Mrs. David's Garden Seeds®

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Hydrogenated vegetable oil is in a lot of our prepared foods in the United States. This oil is helping to ruin the health of Americans. How? It has been linked with poor health like inflammation, heart problems, and diabetes. Back in the 1970s, I remember commercials on TV touting the goodness of clean, healthy vegetable oil instead of lard. Those commercials were so wrong.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil - 10/7-10/13/2024

Monday, October 7, 2024

This is a Pride of Barbados plant I found at a rest stop yesterday on the way to Leakey. I cannot wait until my plants are big enough to bloom.This is a Pride of Barbados plant I found at a rest stop yesterday on the way to Leakey. I cannot wait until my plants are big enough to bloom.

Good Monday morning! The air is cool and almost crisp this morning. It is 67° but will get up to 94°. One of my new Pride of Barbados is up! The others are doing well. Hopefully, the other four that I replanted will germinate soon.

My Pride of Barbados seedlings along with 4 pots that still have not germinated. We will remain hopeful.My Pride of Barbados seedlings along with 4 pots that still have not germinated. We will remain hopeful.

Our seed counting employee is off today so it is up to Matt and me to get all of the orders out. Our orders have gone way up because we are donating 12% of every order to Samaritan's Purse to help the hurricane victims in the South. We are doing this all of this week through Saturday night so please make an order to help those people. The government sure isn't doing much for them.

We had several in store customers today and the orders are pouring in, big orders. The largest one so far since we started collecting for Samaritan's Purse is $504! Thank you to everyone who is ordering. Together, we can help to make a difference in the lives of some of the people who will be helped by Samaritan's Purse. Now, Hurricane Milton is due to hit Florida on Thursday and it is a category five. What is going on? Hopefully, everyone evacuates before it hits.

Life is full of hurts and disappointments. Things happen in a split second that you would never have dreamed of. Weather strikes. People say or do things to hurt others. Terrible illness can strike. Companies lay people off. Sick people hurt or kill others. So many bad things can happen. We need to remember that:

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1


Trump and I went for a walk before sunset. He so loves to walk and carry his leash in his mouth. In his mind, I am special. He is always looking for me and when he hears my voice or sees me, he barks for me.

This is what I saw as I put the chickens away this evening at 7:14pm.This is what I saw as I put the chickens away this evening at 7:14pm.

I think the cell phone tower is finally turned on. For the past three weeks, they have worked on it off and on. Sometimes now, we get two bars instead of one. Customers have been saying since last week that they can now get a signal when they are here. We have had a couple of phone calls in the past few days that were not breaking up.

The cell tower at sunset with a crescent moon and subtle pink skies.

I went over to the pond to feed the fish after work and there was some freaky thing in there floating with claws up. I finally managed to grab it with the net. I believe it was a gopher, floating upside down. It was pretty big and fat and I cannot imagine why it went into the pond. That was a first.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Look at all of these foods cooked in hydrogenated vegetable oil. As Americans, most of us eat these foods almost every day.Look at all of these foods cooked in hydrogenated vegetable oil. As Americans, most of us eat these foods almost every day.

Have you ever taken a moment to wonder about the ingredients in your food? Today, we're going to talk about something that sticks around in many prepackaged foods: hydrogenated vegetable oil.

You might see hydrogenated vegetable oil listed on the back of chips, cookies, and even some breads. It sounds harmless, right? But what exactly is it, and why is it in your food?

Hydrogenated vegetable oil is created when hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oils to make them solid. This process, called hydrogenation, increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods.

Companies use hydrogenated vegetable oil in many prepackaged foods to keep them from spoiling too quickly. This is especially common in the United States grocery stores. It helps products last longer, which is great for business but not so great for your health.

These oils are found in a wide range of products. Think of items like margarine (which became extremely popular in the 1970s as a health food-this is false-butter is better), baked goods, snack foods, and even some fried foods. If you tend to buy prepackaged food, chances are high that you've consumed hydrogenated vegetable oil and probably every single day if you are an American who does not cook at home from scratch.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

White sage growing in our keyhole garden is by the chicken yard.White sage growing in our keyhole garden is by the chicken yard.

Good morning, friends. I woke up at 4:36am and could not get back to sleep trying to figure things out in my mind. I hate it when that happens, don't you? You know that expression that it takes a house to fall on you? Well, it finally fell on me. Well, I finally got this thing all figured out. Fun times.

Then I got up and went into my home office, only to find big spots of dog diarrhea all over the carpet. Unbelievable, especially when I just cleaned it all up last night. Apparently, Ethel is sick. So I got it all cleaned up and I heard a scary noise that sounded like it came from a lion!

Sue Ellen apparently was eating some grass and got some stickers caught in her throat. She was trying to clear her throat and it sounded scary and awful. She finally stopped and then David turned on the light in the living room. More diarrhea and two big piles of barf. I am thinking the diarrhea was from Ethel but the two large piles of barf were from Sue Ellen trying to hack it all up. There was one pile with a lot of grass in it. For some reason, the dogs all love to eat grass and leaves while they are outside and some of them upset their stomachs. This was the worst.

What fun ways for me to start this day. I finally got everything cleaned up and it is now 7:25am. This is not what I had planned for the day. I try not to give too many details in my posts, but sometimes,real life is rough, it hurts, it stinks, it is not what we want or wish for.

Getting back to farm life, the air feels so cool and nice outside right now. It is 66° but the weather is calling for 95°. The plants are starting to look so much better than before because at least the nights are cool, giving them a much needed break.

The tomato plants that were not purchased are now looking beautiful in the ground where they have been planted. All they needed was some cooler weather and a place to spread out their roots. We should have a lot of good fall tomatoes as well as many other things that are benefiting from the cooler weather.

Hopefully, we have a full crew today because David and I have doctor appointments this morning and Matt has one this afternoon. There are a lot more orders to fill thanks to all of you, which means that much more help for the people of North Carolina through Samaritan's Purse.

October Is Pastor Appreciation Month


My husband and I were in ministry after four very full years of Bible College. It is a hard and lonely life being the pastor and the pastor's wife. Read the statistics above. We have three children, all raised in the church but now, not one of them attends church. Pray for your pastor and his family. What we went through in the various churches was awful. I am glad we are no longer in that position.

Even though we are no longer in ministry, recently we went through a horrible time at the church we were members of. The pastor quit and the members asked David to serve until they found another pastor. That turned out to be bad because even though we were not being paid, we were being treated with contempt. Many no longer spoke to us and others argued with David about everything he preached. He preached from the Bible and he taught from the Baptist pamphlet about what Baptists believe that was put out by the Baptist church. He was told that nothing he said was true, yet he read stuff directly from the Bible and the Baptist pamphlet. It was unbelievable.

We always try to appreciate our pastors in some special way in October because we were treated like crap during ministry. The amazing thing is that even though we gave and gave and gave, and were not paid at all by the church, we were still treated like crap. This just happened this year so it still stings, even though we have been out of ministry for almost 20 years.

Do something nice for your pastor. Take him out for lunch or dinner or even coffee. Treat him with respect. Be nice to his wife and children. Treat them the way that Jesus would. If you don't know how to treat someone with kindness and respect, read your Bible. If only someone would have treated us that way instead of the constant fighting and ugliness when we were in ministry. 

Ethel after she was groomed. She did not fell well before or after and has been doing some number twos on the floor.Ethel after she was groomed. She did not fell well before or after and has been doing some number twos on the floor.

We took Ethel and Trump to be groomed, went by the bank to deposit a payroll deductions check, and then went to the doctor's office for eye exams. Afterward, I tried to pay for the glasses and the card would not go through. I tried again, knowing there is money in there. Yesterday was payday. Turns out the bill was over the limited amount of my money that I can spend in a day. So, for the first time ever, I had to call the bank and ask their permission to spend my hard earned money to buy myself some glasses. I have never had to do something so ridiculous before. It was humiliating and just added to the glory of the day.

David did not have to get glasses. I found him shopping for groceries when I finally paid. Then the dog groomer called so we had to quickly leave and pick up the Trumpster and Ethel.

I am currently shipping out seed orders. The sky is bright and sunny. It is 95°. Some nice customers came by.

Clipping our hens' wings.Clipping our hens' wings.

After work, Matt went out to collect the eggs for me and one of the hens had flown over the fence for the first time. My understanding is that they molt and lose feathers in the fall and they grow them back in time for winter. Ha ha ha! There are feathers all over, but the silly things have already grown new feathers so we have to cut the wing feathers again tomorrow. Last fall, they did not have the outside yard so we did not go through this.

Feathers, feathers everywhere!Feathers, feathers everywhere!

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Here it is--a big jar of hydrogenated vegetable oil. It helps prepared packaged foods to last longer on store shelves.Here it is--a big jar of hydrogenated vegetable oil. It helps prepared packaged foods to last longer on store shelves.

Now, you might be wondering why hydrogenated vegetable oil is considered bad. So, let's break it down.

One major issue is trans fats. Hydrogenated vegetable oils contain trans fats, which are known to raise bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and lower good cholesterol levels (HDL).

When you consume trans fats regularly, it increases your risk of developing heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the United States.

You might be thinking, "How much of a difference can it really make?" Well, let's talk numbers. Even a small amount of trans fat can have big negative effects.

Studies have shown that consuming just 2% of your total daily calories from trans fats can increase your risk of heart disease by 23%. That's a scary statistic when you think about it!

Another health concern linked to hydrogenated vegetable oil is inflammation. Trans fats can cause inflammation in your body, which has been connected to various chronic diseases.

Chronic inflammation can lead to conditions like diabetes, arthritis, and even some types of cancer. So, avoiding hydrogenated vegetable oils can significantly benefit your long-term health.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

6 Pride of Barbados plants have come up. Just waiting on the 4 empty pots. I replanted them this week.6 Pride of Barbados plants have come up. Just waiting on the 4 empty pots. I replanted them this week.

Well, good morning! I had a much better night last night and I did not try to solve all of my problems in the middle of the night like the night before. I get an email with a Bible verse each day and here is the one that came for today:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

I think it is good to compare different translations.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV

Today, David has to go to the dentist. I will be working on the farm. We need to go check on some of the fruit trees and see if they are ready to harvest this morning. We have some apples, figs, and pomegranates. Also, last night, just before dark, I saw that there were two new Pride of Barbados just showing some green popping up out of the dirt so I am excited to see how many more have come up. I still have more seeds left. After checking, two more are up!

I have to clean the pond and I have to remember to fill up the hydroponic tower with water this morning.

The meat chicks are getting chubby!The meat chicks are getting chubby! They are 5 weeks old today.

The meat chicks are really getting big now. Tomorrow they will be five weeks old. Oh, yes, Matt needs to clip the hens' wings so they don't fly over the fence anymore. If they get out, a predator might chow down on them.

This morning's harvest from some of our orchard trees.This morning's harvest from some of our orchard trees.

I am in the process now of cleaning the pond. David went to the dentist. Matt is watering and picking some tomatoes that are already ripe. He and I went out to the orchard and picked some apples, figs, pomegranates, and persimmons!

We didn't even know any persimmons were ready but we had them on 4 different trees.We didn't even know any persimmons were ready but we had them on 4 different trees.
Matt picking a few fall apples.Matt picking a few fall apples.

There were a few Ruby Crush Grape tomatoes ready. We picked them and they are so sweet! We found a cucumber that is almost ready to be picked.

These Ruby Crush Grape tomatoes are some of the sweetest I have tasted.These Ruby Crush Grape tomatoes are some of the sweetest I have tasted.
This mini cucumber is almost ready to pick.This mini cucumber is almost ready to pick.
I don't know whose they are but these turkeys came a calling today. LOL!I don't know whose they are but these turkeys came a calling today. LOL!

Some turkeys casually strolled down the road right by our front gate a little while ago. It was the funniest thing.

The afternoon went quickly with orders, computer updates, and customers. David made a really good duck soup for dinner. It was an experiment. He doesn't like any of my soups so he decided to make one with leftover duck that we had. It was good. The broth was very tasty. He put duck, onion, carrots, and potatoes in it. He did not put any celery, parsley, or noodles in it like I do. Apparently, he doesn't like any of these things, yet he always insists on having celery in the house. Go figure.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Kitchen chefs making food in hydrogenated vegetable oil.Kitchen chefs making food in hydrogenated vegetable oil.

You might be asking yourself why these oils are still used if they're so harmful. The main reason? They're cheap and efficient for food manufacturers and our American government does not care. 

Making food at home from scratch is one way to avoid these oils, but it's not always practical for everyone. Still, being aware of what you're consuming is the first step toward better health.

Now, let's delve into the specifics of how hydrogenated vegetable oil affects our health on a deeper level.

One major impact of hydrogenated vegetable oil is on your cardiovascular system. The trans fats found in these oils have been directly linked to the buildup of plaque in your arteries.

This buildup, called atherosclerosis, can restrict blood flow and increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. It's a serious condition that affects millions of Americans every year.

But the cardiovascular system isn't the only part of your body at risk. Your liver is also heavily impacted by the consumption of hydrogenated vegetable oil.

The liver is responsible for processing fats, and trans fats are particularly tricky for it to handle. Consuming too many trans fats can overwhelm your liver and lead to fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver disease can result in liver inflammation, scarring, and even liver failure if left untreated. It's a hidden danger lurking in many common foods.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

One of the 3 new Pride of Barbados plants that have come up this week.One of the 3 new Pride of Barbados plants that have come up this week.

Good morning. The air feels so nice at 60° right now. I just previewed our mail and we are getting three envelopes from the county tax assessor/collector today. Fun, fun times!

I tried to order more checks yesterday for the business. The cost has really gone up. Fifty checks for $127 from Harland Clarke! That is crazy. I looked on the internet and there are actually other check companies. I tried one. I got 204 checks for $126. So I got more than four times the number of checks mailed with tracking than what we have been paying. The kicker is that the payment is still processed by Harland Clarke. I actually used to work for them years ago, in between insurance processing jobs.

Today promises to be a stay on the farm and get some work done day which will be good. There is so much to do. Three new Pride of Barbados plants have emerged from the dirt now.

Kitty with me. You can see how thrilled she is to be held!Kitty with me. You can see how thrilled she is to be held!

Happy 15th birthday to Kitty! Kitty is Matt's cat that he did not take with him when he left home. She is old but still quite feisty.

Well, I was going to stay on the farm all day. Early this morning, David took Pamela and Sue Ellen to be groomed. Michelle showed up to clean and then David got back and decided to go to Hondo. He asked me to go so I went. We went to Medina for some fertilizers. They have a new one for root vegetables so David got some of that as well. Then we went to the meat market across the street and the lady behind the counter said something to my husband. Then he said, "You don't know who I am, do you?"

I said,  "Why would she?"

Turns out, she is a classmate of his from Leakey but she really looked different. I sure didn't recognize her. We got a few meats and then headed for home.

Matt ordered lunch from the Filipino food truck and it got here shortly after we arrived back on the farm. I started to eat and then customers came for onion seeds--Texas 1015Y to be exact. They bought four packs. Others have been calling us to see if we have them. This is the time of year to plant them. Also, do a second planting in November or December.

It is now 2pm and 93° here. The sky is clear. Our plants are beginning to put out fruits because of the coolness in the mornings.

I finished updating the Amazon site for now. It is almost time to close up shop.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Do not eat things made with hydrogenated vegetable oil.Do not eat things made with hydrogenated vegetable oil.

Moving onto the topic of weight gain, hydrogenated vegetable oil can also play a role here. Trans fats are believed to contribute to weight gain more easily than other types of fats. No wonder a majority of Americans, including myself, are overweight.

This is because trans fats can interfere with the body's ability to regulate its metabolism. When your metabolism is thrown off balance, it's easier to gain weight, especially around the abdomen.

Another stealthy way hydrogenated vegetable oils impact health is through diabetes. Studies have shown that trans fats can negatively affect insulin sensitivity.

Insulin is the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. When your body becomes less sensitive to insulin, blood sugar levels can spike, leading to type 2 diabetes.

We should also consider how these oils affect children's health. Kids are often targeted by the food industry with snacks that contain hydrogenated vegetable oil.

Consuming these unhealthy oils from a young age can set the stage for chronic health issues later in life. It is important for parents to read labels and make informed choices for their children.

Now you might be thinking, "What can I do about this?" The good news is, there are plenty of steps you can take to avoid hydrogenated vegetable oil.

First and foremost, read labels carefully when you shop. Look for words like "partially hydrogenated" on the ingredient list. It's a tell-tale sign that the product contains trans fats.

Opt for products that use natural oils like olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, safflower oil, or avocado oil. These are healthier alternatives that don’t come with the same health risks. In place of the oil in baked goods, you can try adding applesauce.

Friday, October 11, 2024

I love the pretty blue plumbago flowers. They are so cheery.I love the pretty blue plumbago flowers. They are so cheery.

Good morning! Another Friday is here. I no longer get excited like I used to about Fridays because now I also have to work on Saturdays. We are all up super early, 5:15am. There is a hint of skunk in the air outside. I took Ethel out and noticed it right away. As soon as she finished up, I got her inside and went to the other side of the yard and let the rest of the gang in. We definitely don't need any dogs being sprayed. Been there, done that.

I got a lot done this morning. I sent out a reminder email about our 12% donation on all seed sales through tomorrow night to go to Samaritan's Purse to help hurricane victims.

There were about 20 bees buzzing all over the Wandering Jews we have in the parking lot this morning because they now have flowers. This one posed for a photo.There were about 20 bees buzzing all over the Wandering Jews we have in the parking lot this morning because they now have flowers. This one posed for a photo.
This bee is hovering from one flower to another.This bee is hovering from one flower to another.

I did some more Amazon updating to the listings. I went out and watered my plant area. There is actually a brand new Pride of Barbados coming up now! I took some food out to the chickens from the kitchen and I took Trump for a lovely walk around the compound. As we walked, we saw a lot of our bees all over the purple wandering Jew flowers in our parking lot.

The cool air was nice at 65° but now it is already 75° and will climb to 93° today. I saw the forecast that shows a cold front coming through next Wednesday. Temperatures will be in the 80s! That is awesome good news!

Somehow, I twisted my back this morning and it has been hurting. I winced quite a bit while I filled orders. We had several customers today and I sold seven dozen eggs.

This afternoon, I fell asleep at my desk so I went in the house to take a nap, something I rarely do. I woke up way too early this morning. Trump somehow escaped and joined me on the couch in the living room. he took a nap on my lap. My phone hit him and woke us both up. I took him out walking in the parking lot and a family drove up to shop at 4:30pm. I took him in the house and rushed back out to wait on the family. Matt took off to go pick up his new glasses.

I closed the store and came in to feed everyone in here. I still have not been out to take care of the animals in the back. I just feel so sluggish. I have the dishes going and I am about to fold some laundry, all fun things to do on a Friday evening. I hope I get some good sleep this evening on the couch. Some nights, I get my best sleep there with the TV on, before I go to bed. Once I get in bed, I find it difficult to sleep because then I think through problems and concerns. Does anyone else do that? I try not to but all through the night when I wake up, it happens.

On a happier note, everything that we planted is looking so good now that it is getting cooler at night. We've already picked some cherry tomatoes. Little green beans are growing and more. They will do even better next week when temperatures stop hitting 95° plus. All we need now is some rain. We have not had any in a very long time. Of course, we water but there is nothing like God's rain to make things grow well.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

More cooks making foods in hydrogenated vegetable oil.More cooks making foods in hydrogenated vegetable oil.

Another tip is to cook more meals at home from scratch. This way, you have complete control over the ingredients and can ensure you're avoiding harmful oils.

You could try swapping out margarine with real butter or other healthier spread options. Margarine is a common source of hydrogenated vegetable oil, and swapping it out is a simple yet effective change. Definitely do this. When I was a kid, margarine was cheaper than butter as it still is so that is what we ate. Honestly, butter tastes better and it is healthier.

Also, deep-fried foods might taste good, but many of them are cooked in hydrogenated oils. Consider opting for baked or grilled options when you're eating out or cooking at home.

It's also helpful to stay informed about nutrition guidelines and food regulations. The FDA has taken steps to reduce trans fats in foods, but they are still present in many products.

Some cities and states have implemented trans fat bans in restaurants, but this isn't consistent across the United States. Being informed will help you make the best choices for your health.

Additionally, spreading awareness can go a long way. Talk to your friends and family about the dangers of hydrogenated vegetable oil so they can make informed choices too. Friends, this is why I am giving you this article and the many other health awareness articles I have written on this website.

Small changes can add up over time. Reducing your intake of hydrogenated vegetable oils can significantly lower your risk of health problems in the long run.

Also consider the broader impact, such as advocating for better food labeling laws. Consumer awareness can drive policy changes to protect public health. One way is to vote for Donald Trump on November 5, 2024. That way, he can put RFK Jr. in charge of our food. He is supporting Donald Trump so he can work to fix our broken foods in the United States. He is against chemicals in our food.

On top of that, we should support businesses that prioritize health by using better ingredients. Choosing brands that avoid hydrogenated oils sends a message to the industry. Stop eating fast foods that are fried in hydrogenated vegetable oil.

You have the power to make healthier choices for yourself and your family. Every step you take to reduce hydrogenated vegetable oil in your diet is a step toward a healthier future.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Good Saturday morning. I got up while it was still dark and let out the dogs on one side of the house, then took Ethel out on the other side. The air felt wonderful at 59°! I got everyone back in and fed them all. Then I went to the kitchen to make an egg casserole and it started to get light.

I began to notice those really cool bands of fog that appear here in the fall. I grabbed the phone and ran outside.

I love these bands of fog that are around sometimes on fall mornings. This is the first one of the season. Isn't it so cool?

I continued to watch as I made a delicious egg casserole. It was so good. Then the sun appeared and the fog got thicker.


It looks sort of snowy with the thick fog, doesn't it?

What a beautiful sunrise we had this morning!What a beautiful sunrise we had this morning!

I caught the sun just as it was coming up all flaming...We enjoyed the egg casserole with ham, cheese, and mushrooms. Then I went out and fed the fish, chickens, rabbits, meat birds, and goats.

I have the orders done for this morning. Of course, Monday is a holiday. We will be open, but the mailman will not pick up or deliver mail that day.

We've had some nice customers on this pretty morning, although it is starting to get hot now. It is already 80°.

I went in the house, made a sandwich, went back out to Fulfillment, took a bite, and we had five sets of customers in a row. So there I was with roll, ham, and Swiss in my teeth, waiting on customers! Fun times! This is the busiest Saturday we have had since early spring.

David has some dino ribs on the grill that he is smoking for tonight. We have never bought dino ribs before. We got them on Thursday from the meat market in Hondo, across from Medina Fertilizer. Honestly, I have never heard of dino ribs before. They are large beef ribs.

Well, I finished my sandwich and more people came. This has been a really great day and we are still open for another hour. I hope the mailman makes it to pick up all of the seed orders that are ready to go out.

The mailman made it shortly before the gate closed so I did not have to sit and wait for him out there. At 2pm, I received two texts that both pairs of my new glasses were ready after just four days! It normally takes about ten days. So I went down to Pleasanton and picked them both up.

David's dino ribs on the Traeger came out really good. Matt came over and brought a bunch of animal feed. We enjoyed dinner and watched the next James Bond movie since Svengoolie was one we have recently seen. It was a fun evening.

The dino ribs were tasty.The dino ribs were tasty.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

More chefs and more fried foods cooked with hydrogenated vegetable oil.More chefs and more fried foods cooked with hydrogenated vegetable oil.

So next time you're at the grocery store, take a moment to scan those ingredient labels. Your heart, liver, and overall health will thank you for it.

Remember, the convenience of prepackaged food often comes with hidden drawbacks. It's up to you to stay vigilant and make informed choices.

If you're finding it challenging to decipher food labels, there are resources available. Apps and websites can help you identify products that are free from hydrogenated oils.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, whether it's to a store employee or calling the food manufacturer directly. Knowing what's in your food empowers you to make better decisions. Honestly, most kids working in grocery stores know nothing about any of it. A dietician or your doctor would be better choices to talk to about food questions.

Switching to a healthier diet might seem overwhelming, but you don't have to do it all at once. Start with small swaps and gradually eliminate hydrogenated oils from your diet.

Trying new recipes and experimenting with natural oils can also be a fun and rewarding experience. You'll discover a whole world of flavors and better health awaits you.

It's also worth considering how your food choices impact the planet. Natural oils are not only better for your health, but they can also be more sustainable.

By making these changes, you're not just improving your health; you're contributing to a better, healthier future for everyone.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

cardinala101224A pair of cardinals flies around here all the time but I can never get a photo. I finally got one!

Good morning! It is dark and peaceful right now. With four dogs and a cat in the house, that will not last long.

Our benefit sale for supporting the hurricane victims is now over. David will tally up the sales and give me a number this afternoon. He is still asleep now. Then I will let you know here as well as send out a newsletter with the information just as David promised. If you would like to sign up for the newsletter on David's Garden Seeds®, just click on the blue link, page down to the bottom and you will see:

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Just enter your email there in the space provided and click the green Subscribe button. Then you will receive an email asking if you want to subscribe. Click that you do want to subscribe and you are all finished.

The chickens are enjoying another beautiful, sunny day.The chickens are enjoying another beautiful, sunny day.

The temperature is currently 64° and outside feels amazing. I had to take Ethel out. The stars are bright and beautiful. In San Antonio, we never could see them well because of all of the lights of the city and the neighborhood. Out here, there are not many houses and lights so the stars really pop.

The forecast is calling for the high today to be 100°. That just can't be right!

This is Norton. He is all grown up.This is Norton. He is all grown up.

I just came back in from feeding all of the outdoor animals. Everyone seems happy and healthy this morning. The pond water is much clearer. The goats have been sucking down the hay which is what we want. Yesterday morning, there was zero hay so I need to make sure they always have a lot. Sometimes, I just don't make it out there to be sure that everything is done properly.

Another band of fog across that backyard this morning. So cool!Another band of fog across that backyard this morning. So cool!

There was a band of fog in the back again and across the street, it is still so foggy that you can barely see the trees. I also took photos of a lot of the vegetables we have growing right now. Everything is looking beautiful except some bugs have been munching on leaves.

Taken from my gazebo, there is fog at the grass farm so you can barely see the trees.Taken from my gazebo, there is fog at the grass farm so you can barely see the trees.

I am currently enjoying more of yesterday's breakfast casserole. It came out so creamy that it is good nuked on the second day! David made bacon this morning to go with it while I was outside.

Today, we visited a church that we hadn't been to in almost five years. The last time we were there, the pastor would not speak to us and avoided us like the plague because he decided not to work for us but did not want to tell us.

We started going to this church back in early 2020. The pastor at the time was losing his secular job and we were looking to hire people as we were moving the business out here from San Antonio. He interviewed with us, accepted the job and said that he would start in a month. Before this, he always welcomed us and was very nice when we would go to that church on Sundays.

The Sunday after the interview, we heard him tell someone that we offered him a job but he did not know if he would take it or not. Strange because he told us when he accepted it that he would be responsible for taking the outgoing orders to the Post Office every day.

He did not bother to greet us on this Sunday before church which was unusual so we wanted to talk to him after service. We waited for him for 15 minutes and he never made his way to the back of the sanctuary. We did not budge. He finally sat down in a pew and had a long conversation with a member. Finally, we realized he was not going to speak to us so we left. It was humiliating. He knew we were waiting for him. He ignored us. We never went back. He did not formally let us know he would not work for us. He did not show up for work. More importantly, he did not bother to call to find out why we no longer went to the church. Very strange treatment...

He is long gone from that church. The new pastor came to the seed store this week so we decided to visit this morning. We got there a bit early. The pastor was teaching Sunday School in the sanctuary. We sat down in the back. He stopped the class and came all the way to the back to greet us and shake our hands, telling us it was an unexpected pleasure to have us there. Wow! No one has ever made such a fuss over us before in church. It was so nice.

The sanctuary has been somewhat remodeled and it looks good. The pastor brought a good, solid biblical message. We enjoyed it.

It did get up to 100° today. We went back to the church tonight for the evening service. We decided it is probably not for us after all.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Try not to eat foods cooked in or with hydrogenated vegetable oil every day.Try not to eat foods cooked in or with hydrogenated vegetable oil every day.

No one expects you to be perfect. It's okay to indulge occasionally, but being mindful of hydrogenated vegetable oil can help you make better everyday choices.

Share what you’ve learned about hydrogenated vegetable oil with others. Knowledge is power, and together, we can encourage healthier eating habits.

Keep in mind, reducing hydrogenated oils doesn't mean you have to give up delicious foods. There are plenty of tasty and healthy alternatives out there.

Whether it’s enjoying a homemade meal or selecting a better option at the store, every choice counts. And remember, progress is more important than perfection.

Encourage your local grocery stores to stock healthier options. As consumers, we have significant influence over what products are available.

Finally, stay inspired and motivated by the benefits. Better health, more energy, and a longer life are all great reasons to avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about hydrogenated vegetable oil. Your effort today can lead to a healthier and happier tomorrow.

Remember, making informed choices is the first step to a healthier lifestyle. You’ve got the knowledge, now go ahead and make the change!

Stay healthy, and happy eating!

Return from Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil to Year Six On The Farm

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!
All Non-GMO, we've got the seeds you want!All Non-GMO, we've got the seeds you want!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,000 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!