How To Grow Ginger

On this page, we will talk about how to grow ginger from the grocery store. This has been the year that I have learned to grow many different things. Ginger is a good thing to have in the kitchen. You can flavor molasses cookies with it but you can also use it to help with nausea or with stomach pain.

Ginger is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral so it makes sense to learn how to grow it in your garden so you can keep it around. You can make a nice tea out of ginger.

Ginger is not a root. Ginger is a rhizome. A rhizome is a horizontally creeping stem that grows new plants above ground and below ground.

How To Grow Ginger

My ginger is coming up in the cloth pots.My ginger is coming up in the cloth pots.

It takes about ten months to grow ginger. It is best to grow it indoors if you live in a very cold area. Here in Texas, we may have to move it inside the greenhouse for the winter since we are starting it in August.

Once you've soaked your ginger, cut it into one and a half inch pieces.Once you've soaked your ginger, cut it into one and a half inch pieces.

The first thing you need to do is soak your grocery store ginger in a bowl of water for 24 to 48 hours to soak any growth retardant that may have been on the ginger. Dump the water down the drain. Don't use it to water the ginger that you plant.

Nodules will start growing vines once the ginger is planted. There should be at least one nodule on each piece that you plant.Nodules will start growing vines once the ginger is planted. There should be at least one nodule on each piece that you plant.

Look on the ginger for little rounded nodules. This is where the growth will be. Plants will start growing from the nodules. The ginger rhizome will grow underground while the plant grows up above the dirt.

You can grow it outside if you are in planting zones 9 to 11, as long as the temperature does not get below 32° Fahrenheit. Actually, if the temperature gets below 55°, your ginger will not grow well.

Once the ginger has been soaked in water, you should cut the ginger into one to two inch pieces, with a nodule on each piece for plant growth. Then, allow the cut pieces to heal for about 24 inches.

Ginger pieces are ready to plant.Ginger pieces are ready to plant.

Soak the pieces of ginger in water to get them wet before you plant them. I am planting mine in pots in case I need to move them into the greenhouse.

This page tells how to grow ginger in your home garden. I have planted ginger in cloth pots because gophers are pulling my plants under the ground.This page tells how to grow ginger in your home garden. I have planted ginger in cloth pots because gophers are pulling my plants under the ground.


Ginger likes soil that drains well. If you are planting it in a pot, make sure the pot is at least 12 inches deep. Plant the ginger two to four inches deep in the pot, eight inches apart from other pieces of ginger. Immediately after planting, water the ginger. Water it just before the soil dries out from then on.

Shoots will grow up out of the dirt while inside the dirt, the rhizome will grow horizontally. In the fall, the shoots, which are now stems, will start to die off. This means the ginger inside the dirt is fully matured. When the shoots die, stop watering the ginger. Let the soil dry out. Trim the tops of the stems off.

Be gentle, either with your hands or a small garden shovel, dig up the ginger rhizomes. Wash off all of the dirt. Save some pieces to plant for the next time. Process the rest of the ginger however you wish.

I planted my ginger pieces on August 14, 2023 in stand up bags out in my greenhouse area. I have been watering every few days but so far, nothing has come up. The ginger pieces all had the little nubs on the end that were starting to grow.

On September 1, five ginger vines have come up. Ginger normally takes about 240 to 300 days to grow. It should be planted in early spring, not in the fall, but the fall is when I started my experiment.


The ginger rhizome takes anywhere from eight months to ten months to grow under the dirt. When the above ground shoots die, it is time to dig up the rhizomes to use in the kitchen.

Benefits Of Ginger

This is one of the ginger shoots growing in my cloth pots.This is one of the ginger shoots growing in my cloth pots.

How to grow ginger has been explained above. Now the question should be why should you grow ginger.

First of all, ginger helps greatly with digestion and if you are feeling nauseated, you can drink some ginger tea or even chew some ginger. This includes nausea from pregnancy and nausea from chemotherapy as well as a regular upset stomach. If you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before taking ginger. If it is close to the end of pregnancy or if you are experiencing vaginal bleeding, taking ginger is contraindicated (don't do it!). Ginger can also help with frequent indigestion.

Ginger can be chopped up and added to food as it is said to help with weight loss and it lowers LDL cholesterol (the bad kind of cholesterol).

Ginger can help with pain and inflammation if you suffer from osteoarthritis as I do.

Ginger can lower blood sugar.

Ginger can help improve risk factors of heart disease.

Ginger may help lower the risk of certain types of cancers.

Ginger can help to lower the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease.

Ginger has antimicrobial properties so it is good to help fight against infection.

It seems that ginger is very helpful but it can also cause diarrhea, heartburn, mouth irritations, and abdominal discomfort.

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