Artificial Sweeteners in Our Food

There are many artificial sweeteners in our foods here in the United States of America.

Have you ever picked up a package of food at the grocery store and wondered about those mysterious ingredients on the label? You're not alone. Among the many things listed, you'll often find artificial sweeteners. These are the sugar substitutes that find their way into our everyday food items. But what exactly are they, and why should you care? Let’s dive into the world of artificial sweeteners in our food in the USA.

Fruit punch can be made with fruit and artificial sweeteners in our food.Fruit punch can be made with fruit and artificial sweeteners in our food.

Artificial sweeteners are chemicals used to sweeten food without adding the calories that come with natural sugars. These sweeteners can be found in everything from your favorite soda to that "sugar-free" gum you chew. While they promise zero calories and zero guilt, there’s a lot more to consider.

It’s important to understand what kind of sweetener is put in our food because it directly impacts our health. Some of these sweeteners are controversial, and consumers deserve to be informed about what they're ingesting. I'll be breaking down the various types of artificial sweeteners and discussing their safety, usage, and health implications.

At first glance, artificial sweeteners might seem like a great option—after all, who wouldn't want all the sweetness without the calories, right? But the reality is a bit more complex. From potential health risks to regulatory debates, there's a lot to unpack. So grab a snack (preferably one without artificial sweeteners), and let’s explore together.

Artificial Sweeteners In Our Food - 8/26-9/1/2024

Monday, August 26, 2024

These colorful clouds were there when I put the chickens away this evening around 8pm.These colorful clouds were there when I put the chickens away this evening around 8pm.

Good Monday morning! The ground and everything else is still wet from last night's rain! Our neighbors got some new white sheep which is why our dogs are barking more again when they go outside. I discovered them yesterday afternoon when I was on a walk in the rain with my puppy, Trump. I heard this bleating sound and there they were, right by our fence.

We are starting the day with some poached eggs and sausage. Right now, it is 75° at 7:15am. The forecast is calling for light rain this afternoon. Wouldn't that be nice?

Well, around 2pm, it did rain and the internet went out. At that time, the only customers of the day came. They shopped while the rain fell. Somehow, with a phone hot spot, we were able to check them out. It was my first time to use it and I did it because Matt set it up. I did not have a clue. Now it is 5:21pm and Alexa says it will rain again at 6:30pm. We shall see. It is time to go in, do dishes, and make dinner. The temperature is only 86° but it was much hotter earlier. It got so lovely and cool when the rain blew in.

15th Anniversary/Labor Day Sale!

Starting this Friday, August 30 through next Monday, Labor Day, September 2, we are having another big sale. September 1 is the 15th anniversary of David starting David's Garden Seeds® and the next day is Labor Day so we are combining the two with a four day sale that will be in the Farm Store and online. Our store will be closed on Sunday as always but we will be open on Labor Day.

Save 45% on all of our plants and seeds. Save 20% on everything else including our pecan coffees, rice, pecans, pecan treats, eggs, germination mix, germination kits, luffa gourds, and planting trays.

It is important for you to remember that we do not ship plants so those must be purchased in person here at the Farm Store. Also, it is way too hot to ship chocolate so that has to be purchased here on the farm as well, along with eggs.

Every single day, we get orders to ship plants out across the country, even though each of our plant listings clearly states that we do not ship plants. Just to show you what I mean, here is one of our plant listings:

We do not ship plants.

Medium-vigor varieties are well-suited for gallon and larger production. The colors also make great additions to mixed containers, and are best for gallon and hanging baskets. Early flowering. This unique color creates excitement. 

Yet people ignore it every single day. I know, some companies ship plants. We do not. It is too easy to lose money when the post office takes too many days to deliver the plants plus they toss them all over the place. If you don't open the box right away, the plant dies. Plants need water and light to survive and they can't get it in a box that takes days to be delivered.

Trump likes to hold the leash when we walk.Trump likes to hold the leash when we walk.

Once the store closed, I took Trump for a walk all over the parking lot. He loves to hold part of the leash in his mouth when we walk, sort of like he is walking himself. He is so cute!

It did not rain anymore this evening.

Artificial Sweeteners In Our Food

Artificial sweeteners in our food...there are so many options!Artificial sweeteners in our food...there are so many options!

The first artificial sweetener that often comes to mind is aspartame, also known as amino sweet. Found in many diet sodas, sugar-free gums, and even some yogurts, aspartame or amino sweet is one of the most common sweeteners in the USA. It's about 200 times sweeter than sugar and is used widely due to its ability to retain sweetness even after heating.

Another popular artificial sweetener is sucralose, which you might recognize by its brand name, Splenda. Used in baked goods, beverages, and other processed foods, sucralose is about 600 times sweeter than sugar. It is generally considered safe by the FDA, but some studies have raised concerns about its long-term effects.

Saccharin is another name you'll often see. Known as "Sweet'n Low," saccharin has been around for over a century. It's 300-400 times sweeter than sugar and is often used in diet beverages. Though some early studies linked saccharin to cancer in lab animals, it has since been deemed safe for human consumption.

Then, there’s acesulfame potassium (Ace-K), found in many diet drinks and baked goods. This sweetener is 200 times sweeter than sugar and is often blended with other sweeteners to enhance the taste. While generally regarded as safe, questions still linger about its long-term health impacts.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Look how dark it is above our Production Building!Look how dark it is above our Production Building!

Good morning! It is cloudy and we may get rain again today! I paid bills, deposited checks, and did other business before coming out to work. I also started the dishwasher and the laundry.

I filled orders and mailed them out. The clouds stayed dark. Shortly before noon, it rained for the third day in a row! What a nice treat after such a dry and hot summer. Of course, the temperature cools down each time it rains. It is now 2:16pm and only 86° instead of 100° plus!

Storm clouds this morning over our new property.Storm clouds this morning over our new property.

A customer got here shortly before the rain. Matt was out in the parking lot so he went into the store with him. I went over to take over and the man was leaving. Turns out he was here to buy our beef, our chicken, and our cheese. We have none of these. We have eggs, rice, coffee, plants, pecans, and seeds but that is it for now.

After our third rainstorm in three days, I looked at our rain gauge and we received a total of 1/4th of an inch over the three days. That is a whole lot more than we have received all summer long.

Trump and I went for a walk again after work. Rain clouds came in heavy again around 5pm and we thought we would get more rain. We did not. That was disappointing.

Artificial Sweeteners In Our Food

Look at all of the candies made with artificial sweeteners. They look great but the artificial sweeteners in our food are mostly chemicals.Look at all of the candies made with artificial sweeteners. They look great but the artificial sweeteners in our food are mostly chemicals.

While these sweeteners save us calories, what do they cost us in terms of health? One of the biggest concerns around artificial sweeteners is their potential link to various health issues. For example, some studies suggest that aspartame may be linked to headaches, seizures, and other neurological effects.

Another point of contention is whether artificial sweeteners might actually contribute to weight gain. Yes, you read that right. Though marketed as diet-friendly, there's evidence suggesting that these sweeteners might interfere with our body's ability to gauge calorie intake, potentially leading to overeating.

When it comes to gut health, research shows that certain artificial sweeteners might negatively impact the gut microbiome. Sucralose, for instance, has been shown to reduce beneficial bacteria in the gut, which could have various downstream effects on our overall health.

Then, there’s the question of long-term safety. While short-term use of artificial sweeteners is generally considered safe, the cumulative effect of consuming them over a lifetime remains unclear. Regulatory bodies like the FDA and EFSA regularly review these substances, but the debate among researchers continues.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

There were storm clouds overhead all day long.There were storm clouds overhead all day long.

It's Wednesday morning. The sound of the lawn mower is just outside of my office window. This week is going by quickly. It is 77° but should only get up to 90°.

Storm clouds over the freshly mowed, new property. Isn't it pretty?Storm clouds over the freshly mowed, new property. Isn't it pretty?
This photo shows our hoop houses, ready for planting our fall garden.This photo shows our hoop houses, ready for planting our fall garden.

I worked on orders and listing updates all day long. Nacho and his helper were here for most of the day mowing. It was cloudy all of the day and we were supposed to get rain again. At 5pm, I went out and collected eggs and got the chickens put away because it was supposed to pour at 6pm. I got the goats put away and checked on the rabbits.

This is outback with our high tunnel and other hoop houses. Note the clouds. We were sure to get a storm...ha!This is outback with our high tunnel and other hoop houses. Note the clouds. We were sure to get a storm...ha!
The sand mine that is sort of kitty corner to our farm. It looks very clear on this cloudy day.The sand mine that is sort of kitty corner to our farm. It looks very clear on this cloudy day.

It is Gordon Ramsay night with two hours of Masterchef so I made a nice spaghetti casserole. However, Matt does not like spaghetti so I made him a beautiful egg casserole free of mushrooms because he does not like cooked mushrooms. We sat down to enjoy two hours of fun on TV, a nice midweek break. The food was delicious. The rain never came.

Artificial Sweeteners In Our Food

Artificial sweeteners in our food include those in sugar free cookies.Artificial sweeteners in our food include those in sugar free cookies.

The process for approving artificial sweeteners in the USA involves rigorous testing and review. The FDA ensures that sweeteners are safe for consumption before they hit the market. But it’s important to note that what's considered safe can change.

For example, saccharin was once labeled as a potential carcinogen but was later cleared after further studies. This demonstrates how scientific understanding evolves and highlights the need for ongoing research and vigilance.

Consumer advocacy groups play a significant role in monitoring the safety of artificial sweeteners. These groups often push for more transparency and stricter regulations. They argue that "chemicals in food need to be exposed" to ensure consumer safety.

Despite regulatory approval, the opinion on the safety of artificial sweeteners is not unanimous. Various countries have different standards and regulations, which adds to the complexity. For example, some sweeteners that are approved in the USA are banned in other countries.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

I have 2 of these beautiful deep red petunias in hanging baskets left. I also have hanging verbenas in various colors in hanging baskets.I have 2 of these beautiful deep red petunias in hanging baskets left. I also have hanging verbenas in various colors in hanging baskets.

Good Thursday morning. The forecast says our chance of rain is over but the sky is overcast and very grey. Here is what I read this morning for anyone who needs hope:

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Doesn't that make you feel hopeful in today's crazy world of prices that keep going up?

It is time for me to go out and open the store and get to work. Will you be stopping by for your fall vegetable plants? We have plenty and they go in the ground next week. We are open today and tomorrow from 9am to 5pm and Saturday from 10am until 2pm. Starting tomorrow, we are having our 15th anniversary sale through Monday!

One of our team members who lives in the town of Poteet said that it was very foggy this morning. I saw this in the forecast but we had no fog out here on the farm. It is 10am and I can now see some blue sky out of the Fulfillment window. Time to get to work.

Matt actually had to get a taller ladder and I had to go out and hold it while he switched out the flags. It is HOT out there!Matt actually had to get a taller ladder and I had to go out and hold it while he switched out the flags. It is HOT out there!
Here is the new Texas flag. I hope it lasts longer than three months.Here is the new Texas flag. I hope it lasts longer than three months.

Matthew had to change out our Texas flag today. Either the company is making them cheaper or the wind has really whipped this flag around. Our US flag is still fine...Both were changed close to three months ago.

We got another call this morning from a customer who has an idea for a tasty, flavorful sunflower seed. As David told her, we do not eat our sunflower seeds. We sell them so others can grow sunflowers. She was looking for David Seeds, not David's Garden Seeds®. They are two separate companies, despite the phone calls, emails, and letters we get every week from disgruntled customers or people requesting bags of snacks for various occasions.

I worked on orders. After that, I had to put a lot of new seeds away in our Fulfillment building. These are seeds that were just added so there was no space for them. It involved several hours of moving other seeds around and creating space but I got everything put away.

Then, our first and only customers of the day came by and got some vegetable plants and seeds for their fall garden. It is hot and humid out with sunny skies. The temperature is 92° and it is almost 5pm. I feel like I got a lot accomplished today. Oh, I also made an Instagram video announcing our sale that starts at midnight!

Artificial Sweeteners In Our Food

Beautiful chocolates but they are not made with sugar. They are sweetened with artificial sweeteners in our food.Beautiful chocolates but they are not made with sugar. They are sweetened with artificial sweeteners in our food.

So, where exactly will you find these sweeteners? The list is extensive. Diet sodas are perhaps the most well-known products containing artificial sweeteners. Brands like Diet Coke and Pepsi use aspartame and other sweeteners to provide a sugar-free experience.

Many sugar-free or "light" yogurts also use artificial sweeteners. Brands often replace sugar with aspartame or sucralose to keep calorie counts low. If you're a yogurt fan, always check the label to know what kind of sweetener is put in your food.

In addition to drinks and yogurts, baked goods often use artificial sweeteners. From cookies to muffins, these sweeteners help reduce the sugar content while maintaining sweetness. Sucralose is particularly popular in baked items due to its stability at high temperatures.

Sucralose is made by chlorinating sugar sucrose. They substitute three hydroxyl groups with chlorine atoms so there is that. Chlorine is the chemical I add in our pool to keep the water from turning green with algae. Sucralose was discovered when a company was making a new insecticide. It actually has the ability to damage DNA. There are studies showing that your chances of getting diabetes go up to 67% when you consume sucralose. It can also cause inflammation and metabolic syndrome.

Even snack foods like sugar-free candies, chewing gums, and protein bars use artificial sweeteners. These products are marketed as healthier alternatives, but it's crucial to look beyond the marketing and scrutinize the ingredients.

Friday, August 30, 2024

We are almost out of caps...They are 20% off this weekend.We are almost out of caps...They are 20% off this weekend.

Well, we made it to Friday! Our big happy birthday sale is off to a great start. I already have more orders than I know what to do with and my help is off today. David and Matt will be working out back so it is just me manning the orders and the store. Remember that Sunday is our company's 15th birthday so that means you save 45% on all seeds and plants and 20% on everything else, like coffee, Texas rice, pecans, and garden supplies. Come on in for plants and chocolates because we can't ship those.

We have had a good day with lots of orders coming in and plenty of customers buying plants and seeds. It is now 4:25pm and the clouds are building. We have another chance for rain at 7pm. How I pray we get some! Matt is at the store picking up some groceries for us. I am still pulling seed orders from early this morning.

Well, we got zero rain. Matt's car died at Walmart. He had a new battery. Walmart recharged it and told him the heat was draining it. He drove back to the farm. The car would not start again so it is a new battery for Matt. I sent him home with my car.

Artificial Sweeteners In Our Food

Cake and frosting made with artificial sweeteners are craved by diabetics. There are many artificial sweeteners in our food, especially for those who can't have sugar.Cake and frosting made with artificial sweeteners are craved by diabetics. There are many artificial sweeteners in our food, especially for those who can't have sugar.

When you're at the grocery store, navigating the aisles to avoid artificial sweeteners can be daunting. Start by reading labels meticulously. Look for names like aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, and acesulfame potassium.

Opt for whole foods whenever possible. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains are naturally free of these sweeteners. Making a habit of choosing fresh over processed can significantly reduce your intake of artificial substances.

Consider shopping at stores that focus on natural and organic products. These stores often have stricter standards regarding artificial additives, making it easier for you to make safer choices.

Remember that marketing claims like "sugar-free" or "low-calorie" don't always mean “healthy.” These products can still contain artificial sweeteners and other additives. Always dig a bit deeper and read the ingredient list.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

It rained briefly after 6am and that was it. Matt was coming here to the farm early this morning to help plant and the belt slipped off my car so he is stranded in downtown Devine. David just left to pick him up. I think it is time to buy some newer cars.

It is miserably hot and humid outside and it is only 76°. I have to go get the store ready to open. We got a lot of orders in overnight from the sale which continues. Please come by today and pick up your fall garden plants. You should plant most of them next week.

Well, we had a lot of online orders today but only a few in store customers. Those who came took a lot of plants and trees. However, we still have a lot and they are 45% off through Monday. We are closed tomorrow but you can still order seeds online. We do not ship plants.

Our Texas rice, Texas pecans, Texas pecan coffees and our gardening supplies are all 20% off.

My car could not be fixed as no one has the part locally. At least the mechanic moved the car from downtown Devine over to Walmart. Hopefully, he can find the part at Pick N Pull and fix it tomorrow afternoon.

We watched the Svengoolie movie and ate Walmart deli pizza. It was pretty good.

 Artificial Sweeteners In Our Food

Chewing and bubble gum made with artificial sweeteners in our food are better for your teeth than sugar but are the chemicals worth it?Chewing and bubble gum made with artificial sweeteners in our food are better for your teeth than sugar but are the chemicals worth it?

One way to make informed choices is to educate yourself about these sweeteners. Knowledge is power. When you understand what artificial sweeteners actually are, their potential health effects, and where they are commonly found, you can make better decisions.

Engage with community resources like local consumer advocacy groups. These organizations often provide valuable information and campaigns to educate the public about the hidden ingredients in our food.

Consulting healthcare professionals can also be beneficial. A registered dietitian or nutritionist can give you personalized advice based on your health needs and help you navigate the complexities of food labels.

Online forums and social media communities can be surprising sources of support and information. Sharing experiences with others can help you learn more about artificial sweeteners and make more informed choices.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happy 15th Birthday/Anniversary to
David's Garden Seeds!

15 years ago! How? The time has flown by. It started in our home in San Antonio. We now own our own farm out in the country.15 years ago! How? The time has flown by. It started in our home in San Antonio. We now own our own farm out in the country.

Yes, 15 years ago today, David started selling my books, DVDs, and magazines on Amazon, learning how it operates. Then he started selling some of his leftover seeds. That worked so well that he began buying top of the line seeds and soon got a business license and a name, along with a website. He learned a lot along the way. I worked the entire time in a corporate job and I would help him early in the morning and when I got home from work until bedtime. My motto quickly became "Whatever it takes!" I looked forward to the day I could quit my job and do David's Garden Seeds® full time. That day came six years and five months later, on February 29, 2016!

This is our green and orange David's Garden Seeds® Farm gate.This is our green and orange David's Garden Seeds® Farm gate.

Happy Sunday! It is 3:30pm. We went to the same church today where we visited last week and went to lunch with a group of the church folk including our very good friends. We had a great time and now we are home, just waiting for the rain...seems we have been waiting all week for rain...

My car is still in the Walmart parking lot. Hopefully, our mechanic friend can get the right part at Pick N Pull today and get it up and running. We stopped by Walmart on the way home and the car is fine...

The orders are pouring in. Thank you to everyone ordering online and to those who come out to shop. Don't forget tomorrow is the last day of our 45% off sale on seeds and plants. We are celebrating 15 years in business. Today is the actual 15th anniversary. We will be open tomorrow from 9am until 5pm, our first time in 15 years to be open on Labor Day but we really need to sell these vegetable plants.

Artificial Sweeteners In Our Food

Syrups, jams, and jellies are made from artificial sweeteners in our food for those who can't have sugar.Syrups, jams, and jellies are made from artificial sweeteners in our food for those who can't have sugar.

The landscape of food additives, including artificial sweeteners in our food in the USA, is ever-changing. As research progresses, new findings can influence public opinion and regulatory standards. Staying updated with the latest science can help you make better choices.

Finally, always be an advocate for your health. Demand transparency from food manufacturers and regulatory bodies. After all, as consumers, we have a right to know what’s in our food and how it impacts our well-being.

Artificial sweeteners aren't just a small detail on an ingredient list; they are significant components that can affect your health. By taking control of your food choices and staying informed, you can ensure that what you put into your body aligns with your health goals.

So, next time you head to the grocery store, remember this guide. Make informed choices and don’t be swayed by marketing claims alone. Your long-term health is worth the extra time spent reading labels and questioning what’s in your food.

That wraps up our deep dive into artificial sweeteners! Have any more questions or thoughts about what we discussed? Feel free to reach out. We’re all in this sweet journey together!

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

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chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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