, subject to weather conditions, crop yields, and market
Artificial strawberry flavor, on the other hand,
can be manufactured year-round in a controlled laboratory setting,
ensuring a consistent supply at a lower cost.
Another reason is
shelf life. Artificial flavors tend to be more stable than natural
flavors, meaning they can withstand the rigors of processing, packaging,
and shipping without losing their potency.
This extended shelf life is a boon for food manufacturers, reducing waste and increasing profitability.
what about taste? Can artificial flavors truly replicate the complex
nuances of natural ingredients? That's a matter of ongoing debate.
Good morning. The chicks did well through the night. It got down to 67° and feels so nice this morning. However, it will get up to 98° today.
I went out back and watered my plants. Then I filled up 20 pots for planting. I brought half out to the parking lot, where I will plant some of the flowers we have for sale, probably early tomorrow morning. It is already too hot today.
The other pots are for my Bird of Paradise seeds. I roughed them up in a coffee can with sand paper and rocks. Then I put them in hot water to soak all day until this afternoon when I will plant them in moist dirt. I have read that the hard seeds need to be nicked and then soaked before planting to make sure germination is easier.
Today, Trump goes to the vet again for some more puppy shots or something. How many does he need? While we are there, we need to buy some more chick crumble because the meat birds are eating it so fast!
I just heard there is a new salmonella outbreak over a lot of states that they are tracing back to an egg farm. If you are local and you want farm fresh eggs, we have them right here. We gather our eggs every afternoon and wash them. Then we package and date them. We eat them as well and they are good. If you would like to start supporting a local farm, come on by our store and get farm fresh eggs from our free range chickens. Right now they are $4 a dozen. Keep in mind that we also have heirloom seeds, plants, Texas rice, Texas pecans, and Texas pecan coffees. They are so good. I have one air fryer left as well as some cast iron frying pans for sale. They are all brand new.
I just heard that Joe Biden put a Trump MAGA hat on while he was visiting firemen yesterday with Kamala! Wow! I know he is bitter after being forced out of the race. This is a big middle finger to her from Joe! I believe Trump is right when he said that Biden hates Kamala during the debate.
We took Trump to the vet today for his final puppy visit for shots. He will go back on Election Day to be neutered. He was such a good puppy today. They gave us the option to bring him the night before the surgery or we could pick him up the day after it is done. I said no thank you to both options. We will take him the morning of and pick him up around 3pm, all on the same day. The poor little guy would think we abandoned him if we did that. He was already abandoned once when the original owners tossed him onto our land in the night back in July. He was a tiny, four pound, hot and hungry little guy then. Today, he weighed in at 24 pounds. The vet told us that her catahoula weighs 90 pounds!
After the vet, we stopped by Morales Feed and got some more chick crumble for the new chicks to eat. When we got home, we moved the chicks outside again today because it is just so hot.
For the past few nights, our gate has not been closing. David called the man who installed it. He no longer lives in the area. He sent his son here today and he fixed it for $150. At least, I hope he fixed it. He said he had to reset it. I reset it twice two nights ago and that did not work so I guess he knows more than I do...Anyway, I am glad it is fixed.
UPDATE: The gate did not close at 5pm. It has the exact same error message that it had before the guy came over and did not close. I guess he doesn't have a clue.
In the spring of 2023, we signed up for a trip to Israel with a group in November of 2024. The group used Maranatha Tours, and it has been around for many years. Back in February of this year, the trip was postponed to November of 2025 due to the war in Israel. At that time, I wrote to Maranatha to get my refund. They sent everything but kept $100 per ticket as their handling fee which I thought at the time is a big ripoff. Turns out we are one of the fortunate few.
We got a video email from the leader of the trip saying he has now canceled the 2025 Israel trip because the war is not getting any better. He tried for days to get hold of Maranatha but to no avail. Finally, he got the owner's son who said they cannot give refunds and he is not even getting paid now. The website says everything is on hold. I am glad we applied for the refund seven months ago. How horrible that people are cheated out of trips, money, and lifetime experiences. Also, it is a shame that so many have lost their jobs.
I was just looking up more information on Maranatha and I found a bunch of negative Yelp reviews of people not getting refunds from them. We were blessed to get our refunds as well as our travel insurance refunds, although both companies kept some for themselves. I will never book a group trip again. This was my third and final failure. The first time was through Dave Ramsey and Covid hit. We got 100% of our money back that time because Dave Ramsey is top of the line and he used a different travel agency. So much for trips of a lifetime that I will never take...
Matt had to take a seed order into San Antonio for a college presentation that will be happening this Saturday.
I have not seen any new mouse poo since Matt sealed the hole behind the dishwasher. Some more things came in today for me to continue organizing stuff. The problem is just finding the time to work on it since I am always working in the business.
For instance, just this morning, before 9am, I was outside watering my plants in the backyard and filling pots for planting as I mentioned earlier. At 8:50am, our first customer of the day showed up asking for peach trees. We don't have any but we were not even open yet. Several times, folks have shown up at 8am and I have had to come over and wait on them. Once in a while, someone comes on a Sunday or in the evening and I have to wait on them. We are closed but David feels like we need to take care of them. I say I need my rest and my free time. I get one day a week and a few hours each night...Time is very valuable. Our hours are clearly posted online.
David smoked a pork roast today and it came out so delicious.
Nacho showed up around 7pm and worked until dark.
of artificial flavors in our foods argue that advancements in flavor technology have
allowed for remarkably accurate recreations of natural flavors. They
point to blind taste tests where consumers struggle to distinguish
between products made with natural and artificial flavors.
however, argue that artificial flavors in our food often lack the depth,
complexity, and overall sensory experience of their natural
counterparts. They contend that while artificial flavors might capture a
specific flavor note, they often miss the subtle nuances that
contribute to a truly satisfying taste experience.
the question of whether artificial flavors can truly rival natural
flavors is subjective and depends on individual preferences.
let's address the elephant in the room: are artificial flavors safe to
eat? This is a question that has sparked much debate and controversy
over the years.
The good news is that regulatory agencies, such
as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, have
strict guidelines in place to ensure the safety of food additives,
including artificial flavors.
Before an artificial flavor can be
used in food products, it must undergo rigorous testing to evaluate its
potential toxicity and allergenicity. Only those flavors that meet the
FDA's safety standards are approved for use.
However, it's
important to note that the long-term health effects of consuming
artificial flavors are still not fully understood. Some studies have
suggested potential links between artificial flavors and certain health
issues, such as hyperactivity in children, allergic reactions, and even
However, more research is needed to confirm these findings and establish a definitive causal link.
also worth noting that many artificial flavors are consumed in very
small quantities, making it difficult to isolate their specific effects
on the body. Additionally, the complex interplay between genetics,
lifestyle, and environmental factors further complicates the study of
artificial flavors and their potential health impacts.
So, where
does that leave us? Well, while regulatory agencies generally consider
approved artificial flavors to be safe for consumption, some individuals
may choose to limit their intake as a precautionary measure, especially
if they have concerns about potential health risks or simply prefer to
err on the side of caution.
Now, you might be wondering, "If I'm
concerned about artificial flavors, are there any alternatives?" The
good news is: yes! There are several ways to reduce your intake of
artificial flavors and prioritize more natural options.
simple strategy is to cook more meals at home using fresh, whole
ingredients. This allows you to control exactly what goes into your
food, minimizing your exposure to artificial flavors and other
When shopping for packaged foods, take a close look at
the ingredient list. If you see "artificial flavors" listed, consider
choosing a different brand or product that uses natural flavors instead of artificial flavors in our food.
in mind that "natural flavors" aren't always a guaranteed win. While
they must be derived from natural sources, the processing and extraction
methods used can still involve chemical solvents and other potentially
concerning substances.
These days, packaged foods are filled with GMOs, also known as bioengineered foods. I wrote an article on it earlier in the year and you can read it here. They are in almost all packaged foods sold in the United States, but not in other countries. Why doesn't our government care about its citizens?
Good morning. I have to clean up my kitchen today. Also, I think we will have to move the chicks to an indoor climate controlled place as it will be 101° today. It is too hot and then too chilly at night. I won't get any baby chicks in this horrible heat again. Early spring or late fall, but not May through September here.
I took my very bouncy puppy out for a walk. Then I filled my hydroponic tank in the store with water. Lots of plants are germinating. I watered the outdoor plants near the store. I also watered my plants in the backyard and moistened the soil on the ten pots that I planted Bird of Paradise seeds in yesterday. I also tried to propagate some Christmas cactus for the first time. We will see how all of this works out.
Meanwhile, my wonderful son cleaned out the chick brooder, took it over to a climate controlled room and got everything including the chicks moved over. Now I don't have to worry about them being too hot. It is supposed to be 101° today and with the humidity, it is suffocating. The chicks have been panting in this heat. Our summers are brutal. I know. Everyone is talking about fall right now but we are in South Central Texas. We don't get fall. We will be lucky if it cools down by Halloween. I somehow doubt it.
I got a few orders out and we had a few customers. I cleaned up some of the counters in the kitchen.
The gate guy came by and said he would need $800 for a new board for the gate. That is on top of the $150 we gave him yesterday for doing nothing. It is so frustrating.
The temperature is now 98° at 3pm. I just checked on the chicks. They were acting cold so I turned up the temperature to 78°. Hopefully, they will like that. They still have their warmer so they can always go under there for warmth. At least they are not panting out in the heat. They are mostly just lying around, eating. Every time I check, their food is way down and I have to feed them again.
We finished off the smoked pork roast tonight. It was so flavorful.
Look for products that specifically state
"no artificial flavors" or "naturally flavored" on the label. These
products are more likely to use higher-quality, minimally processed
flavorings. You can bet that if a food contains natural flavors, it will cost more.
Supporting companies that prioritize transparency and
ingredient integrity is another impactful way to encourage positive
change in the food industry. By choosing to spend your hard-earned
dollars on products made with natural flavors and fewer additives, you
send a clear message to food manufacturers that consumers demand better
Remember, knowledge is power! The more we understand
about the ingredients in our food, specifically the artificial flavors in our food, the better equipped we are to make
informed choices that align with our health and values.
Now, let's delve deeper into the fascinating world of artificial flavors and explore some specific examples to illustrate how they're used in our everyday foods.
Good Saturday morning. It is 7am and 77°. The humidity feels so thick that you could cut it with a knife. I was out there with the dogs and now I have to go back out and feed all of the animals. The clouds are dark but there is a zero chance of rain for today and tomorrow. I hope that is incorrect.
Keep in mind that we still have a few tomato plants, chile pequin plants, and rosemary plants for your fall garden and we will be open today from 10am until 2pm. We are closed tomorrow. I have ten dozen farm fresh eggs in the fridge so if you need some, come on by the Farm Store.
It is now 3pm and we had several sets of customers. I sold three chile pequin plants today. Some came asking for all of the other plants that we no longer have. We got them early for a reason--so you could get them early but so many of you said you would wait until it was time to plant before you bought them...others beat you to it. You've got to get them while they're in stock. The same thing happens every spring. No one wants to buy spring plants at the end of February but by the middle of March, every spring plant was purchased.
I learned a lot this week about so many things. It is good when a week is profitable in that way. Much of our garden is now planted for fall. Tonight, I am hoping to relax and watch an entertaining movie and forget everything for a few hours. I hope all of you enjoy your evening as well.
Let's start with a classic of all the artificial flavors in our food: artificial vanilla flavor. As we discussed earlier, vanillin, the primary flavor compound in vanilla, can be synthesized from various sources, including wood pulp and even petroleum byproducts.
This artificial vanillin is widely used in baked goods, desserts, beverages, and even savory dishes to impart that familiar warm, sweet, and comforting vanilla flavor.
Another common artificial flavor is artificial strawberry flavor. While real strawberries owe their complex flavor profile to a delicate balance of sugars, acids, and volatile compounds, artificial strawberry flavor often relies on a single compound called ethyl methylphenylglycidate, or strawberry aldehyde.
This compound captures the sweet, fruity essence of strawberries but lacks the nuanced complexity of the real fruit.
Artificial banana flavor is another interesting example of artificial flavors in our food. Have you ever noticed that artificial banana-flavored candies and beverages often taste different from real bananas? That's because the artificial flavor is typically based on a variety of banana called the Gros Michel banana, which was once the dominant variety sold commercially.
However, in the mid-20th century, the Gros Michel banana was nearly wiped out by a fungal disease called Panama disease. Today, the most common banana variety is the Cavendish banana, which has a slightly different flavor profile.
Artificial banana flavor, however, continues to be based on the flavor of the now-rare Gros Michel banana, hence the discrepancy in taste.
These are just a few examples of the many artificial flavors used in our food supply. From mimicking the tangy zest of citrus fruits to recreating the savory depth of meaty flavors, artificial flavors play a ubiquitous role in shaping the taste of our modern diet.
Good morning and happy Sunday to you all. I hope your fall gardens are coming up and doing well, despite the awful heat we are still being plagued with in Texas. For those of you back East, I am jealous because I know the leaves are starting to turn with cooler air. Back there, this is my favorite time of year, my favorite season. But here? We just don't get fall here. We get second summer. Usually by Halloween, it is still too hot for costumes, not that I wear them...LOL!
If you have not yet started your fall garden, we still have plenty of seeds and a few chile pequin plants, serrano plants, rosemary plants,and tomato plants for you to plant. Right now, the plants are 30% off. Come on out tomorrow and get the last of them. We will not have more plants until the end of February. This really is your last chance.
I went out to feed all of the animals. Everyone, including the meat chicks, is doing fine this morning. Norton, our baby male goat, is now full grown, bigger than his mother and our other female. It is amazing how he can go from sweet little baby to full grown guy, selfishly pushing the females out of his way, so he can eat the food first in just five short months.
It is time to get ready for church. Unless something significant happens, this is probably where I will end this week's blog. I hope you have enjoyed learning about all of the not so good for you things that are being put in our foods here in the United States. There will be some more articles like this coming in the near future. For the upcoming week, we will be learning about Agritourism.
Well, here I am again. First, the mice are back, leaving evidence on my counter again. Second, I just heard that President Trump was almost shot again. I turned on a Benny Johnson YouTube Live Video and found this out. They say the president is safe and they have the shooter in custody. I need to get details.
David and I got a bunch of mouse traps at the store. Matt came over and pulled the dishwasher out. There was a trail under the dishwasher of poo leading to behind the cabinets. That means that when Matt closed up the hole behind the dishwasher leading to outside of the house, he blocked the little piece(s) of crap in the house. The hole is still closed plus today Matt went under the sink and found another hole and blocked it. However, there is no mouse crap under there. There are now seven traps set up behind the dishwasher and under the sink. Hopefully, the little crap comes out tonight and dies.
As we've explored throughout this article, artificial flavors in our food are a complex and multifaceted topic. While they offer certain advantages, such as cost-effectiveness, shelf stability, and consistent flavor profiles, they also raise concerns about transparency, potential health impacts, and the overall sensory experience of our food.
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to consume artificial flavors is a personal one. By staying informed, reading labels carefully, and exploring alternatives, we can make choices that align with our individual needs and preferences.
Remember, the goal is not to demonize artificial flavors or to shame anyone for their food choices. Instead, let's strive to foster a culture of curiosity, transparency, and informed decision-making when it comes to the food we eat.
By engaging in open and respectful conversations about food and its impact on our health and well-being, we can create a more sustainable and equitable food system for all.
As we conclude our exploration of artificial flavors in our food, let's remember that knowledge is power.
By understanding the science behind artificial flavors, the reasons for their prevalence, and the potential implications for our health and the environment, we can make more informed choices about the food we consume.
Whether you choose to embrace artificial flavors, limit your intake, or avoid them altogether, the most important thing is to approach this topic with a critical and discerning mind.
After all, food is more than just sustenance; it's a celebration of culture, a source of pleasure, and a vital component of our overall well-being. By making conscious and informed choices about the food we eat, we can nourish our bodies and minds while honoring our values and priorities.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
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Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!