Do you have bolting plants? Do you even know what bolting means? This week, we will take a look at bolting, what it means, and when and why it happens.
In the world of gardening, "bolting" refers to a plant's premature transition from vegetative growth to flowering and seed production, often triggered by environmental factors such as increasing temperatures, day length, or stress conditions like drought. This process is common in leafy vegetables and herbs such as lettuce, spinach, and cilantro, and typically results in a decline in flavor and quality of the edible parts.
Bolting is generally undesirable for gardeners aiming to maximize leaf harvest, as the plant shifts energy from leaf production to reproduction. Understanding and managing the conditions that cause bolting can help extend the harvest period of these crops.
Good Monday morning. I woke up with a backache. Fun times. One of the teens showed up after 7am and the place hasn't been unlocked. We open at 8am, not 7am. We're not even dressed yet. Good golly! I had a rough night and woke up with a lower back ache. Fun times.
I honestly thought I would have a lot more orders than I do with the 25% sale we have going on. Why is no one concerned with getting seeds for their fall garden while they are on sale?
I spent the entire day filling orders. It was hot and miserable outside. Not one customer dropped by.
I checked the trees at 8:30pm and I found some apples, one plum and there are no others. The grapes are gone. I guess they were eaten by animals. The big fig tree has tiny green figs but it smells like horrible cat pee. Someone's outdoor cat must be coming over and peeing on it. There are some ripe blackberries but they are not sweet so that is strange.
Welcome, budding gardeners! Today, we're diving into a curious aspect of gardening that might have puzzled you: bolting plants in the world of gardening. Let's unravel the mystery together, explaining what bolting is, why it occurs, and how you can manage this process to ensure your gardening efforts flourish.
First things first: what is bolting? If you've ever noticed your leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, or herbs like cilantro suddenly shooting up tall stalks and flowers, you've witnessed bolting. This natural process occurs when a plant switches from growing leaves to producing seeds.
Why do plants bolt? At its core, bolting is a survival mechanism. When plants sense stress or a change in conditions—like increasing temperatures, longer daylight hours, or even nutrient deficiencies—they accelerate their life cycle to ensure they reproduce before conditions worsen.
When plants get too hot here in South Central Texas, they quit putting out fruit and jump into bolting plants, putting out flowers and ultimately making seeds.
Good morning. The teen who was here too early yesterday called in today to say he had too much sun. Swell. It is so hard to find help out here. I think we are worried about the outdoors too much. We ought to get help with these orders so I can concentrate on growing the company more with social media. There is no time because all I do now is fill orders.
It will be very hot and humid again today. Then tomorrow is supposed to be much cooler and we should get a lot of rain. However, I will wait and see because almost every time they say we will get rain, it goes right on past us.
At 8:40am, I got a bit of a surprise. The kitchen window had drops of water on it. I went outside and we got some light rain on and off for about an hour! Alexa had said no rain today.
We had no customers at all. Nacho and Seth came late this afternoon to cut the field with a tractor. The wind has been blowing. It was cloudy all day but now there are sunny blue skies. It is 5:16pm and I just finished the orders.
My back has been hurting all day long. I just found out that tomorrow is a federal holiday so the banks and post office will be closed. I worked hard to get your orders out to you but now they won't go out until Thursday. Tomorrow is Juneteenth which did not used to be a federal holiday. We will be open if anyone wants to come out and shop.
Tomorrow is the day we are supposed to get massive amounts of rain from the tropical depression. We shall see...
For gardeners, especially beginners, witnessing bolting can be a bit of a shock. It often means a decrease in production of the edible parts of plants. For instance, bolted lettuce tends to become bitter and less palatable. Understanding this process is crucial in managing your garden effectively.
Now, a burning question you might have is: How do I stop bolting? While completely preventing bolting may not be possible, there are strategies to delay it. Let's explore some practical tips:
Good Wednesday dry morning. Happy Juneteenth to all of the federal workers and bankers who get today off. For the rest of us, we still get to work!
We are supposed to get massive amounts of rain today due to Tropical Store Alberto. Alexa said we would get over two inches of rain at 5am. I woke up at 5:55 and asked about the rain. Alexa then said we would get over one inch at 6am. It is now 7:24am and we have not had one drop. Ha ha ha!
The television weatherman now says we will get rain at 10am. Pu-lease...
Anyway, we will soon be launching a new fall seed set, one with 55 varieties but a lot less seeds than the one we currently carry so it will be more affordable. We think you will love it. Our current seed set is valued at $139.95 with 34 seed varieties with 34 full sized packs of seeds. It is now on sale for $99.95. However, we realize that not everyone has $99.95 to spend on one box of seeds so we are adding the new seed set. We do not yet have a price but it will be coming soon.
My back was killing me all day yesterday. Right now, it feels great. I wonder what is going on with it...
It is now 11:30am and we finally got a few raindrops, nothing to write home about but thought I would mention it. Maybe later...
We had one customer who was buying seeds for her fall garden. She bought a carton of eggs as well so God bless her. These days, no one seems to be interested in buying eggs. When I don't have them, everyone comes in asking for them.
A few minutes ago, we had some more sprinkles and then it stopped again. It is now 2pm. I knew they were making way too much out of this possible rainstorm. It is very disappointing. Some companies out here actually closed today because of the heavy rain that we did not get. That is just crazy. We know that normally when they say we will get rain we don't. It somehow gets all dark and cloudy and then it goes around us. I don't know who is getting all of the rain that was promised but it is not us. We are just north of Pleasanton.
Well, a little after 3pm, it started raining lightly and it is still coming down. There have been no heavy outbursts. It is now 4:45pm and the wind just picked up. Before now, there was not much wind at all.
Tonight is a Gordon Ramsay night on television. We will be making burgers and fries along with some other air fried veggies.
The food was good and the shows were good. The rain continued. I went to bed late and the rain kept coming.
But here's another interesting point: Is bolting necessary? Well, it's a natural part of a plant's lifecycle. If you're growing plants for seed production, you'll need them to bolt. However, for most culinary purposes, bolting is something to manage rather than encourage.
Understanding the necessity of bolting brings us to consider our gardening goals. Do you want to harvest leaves, vegetables, or seeds? Your goal will determine how you handle bolting in your garden.
If you are a seed provider like we are, you want the plants to bolt so you can collect the seeds to sell for the next year. Most gardeners pick the produce and then pull the plant up so they don't worry about seed making.
I woke up early and the rain had stopped. I figured we got a lot of rain from Tropical Storm Alberto. I got outside with Ethel. We got one inch. I turned on the TV. The weatherman said there is an upper Eastern high so that is the end of rain for us for a long time. Swell. They originally said we would get around four inches out of this storm. I guess we were fortunate to get one but we really could have used that rain. Now it is going back to being hot and humid. It is already nasty feeling outside.
Turns out today is the first day of summer this year, the longest day of the year.
I noticed in the rain yesterday that our pond waterfall stopped working. Today, since it is not raining, we have been out there trying to fix it. We cleaned out the top of the waterfall and reset the fuses and electricity. Nothing is working. Not sure what to do next. We did not put it together so we don't really understand how it works. We may have to see if Nacho can come out...
It is now 12:57pm and the rain just started coming down. Not sure how long it will last. All this time, Matt has been trying to get the pond fixed. He finally determined the pump is broken. David had another but they do not have couplings to connect it to the hose.
So much else is going on in the background. Sometimes, I can hardly contain myself with all of the ridiculousness going on around me. For the most part, I choose to get away from it but sometimes reality is right there. Today is one of those days.
Matt left to go to the hardware store to get couplings. I had a customer for seeds. Now it is 1:50pm and it is windy and raining hard again but probably not for long. Three minutes later and the sun is back out. The rain has stopped. It started pouring again at 2:18pm and stopped at 2:25pm.
The hardware store was a bust so I guess we will look elsewhere. A familiar vehicle came through the gates a little while ago. It was my friend who doesn't live too far from here. She brought us a cantaloupe and some delicious looking Nothing But Bundt Cakes! I am so excited to try them. We had a short visit, catching up as the wind blew my hair around. It is very breezy and they say we will get more rain later. It is pretty cloudy.
The rain started again at 4:35pm and cut off two minutes later. It is sort of funny how it comes and goes. It is now almost 8:30pm and the rain keeps on pouring and stopping over and over.
With all this information, you might be wondering if there's more to learn about bolting plants. Absolutely! Each plant might respond differently to conditions, so observing and adapting to your specific garden environment is key.
Let's look at some real-life applications of these strategies. Imagine you're growing spinach, a notorious quick-bolter. By choosing a bolt-resistant variety and implementing shading during hot days, you might notice a significant delay in bolting, allowing you to harvest lush, tender spinach for longer.
Some varieties bolt quickly in response to long
daylight hours. To counter this, planting them slightly later in the
season, when the days are beginning to shorten, could help manage its
bolting schedule.
I took the dogs out this morning and all of the rain from yesterday added up to a quarter of an inch. We did not dump Wednesday's rain. Apparently Ethel had an upset stomach in the night and unloaded both ways in my office. You can imagine how thrilled I was having to clean that all up first thing in the morning!
Everything is wet outside and now they are calling for some additional rain at 1pm. We shall see. I have to go to my doctor this morning for my three month visit. I have not lost any weight so I am sure it won't be going well at all...
When I get back, I have orders to fill. Also, tomorrow we are having our one day 50% off sale from 1pm until 10pm CST. Order seeds online from 1pm until 10pm and save 50% on all seeds Saturday, June 22. I have already written a newsletter that will go out later today.
The doctor visit went well and we did not go anywhere else. David loves to be at home. We got home and I had to balance the checkbook, pay all of the bills, both home and business. Then I had to do the breakfast dishes, fill the dogs drinking water containers, and make Ramen for lunch.
Now it is 1pm and I am filling orders out in Fulfillment. We had one potential customer this morning while I was gone. He wanted tomato seeds but we do not carry the hybrid seed that he wanted so he bought nothing. I can guarantee you that the many heirloom tomato seeds we carry taste better than one hybrid he buys at HEB. Heirlooms are where the flavor is.
We never got anymore rain today. The new pump for the pond did not have the right adapter so we still could not install it. I went out at 6pm to lock up and one of our team members was still here, working to make sure we have enough seeds in the store for tomorrow.
Close to 8:30pm tonight, I went out to put away the hens and goats. The hens come out to the fence to greet me when they hear the fence gate close. I had a terrible time getting all of them to go into the roosting room. I finally got them all in.
The goats were also having a fine time running around their new play yard. I went in and they just ran all over. Norton came up to me and when I got down to get a selfie with him, he tried to climb up my back! Then he jumped up on the wood again. Alice and Trixie ran into their home but I finally had to carry Norton in.
When I returned to the house, David asked me where I had been all of that time. He really should help me put away the animals one evening and then he wouldn't ask anymore! LOL!
At 9pm, I took Ethel out to go potty and there was the strawberry full moon, looking big and beautiful!
Transitioning to another critical part of gardening: recognizing when bolting is underway. It's vital to check your plants regularly for signs of tall, thin stalks or flowering tops. Early detection can help you implement your bolting prevention strategies more effectively.
also touch upon nutrients. Ensuring your plants receive the right
balance of nutrients—particularly nitrogen—can affect their propensity
to bolt. Too much nitrogen can promote rapid leaf growth, which might
inadvertently trigger bolting. Can you say fertilizing?
Good morning! There is no rain in the forecast today. The sun came up and soon Nacho will be here to put the cover on the greenhouse. Matt is coming to assist him and David says Matt is bringing us breakfast. I am starving up in here so I hope it is soon. I am on my second cup of coffee and had a banana to tide me over.
Today is our 50% off online sale from 1pm to 10pm only so don't forget! Just go to David's Garden Seeds from 1pm to 10pm CST and you will save 50% on every seed pack plus they are already marked down for summer!
Nacho is out back fixing up the high tunnel. Matt is helping him. No customers here yet but I have two large orders ready for pick up. I hope they come and get them. One is over $300 and the other is over $200. The $200 one has been ready for a week. We already have the money so I am just holding the orders.
The order from yesterday just got picked up. The other one is still here after a week. At 1pm, 20 minutes ago, the big orders started. I will be busy the entire weekend trying to fill them all. Thank you to everyone who is ordering! We appreciate more than we know how to say! Happy planting to all of you!
Shortly before we closed, the people who placed the big order from last week came by to pick it up! Yay! The sale orders continued while I printed them out and stapled them together. I pulled orders until 3:30pm and then I went to the house. I decided to swim at 4pm. The bugs had a convention in the pool this week, y'all! I scooped out so many dead bugs that it was unreal. I got out of the pool at 4:50pm and got dressed.
I changed into my farm boots and headed out at 5:15pm to collect eggs. My chickens were going wild, making all of those silly chicken noises and following me as I walked along their yard fence line. Just then, my phone rang. My friend was coming down the road to tell me something. So I headed back up to the deck, took off my boots, put on my shoes, and headed for the gate. (If you don't have chickens, here is a tip: Always wear work boots in the chicken house so you don't get chicken number two on your shoes. It is nasty!)
We had a good visit and then I put some potatoes and sweet potatoes in the oven to bake for dinner. I headed back out to take care of all of the animals. I collected eggs and tried to get Alice the goat to come to me. She would not. I got back in the house at 6:40pm, drenched with sweat. I cleaned up and put on fresh clothes, headed back to the kitchen, warmed up some green beans and leftover steaks. Svengoolie had already started and the movie did not look all that good plus Matt and David were not even in the house yet.
Matt bought another fitting for the pond pump that did not fit...LOL! When it is all said and done, we will have every possible fitting for next time except the one we need!
We all fixed our plates and looked through Amazon on our TV for an interesting movie. Matt found Beyond Loch Ness. This was a super fun movie made in 2008 and we laughed a lot. Yes, there was gore. Loch Ness eats everyone on the beach in Scotland except a little boy who hid under a canoe. Then, when the little boy is grown, he tracks Nessie over to Lake Superior. Yes, we are talking Michigan!
All while we watched the movie, we kept an eye on our sale orders. This was our very first really good sale. It was a nine hour sale with a beginning time and an end time and it was great! After 15 years in business, we finally know how to run a real sale! Thank you to everyone who ordered our seeds. We appreciate it more than we can say!
Particularly, beginner gardeners might find these signs alarming, but remember, it's a natural process. Engaging with other garden buddies or community forums can provide additional insights and reassurance as you experiment with these strategies.
Towards the end, I'd like to share a personal anecdote. When I first started gardening, my arugula bolted so fast it seemed almost overnight. By adjusting my planting schedule and using partial shade, I was able to extend my harvest significantly the following season.
Good Sunday morning! I have to go feed all of the animals and get ready for church. I printed out all of the orders from yesterday's sale. I definitely have my work cut out for me this coming week. There will be no time for boredom, that's for sure! It was the best sale we have ever had, just incredible. Thank you to our customers and thank you, Lord!
We tried a different area church today and then we went to lunch with some friends over at Charlie's Daughter On The Green in Devine. We had a fun time. After we got home, I went in the pool and started doing laps. I got out and collected eggs and took care of all of the animals. I then went through all of yesterday's orders and found two that are local pickups so I filled those just in case they show up tomorrow wanting their seeds.
So, is bolting a good thing? It depends on your gardening goals. While generally seen as a setback for leaf production, it's essential for seed production and can be a fascinating process to observe as part of the plant life cycle.
In conclusion, while bolting plants in the world of gardening can initially seem frustrating, understanding and managing this natural process can greatly enhance your gardening experience. With the right techniques, you can continue to enjoy fresh, tasty produce from your garden longer. Continue experimenting, observing, and adapting—your garden is a living lab, and each season brings new lessons.
Remember, every plant and every garden is unique. What worked for one might not work for another. The key is to keep learning, keep trying, and keep growing. Happy gardening!
Return from Bolting Plants to Year Five On The Farm
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!