Gardening For Wellness

Gardening for wellness is beneficial for a person's well being. Let's take a look and see what we can learn about it this week. If you're like most Americans, you're probably feeling pretty stressed out these days. With the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's normal to feel overwhelmed. But have you considered gardening for wellness? It's an incredible way to unwind and cultivate a healthier lifestyle.

Gardening For Wellness - 10/28-11/3/2024

Monday, October 28, 2024

The meatbirds are now 7.5 weeks old. Most are a good size but there is one tiny hen.The meatbirds are now 7.5 weeks old. Most are a good size but there is one tiny hen.

Good Monday morning! I spent over six hours yesterday afternoon watching the awesome Trump rally at Madison Square Garden in New York City. It was the best. It almost makes me proud to be a New Yorker again. It was just incredible.

My foot woke me up early with bursts of electricity running through it (neuropathy). Fun times. It is Monday so it will be a busy day.

Here you can see the rooster along with the smallest hen. They are part of our meatbird flock.Here you can see the rooster along with the smallest hen. They are part of our meatbird flock.

The darkness is now gone and it is foggy again but the fog is not very thick. It is 7:40am and 64° now. It should hit 92° today. I am so tired of the heat.

You can barely see the cell tower in the fog this morning.You can barely see the cell tower in the fog this morning.

Another one of my Pride of Barbados plants finally came up, but only one.

It is now 7:20pm and 89°. We had zero customers today. I pulled and filled orders all day long and did not finish. I never got to put anything on this page or set up the weekend sale we are having.

David wants to have a pre-election 30% off seeds sale this Friday and Saturday so I will have to set that up and send out a newsletter.

I believe David said he will be taking his sister out to lunch tomorrow for her birthday. I will not be going. I would much rather stay here and work.

The sun is going down from my back deck. Time to put the chickens away.The sun is going down from my back deck. Time to put the chickens away.

Gardening For Wellness

Gardening for wellness is good for your body and your mind.Gardening for wellness is good for your body and your mind.

Let's dive right in. Imagine stepping outside into your serene garden oasis. You're away from the buzz of city life, just you, the soil, and your plants. Gardening isn't just a hobby—it's a therapeutic escape. Plus, you're not alone in this; many are learning to garden as a way to relax and restore balance in their lives.

There’s nothing quite as relaxing as getting your hands dirty, feeling the earth between your fingers, and planting seeds that will grow into beautiful plants. This connection with nature does wonders for your mind and body, and it's known to reduce stress significantly.

Americans are constantly on the go. We're always rushing from one task to another, often neglecting our health. Fast food and chemicals dominate our diets. That's why it's essential, now more than ever, to learn how to slow down and grow your own food for both physical and mental health.

The act of gardening is inherently calming. It requires focus and attention, but in the best way possible. You start by learning to garden, which involves understanding the seasons, the right plants for your region, and the type of soil you have. It's an educational journey with rewarding outcomes.

As you spend time tending to your garden, you cultivate more than plants. You cultivate patience, mindfulness, and occasionally, self-discipline. It’s this kind of gentle exertion that brings about relaxation and wellness unlike any other activity.

Now, let’s talk about the food aspect. Imagine enjoying a meal composed of vegetables you grew yourself—there's a unique satisfaction in that. Growing your own food ensures that you know exactly what you're consuming, free from harmful chemicals that are often present in store-bought produce.

You'll quickly discover that gardening for wellness is a twofold benefit. Not only does it create a calm and meditative experience, but it also contributes to your physical health. Maintaining a garden encourages you to eat more fruits and vegetables, boosting your nutrient intake naturally.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

One of these jars got knocked off by the wind but did not break.One of these jars got knocked off by the wind but did not break.

Well, that was a short night! The wind knocked over a jar full of rooting vines on the back deck. The jar didn't break and the vines seem fine. There is quite a breeze for this time of morning. I need to get those vines planted anyhow. My hope is that we can repair my greenhouse which has no roof right now so I can grow plants for next spring. Earlier in the year, a hailstorm took the roof completely out. We will have to cover the thing in thick plastic for now so we can put plants in it for the winter.

It actually rained for a few minutes this morning around 10am, which was unexpected. I have been doing orders all morning and I finally just finished. I have a big bag of orders for the mailman.

David drove to Hondo for lunch with his sister. I guess she was glad I did not go because I was not mentioned once. He is almost home now but he called when it was done. I don't want anything to do with anyone who steals from me or treats me like a piece of crap. This goes for everyone, not just David's family. I turn 65 in just a few weeks and I am done with being a doormat for everyone. If you don't like me, stay away from me. If you treat me like crap, don't expect me to go around you. I believe Facebook has been calling it "self-care". I no longer want unnecessary drama in my life. The end.

Currently, it is 83° and cloudy but the sun is shining through. I will be doing some newsletters now. We did not get anymore rain.

Pre-election Sale!

I sent out a newsletter announcing our Friday through Saturday sale. Here are the details:

Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2, (from midnight on Friday morning through 11:59pm on Saturday night, Central Daylight Savings Time) when you spend $20 on seeds, you will save 30% on seeds. This includes all of our seeds including our seed sets and all single seed packs.

Take advantage of this sale and buy all of your winter seeds and holiday gift seeds.

Only seeds are on sale for Friday and Saturday.

Right now, until Thursday night at 11:59pm, you can save 10% on everything including our rice and coffee. Don't forget to vote. Early voting is going on in many states right now. Election day is next Tuesday, November 5. Please vote as this is the most important election of my lifetime.

Gardening For Wellness

Growing food is an important step to leaving prepackaged, chemical-laden  supermarket food behind.Growing your own food is an important step to leaving prepackaged, chemical-laden supermarket food behind.

Let's break it down further. When you're gardening, you're exposed to the great outdoors - fresh air and sunlight. This delightful combination can improve your mood and Vitamin D levels, which are known to have positive effects on health and happiness.

Curious about how to get started? Begin small. A few pots on your balcony or a small plot in your backyard will do. Choose easy-to-grow plants like herbs or salad greens. With time, you’ll be learning to garden with more complex plants, as your confidence and expertise grow.

Think of this new practice as a break from your busy life. Unlike most activities that drain you, gardening gives you energy. As you grow more adept, you’ll start enjoying it more, and it might just become your favorite hobby.

You might be wondering, how can a simple garden de-stress you? The act of nurturing a garden forces you to be present. It’s a delightful break from screen time, offering a chance to meditate with every weed pulled, every seed planted.

Learning to get healthy by relaxing in the garden isn’t as difficult as it might seem. Every garden journey begins with that first step—getting your hands dirty. Witnessing the seedlings sprout from the earth provides a quiet joy that few urban experiences can replicate.

One of the greatest effects of connecting with the soil is its grounding ability. It gives you perspective, reminding you that worries can seem smaller when your focus is on cultivating something beautiful.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Good morning! It rained briefly this morning. That was a nice surprise. Of course, Nacho is coming to cover my greenhouse today since the roof was busted out months ago from hail.

So back in 2016 we were called deplorables and irredeemable by Hillary. Kamala recently called us Nazis. Now Joe Biden is calling us garbage. Hopefully, that remark, and the fact that Kamala has not said anything, will wake up some of her supporters to see what she really is. Plus the story broke that in 2020, everyone knew Hunter's laptop was real but they were told not to question the big guy before the election. That is election interference. Look where that got us with millions of illegals destroying our country thanks to the incompetent Joe Biden and puppet Kamala.

The amazing thing is that now the White House has released false transcripts of what Biden said. I saw the video. I heard what he said. I think the same of him and Kamala.

Looks like we won't be sending chickens to freezer camp this morning.

Nacho's team, with David & Matt, got the plastic on the roof & patched up some holes in walls from hail. It is good to go for winter this year. Hopefully, we can repair it for real in spring.Nacho's team, with David & Matt, got the plastic on the roof & patched up some holes in walls from hail. It is good to go for winter this year. Hopefully, we can repair it for real in spring.

Nacho and two helpers put the plastic on the greenhouse and did a lot more for David before they left. We had zero customers for the third day in a row. We are getting some orders but I think the priority for this week is Halloween.

I had to pay a few business bills today but I spent most of the day filling orders and crafting a newsletter.

The sunset was like fire this evening as I put the chickens away.The sunset was like fire this evening as I put the chickens away.
A few minutes later, it looked like this. What beautiful sunsets God gives us.A few minutes later, it looked like this. What beautiful sunsets God gives us.

Gardening For Wellness

Invite extended family over to help and let them take some of the produce home with them.Invite extended family over to help and let them take some of the produce home with them.

Have you ever felt the satisfaction of a job well done when seeing vibrant flowers bloom or tasting that first ripe tomato from your garden? It's the simple pleasures of these achievements that keep stress at bay.

Of course, you will need the best Non-GMO, heirloom seeds for your garden so that it will be a successful one. David's Garden Seeds® offers the best quality seeds.

This website, Mrs. David's Garden Seeds®, offers a huge amount of how-to articles that you will want to read.

With every seed planted, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment. Gardening is a journey, not a destination. Each day offers something new—composting, pest control, or harvesting. It’s this cycle that keeps you engaging and coming back for more.

Let's remember, though, that gardens thrive on consistency. Just as with your health, a little bit of effort every day goes a long way. Keep a routine that nurtures growth—this structure itself can provide peace and stress relief.

Pairing garden-fresh produce with a balanced diet is another vital component of a healthy lifestyle. Experiment with recipes that incorporate your harvest, turning mundane meals into nourishing feasts.

For those of you struggling to fit gardening into your schedule, remember that even just 20 to 30 minutes a day can be transformative. Think of this time as a mini-vacation—a few moments of zen in an otherwise hectic day.

Consider gardening as an investment in your well-being. Not only does it enrich your life, but it also enriches the ecosystem around you. Every seed you plant is a step toward a healthier you and a greener planet.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

The sun was a bright pink, striped ball this morning while I was cooking breakfast.The sun was a bright pink, striped ball this morning while I was cooking breakfast.

Good morning. It is hard to believe it is already Thursday. Due to baseball, they won't play Hell's Kitchen until 11:30pm tonight so I have nothing fun to look forward to today. There is no way I can stay up that late and watch. Maybe we can stream it tomorrow. Why not put baseball and Spurs games on at 11:30pm?

Matt checked on the bees and fed them sugar water this morning. I made the sugar water yesterday for them.Matt checked on the bees and fed them sugar water this morning. I made the sugar water yesterday for them.

Well, today is Halloween. I wonder how country kids trick or treat because everyone out here has their gates closed and locked in the evenings and most have them locked all day long. We don't because we are a business. Our gate closes just before 5pm. On Saturdays, it closes just before 2pm. I am going as a piece of trash since that is what Biden called us. How about you?

The forecast is calling for rain at 11am so no processing the meat birds again today. It is 10am and gray out there. The haze has burned off.

I now have seven new Pride of Barbados popping up, along with seven other live ones and two dead ones. I still have not planted my sweet potato rooted vines. Still no roots on the coleus. I will have to put some rooting hormone on them and see if that helps.

My orders for the morning are done so I will be working on social media for a while.

We did not get rain at 11am. Now they are saying 1pm. Meanwhile, I am watching some video updates of last night. Biden had Halloween at the White House and bit the legs and feet of at least four babies with his nasty mouth on them. Who in their right mind would allow him to do this? And he calls us garbage?

Why is this clown biting babies on the legs and eating their feet?Why is this clown biting babies on the legs and eating their feet?

President Trump showed up in Green Bay, Wisconsin for his rally last night in a garbage truck wearing an orange vest. He told his supporters that we are not garbage. The audience went wild. This is all just unbelievable.

President Trump got off his plane like this and hopped into a fully wrapped Trump trash truck after Biden called Trump supporters trash.President Trump got off his plane like this and hopped into a fully wrapped Trump trash truck after Biden called Trump supporters trash.
Heading for the Trump Trash Truck!Heading for the Trump Trash Truck!
President Trump is awesome to do this for his supporters after Biden's insult.President Trump is awesome to do this for his supporters after Biden's insult.

Gardening For Wellness

It is so important to teach your young children how to grow food.It is so important to teach your young children how to grow food.

One perk of having a garden is sharing your journey with friends and family. It becomes more than just growing plants; it turns into an opportunity for social connection, learning together, and swapping tips and successes.

Plus, the beauty of your garden can inspire others around you. Your efforts may prompt neighbors to take up gardening for wellness, creating a supportive community that praises its benefits.

The mental clarity that comes from gardening isn't fleeting. It sticks with you, improving focus and productivity in other areas of your life. You're training your mind to remain steady and sharp, just as you till the soil till it’s just right.

Next time you feel overwhelmed, wandering into your garden can provide solace. Remember it’s your therapeutic retreat—a safe place to unravel your thoughts, away from life's constant pressures.

Over time, you may find your outlook on life shifts, as you gain patience through diligently growing your garden. It transforms ordinary citizens into thoughtful craftsmen, each tending to their little patch of Eden.

The temporal nature of gardening reminds you that all phases in life are transient. There will be plentiful seasons and barren ones, teaching resilience and appreciation for the abundance in your life.

There’s something deeply satisfying about setting your worries aside as you become immersed in an activity with such intrinsic rewards. It's a gift that keeps on giving, positively influencing your life in ways once unexpected.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Well, here it is--Friday, the first of November! In Texas, it is also Dia de los Muertos aka Day of the Dead. There is no time to write on here now...later!

For fun, David and I went to see our podiatrist today and it felt like I almost died in the chair. Now I have the best podiatrist in the country. He is awesome but my big toes were in a lot of pain. The doctor took care of them but there was a lot of pain and blood. Super fun times! David got a nail trim. After that, we stopped by a nursery in San Antonio that we have never before been to. We used to drive by it for years on our way to church but never even thought to go in. David was looking for bamboo trees and he found this place online so we went. In addition to the bamboo, we are getting a banana tree and a honeysuckle bush for me.

We got back to the farm in time for lunch which we brought back with us. Matt held down the fort while we were gone. We ate and then I came out to fill orders.

It is currently 80° and is supposed to rain soon but they have been saying that for days. It is 2pm.

Our website is being slammed with spammers who order a 79 cent bag of chips for fun. Maybe they are testing out stolen credit cards but we get them by the hundreds each week. There are so many enemies of small business out there. So now we have to have each person log in to order from our website. It is ridiculous but there is no other way around it. We have tried those CAPTCHA and RECAPTCHA things but the spammers find a way around it. Each week we spend many hours erasing the emails and deleting these fake orders. Hopefully, this will help.

Tomatoes and peppers from this past spring.Tomatoes and peppers from this past spring.

I put a brand new article on growing tomatoes on the website this afternoon. It was written by David. As I was proofing it and adding links, my friend came by for a quick visit. I had a good time visiting in the parking lot. There were groceries in the car so she didn't stay long but she is one of those people who spreads sunshine where she has been. After she left, I finished the article and then took little Trump out for a walk around the compound. He is getting so big and is now six months old.

When we walk, Trump won't go until he is holding the leash. He is the only dog I have ever owned who insists on holding the leash.When we walk, Trump won't go until he is holding the leash. He is the only dog I have ever owned who insists on holding the leash.
Trump by the Farm Store after coming up the ramp. The ramp is his favorite thing on the walk.Trump by the Farm Store after coming up the ramp. The ramp is his favorite thing on the walk.
Trump sat for a quick second as I snapped this. He is so hyper!Trump sat for a quick second as I snapped this. He is so hyper!

Gardening For Wellness

Even in the smallest backyard, you can have raised garden beds and garden for wellness.Even in the smallest backyard, you can have raised garden beds and garden for wellness.

As you learn to garden, mimic nature’s rhythms instead of forcing things to a timeline. This approach ultimately shows you how to be more flexible and adaptable, not just in the garden but in life itself.

Your garden reflects your care. With love and attention, it will reward you tenfold. This connection helps blossom empathy and patience—traits beneficial not only in personal growth but also in relationships.

Think about this: each failed crop or wilting plant becomes a lesson learned. You're developing skills, judgment, and troubleshooting—all whilst maintaining a sense of calm through each step.

Gardening for wellness isn't just about physical activity. While it’s excellent for mobility and strengthening your core muscles, it is predominantly a mental exercise of creativity and problem-solving.

Now, before we wrap up, take a moment to consider why you might have avoided gardening. Was it the fear of commitment? The presumed lack of knowledge? Don’t let apprehension stop you; every accomplished gardener started as a beginner.

Take time to research, ask questions, and experiment with different species of plants. Libraries, local gardening clubs, and online forums are filled with people eager to share their knowledge and experiences.

And remember, don’t stress yourself out seeking perfection. Mother Nature herself retains imperfections. The imperfections in your garden often wield the most growth, both figuratively and literally.

As you continue to engage in this nurturing relationship with your garden, you’ll notice an improvement in your overall well-being. Gardening will become instinctive, an activity you look forward to amid your busy life.

You’ll discover that stepping into the garden is like flipping a switch—worries slip away, replaced by peace. Observe the natural world and notice its resilience and beauty.

Employ mindfulness as you work with your hands in the earth. Notice the textures, colors, and scents that fill the air. Let these sensations ground you and create a mindful experience, freeing you from anxious thoughts.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

It was just starting to rain when I took Ethel outside this morning.It was just starting to rain when I took Ethel outside this morning.
The other 3 dogs were on the other side of the yard running around, having fun.The other 3 dogs were on the other side of the yard running around, having fun.

Good morning! I got up and took Ethel out. To my surprise, it was raining. Since then, it has been raining on and off. After feeding all of the inside animals, I went across the compound to unlock everything and feed the fish. I then watered the aloe and snake plants up on the covered patio. Then I headed out back and took care of the animals out there. I was back inside by 8:30am as it started to rain again. I hope it pours.

Ethel at the bottom of the back deck.Ethel at the bottom of the back deck.

The Farm Store will be open from 10am until 2pm and we are having a sale. Spend $20 on seeds and save 30%. We got a lot of online orders overnight. Remember this sale ends tonight at midnight.

Also, tonight is the time to set your clocks back one hour if you still have clocks that need to be set. We have our car clocks, the oven clock, the microwave clock, and the clock radio...Everything else resets itself.

Matt is on his way over to work today. David has given me the day off. I normally work six days a week but today, I will be in the house, working on my closet. So even though I have the day off, I will still not be a lady of leisure. I have been wanting time off to work on the closet. I actually started working on it last Saturday afternoon. So far, it is looking very good but I need a nice block of time that is uninterrupted to finish it. A big thank you to Matt for being so willing to help out!

We have three dozen fresh eggs for sale in the store this morning so if you need eggs, come on by.

The Farm Store is now closed. We had one whole customer! We are getting a lot of online orders. It has rained off and on but no real accumulation. There was no mail and, so far, no packages. Matt has manned the business.

I have been working on the closet, laundry, dishes, and a few other household tasks. For instance, I fixed my blind. Someone special knocked the stick down so we could not twist it open. I found a paper clip and put the stick back on that way. Yay!

Here are some of the fresh green beans we picked this morning from the garden.Here are some of the fresh green beans we picked this morning from the garden.

I just started dough for soft pretzels. I have not made them in a very long time. David is smoking a duck. There are three large bowls of freshly picked green beans. I need to cook some up for tonight and blanch the rest to freeze. There is nothing like fresh green beans!

Dinner was good. We watched Quantum Solace, the next James Bond movie.

I have a toothache that just started today. Fun times. I think it is my only wisdom tooth that is left. It is in a weird spot to be pulled. I could be wrong, but I think that is what the dentist will want to do.

Gardening For Wellness

You are what you eat so leave out the chemicals. Grow food in your backyard.You are what you eat so leave out the chemicals. Grow food in your backyard.

Don't forget the joy of sharing your harvest. There's a unique delight in giving away produce grown with your own hands. Share the bounty with friends and family, extending the wellness benefits beyond your own backyard.

Garden swaps, farmers markets, or community gardening initiatives are excellent ways to expand your gardening community, enriching both your life and those of others around you.

By stepping into gardening, you embrace sustainability. You’re reducing your carbon footprint and advocating for a healthier planet while cultivating personal health.

The route to a stress-free life is often simpler than expected and closer than we realize—just a step outside into a gentle sea of green.

Imagine a world where more Americans trade a stressed-out existence for a mindful activity. It could revolutionize how we handle stress and bolster our connection to the planet and each other.

As you embrace this hobby, embrace your mistakes. They are necessary steps in the learning curve, providing insights and pushing you towards betterment.

Equip yourself with patience and persistence. These tools are essential in the garden and equally valuable in life. You'll find this internal calm reaches far beyond the garden—a regal legacy if there ever was one.

Remember that gardening for wellness isn’t just a singular event or a one-off exercise. It's an ongoing process of growth and development that matches the ebbs and flows of life perfectly.

Finding moments of peace and clarity within your everyday existence is invaluable. You’ll cherish those garden moments as some of your most profound life experiences.

Set realistic goals and celebrate small victories along the way. It’s not just the outcome but the journey that cultivates healing and wellness.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

It's been cloudy for days with just small sprinklings of rain. None this afternoon at all.It's been cloudy for days with just small sprinklings of rain. None this afternoon at all.

Well, I woke up way too early. I hate the time changes, don't you? I woke up for the final time this morning at 4:40am and I tried for an hour to get back to sleep. I finally got up because I was starving.

I got everyone fed inside and out. It sprinkled for a few seconds while I was outside in the humidity. We went to church and then back home. My toothache is getting worse and I bet the dentist will end up pulling it. I am not looking forward to it. I will have to call first thing tomorrow and see if they can get me in quickly.

It is 6:15pm and totally dark outside. I hate the time change.

Gardening For Wellness

Get the whole family involved in gardening for wellness from grandma all the way down to toddlers.Get the whole family involved in gardening for wellness from grandma all the way down to toddlers.

Each season an opportunity awaits, whether starting anew in the spring, thriving in the summer, reflecting in autumn, or resting in winter. Enjoy gardening through each unique phase, gleaning valuable life lessons.

Cultivate resilience. Each setback offers a chance to reevaluate, adapt, and move forward, instilling a sense of accomplishment and peace.

Remember, the most significant gift you give yourself is time. Allow your garden escapades to be the "me-time" you’ve been craving in an otherwise overwhelming world.

If you ever need a handy reminder of your gardening journey, keep a journal. Record your progress, learnings, and gardener's thoughts. It’ll serve as both encouragement and memory-keeper of your path to wellness.

Your new-found hobby can help you discover hidden talents. Whether it's photography, crafting garden sculptures, or culinary prowess, gardening brings out the best in creativity.

Gardening for wellness is living proof of happiness achieved through resilience and effort. It's about cultivating a lifestyle that garners fulfillment and a sense of balance amidst life's chaos.

Allow this tranquil escape to become part of your identity. Embrace the journey, marvel at the process, and savor the fruits of your labor. You deserve this kind of wellness in your life.

As you progress, share your journey with others. Become an advocate for healthy living and stress reduction. Your personal story may inspire someone else to discover the joys of gardening.

So grab your tools, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to experience the transformation that learning to garden can offer. Trust me, the benefits of gardening for wellness are more than worth it, leading to a healthier, happier, and more serene you.

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Subscribe To Mrs. David's Garden Seeds® Newsletter For FREE!

Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

davidmatthives2Our bee hives
fishOur fish pond
chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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