Grow From Seed

You can grow from seed when you order good seed, like the seed David's Garden Seeds sells. You will need to learn how to plant seeds correctly and take care

If you buy good seeds, you can grow food in your garden, as well as herbs and flowers. You will need to learn how to plant seeds correctly and take care of your plants but you can have a thriving vegetable, herb, flower, and fruit garden.

I have already written a number of articles on planting and growing food, herbs, and flowers. Below are the table of contents for these articles.

Here is a beautiful tomato harvest from 12/9/2024.Here is a beautiful tomato harvest from 12/9/2024. Grow as much food as you can. It tastes better than what the grocery store has. Grow from seed.

We try to have something growing in the garden, usually food, all year long. Before you try to grow anything, be sure to read my tips and tricks. Also, you need to know how to germinate seeds correctly. Be sure to click on the link called "how to germinate seeds correctly" before you plant anything. This article was written by David, the gardening expert at David's Garden Seeds®.

Grow From Seed Food Articles

Grow Asparagus

Grow Avocado

Grow Collard Greens

Grow Corn

Grow Garlic

Grow Ginger

Grow Green Beans

Grow Greens

Grow Leaf Lettuce

Grow Lettuce

Grow Melons

Grow Okra

Grow Onions

Grow Peanuts

Grow Potatoes

Grow Pumpkins

Grow Shade Vegetables

Grow Spinach

Grow Strawberries

Grow Sweet Potatoes

Grow Tomatoes

Grow Tomatoes-Cherry

This is kale growing in our sandy soil. It does very well.This is kale growing in our sandy soil. It does very well.

Grow From Seed Flower Articles

Colorful zinnias and sweet potato vineColorful zinnias and sweet potato vine

Grow Bluebonnets

Grow Fall Flowers

Grow Flowers

Grow Milkweed

Grow Shade Flowers

Grow Spring Flowers

Grow Sunflowers

Grow Wildflowers

Grow Zinnias

Growing flowers from seed can be very rewarding. I think the most important tip, at least here in Texas where it gets way too hot for comfort most of the year, is to water frequently. We really don't get much rain most years.

A lot of customers come into the Farm Store and tell me they won't get many plants from the seed they plant this year because we won't get much rain. I tell them they have to water. Some disagree thinking that if it won't rain, they will not spend the money on water. That means that most years, they won't get anything. Most of the rain we get is in late fall or winter, not the hot summer.

You have to water your garden if you want things to grow. There is no way around it, unless you live somewhere that gets a lot of rain.

Grow From Seed Herb Articles

Grow Herbs

Grow Lemongrass

Most herbs are very easy to grow. I usually plant herbs in pots so that we can move them inside if we get a freeze. Also, I tend to sell most herbs that I grow to visiting customers.

Grow From Seed Tips And Tricks

To consistently grow good tasting fruits and vegetables, most of the time you should use heirloom seeds. They give you the best flavor and are tried and true. You can save the seeds for the next year and you will get the exact same food that you grew this year.

Of course, we recommend that you purchase your heirloom seeds from David's Garden Seeds®, the best heirloom seed company in the great state of Texas. We count, pack, and ship our seeds right here on the farm. We also make our own envelopes right here on the farm. No, we do not ship them out to China to be made and packed. Nor do we order packs of seed from another seed company, all packed and ready to roll. We do the work right here.

We carry a good selection of medicinal and edible herbs. Some of our herbs flavor your food dishes while others aid you when you are not feeling well. You can grow from seed the herbs that you want and then dehydrate, freeze dry, or press the oil from the herbs that you have grown and store until you need them. Of course, fresh is best, but that is not always practical year round.

Flowers are beautiful to look at and will brighten your day. Some are very delicate and heat sensitive while others, like zinnias, will stand up to heat. Some will blossom only in the early spring, like bluebonnets, and Indian Paintbrush. Some flowers, like snapdragons, violas, pansies, and petunias, will do better in cool weather. Flowers feed the bees so we try to have flowers year round so the bees have plenty to eat.

The most important thing when you grow from seed is to purchase fresh seed from a reliable seed company. Heirloom seeds are best because they will give you the best flavor. Most seeds that the home gardener can buy are Non-GMO. All of our seeds are so you don't have to worry.

We don't use anything on our plants that is not organic. We just don't have the money to purchase an organic license for each seed variety so we do not use the word organic. You have to buy a license these days for almost anything. We are a small seed company.

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

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