How To Transplant Plants

This week, we are talking about how to transplant plants from starter pots or how to transplant grown plants to bigger pots. Every once in a while, a plant, especially the root system, outgrows the pot it is in and must be transferred to a bigger pot to stay healthy. It is an easy to do process so we will teach you how for spring planting.

How To Transplant Plants

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year! It was a pretty night and it stayed warm, 44° when I snapped this. Then it got warmer and foggy.Happy New Year! It was a pretty night and it stayed warm, 44° when I snapped this. Then it got warmer and foggy.

Happy New Year to everyone! We are closed today, but we will re-open tomorrow at 9am. Today, we will be making Beef Wellingtons for lunch.

It is 6:30am and 55° Fahrenheit. It got warmer throughout the night and around 4am, there was a dense fog which is gone now.

I fell asleep on the couch around 11pm last night. I woke up at 1:20am. Happy New Year. I went to bed and had a hard time falling asleep. Before I fell asleep on the couch, the neighbors were setting off fireworks so I took a photo. You can see the partial moon coming up, the purple glow of our high tunnel, and a firework exploding above. I kept waking up and taking off blankets because of the rising temperature.

David and the dogs are all awake.

Here is the purple grow light from where all of that purple light at night in the high tunnel comes from.Here is the purple grow light from where all of that purple light at night in the high tunnel comes from.

Today's Bible Verses

I decided that Bible verses should be a part of this year's writings. Maybe not every day, but I will attempt to put some in. This morning, this is what struck me when I was reading my Bible.

3 If You, Lord, should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who could stand?
4 But there is forgiveness with You,
That You may be feared.

5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
And in His word I do hope.
6 My soul waits for the Lord
More than those who watch for the morning—
Yes, more than those who watch for the morning.

7 O Israel, hope in the Lord;
For with the Lord there is mercy...

Psalm 130 New King James Version (NKJV)

I would like to note that so many times with family and friends, there is no forgiveness. They don't care that you've changed or that you've apologized because you did something they did not like. Years later, they are still bringing up what you did and they still remind you that you are going to Hell. But the Psalmist tells us that with God, there is forgiveness so even when we make mistakes, He forgives when we ask Him. That is a good way to start the new year. Ask God for forgiveness and don't pay attention to those who throw sins in your face.

The wellingtons once I got them all wrapped up, before baking.The wellingtons once I got them all wrapped up, before baking.
The wellingtons baked up golden brown. They were so tender.The wellingtons baked up golden brown. They were so tender.
Cut wellington on my plate. The red liquid is the wine sauce. It was so good.Cut wellington on my plate. The red liquid is the wine sauce. It was so good.
This is the red wine sauce from Gordon Ramsay's cookbook. It turned out good.This is the red wine sauce from Gordon Ramsay's cookbook. It turned out good.

It took me about three hours but I finally made the Beef Wellingtons and the red wine sauce for lunch. They turned out so delicious! The beef was so tender and incredible.

After lunch, we watched some movies on Amazon Prime and then Matt left. David and I went out to Fulfillment where we pulled orders and filled them. We still have a lot to go. We were out there at least three hours.

How To Transplant Plants

Here are some white sage seedlings and various pepper plant seedlings. It is important to know how to transplant plants if you buy some seedlings in the spring.Here are some white sage seedlings and various pepper plant seedlings. It is important to know how to transplant plants if you buy some seedlings in the spring.

How to transplant plants should include digging a plant up in from the ground and planting it in a raised bed. I recently decided to move two plants that I had in raised beds by my house. I thought they might do better in a different area of the backyard. Both of these plants were fairly large.

Before moving them, I had to prune quite a few limbs and leaves off of each plant. I removed any vegetables that were growing. I did this so that the plants could focus on root growth once I moved them. I suggest that you do this as well if your plant happens to be producing when you transplant it.

I kept as much of the root as I could--meaning only as much as two of us could move. Try to save as much of the root as possible.

After replanting them, I watered the plants and gave them some fertilizer. This helps lessen the shock of transplanting.

Today, about two weeks later, they are rebounding and even producing some peppers and tomatoes. I was surprised at just how quickly they have recovered from the shock of transplanting.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Good morning and welcome back to the regular work week now that all of the holidays are over. We have a ton of orders to get out today. I am hoping our employees all show up for the first work day of the year. I don't think our teen helpers will be here until next Tuesday as they were going to stay home for the entire Christmas vacation. Not sure why but the schools around here gave three weeks off instead of two this year. That never happened when I was in school or even when my kids were in school.

It is overcast with a chance of rain at 1pm and it is windy and cold at 48° at 8am. I need to finish getting ready and get on over to Fulfillment to mail seeds out to all of you. Thank you so much for your orders. Also, I have so many eggs in the refrigerator at the store. All of the chickens are laying again so come out and get a box or two of beautiful farm fresh eggs in a variety of pretty colors.

It took help and the entire day to fill all of the orders we had. By the end of the day, I was tired but that was not the end...tonight, we had the small business meeting at Farm To Familia. Farm To Familia was actually closed so we brought pizza and drinks for everyone. Almost everyone there was new and most of the regulars did not show up. There are a few reasons for that. Number one, it is January 2. Many are still on holiday because of New Year's with school out in the area for another week. Number two, it was pouring down rain which I am sure kept a lot of folks home. If I had to drive in it, I would not have gone. David drove and I was pretty scared the whole time.

The meeting itself was very productive and after, a lot of people hung around, talking business with others so it was good.

So while I spent the morning filling a few hundred orders, Matt was out back dispatching his first ever rooster. Foghorn has been attacking and trying to attack me for weeks now. It has been scary everytime I have to go into the chicken coop alone, which is a lot. I always have to have the net with me to protect myself. So while I was at my desk in Fulfillment, David said that Matt was out back and did I want to say goodbye to Foghorn. I said no. He said that is good because Foghorn is being processed right now. I feel relieved that I don't have to be afraid of him anymore.

Matt enjoyed the process. Foghorn never tried to go after him or Brendon, just me. I really wanted to keep him to make baby chicks but I don't want to be attacked...

How To Transplant Plants


Transplanting plants is a very easy process but a little hard on the back. To learn how to transplant plants properly requires a well prepared bed or container.

In order to get a jump on the growing season, seeds are started indoors in "flats." A flat is anything that holds more than one seedling pot.

What can be transplanted?

The following can generally be started inside and then transplanted to the garden: tomatoes, peppers, squash, watermelons, cauliflowers, broccoli and cucumbers.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Sunrise with a band of fog across our farm.Sunrise with a band of fog across our farm.

Good Wednesday morning, Folks. Glad you are all here with me. Everything is wet outside and there are some interesting bands of fog this morning. It is 41° at 7am. I woke up a bit late, from having a very strange dream about buying an organ from our neighbors who own the field next to us. It was weird...

There are so many things I need to do today, too many to fit in. I packed five dozen eggs for the Farm Store fridge. I now have 18 dozen eggs in the fridge. Come on out to the farm and get them. For today only, if you buy two cartons, I will let you have two for $7.50 instead of $8. They are regularly $4 a dozen. If you take all 18 dozen, that will come to $67.50 instead of $72. Of course, you don't have to take all 18 dozen. Our chickens are through with molting and they are laying like crazy.

***Note*** No one took me up on the eggs today so I still have 18 dozen. The sale is now off. $4 a dozen is the price. My friend in Devine sells them for $6 a dozen and another person I know there sells them for $5 a dozen so $4 a dozen for our farm fresh eggs is a bargain. Chicken feed, grit, calcium, and other feed costs a lot of money. We spend several hundred dollars a month on good feed. The cartons, stickers, and ink also cost money so we really don't make money selling the eggs. It just helps us buy more feed.

I have veggies and chicken in my slow cooker this morning. I understand that you need to slowly cook rooster to have a tender dish. Honestly, there was not all that much meat on him, mostly puffy feathers.

Nacho is here to install a sink in the Farm Store. Soon we will be serving fresh, hot pecan flavored coffee to our customers in the Farm Store.

Bible Verse

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

1 Peter 5:6

I cooked that chicken all day long on slow in my slow cooker. There was hardly any meat and it was dry, not good at all. Lesson learned. Roosters just don't taste good at all, unless they are a breed of meat chicken.

How To Transplant Plants

Lots of tomato seedlings from last year for spring. You must know how to transplant seedlings if you garden.Lots of tomato seedlings from last year for spring. You must know how to transplant seedlings if you garden.

Learning how to transplant plants includes learning what not to transplant. Yes, there are some plants that do not want to be transplanted. Never attempt to transplant root plants like carrots, turnips, onions, beets, or radishes, for example. They do not do well and they may die. Pole beans and bush beans do not like to be transplanted, as well.

If you are going to transplant plants from the greenhouse or from indoors, it is best to harden them off in pots before you transplant them. The term hardening refers to any process that helps in a firming or hardening of a plant's biological process. It is allowing the plant to get used to the new temperatures that you are bringing it into a little at a time.

Learning how to transplant plants includes learning to water plants a bit differently. Once transplanted, some plants will require more or less water than before because of the new location and weather. Once it has been transplanted, I water immediately to help the plant not to go in too deep of a shock.

Some will set them out in the sun for a few hours each day and repeat this process adding more time each day.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

I love when the bands of fog look like this across the farm.I love when the bands of fog look like this across the farm.

Good morning. It is a bit foggy out this morning and 48° at 8am. I have been up for quite a while, working and looking at one of the bonus DVDs from my Ozzie and Harriet DVD set that I got last week. It was a few days late for Christmas. The set is beautiful, released just before Christmas but Amazon took its time getting it here. This was put together by Ricky Nelson's youngest son, Sam. He did a beautiful job.

2024 Tomato Conference

I just realized that next weekend, we will be at the Tomato Conference in Independence, Texas. This conference is being put on by Texas Gardener Magazine. We have given some tomato seeds for the goodie bags and we will be there selling some of our other tomato seeds. We have many tomato varieties and we were invited to come as attendees and as vendors. If you love tomatoes, we hope to see you there!

Here I am on the inside of the counter. The sink faces the customer so they can dump coffee they don't want to drink or rinse their hands.Here I am on the inside of the counter. The sink faces the customer so they can dump coffee they don't want to drink or rinse their hands.
Here is a better shot of the sink in the store.Here is a better shot of the sink in the store.

Michelle, who cleans our house once every two weeks, just texted that she is on her way and she will be shampooing our carpets today. The puppies keep the carpet pretty filthy at all times. It is one of their many gifts.

One of our employees called in sick today and it is only January 4. I would pace myself and save my vacation/sick days for later on in the year.

Right now, I am refilling our pond after cleaning it out this morning. It is chilly and overcast. Nacho is back this morning doing various projects.

David roasted a turkey and it was done by lunch. It sure was tasty. I filled orders for most of the day. It is now 3pm. Michelle just left. Parts of the inside of Production and Fulfillment have been painted. In the Farm Store, the grow tower has been moved to the middle of the store. The sink is in now. The coffee pot will go next to it. The snack baskets have been moved and the former coffee table is now gone. The seed signs are now correct in the store. David and Matt got them all fixed today.

A beautiful Texas 1015Y onion from our garden.A beautiful Texas 1015Y onion from our garden.

In zones 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, and 10A, it is time to plant short day onion seeds. So if you are in most of Texas, you can now plant Texas 1015Y and Early Grano onion seeds as well as Red Creole and Red Burgundy seeds. In about 110 days, which would be in the middle of April, you can harvest them and enjoy your onions for the rest of spring and summer. Then plant them again in the fall. Onions do not like to be transplanted so unless you plan to pull them up early to sell onion starts to others, plant them where they should grow and let them go.

How To Transplant Plants


How to transplant plants correctly means be sure to have everything ready before you move the plant. Have your new pot partially filled with soil and ready to receive the new plant. If you are putting the plant in the ground, have your hole already dug so that you can simply slide it in to the new place with little movement of the roots.

Then bring your plant over to its new home. Tip it with one hand, while firmly grasping the plant near the dirt with the other hand. Put the pot down and grab the plant with both hands. Gently place the roots into the new hole. Hold the plant upright with on hand and scoop the dirt onto the roots until the plant is firmly in place. Then water so the roots will begin to go deep down into the soil, establishing good roots so it will be a strong plant. Mulch the plant to help keep the moisture around the plant.

Friday, January 5, 2024

It is a bit foggy today and cold.It is a bit foggy today and cold.

Good Friday morning! It is foggy and 50° Fahrenheit. I have been awake for over an hour now doing a bit of this and a bit of that.

One of our employees did not come in again today. I spent most of the day pulling and filling orders. Around 2pm, David and I went to HEB for a few things. While we were gone, four different sets of customers visited. Funny how that works because no one came yesterday or today before we left.

We got back and I put things away. I got the coffee pot that will go in the store tomorrow. We will start serving fresh pecan flavored coffees in the hopes that you will buy some while you are here. Right now, we just have whole bean but soon we will have ground coffee as well because so many of our visitors do not have a coffee grinder. They are inexpensive and can be purchased on Amazon and Walmart, but we will accommodate those who do not have a grinder.

We both ended up working out in Fulfillment until 6:30pm, filling orders and other computer work. We went inside and made turkey sandwiches from the roast turkey that David cooked yesterday.

How To Transplant Plants


One caution is to try to transplant on a cloudy day when the temperature is hot outside. And try not to transplant on a windy day. Following these two suggestions can help relieve a lot of stress the plant goes through.

Since I am using pots with bagged soil, I do not need any special tools. My hands work fine for this.

When putting them into the actual garden bed, I may need a little shovel to help dig out the soil. But that is all I need since my soil is ready for planting.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Good sunny morning!Good sunny morning!

Here it is Saturday morning. It got down to 33° this morning. It is now 7:30am and 35°. I do not want to go out there in the cold. Eventually, I will have to. David made a nice breakfast of bacon and eggs this morning while I did some computer work.

It is now 10:30am. The Farm Store is open with seeds, eggs, aloe vera plants and snake aka Mother's-in-law tongue plants which are great air filters for in your home, and more. The coffee is ready. Come and try it.

Here is our new coffee bar with sink in the Farm Store. We have complimentary pecan coffee for you to try. It is ground fresh and brewed in the store. Take some home with you.Here is our new coffee bar with sink in the Farm Store. We have complimentary pecan coffee for you to try. It is ground fresh and brewed in the store. Take some home with you.

The day went by uneventfully. I filled orders until 2:30pm and then I went inside to do the morning dishes and get laundry going. I collected 32 eggs from the hens today which is crazy. I finally got an accurate count this evening as I let them go inside one by one. We currently have 51 hens!

Before I collected the eggs, I watered everything in my greenhouse and dug up some teeny tiny potatoes where the plant had died. I also picked some peppers and I picked 12 lemons off of my trees.

Here is my harvest today including tiny potatoes, small ginger, a few small red peppers, and 12 lemons.Here is my harvest today including tiny potatoes, small ginger, a few small red peppers, and 12 lemons.

Matt came over this evening and grilled rib eyes that we enjoyed with mixed veggies. The Svengoolie movie was pretty good for 1936, The Invisible Ray and it had Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi in it. We had not seen it before and it was quite enjoyable. I laughed a lot during the two hours and 30 minutes of the actual movie. I did not fall asleep during this one at all.

How To Transplant Plants


How to transplant plants should include the following rule: Always, always water the plant in its new home to avoid as much shock as possible. Your plant will go into some shock when it is dug up and removed from its current home. Watering will promote the roots to go down deep into the soil and grow strong.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Well, here it is, another Sunday morning. It has dropped down to 36° and I have to go out and feed the animals again. Sue Ellen came busting through the bedroom door this morning to wake me up in the middle of a dream. I hate that. The door was not all the way latched so I am still sleepy.

I finally got brave and went outside to take care of the fish, rabbits, and chickens. They all got fed. Then I came in and unloaded the dishes from the dishwasher and reloaded with last night's dinner dishes. I know I should have done them last night but I did not want to miss the movie.

After that, I made fried egg sandwiches on toast for breakfast and took David's out to him in Fulfillment. He is taking inventory. Yes, we are going to church. I am going to go fold some laundry and watch some more Ozzie and Harriet. I completed all of the bonus video and now I am on season one, episode three. I love this show and I am thrilled to have it all cleaned up and pretty. Again, thank you to Sam Nelson, Ricky Nelson's youngest son for spending years getting this full DVD set looking so great!

David pulled up some turnips to take to a man at church who asked for some. At that time this morning, he found out that they were planted too close together and did not grow properly. David provided a spacing tool for seeds and gave instructions on how to plant the turnip seeds to one of our employees. He obviously did not follow directions. David was embarrassed with how they looked. The man was not at church so he gave the deformed turnips to someone else. Because we are constantly doing computer work and filling orders, we don't have time to do all of the planting but we pay people good money to do so and that is a mistake.

After lunch, we had turkey sandwiches and went out to fill orders. The wind blew all afternoon and was chilly. I went out at 4:30pm to collect eggs and put everyone away for the night. Then back to work. We came in at 6:30pm.

This is the cell tower as I went in for the night.This is the cell tower as I went in for the night.

How To Transplant Plants

These snake plants need to be transplanted because they grow pups in the dirt, just like aloe vera does.These snake plants need to be transplanted because they grow pups in the dirt, just like aloe vera does.

Once you learn how to transplant plants, it will become second nature to you. Over the course of your gardening life you will transplant many plants and you should teach others how to transplant plants properly.

We are growing a few thousand seedlings now that we will be selling to our customers in the spring. If you buy some from us, you will need to know how to transplant plants into the ground.

Return from How To Transplant Plants to Year Five On The Farm

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

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chickensyardOur chickens
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goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
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zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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