Artificial Colors In Our Food

This week, we will look at all of the artificial colors in our food. As Americans, we let the government control much of what we eat. I believe that by learning what is allowed to be put in our food, we will want to learn to make our own food without things like bug parts to color our food.

Artificial Colors In Our Food - 8/19-8/25/2024

Monday, August 19, 2024

Me with the goats.Me with the goats.

Good Monday morning! It felt pretty cool at 7am when I took Ethel outside. The humidity was low and it was 76°. Of course, all of that will change soon. It is supposed to be 105° today with much higher humidity. I hate this heat.

I got an email from Social Security this morning telling me that I can retire in two years and one month if I want to but if I wait an additional four years and two months, I can get even more money. Fun times!

I hope you enjoy reading about all of the artificial colors in our food this week. Maybe it will prompt you to make some foods from scratch if last week's sawdust article didn't do it for you.

We had a sale over the weekend so I have a lot of orders to get out today. I had better get out to Fulfillment and get started.

We had just two customers all day long. We also had a visit from the county agent. David gave him a tour and they talked about gardening for a while. I worked on orders all day long but did not even scratch the surface...

This evening, the Sturgeon moon came up and it was pretty.

The sturgeon moon came up before dark back by the oak tree.The sturgeon moon came up before dark back by the oak tree.
A close up of the sturgeon moon by the oak tree.A close up of the sturgeon moon by the oak tree.
Matt took this shot of the sturgeon moon tonight.Matt took this shot of the sturgeon moon tonight.

Artificial Colors In Our Food

Look at all of the artificial colors in our food. Where does it all come from?Look at all of the artificial colors in our food. Where does it all come from?

Hey there! Have you ever stopped to think about the colorful foods you buy at the grocery store? I mean those bright red candies, neon green sodas, and even that beautiful orange cheese. All of these foods get their vibrant appearance from something called artificial colors.

So, what exactly are artificial colors? Well, they're substances added to food and drinks to give them color. While they can make food look more appetizing and fun, there's a lot going on behind the scenes that you might not know about.

Artificial colors are made from synthetic chemicals. These chemicals can come from different sources, but most are derived from petroleum, a type of crude oil. Yep, you read that right—sometimes the same stuff that powers your car is used to color your food!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The girls love to come out and greet me every time they hear the gate open.The girls love to come out and greet me every time they hear the gate open.

The day started out too early. I woke up and couldn't breathe so I went to the couch. Then the neuropathy in my foot started so I had to deal with that. I never did get back to sleep.

Right now I am cleaning the pond. It will be 109° today. I hate this heat.

Around 10am, my tummy started not feeling so well. At 11am, I went in the house and shortly thereafter, I was sick and it lasted most of the day...Fun times. Needless to say, I did not return to work. Matt was busy but took over closing some orders late in the afternoon for me. We had two customers come into the store but I was in bed so did not get to meet them.

Artificial Colors In Our Food

Red dye is made from bug parts. Yes, if the food is red, the artificial colors in our food are made from bug parts.Red dye is made from bug parts. Yes, if the food is red, the artificial colors in our food are made from bug parts.

Let's break down where these colors come from. Many artificial colors start their life as crude oil. Through a series of chemical reactions and processes, scientists can turn this oil into brightly colored powders and liquids.

These colors are then added to a wide variety of products, from your breakfast cereal to the frosting on your birthday cake. While they may add a pop of color, the journey from crude oil to your dinner plate is pretty complex.

Now you might be wondering, why do we even need artificial colors in our food? The primary reason is to make food look more appealing. Bright colors can make us think food is fresher, tastier, and more fun to eat.

But what are these artificial colors actually made from? As I mentioned earlier, many come from petroleum. Specifically, they're created through chemical processes that turn crude oil into dyes like Red 40, Yellow 5, and Blue 1.

Each of these colors has a unique chemical composition. For example, Red 40 is made from petroleum-derived chemicals that are mixed together to form a red dye. This dye is then added to things like fruity drinks, cake mixes, frostings, and candy.

Blue 1, on the other hand, is created through a different chemical process. It's also made from petroleum, but it requires a combination of different chemicals to achieve its bright blue shade.

Besides petroleum, some artificial colors come from other sources. For instance, carmine, a red dye, is made from a type of insect called the cochineal bug. Yes, bugs in our food!

These bugs are ground up to produce a red color that's used in things like yogurt and fruit drinks. While this might sound unappetizing, carmine is still considered an artificial color.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The sun rises over our first little home out here, the shed/shack where we spent over 3 weeks while they dillied and dallied getting our house all together.The sun rises over our first little home out here, the shed/shack where we spent over 3 weeks while they dillied and dallied getting our house all together.

Good morning. I was not sick at all in the night and am feeling much better today. Matt got here early and brought cabrito aka goat to be roasted from a local butcher shop. David is going to put it on our outdoor roaster. We have never done cabrito before. It should be interesting.

Today, we take Trump to the vet for some more puppy shots. He is now fat and sassy. He loves to follow Sue Ellen around. Where she goes, he wants to be. The Trumpster, as we call him, is so darn cute. He tries to eat everyone's food except his own and it shows.

This is Trump this morning, playing on the side deck with Sue Ellen who is to the right. He loves her and she seems to like him but Pamela does not.This is Trump this morning, playing on the side deck with Sue Ellen who is to the right. He loves her and she seems to like him but Pamela does not.

Trump is doing very well and they gave him his rabies shot today. I did not think he was old enough. Matt took him so I could stay and work and David was busy. See below...

This morning, David put a cabrito (baby goat) on our new outdoor rotisserie. He had never before cooked one. I think the heat got a bit too hot and he thought it was done and took it off. It was not done. He put it in the roaster indoors for several more hours. It still wasn't done. I had to make egg casserole and pancakes for dinner. We will be eating the cabrito tomorrow. It finally got done around 9pm tonight.


We had just one set of customers today. I was no longer sick so I waited on them and then I got all of the orders caught up finally.

Nacho came out to do some weeding but he did not mow. There are stickers growing everywhere.

It hit 108° today and the heat is like being in an oven.

Artificial Colors In Our Food

A lovely rendition of where blue food coloring comes from.A lovely rendition of where blue food coloring comes from.

Now that we know where these colors come from, let's talk about how they're regulated. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees the use of artificial colors in our food.

The FDA has a list of approved artificial colors, known as certified colors. These include popular ones like Red 40, Yellow 5, and Blue 1. Each color has to go through rigorous testing before it can be used in food.

But even with this regulation, there are concerns about the safety of artificial colors. Some studies have linked these chemicals to health issues like hyperactivity, allergies, and even cancer.

For example, Red 40 has been linked to hyperactivity in children. While more research is needed to confirm these findings, some parents choose to avoid artificial colors as a precaution.

Yellow 5, another common dye, has been associated with allergic reactions in some individuals. These reactions can range from mild rashes to more severe symptoms like asthma.

Blue 1 has its own set of concerns. Some studies suggest it could be linked to cancer, though the evidence is not yet conclusive. As with other artificial colors, more research is needed.

Given these potential risks, some people prefer to avoid artificial colors altogether. Fortunately, there are alternatives available that can color food without the need for synthetic chemicals.

Natural colors come from sources like fruits, vegetables, and spices. For example, beet juice can be used to create a red color, while turmeric can add a yellow hue.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Near chicken coop looking into the orchard.Near chicken coop looking into the orchard.

Good morning. This morning, Pamela and Sue Ellen are getting groomed. David will be taking them. I have a lot of work to do today. The weather will be hot and miserable again. It is currently 81° and will get up to 107° this afternoon and 102° tomorrow. On top of that, there is a lot of humidity here so we are always sweating. So gross. The plants need water twice a day here or they wilt, turn brown, and die.

By the way, we have beautiful fall flower and vegetable plants for sale right now. We are trying to keep them alive for your fall gardens. Come out now and purchase them. The first week of September is coming up fast and that is when they have to be planted.

It is time for me to get ready and get outside. Will you be coming out to the farm to get your fall plants today? We will be open from 9am to 5pm today and tomorrow. On Saturday, we will be open from 10am to 2pm and, as always, we are closed on Sunday.

Matt put together this 6 panel photo of a chicken from our flock.Matt put together this 6 panel photo of a chicken from our flock.

Matt is mowing the lawn and getting the area ready for the bees. There are now pallets for the hive to go on. We learned in the bee class to lift the hives up or skunks will go to the opening of the hive and eat the bees as they come out of the hive. Along the bottom of the hive is a 3/8 inch opening. This opening is how bees get in and out of the hive to get food and water for the hive. It is also how the hive is ventilated in this horrifying heat. Matt also got a galvanized tub for the bees to have water. We have to plant some flowers out there. Nacho got some beds ready yesterday.

We finally had the cabrito at lunch and it was very tasty. We will be having it for dinner as well. I made some of our 100% Texas rice for lunch to go with it. The rice is for sale in our Farm Store and, yes, we do ship it. Here is a link to buy our 100% Texas-grown rice. There are two varieties, long grain and jasmine.

This afternoon, David and Matt went to get father/son makeovers again. It is 5pm and 107°. Why? How? We have watered the plants three times today and some are still turning brown and dying. This heat is unforgiving and rough. I wish we had picked somewhere cooler to move to. It makes working outdoors this time of year almost impossible. I have never before lived in a place that I hate in the summers.

There is a good breeze blowing and thank God for that. We need some rain desperately. Everything is turning brown in the hot oven that is Rossville right now.

I went out to put the chickens away around 8pm and the thermometer in the chicken house read 101° Fahrenheit! It was miserable. I filled all three chicken waterers while I was out there.

I saw the moon coming up around 9:30pm  tonight. It looked really cool with the clouds so thought I would share it. I was at the kitchen window.I saw the moon coming up around 9:30pm tonight. It looked really cool with the clouds so thought I would share it. I was at the kitchen window.

Artificial Colors In Our Food

Yellow dye for your food.Yellow dye for your food.

These natural options are often perceived as safer and healthier than their artificial counterparts. However, they can be more expensive and may not produce colors that are as  vibrant as petroleum and crushed bugs.

It's worth noting that some food companies are responding to consumer demand and switching to natural colors. This trend is most apparent in products marketed as "natural" or "organic."

For instance, some brands of candy now use fruit and vegetable juices for color instead of artificial dyes. This can give the candy a more muted appearance, but many consumers appreciate the natural ingredients.

The push for natural colors isn't just about health. It's also about transparency. Many consumers want to know exactly what's in their food and where it comes from.

This desire for transparency has led to clearer labeling on food packages. Some products now highlight the absence of artificial colors, making it easier for consumers to make informed choices.

However, not all products are free from artificial colors. Many popular items, like sodas, chips, and candies, still rely on synthetic dyes to create their eye-catching colors.

So, when you're at the grocery store, it's essential to check the ingredient list if you're concerned about artificial colors in our food. Look for names like Red 40, Yellow 5, and Blue 1.

If you see these ingredients, you'll know that the product contains synthetic dyes. This can help you decide whether or not you want to buy it for yourself and your family.

But let's face it: avoiding artificial colors isn't always easy. They're everywhere, from fast food to packaged snacks. It requires diligence and sometimes sacrifices to steer clear of them.

Friday, August 23, 2024

I took out Ethel early this morning and saw this view of the sunrise. Matt & David left early to go get bees.I took out Ethel early this morning and saw this view of the sunrise. Matt & David left early to go get bees.

Good Friday morning. Today is the day that we get our bees and hive. We are starting this morning out at 80° and it will climb up to 101°, a bit of a cool front-ha ha ha!

David and Matt left at 7am for Round Rock to pick up our bees. I have been outside all morning watering plants in the front and in the back. Michelle is on her way along with her husband to help us out. Trump is out in Fulfillment with me today.


So far today, we have had two customers and it is only noon now. David and Matt have secured the bees and they are on their way back. Matt got his bee suit while they were in Round Rock.

We got all of the orders taken care of and Trump kept trying to jump out of his playpen. He finally relaxed and fell asleep but I had to take him for three walks out in that awful heat first. Trump has grown a lot and is up to 16 pounds now! His legs are tall and he is quite chubby. The vet says he is a healthy puppy.

Below is where the bees will go when they get here.

The beehive will be placed on the pallets in the orchard. They will drink out of the galvanized tub nearby. We want them in the fence to protect them from skunks and such.The beehive will be placed on the pallets in the orchard. They will drink out of the galvanized tub nearby. We want them in the fence to protect them from skunks and such.

Well, guess what? The bees are here and David got two hives instead of one! The truck came through the gate and just kept driving out back around 2:30pm. I went to the house and sat down on the back deck to take some photos. To my surprise, there were two white boxes, which are hives. Matt suited up in his new bee suit and opened the hives. A wooden piece was put across the bottom of the hives while traveling so they wouldn't lose bees. The bees are now coming out of the hive and they are eating the food that David put out for the bees. Now we will have to learn about bees and do a section on the website about them.

The bees have arrived from Round Rock in the back of the truck.The bees have arrived from Round Rock in the back of the truck.
Matt just put his suit on and I am not sure if he is feeding them here.Matt just put his suit on and I am not sure if he is feeding them here.
David checks without his bee suit on to see what Matt is doing.David checks without his bee suit on to see what Matt is doing.
Matt looks in at the bees, fully protected. He said the suit is quite comfortable.Matt looks in at the bees, fully protected. He said the suit is quite comfortable.

Speaking of that, I have not even put up a section about our Nigerian Dwarf goats because I have been so busy doing extra work since it is now just the four of us here at David's Garden Seeds®.

The house got cleaned so that is awesome. All of the orders are filled and mailed out. The seeds we needed came in. Trump finally fell asleep out here and has been behaving.

It is now 103° Fahrenheit at 3:25pm. The Amazon man just came. I wonder what he brought me. I will go find out.

Matt with the hives.Matt with the hives.

I ordered some floaties for the bees to put in their water tub so the bees don't drown. I did not know about them until today...They should be here tomorrow. Hopefully, they don't drown before the floaties get here.

I had to wash one of the bee suits. Here is what I learned: Always detach the hood or the hood will be ruined if you put it in the washing machine. So I struggled but finally got the hood detached. The rest of the suits that we got can go in the washer in cold water.  Second, don't put the suit in the dryer. It has to be air dryed.

I need to put the chickens away soon but it is just so hot here. Last night, it was 101° when I went out to put them away and it is 99° now. 

I checked on the bees at 8pm and they are doing well, out and about and so on. I put the chickens away and saw the most beautiful sunset!

I was out in the orchard at sunset last night. The colors were spectacular!I was out in the orchard at sunset last night. The colors were spectacular!

Artificial Colors In Our Food

Where do all of those shades of purple come from in candy?Where do all of those shades of purple come from in candy?

This afternoon, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. suspended his run for the president and is now supporting Donald Trump. In his speech, he said that President Trump will appoint him in charge of some of the food industry so he can get all of the chemicals and junk out of our food sources. I think it is a great idea. Other governments do not allow their citizens to ingest all of the crap that they put in our foods. Why do we eat GMOs and other garbage filled with chemicals? This is why many Americans are obese and/or sick. When I was a child back in the early 1960s, there were very few obese people around. Almost everyone I knew was trim and appeared to be fit. After adding so many chemicals in our foods, it seems that more people are obese than thin. Many people are ill and take lots of pills. Big pharma gets rich this way. It is a horrible thing to do to citizens.

One way to reduce your intake of artificial colors is to prepare more meals at home using fresh, whole ingredients. This allows you to control what goes into your food.

Another option is to seek out brands that use natural colors or specify that they do not contain artificial dyes. These products are becoming more common as consumer demand grows.

If you're concerned about the presence of chemicals in food, you might also consider organic products. Organic foods are often free from synthetic additives, including artificial colors. Of course, organics cost way more than produce sprayed with chemicals. If you are on a budget, this may not be the way to go. You can always try to garden and grow some of your own produce. If you need seeds, check out David's Garden Seeds®.

Many organic labels proudly state that they use natural coloring agents, so you can enjoy vibrant foods without the worry of consuming petroleum-based chemicals.

Of course, personal preference plays a significant role in these decisions. Some people are comfortable consuming foods with artificial colors, while others prefer to avoid them.

It's all about making informed choices. By understanding what artificial colors are and where they come from, you can decide what you feel is best for you and your family.

Let's not forget that the discussion around artificial colors is part of a broader conversation about fake food and the additives we consume daily.

Fake food includes any food products that are highly processed and contain synthetic ingredients. Artificial colors are just one example of the many chemicals in food today.

These additives can affect everything from taste and texture to shelf life. While they can make food more convenient, they also raise questions about long-term health impacts.

When it comes to fake food, it's essential to read labels and understand what you're putting into your body. Being an informed consumer is your best defense.

If you're interested in reducing your intake of artificial colors, you might start by swapping out some of your regular grocery items for more natural alternatives.

For example, instead of buying a brightly colored sports drink, opt for a natural fruit juice. It might not be neon orange, but it can be just as refreshing and tasty.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Our tiny baby catahoula, Trump, is now almost 20 pounds with sturdy, long legs. He is 3 months old already!Our tiny baby catahoula, Trump, is now almost 20 pounds with sturdy, long legs. He is 3 months old already!

Good morning! I was up early today and got the animals all fed by 7:20am. By 7:30am, I was feeding the fish out front and some man drove up on a four wheeler asking me for the Stevens Farm. He was going to pick okra for them. I am sorry but I have never heard of them. I went in and told David. He looked it up and it turns out the Stevens Farm is more than 12 miles away over in Poteet. We are in Rossville, far from where they are. No wonder we have not heard of them.

I was a total sweaty mess after watering all of the plants. I finally got cleaned up and dressed for the day. I started the dishes and laundry. I changed bed sheets. Then I opened the store and filled all of the orders and got them ready to go out in today's mail. So far, we have had three customers come by today.

Here is our hive set up along with some liquid bee food. David bought 2 hives and the bees are out and about exploring their new home.Here is our hive set up along with some liquid bee food. David bought 2 hives and the bees are out and about exploring their new home.
Hopefully by this time next year, we will have honey!Hopefully by this time next year, we will have honey!
A closeup of the bees outside. They had a 3 hour long move from Round Rock, TX and traveled well in the bed of our truck.A closeup of the bees outside. They had a 3 hour long move from Round Rock, TX and traveled well in the bed of our truck.

I started working on our 15th Anniversary/Labor Day Sale set to start this coming Friday through the next Monday. Sunday, September 1 is our 15th anniversary of being in business and the next day is Labor Day so we will be celebrating by having a seed and plant sale as well as an everything else sale. I will be putting out newsletters this week with the information. The sales will be for in person as well as online sales. All of our plants will be on sale but remember that we do not ship plants. You will have to come out to the farm and buy the plants here.

This purple petunia plant looked so pretty this morning and our first customer of the day bought it!This purple petunia plant looked so pretty this morning and our first customer of the day bought it!

I was busy all afternoon so I put a Walmart grocery order in and it was delivered at 7:20pm. We watched the Svengoolie movie and had pizza.

Artificial Colors In Our Food

Orange food coloring is used in more than candy.Orange food coloring is used in more than candy.

Similarly, you could replace your usual colorful candies with ones made from natural ingredients. Look for labels that state "no artificial colors" or "naturally colored."

These small changes can add up over time, leading to a diet that's lower in artificial colors and other synthetic additives.

Educating yourself about the chemicals in food is a continuous process. The more you know, the better equipped you are to make choices that align with your values and health goals.

As you become more aware of how artificial colors and other additives are used, you'll likely start to notice them everywhere. This awareness can be empowering.

You might even find yourself sharing this information with friends and family. After all, knowing what's in our food is essential for everyone, not just a few people.

Bringing more attention to the issue can also drive change. The more consumers demand transparency and natural ingredients, the more likely companies are to respond.

It's already happening to some extent. We've seen a rise in products that proudly state they're free from artificial colors. This shift is due in large part to consumer demand.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

This morning, we visited another church that we tried out a few months ago. We met some friends there and went out to eat lunch together. It was fun.

Rain is coming down behind us...Where is our rain?Rain is coming down behind us...Where is our rain?
It's raining!It's raining!

The grass is all brown and crispy. I was watering plants late this afternoon and I saw some rain going on way behind us. I began praying for a good rain. About an hour later, we got some raindrops. Then we got some rain, about an eighth of an inch but it was way more than we've had in a few months. I hope we get more. I am amazed that the God of the universe listened to me and sent rain! Of course, I know I am not the only person around who has been praying for rain but there is something about knowing that God hears me and cares. We are thankful.

Trump and I got wet. You can see the raindrops on my shirt. Trump loves to walk on a leash. Usually, he carries it in his mouth.Trump and I got wet. You can see the raindrops on my shirt. Trump loves to walk on a leash. Usually, he carries it in his mouth.

Trump and I went for a walk in the rain. He loved it.

Look at our bee on some Swiss chard! I thought they only liked flowers...a friend said there is no brand so how do I know it is one of ours. Ha ha!Look at our bee on some Swiss chard! I thought they only liked flowers...a friend said there is no brand so how do I know it is one of ours. Ha ha!

While I was watering this afternoon, I found one of our bees in the parking lot on a Swiss chard leaf. I told David and some friends. David and the friends asked how I know it was our bee. She was in our parking lot so, naturally, she is one of ours.

Artificial Colors In Our Food

Green food coloring artist renditionGreen food coloring artist rendition

So, by being an informed and proactive consumer, you can contribute to a broader movement toward healthier, more transparent food options.

Remember that every small choice you make adds up. Whether it's reading labels more carefully or opting for natural alternatives, each step counts toward avoiding artificial colors in our food.

Don't be discouraged if you can't avoid artificial colors in our food entirely. The goal is to be more mindful and make the best choices you can within your circumstances.

After all, eating should be an enjoyable experience. Understanding what's in your food doesn't have to take away from the pleasure of eating—it can actually enhance it.

Knowing that you're making informed choices can give you peace of mind and a greater appreciation for the food you consume.

So next time you're at the grocery store, take a moment to think about those vibrant colors. Ask yourself what it took to get that shade of red or blue and decide if it's something you want to consume.

Your health and well-being are worth the extra time and effort it takes to be an informed shopper. By understanding artificial colors in our food, you're taking an essential step toward healthier eating.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this important topic. Your awareness and choices can make a difference not only for your health but also for the food industry as a whole.

So go ahead, make informed choices, and feel good about the food you and your family eat. After all, you deserve to know what's in your food. Happy shopping, and stay curious!

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

davidmatthives2Our bee hives
fishOur fish pond
chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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