Do It Yourself Wrist Corsage

You can make a do it yourself wrist corsage for any occasion, whether it is for a prom, a wedding, a birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion.

The first wrist corsage I ever made was for my son to give his girlfriend for a high school dance. I went to Michael's and got all of the supplies and put together a beautiful wrist corsage. I used silk flowers so the girl could keep it always, if she chose to do so. It turns out, after about five years of dating, they got married.

An array of DIY wrist corsages that are easy to make and will save you a lot of money.An array of DIY wrist corsages that are easy to make and will save you a lot of money.

Make The Do It Yourself Wrist Corsage

I suggest using silk flowers because you can make your corsages ahead of time and keep them for always. You can use fresh flowers, but be sure that you make them a day or two before the event and refrigerate your corsages so they will be fresh. Use sturdy flowers if you are using real ones.

Either way, use three blooms. For some reason, things look good in threes with candles and flowers, etc. Wrap floral tape around the largest bloom’s stem, which should not be very long. Then add a flower next to your wrapped flower and wrap it with the first flower. Add your third flower and do the same. If you like, add some type of greenery behind the three flowers and wrap that stem together with the others.

At this point, you can also add some lace behind the flowers for decoration.

You can buy a wrist holder made especially for do it yourself wrist corsages at any craft store. I have seen them at Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, and Garden Ridge. I have not seen any at Wal-Mart in the crafts department, but they get new stuff in there all the time so keep checking. These come in several colors.

Let’s put the flowers on the wrist holder. First, I decide where on the wrist holder I will put the flowers. Then I put some hot glue on the holder where I want the flowers to go with my glue gun. Immediately stick the flowers on the glue and hold them for a few seconds until the glue dries. Then tie the stem on for extra security with the strings that came with the wrist holder.

To make it even prettier, tie on some ribbon, either in a bow or just hanging. Curl the ends of the ribbon with scissors. Slip it on your wrist and you have a beautiful corsage that becomes a keepsake of your special event.

You can easily make this with fresh flowers as well, either the day before or the day of your event and keep the corsage refrigerated until the time of the event.

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