Beach Crafts

I love the beach! Making beach crafts is one way to bring a bit of the beach home with you.

Shell crafts are fun to make and they are easy to do. If you love to collect shells as much as I do when you go to the beach, you will enjoy making these crafts.

Do you love candles? They can make your dinner party or wedding tables elegant. Have you ever made your own candles? I have. It is easy to do. How about using some of the larger shells you have found at the beach to make candles for your wedding reception?

Easy Beach Crafts

Mini glass jars filled with beach sand and tiny shells make great pendants. I have sold these at craft shows.Mini glass jars filled with beach sand and tiny shells make great pendants. I have sold these at craft shows.
Mini glass jars filled with beach sand and tiny shells make great pendants. I have sold these at craft shows.Mini glass jars filled with beach sand and tiny shells make great pendants. I have sold these at craft shows. Note the different colors of sand in the two photos.

I bought some mini glass jars in two sizes, put different colors of sand in them and tiny shells for gorgeous beach charms that can be added to chains for pendants. Just be careful because the glass will break if the charm is dropped on a hard surface.

Easy Shell Candles

Clean up some of the larger shells that are the shape of clam shells, the bigger the better. Buy some candle wicks that are about three inches long, the kind with the metal piece at the bottom of the wick. Place the metal piece in the bottom of the shell. Pour some candle gel into each shell close to the top of the shell and let it harden. Easy!

Or, melt some regular candle wax in a double boiler. Add some candle scent and candle wax color, if desired. Slowly and carefully pour some of the melted wax into the shell, making sure that the wick stays in the middle of the shell. Let the candles harden for several hours without moving them. These beach crafts make great centerpieces.

Beach Wedding Candles

To make beach craft candles, you will need:

-Clear glass jars. Mason jars for canning work well. You will find these at the grocery store or you can actually buy glass jars for candles at craft stores or online.

-Tiny aquarium stones in green or blue for a fish aquarium. You can find these cheap in the fish aisle at WalMart.

-Small seashells, beach glass, rocks, and/or marbles. These can be found at WalMart and Dollar Tree, as well as at craft stores.

-Candlewicks with the metal on the bottom end. I buy mine at Michael's craft store.

-Clear candle gel. I buy it at Michael's or Hobby Lobby.

-A good pair of scissors to cut the wick.

First, make sure all of the jars are clean and dry.

Pour a small amount of aquarium stones into the glass jars until they are about one inch high at the bottom of each jar. This makes a great base for your candle.

Now bury the metal portion of the wick under the gravel, right in the center of the jar. Leave the rest of the wick standing up in the center.

Next, choose some tiny seashells, sea glass, and/or marbles in any combination and place those in your jar, making sure the wick stays in the center. About an inch to maybe 1 1/2 inches will do.

Now pour the candle gel into each jar, filling them up until your reach 1/2 inch to 1 inch from the top of the jar. Make sure your candle wick stands straight up in the center.

Place the candles where they will be undisturbed for at least 12 hours. Do not move them during this time so that the gel will harden somewhat and so that air bubbles will rise and escape.

Once they have set, trim your candle wicks so 1/2 inch is sticking out of the candle. Do not trim the wicks shorter than this or you will have difficulty lighting them. Place one at the center of each table, or place several on longer tables. They also make nice favors if you can afford to make enough for all of the adults. These candle crafts will be a hit at your party. Enjoy.

Other Beach Crafts

Shell Candle Holders

Return from Beach Crafts to Make Clay For Kids

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