Seeing empty parts of the grocery store makes you want some seeds for food to grow fast. I see on YouTube that there are shortages on different foods across the United States. Of course, this is nothing new. It has been happening ever since Covid got serious in March of 2020. Back then, there were a lot of empty grocery store shelves. Now, it is a bit different. Right now, there are some eggs but they cost $5.18 for a dozen or $6 for 18. A customer told me she was up North and they want $9 for a regular dozen of eggs.
Allow me to take this opportunity to invite you out to our Farm Store in February 2023 and get my Farm Fresh Eggs for $5 a dozen or six eggs for $2.50.
If you would like to order wonderful, fresh, Non-GMO seeds from David's Garden Seeds®, here is the link. You will love our seeds.
Good Monday morning and Happy President's Day! The banks are closed, most schools have off, and there is no mail. But our Farm Store is open. I have no eggs today but we have plenty of seeds and seedlings for your spring garden. The seedlings are beautiful!
The sky has been gray and cloudy all morning and it is now sprinkling. Nacho is here to work on several projects for David including getting my potato trench dug.
David has been busy planting seeds for spring for us and for customers. He will be doing some more planting this morning as will I. I decided to try and grow some peanuts so I ordered some peanut seeds this morning since we no longer carry them. Our farm used to be a big peanut farm for many years, which I am sure I have mentioned over and over...Anyway, I thought it would be fun to give it a try.
We had quite a few customers including one woman looking for an outdoor garden type job. We will be interviewing her on Wednesday morning.
I feel like I have been having to argue with some of the customers over our seedling prices. We are not a bargain basement. We hand plant all of our plants from our seeds. We do not order more plants. We do not get our plants at a cheap price. Again, we grow all of our plants from seeds. We started growing them in December, painstakingly planting about 4,000 seeds so we would have plants for our customers for spring planting. We had to hire extra people to help us and we paid them well.
So when you come in to our store and want a six pack of our tomato plants for $3.95, that is not going to happen. Each of our tomato seedlings is $3.95 a piece. If you don't want to pay that price, that is okay. You can go to another store or nursery. We are actually cheaper than Walmart's tomato seedlings and ours are bigger and they were hand planted, not machine planted like theirs. When you go to nurseries, they have ordered their seedlings from places where the plants are machine planted. We are not going to give you our plants or dicker over prices. I felt completely exhausted by the end of the day because too many customers told me they paid $4 for a six pack some place last year and they expect the same price again this year. No one is going to sell you six large tomato plants for $4 this year. Just the pots to put six plants in will cost over that.
Also, I am sorry but you cannot drive your vehicle back to the greenhouse. There is no road wide enough and no fence gate large enough for you to do so. One customer asked me three times today if he could drive back there and three times I had to tell him that he could not. I did not stutter when I said it. If you could drive back there, I would say yes.
Late this afternoon, I dismantled the grow tower to clean it and get ready to plant again soon. I am soaking the little baskets where the seeds grow to clean them from green algae which I had all over my hands.
First, if you want to plant food to grow fast to feed your family, you want to look at seed packets and find the foods that you can harvest in 30 to 50 days. I would start with spinach, purslane (a green), and leaf lettuce. Baby leaves are ready to eat in as little as 30 days. The real secret with planting leaves is to plant enough for a week at a time. Every Monday or whatever day you choose, plant another row so that you always have fresh leaves to eat.
Many other greens are the same way, such as Swiss chard, Asian greens, cress, mustard greens, and kale. Some of the small radishes are also ready in about 30 days. So you should get all of these things going.
At the same time, start planting things that take longer so you can have fresh vegetables to eat later on.
Good Tuesday morning. It is 8am and still a bit foggy outside. The ADT man is here fixing something for David. Nacho brought two helpers and they are out back digging for the septic tank I think. David texted saying not to use the water. Good thing I am ready for the day. It is supposed to get up from 61° to 89° today and it already feels hot out.
I need to go open the store and start cleaning the grow tower this morning. Fun times. Then I will plant but it may not be today. I was going to work in my growing area putting a grow box together but there is a man out there digging my area all up. I have no idea what is going on.
I ordered some more peanut seeds from a different grower this morning.
We have had several customers this morning buying seeds but I did not sell any plants yet. It took me a few hours, but I was finally able to clean the grow tower and replant it. I planted seven varieties of leaf lettuce because it is food to grow fast. We can eat some and the animals will love the fresh greens as they always do.
Well, the septic has been found but now we cannot find anyone to pump
it out. Hopefully, someone will come. You will be happy to know that it
is right by my greenhouse so they had to dig up right by the entrance. At least they found it unlike the last time we tried.
Also, our pest control people said they will not spray our church as there are too many regulations for a church. I do not understand. I thought they would be happy for the business. I think it is very strange that no one wants to spray for bugs and do mouse control. This church was established back in the 1880s so it really needs some pest control.
Today's food to grow fast is tomatoes. There are some tomatoes that take 50 to 60 days to harvest like Tycoon tomatoes and Sungold tomatoes. There are actually many more than these and we do carry the tomato seeds. Currently, we also have hundreds of beautiful tomato plants that we planted ourselves back in December.
Now, most of the bigger tomatoes take between 80 and 90 days before they put on fruit and it ripens. Plant the seeds now along with the quicker tomatoes so you have good food later. If you live around us, come by and purchase some of our tomato plants and you will have a jump start on tomatoes. We also have other vegetables and herbs growing for purchase.
Here are some more quick growing tomato varieties:
Right now, February of 2023, we have all of the above seeds but it is time to buy your spring seeds so they are going fast. Our spring seed orders are coming in hard and fast each day. They will be sold out before spring planting.
Good morning and happy Wednesday! It is 9:50am, 81° Fahrenheit and the temperature is supposed to reach 90°. I was just standing outside with customers awaiting a greenhouse tour and I am sweating already. We are in the middle of a job interview and we have two sets of customers who came in at the same time. Brendon and Matt are out back moving dirt so a delivery truck can get through to deliver some gravel for a project in the back.
We did a job interview this morning and in the midst of it, several customers showed up. They all wanted to see the plants in the greenhouse. David took them and the interviewee to show them what all is going on. We hired her and she starts tomorrow, mostly doing outdoor work since our outdoor guy hasn't come back in over a week. It has been a busy day and I am exhausted. It is only 11:37am but it has been very full.
Time to restock the store again. That is pretty much all I did on this past Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday.
Good news! My Tennessee Red peanut seeds just arrived.
The customers just keep coming in, some buying seeds, some buying plants, some buying both. It hit 90° at 2pm and it is hot! The sky is bright blue and it feels like it is time to plant but we still have a few weeks left of possible frost. My guess is we are in the clear but we are not putting anything in the ground yet.
Sometime after 4pm today, the gravel that David ordered this morning came in. It is for the septic system. Some of the pipes collapsed which is why we had a pool of nasty water in the back. So that was dug up earlier this week. Now the plan is to put gravel in there (I think) and then fill it back in. Anyway, David said I cannot use any water at the house starting at noon tomorrow through Friday. Fun times!
The dump truck dumped a lot of gravel in the back and then coming forward, almost to the driveway, he got stuck. He jiggled the truck a lot while driving it and finally dumped the rest of his load and got unstuck.
A few hours later, at our next door neighbor's house, two loads of gravel were delivered and those trucks were stuck into the night. They were out there for hours with different tractors trying to get the trucks unstuck. Somewhere close to 10pm, the last truck got unstuck and left.
We are planning ahead and this evening, we booked a lovely trip that won't happen until 2024 but I am so excited. Of course, last time we booked a trip a year in advance, Covid happened and the trip was canceled two weeks before we were to set sail. A year of planning and stupid covid happened. I still have an unused passport. Hopefully, this time, my passport will be stamped...Did I mention how excited I am?
***UPDATE February 2024*** The trip was to Israel in November of 2024 but it just got canceled because of the war in Israel. We have to wait for four months to get a refund which is ridiculous.
Arugula, broccoli raab, green onions, chicory, sorrel, leeks and red leaf vegetable amaranth all take between 40 and 60 days to grow. Get them in the ground as soon as the danger of frost is past.
These leafy vegetables bring flavor to any dish, can be sauteed and added to dishes, or can be put into soups and stews, adding flavor and nutrition.
It is foggy outside again this morning and 67°. Matt took Pamela and Sue Ellen to be groomed at 7:40am. The new person we hired yesterday starts today. She will be working outside.
Matt took the puppies to be groomed early this morning. I had to go out and feed the chickens, rabbits, and guineas.
Tomorrow, they will be working on our septic system so I cannot use the water at the house for the rest of the day and tomorrow while they work. Fun times! I got all of my laundry done last night and I turned the breakfast dishes on to wash this morning.
It is currently 12:30pm and I have been so busy with customers. Three lovely ladies drove all the way up just to see us from Corpus Christi. They bought a lot of plants, seeds, and other things. Another lady from Leakey came to see us. David grew up in Leakey so that is always special. Then we had people who live a bit closer. We are thankful for all of you who come out and visit our farm. There are still a lot of tomato seedlings but all of the jalapenos and ghost peppers are sold out. We still have the seeds for them, though.
It did not get hot here today. It still relatively cool, just in the 70s. I spent the evening filling out passport forms for the travel agency for our trip next year and buying travel insurance which I did not feel was user friendly. I finally figured it all out in my home office. Meanwhile, I missed an entire episode of Perry Mason and I started long before David went in the den and turned it on. I hope I did everything right. I thought I had plenty of time to purchase the travel insurance but I got an introductory email from the travel agency saying I had 15 days. So I got it and hopefully, I am done for a while.
Beets and bush beans are good food to grow fast. They take about 60 days to grow big enough to eat. They both do well in the cooler temperatures in early spring and in the fall. Bush beans are prolific and will continue to produce until the first frost of the fall takes them out.
Good morning. It is 61° and chilly outside. The skies are overcast and the high is supposed to be 69°. It is currently 9:45am and I am filling the pond. Last weekend, when I checked the forecast, it was supposed to be over 80° every day for the next two weeks. Funny how things can change on a dime.
A septic expert was out here this morning looking at the dug up septic work that was done back in 2019. He said they did it all wrong, laying the wrong pipe on the bottom and the inclines are wrong. This guy put in the David's Garden Seeds® septic system, but not our home septic system. Back then, we had to go with the company that Palm Harbor is contracted with. They did it all wrong and the pipes crushed and we have had a major leak back near the chicken coop for about two years. So we finally got it all dug up earlier this week. Now Nacho and his crew fixed the pipes so the correct ones are up on top and they are filling the ground with gravel. I really have no idea exactly how this all works but hopefully it will be better once they are done today.
Our pest control guy is coming in a few minutes. He comes once a month so we don't have bug problems in our buildings. He takes care of our home once a quarter. His sister told me yesterday that they choose not to service churches because there are so many regulations having to do with child care. I told her our church doesn't have a nursery, a day care or child care as there are no children but they will not take care of it. That is their company policy. I hope the church can find someone who will spray for bugs and get rid of rodents soon.
I need to snap together a Greenstalk vertical garden tower that is not hydroponics out by my greenhouse today so I can get ready to plant. I will be putting some miniature tomato plants and herbs in it. I really want to get it put together today but so far, I am stuck in the store as Matt and David left to go run some errands.
The trench for my potatoes still has not been dug. It is time to get them in the ground. My peanut seeds are in so I need to get an area ready for them but I cannot plant them until April.
I recently got a new PCP (primary care physician) out here and I need to go early in the morning for fasting blood work and then get back and open the store for Saturday customers. I hate starving and I hate having blood work done. I have not had any done in a while and the new doctor wants a baseline on me. Our PCP out of San Antonio retired last year and it has been hard finding a new doctor. We decided to go with one in Pleasanton because it is easier to get there than go through the hassle of driving all the way into San Antonio. We have to go there for David's surgeon, his cardiologist, our podiatrist, and our dentist which is more than enough San Antonio trips throughout the year.
I just checked the grow tower in the Farm Store and guess what? About half of the pods are already growing lettuce! I am so excited. I just planted on Tuesday. Put lettuce on your food to grow fast list. Plant many varieties, a little each week so every week, some will be ready to eat. Do not plant it all at once, just enough for your family to eat each week.
The septic tank and pipes got taken care of and are all covered up again. We are using the water in the house again. It is 5pm and I am closing up shop. I have to fast after dinner tonight until tomorrow morning when I will get to donate vials of my blood to times!
We had some nice customers come in today for seeds and plants and the high was only 68°. Around 3:30pm, I went out back and put together my first Greenstalk planter. Once I figured it out, it was easy to put together. I cannot wait to start planting in it. I plan to put herbs and some dwarf tomato plants that I am growing. I am excited.
Yes, the Farm Store will be open from 10am until 2pm tomorrow. My appointment is very early in the morning so we should be back in plenty of time to open. We still have about 2,000 or so plants, mostly tomatoes. David will plant more jalapeno and serrano peppers this weekend since those went first and quickest. Everyone keeps asking for them.
Food to grow fast, in 45 to 60 days, also include peas and summer squash. Winter squash and pumpkins take between 90 and 120 days so we are not including them.
You can grow all sorts of peas in up to 60 days including snow peas, shelling peas, Southern peas, and your favorite and mine, sugar snap peas! Yum!
Summer squash varieties grow pretty quickly with the Zephyr, which is part yellow and part green taking just 45 days.
Well, good morning. It is now 11am and it has been a busy morning. I survived my bloodwork over in Pleasanton at 7:30am and then got an egg McMuffin! We came back and we have half of our crew plus Nacho and his crew working on things. I watered my greenhouse before I opened the store. David made several trips with customers out to the greenhouse and now I have a store full of them.
David and some of the crew planted jalapeno and serrano pepper seeds in the greenhouse so we will have more for our customers. The others went super fast. We still have hundreds of tomato seedlings for sale. There are many varieties so please don't ask. I could never name them all. There are many trays and each tray is a different variety of 18 plants. It is a very long greenhouse packed full of seedlings for sale. There are herb seedlings and other vegetable seedlings as well. Just go out and look, please. Several men were insisting that I tell them all of the varieties. I cannot because I don't keep up with how many of each are sold. I just ring them up and get people checked out as quickly as I can because there are others waiting in line.
So the day went on like this until 1pm. Starting 1pm, no one came for the entire last hour. I closed up the store and started for home. A truck pulled up. I opened the store so this man could buy some cucumber seeds.
I went home and started some laundry and did the dishes. The store doorbell went off at 3pm. I looked and there was a truck with a lady trying to get in the store. David was in his office so I texted him. He said no so I stayed where I was. She drove off. Turns out, he did not see the truck so he was telling me no one was there when I was telling him that someone was there. About 40 minutes later, another family drove up and this time he texted me to come out and wait on them. He unlocked the store and let them in. So I had to go over there and help them and ring them up. Meanwhile, the automatic gate had shut so I had to go over to the gate and manually let them out.
I came back home and went out to my greenhouse. I separated some of my dwarf orange hat tomato plants and replanted them. Then I made multiple cuttings of citronella plants to grow with rooting hormone. I hope they take off soon so we can sell a lot of citronella plants. We do have some ready and if it stays warm, we will be bringing them out to the plant area in the parking lot for purchase.
It has been really inconvenient to find someone to take out to the greenhouse. I can't do it and wait on other customers at the same time. I no longer have a store helper so I have to rely on others. Of course, the cell phone tower goes out a lot here or others are out back working on things.
Matt grilled steaks for the hilarious Svengoolie movie tonight, Gargantua. I had never even heard of it before.
Potatoes are a relatively food to grow fast. When you harvest them, they will last for a good six months to a year if you store them properly. Once you plant the seed potatoes, they take 90 to 120 days before you can dig them up, eat, and store them. That is three to four months. Start planting them about three weeks before the final frost of spring and in three to four months, you will have delicious, versatile potatoes! Here is more information on growing potatoes.
Other popular garden vegetables can take between 70 days and 120 days. Asparagus takes about two years before you can start eating it so it does not qualify as food to grow fast. But the good thing is that once you leave it alone for two or three years so it can get established, you can eat it for 15 to 20 years if you take good care of it. Plant a lot so you can enjoy it and save some for later.
Well, here we are on the last day of our food to grow fast talk. Happy Sunday! I am not feeling well so I will not be going to church today. I had a rough night. It just rained here at 6am for all of five seconds. I mean it poured and stopped. It is 69°. It will be hitting 84° Fahrenheit today.
I have a lot more things to plant today which I am hoping to get done. I will be planting some herbs, some flowers, and some TAM Uvalde cantaloupes. It should be fun. I noticed that David has moved some tomato plants for us into my greenhouse. He set aside some tomatoes for us in his greenhouse and the customers kept grabbing them up and buying them. So at least now, we will be having some tomato plants this spring for us and for Matt.
I realize that this isn't gardening but a food to grow fast can be chicken eggs. If you get baby chicks, in four to six months, you will start getting eggs every day and, trust me, then you will be in food. A chicken lays an egg every 26 hours or so which means you won't get one egg a day from each chicken. They will sort of take turns. In the scheme of things, you only have to wait for four months before you start getting protein from them.
You will have to take care of and feed the chickens as they grow. They eat a lot of table scraps and greens that you grow in your garden as well as grains and worms. You should provide shelter to protect them where they can stay warm and dry at night and away from predators.
Chickens are fun and easy to take care of. You need to feed and water them every day and keep their home clean. In return, they are very entertaining to watch and they provide you with a delicious protein to feed your family. Here is more information on how to raise chickens if you are interested.
The secret to getting and keeping eggs as food to grow fast is to add to your flock with new baby chicks each year. The first year, chickens don't molt or stop laying like they do over the next years. For the first two years, I had some baby chickens and lots of eggs. This past spring, I did not add any and now we are hardly getting any eggs. It has been like this for months. I will definitely be adding baby chicks this spring.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!