Crochet Ideas

I get crochet ideas from books, Pinterest, and YouTube. I have made several crochet projects in the past few months that I found on social media, such as crocheted cotton washcloths and facial scrubbies. I make a lot of granny square afghans, baby afghans, and lap afghans, and scarves from yarn.

When I was little, my paternal grandmother, Elvina Yorgensen, taught me to crochet chains. I made a lot of them. My maternal grandmother, taught me to make granny squares. For years, that was all I could do in the world of crochet. I have learned how to do more by watching videos online.

My paternal grandmother, Elvina Yorgensen, taught me how to sew and crochet chains.My paternal grandmother, Elvina Yorgensen, taught me how to sew and crochet chains.

My maternal grandmother, Mildred Pitcher, pictured here with my grandfather, Floyd Pitcher, taught me how to make granny squares.My maternal grandmother, Mildred Pitcher, pictured here with my grandfather, Floyd Pitcher, taught me how to make granny squares.

Crochet Ideas For Projects

I have been crocheting granny square afghans and ripple afghans for many years, most of which are made with acrylic yarn.

Ripple lap afghans I made on bottom shelf along with some granny square afghans.Ripple lap afghans I made on bottom shelf along with some granny square afghans.
Crocheted washcloth set I made from cotton yarn. The smallest square is a facial scrubby for removing makeup.Crocheted washcloth set I made from cotton yarn. The smallest square is a facial scrubby for removing makeup.

I learned about cotton yarn so I bought some when Michael's was having a 99 cent sale. I have been making washcloths with it.

A crocheted cotton facial scrubbie is great for washing your face with your favorite cleanser, as well as removing makeup. I just made this one.A crocheted cotton facial scrubbie is great for washing your face with your favorite cleanser, as well as removing makeup. I just made this one.

One of my next crochet projects is to make kitchen scrubbies and dishcloths. At the Christmas show where I was a vendor today, a lady asked me if I had any. She said they are made with a textured yarn that cleans pots and pans well. Tulle is the ingredient in the yarn that makes it good for scrubbing. I looked this up online and found that there are several varieties of this type of yarn. I will visit some stores where I buy yarn and see if I can find some and give it a try.


I bought some scrubby yarn. It is very hard to work with because of the "scrubby stuff" on the yarn. It makes it difficult to see where the next stitch goes. See the photo below.

Scrubby yarn is textured to clean dishes, pots, and pans but it is very hard to work with. The first scrubby I crocheted is the round thing at the bottom. The holes are very difficult to see.Scrubby yarn is textured to clean dishes, pots, and pans but it is very hard to work with. The first scrubby I crocheted is the round thing at the bottom. The holes are very difficult to see.

Crochet Projects

Crochet Blanket

Crochet Scarf

Crochet Washcloth

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