Our fall garden seeds come in a 34 variety set that is perfect for Texas or any other warm climate where you want to grow a beautiful fall garden. We put it together with the beginner gardener in mind who has never before grown a fall garden. This page will discuss each of our choices of the seeds in the box. David and I worked together to pick the best heirloom fall garden choices and you can order your Fall Seed Set here!
Good Monday morning. It is another hot day here in South Central Texas. We have a skeleton crew of five including David, Matt, and me. Our main seed counter is still out on vacation until Wednesday. We might have some of our teen helpers come in tomorrow and Thursday but I am not sure.
I have been working on the computer for most of the day and I have fallen asleep a few times so I guess the thyroid pill is not working. I woke up at 5:44am and took it then. I was able to have some coffee at 6:15am. I paid our business and home utility bills today.
It is already 1:30pm and we have had no customers or visitors. I know David headed up some watering around the property and they will be installing sprinklers over in my plant area this week. I am getting ready to plant in planting bags over there, trying to root or sprout ginger, potatoes, and sweet potatoes in the house. I am also planning to plant some more peanuts in bags. That way, hopefully, no teens or adults pull my stuff up. I just can't plant anything in the ground on our property which is so ridiculously stupid. By the way, I still have one peanut plant in the ground, alive as of 7am this morning.
I just realized that this is our final week of our fourth year. Sunday actually starts our fifth year here on the farm!
I read online that the best way to start ginger from grocery store ginger is to soak it in water to remove any chemicals sprayed on so it won't sprout. Today, I put my new ginger in water. I have never attempted to grow ginger before, but why not?
This week, we will break down our fall garden seeds that we recommend into seven sections. Obviously, there are many varieties that you can plant in the fall but these are our favorites.
Today we will look at:
Honestly, any of the bush or pole beans will do well here in Texas in the fall. We get our best beans every fall. As the weather begins to cool off, the bean plants grow quickly and before you know it, they are flowering and then you get your first baby beans. In just a few days, you will begin to pick and pick and pick. Check them every day. You don't want them to grow too long so they are tender. We grow both bush and pole in the fall and we always get our best beans of the year as it cools down. We grow green, purple, and yellow beans. There is nothing like a fresh garden bean in the fall in Texas!
Fordhook lima bean is the standard for lima beans which is why we chose to include this particular variety. Most other varieties don't quite measure up. You will be pleased.
The Detroit Dark Red beet is our number one selling beet with good reason. It has a gorgeous, rich red color and a sweet flavor that makes this the star of your table when you roast it.
Calabrese Broccoli is a large Italian variety with good color and delicious flavor. This is great for making broccoli cheese soup in the fall. You will also enjoy this variety with butter, salt, and pepper.
Good morning. We had a cold front come through. It is 75° and it will only get up to 101° today so it feels fresh like spring outside. Isn't that amazing? This morning, David sees his cardiologist so we look forward to an hour's drive into San Antonio and wearing stupid masks again. Yay!
Back here, a skeleton crew will be on the farm while we are gone. We still have one out on vacation but we should have our two teen workers this morning. Remember that even though your plants are dying in the summer heat, it is almost time to plant your fall garden so get your fall garden seeds and get to pulling up the old plants that have stopped producing.
We had such a good visit to David's cardiologist this morning. It seemed to take forever to get there because we kept getting behind slow drivers all the way into the city. We finally got there and rushed on in. Then we had to wait an extra 15 minutes before they called us back. Finally, the doctor came in and said that all of David's lab numbers from last week had come down. In fact, he is no longer considered diabetic. Now he is in the prediabetic range which is excellent. The doctor took David off of one of his drugs because he is doing so well.
On the way home at noon, we pulled into a Taco Cabana and got lunch. We used the drive through and got home just before 1pm.
Around 3pm, three ladies showed up to shop for seeds and our silly internet and cash register would not work together. I had to text receipts to them. Then I shut everything down and unplugged the internet router. When it all came back up, it worked but no one else has come since.
One of our chickens threw up some yellow stuff on Matt this afternoon so he put her in the little coop and followed some internet chicken doctoring. She seems to be doing better. Hopefully, she will be fine.
It is currently 4:06pm and it is 100° Fahrenheit. Nacho will be here tomorrow to work on some more sprinkler systems per David.
Our vacationing seed counter should be back tomorrow. She has been out for 15 days, including two weekends. We may not even recognize her! LOL!
I would like to say welcome to all of our new readers. I hope the articles on this website as well as those on David's Garden Seeds® are helpful to you. David and I do write them ourselves. We don't pay people to do it. I do most of the research and put the articles together. We want to encourage the new gardeners to keep on trying. Gardening is a big experiment, even for long time gardeners when we try something new. For instance, this year, I tried growing peanuts, potatoes, and sweet potatoes for the first time ever. Some things worked while others were not quite as successful. I will be trying them all again this fall, hopefully, with better success.
Today, we will look at some of our fall garden seeds:
I have discovered that slicing a head of cabbage into "steaks" is the best way ever to eat cabbage. I lay them out flat on cookie sheets and drizzle them with olive oil and then I add some Lawry's steak seasoning. Bake them in the oven for about 25 minutes and they make a wonderful side for your grilled steak. They are so good. We do this with any cabbage. The Red Express is pretty and tasty and it grows well as the weather cools here in the southern USA.
The Imperator carrot is a full size orange carrot. It is sweet and tasty, good eaten raw or slow cooked with a roast.
The Snowball Y Improved cauliflower is bright white and forms a beautiful, big head that you will enjoy eating. Chop it up and steam it. Add some butter and salt and pepper and it makes a great side with just about everything.
Georgia Southern collards have deliciously flavored blue green leaves that you will love. This variety is the best tasting in my opinion. Try them!
The Spacemaster cucumber is perfect if you just don't have any space left. It is a salad cucumber that doesn't vine all over. It is compact so you can grow it in a pot on the back deck. I guarantee you will want to grow it again next fall.
Happy Wednesday! Another night has quickly come to an end. I am starving, waiting for the 30 minutes since I took my thyroid pill to pass so I can eat.
David had me out in my plant area, moving trees and moving plants to the front that are for sale. I started setting up some of my cloth pots out there as well. Nacho is here and he and his crew are putting up more sprinklers around the place.
David took Pamela and Sue Ellen to the vet this morning for some anti-bug chews and nail trims. He is back and is out in the back 40 showing people what work he wants done. I am in my second outfit of the day because I got drenched. It is one of those really humid days. It is now 11:15am and 91°. It should get up to 103° according to my Alexa.
We have had several customers in here getting fall garden seeds which is just wonderful. We are still restocking the store with a skeleton crew. Our vacationer is back which is great but our order filler who just got back three weeks ago is leaving us next Friday. I will once again pull and fill orders along with running the store, doing social media, writing and fixing two websites, adding and updating listings, and so much more. I hate the idea that we may have to look for another person to help us because we have found so many who are not right for the position. When we find those right people, we pay them well but then something comes up and they leave and it is back to square one. I am amazed at how many come for the paycheck but don't want to work the way we need them to.
Our fall garden seeds for today include:
Black Beauty eggplant is the big, dark purple eggplant you see in the grocery store. My grandmother used to cook it up a number of ways, always Italian style. I make the delicious eggplant parmesan with it. It is so tasty.
Toscano kale is a type of dinosaur kale. The leaves are thick and wrinkly. It is not good for a salad but is perfect for making kale chips and kale smoothies. If you like those things, you will love this. It stands up to a little frost and the cold actually makes it sweeter.
Black Seeded Simpson lettuce makes delicious, light green loose leaf lettuce leaves that are perfect for any salad. You will enjoy this crisp salad on the plate!
New Red Fire loose leaf lettuce is one of our loose leaf lettuce varieties that is red. Any of them will grow in the fall and will be a beautiful contrast to the green lettuce when you mix them together in your salad bowl.
Tendergreen mustard greens are our favorite mustard. Spicy yet milder than most mustard greens, they are good in a stir fry as well as in a salad.
Well, here it is Thursday already. I woke up late so I had to wait until I was starving before I could even take a sip of coffee. I have to wait 30 minutes after they thyroid pill before I can have anything. I am okay now.
I cleaned out the pond today and refilled it so the fish have cool, clean water to swim in. The evaporation has been pretty high lately with water going down quickly due to the oven-like heat.
It is now 11:30am and we have had several sets of customers getting fall seeds. If you are waiting on your fall seeds, your favorites may be gone by the time you come out. They are going faster than they went last summer.
One of the ladies wanted a farm tour today. I told her there are no tours this time of year because it is just too hot. If it is 90° and above, no more tours. It is too hot and too dangerous out there. Besides that, almost everything has now been pulled up as it is just too hot.
The mailman just brought one piece of junk mail. Someone wants me to have a free science magazine and if I don't cancel it, I will be billed for $54.99. LOL!
It is starting to get cloudy out there but Alexa says no rain is expected. It is 3pm and 100° Fahrenheit.
We never did get any rain at all. This evening, we finished season five of Yellowstone until they release the final six episodes in November of 2023. Then it will be out on cable TV but the DVD won't come out until some time in 2024.
Then we started something I've been looking forward to, Murder She Wrote! We watched about half of the first episode, setting it all up so we know what is going on. Over the years, I have seen clips but I never watched it when it was actually on TV. David either. It takes place in Maine so I am excited.
Our fall garden seeds for today will be:
If you want to grow the perfect yellow onion, you want to grow the Texas 1015Y. It is not too hot which means you can eat it on a burger without it burning your tongue off. It is wonderful to saute or put in with a roast. The name means to get it in the ground by October 15 and overwinter it. Or you can plant them in the first week of September and pull it up in November.
Cayenne pepper gives you a little heat for your dishes. We have several colors including a blend packet and any of the colors will do well at this time of year but since it is fall, we felt like red is a good color.
Little Elf ornamental peppers produce tiny multiple colored peppers that have a medium hot flavor. They look beautiful and have red, orange, yellow, and purple fruits.
The Anaheim chili pepper is a mild hot pepper that is used in making chile rellenos.
If you need something hotter, grow some habanero peppers. No need for anything hotter than this, right?
Good morning! I have two dozen eggs in the Farm Store refrigerator for sale today. We have our 34 variety Fall Seed Sets for Texas ready for purchase and we can ship them to you if you are not local.
Early this morning, I had to scrub out all of the chicken waterers in the main chicken coop this morning. Now I won't have to do it tomorrow. Every few weeks, they have to be scrubbed and rinsed out.
I noticed our baby chicks are getting super big already. It goes by so fast. They will be ten weeks old on Monday so we are going to have to separate some of them out. The small coop they are in is not made for that many hens and three roosters.
My sourdough is doing well. I have been feeding it every day. This morning, I poured a cup out to make some brioche bread with it. Then I fed it and I will be baking bread sometime this weekend.
I am in the Farm Store now working on listings. We are adding companion planting information and a link to our companion planting section of the website to each listing to make it a little easier for our customers to plant things correctly.
Today, our fall garden seeds are:
Big Jim hot peppers are used to make green chilis. As I mentioned above, Big Jim's are similar to the fabulous New Mexico Hatch Chile Peppers that you can only get in New Mexico and in El Paso, Texas. When we lived in El Paso, we would get them each year. No one can sell the seeds except for the folks in New Mexico. The Big Jims are long and rate 15,000 to 30,000 on the Scoville Scale.
If you love jalapeno flavor but don't care for the heat, the TAM jalapeno is for you. Created by Texas A&M University, they are packed with delicious flavor and don't have heat. So good.
Of course, for all of you hot pepper lovers, one last pepper, the Serrano, is included. It is five times hotter than a jalapeno.
The New England pumpkin is in with our fall seeds but you need to start it in the beginning of July. This is the perfect pumpkin for making your own pumpkin for pies, cakes, and cookies. The walls of the pumpkin are thicker and you will love the taste.
The Champion radish has a mild taste and is good to add in fall salads.
Good morning! David made me a hair appointment two days ago when he went in for a haircut. I have not been since November of 2022 because they started charging me $120.00 for a visit. Prior to that, I was paying $80.00 for a cut, color, and highlight. So David made me the appointment and they sent me an email saying it would be $145.00. I felt sure this was an error so I decided to go today at 10am. At 9:15am I was getting ready to leave and I got a Facebook message from the owner saying the appointment was canceled because the stylist called in sick. I was disappointed as I really wanted to get my hair done.
David and I had to go into Pleasanton to pick up one of his prescriptions so when we went to Walmart, I went into their salon to see if they could trim my hair. The girl took me right away and cut and styled my hair, no color or highlights, for just $24. I can color it myself. So I saved $121.00 this morning and my hair looks very nice with layers because it is thinning. I think now that I am on thyroid medication, it should get better.
Before I left, I put together the brioche bread that I started yesterday. I have never before made brioche but wanted to.
Tomorrow is the church potluck and everyone wants me to make my lemon squares. I made them for the last potluck. So I put them together at 3pm. Then I baked my brioche and it came out great.
Matt was on his way here for Svengoolie tonight with food from Bill Miller's. The car broke down on our road about six miles down. We drove down and got him. David could smell the clutch so we think that is what it is. It would not go so we had to leave it on the side of the road. David is going to have it towed back to the farm. Matt took our truck home.
Today, our fall garden seeds up for discussion include:
The Texas Cream Pea is one of the most popular Southern peas that we carry. It has a mild flavor and cooks up so creamy. You will love them. The Pink Eye Purple Hull is another popular Southern pea aka Cowpea that people love.
Bloomsdale Long Standing spinach is the number one spinach for fall growing in the cooler weather. It is a beautiful spinach you will enjoy in salads and in cooked dishes.
Crookneck Yellow Summer squash grows quickly and you should get a nice amount before it gets too cold to grow.
Both winter squash varieties, Acorn and Butternut, need to be started at the beginning of July so that you have enough time to grow them before the frost.
Good morning. It is hot and humid out there. I went out and picked the Asian pears that were all over our tree. Now I have to find a pear recipe. Asian pears are hard and are best when cooked instead of trying to eat them hard. I got a nice harvest of them.
Then I fed all of our animals and fish. I just ate a breakfast sandwich and soon I have to get ready for church. My lower back is hurting from lifting and carrying water containers for the chickens.
I need to cut my lemon squares. I made a triple batch so we could enjoy some last night and today. I know there won't be any left because there were not enough last time.
My lone peanut plant is still there, doing well.
My sweet potatoes are growing out there and look good.
Our only fig tree is doing well and has a lot of baby figs on it.
Four years ago today, we sat in an office in San Antonio and signed the papers and paid money to buy our farm. Yes, we paid cash for it so there was no debt for the land. The four years have gone by quickly. We have seen some scary snakes and spiders out here. We have had good and bad times. We've watched our business go through good and bad times as well. Right now is a slow time as July always is when you are in the gardening business but don't forget that gardening season will be here soon. If you are in Texas or another warm climate, you can plant a fall garden during the last week of August as we all look forward to some cooler weather.
Here are the last of our fall garden seeds:
The final of our fall garden seeds in our set include one final winter squash, the Spaghetti squash. Start this at the beginning of August and you can treat it like spaghetti noodles in the kitchen.
Swiss Chard is so pretty in the fall and we have several gorgeous varieties that you will enjoy growing and cooking. Chop the stems and leaves and cook them in olive oil. Let the leaves wilt like you do with spinach leaves.
The Purple Top White Globe turnip can be baked, boiled, mashed, or roasted. We have done all of them. Olive oil makes it taste so good with some seasoning. There are many ways to cook them.
Your favorite zucchini and mine, the Black Beauty is versatile and tasty. I like it roasted or fried best but it is a wonderful vegetable in soups as well as being a side on the dinner plate.
I hope this week's discussion of our Fall Garden Seed Set for Texas has been helpful.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!