Now you can tour our farm in photos. This week, I am taking photos of the whole farm for you to see. Right now, it is over 100° each day, much too hot for a tour. When the temperature drops from the excessive heat, we will start giving tours again but right now, it is dangerous to spend too much time out in the heat. Every time I step outside now, it feels like I have stepped into an oven. The hot air blows and you know it is not good.
In the photo above, you can see the flag of the United States of America as well as the Texas flag. There are also two identical signs about agritourism that we are required to post. All the way at the very top of the hill is a tiny white shed. Behind that shed is our property line. Before that, you can see our animal coops and our inner privacy fence where the backyard to our home is. That is not a part of the tour.
You can also see our lovely trash dumpster that gets dumped once a week. We pay over $200 a month for the privilege so we might as well show it off.
On the right side of the photo, you can see several of our raised garden beds covered with shade cloth to help keep the plants from dying in the strong Texas sun.
On the left, right next to the gate is our Administration building with David's office, restrooms, and kitchen. Across the parking lot is our Production building, where the magic happens. Seeds come in, they are cleaned, counted, packed, put inside of envelopes that we make in this building, and then they are moved over to Fulfillment where they are shipped out in seed orders. We store the extras in Fulfillment as well.
Our farm tour now costs $5 a person. Prior to May of 2023, we gave farm tours for free. There is a lot to see and the tour includes David's high tunnel and hydroponic system. See all of our gardens, animals, and orchard. We love showing our place off but each time we pull someone away from packing and/or shipping our seeds, it costs us money. All of the other farms around us charge anywhere from $15 to $25 just to get in so we don't think our farm tour cost of $5 is too much.
However, June of 2023 brought three digit temperatures so we have cancelled our tours until the temperature gets below 100° Fahrenheit. Hopefully, we will pick the tours back up in September. If the temperature goes down sooner, then we will have summer tours. It is dangerously hot right now.
Another rule that we will start enforcing is no farm tours one hour before closing. If you take a tour at 4:20pm and you want to shop until 5:30pm, we have to pay overtime to our employees for 30 minutes. We also have lives other than our business and we want to go home at the normal closing time. So on weekdays, if you get here at 4pm, there is no tour. You can shop until 5pm and then you have to leave. I have kept the store open until 6pm a few times because people were already inside shopping but again, I have animals to feed and a husband to feed. I am in the store six days a week usually and I have very little free time. More on this below.
Good Monday morning. It is 7am and already it is hot and humid. The temperature is supposed to hit 108°. That is way too hot for a farm tour.
Well, at 10am, when it was already 100°, an older couple came in the store. They shopped and asked if they could look around at the gardens outside. I told them it would be fine for them to look at the raised garden beds near the store and driveway but that it was too hot for a farm tour. I told them we give them when the temperature is lower.
They left their seeds inside and went out to look at the plants. After about ten minutes, they were not out there. Their vehicle was still there. I texted Matt who was out back harvesting. He said they were with him, getting an unofficial tour. He brought them back up front because they couldn't take the heat. He did not give them a full tour. I explained to them again that it was just too hot for a tour. They bought water along with their other items and said they would be back.
Folks, just last Thursday, a guy was out on a tour at 4:20pm in the afternoon. Matt was with him and this guy wandered off into the orchard. Matt had to go and get him and bring him back to the store because he felt weak after being out in the over 100 degree heat. I told him it was too hot for a tour but he insisted on going and paid his money so Matt took him but he did not make it all the way. Normally, the tour does not last 40 minutes, but he kept stopping and asking questions. Then he found out how easily it is to get dehydrated out in this dangerous heat. He shopped and finally left at 5:30pm. We close at 5pm so that caused me to have to stay in the store an extra 30 minutes instead of tending to our outdoor animals. That, in turn, pushed dinner back 30 minutes.
So now, we have a new rule. No tours when the temperatures are three digits, and no tours after 4pm. In this heat, I need to make sure that our animals have the cool water they need. Also, my workday starts before 6am. I deserve to be able to go home by 5pm.
Yes, the temperature did hit 108° today. In fact, by 9pm, it was still extremely hot. I was out there looking for a wallet for someone who works for us. The owner finally found it after 9:30pm, with a flashlight by the high tunnel. The owner dropped it shortly before closing earlier today when moving quickly across the property.
Welcome to David's Garden Seeds® Farm! That is exactly what our beautiful front gate is saying. We also have some David's Garden Seeds® signs out front to greet you.
Next are our parking lot, our front garden beds, our business buildings, and the Farm Store. We have a large parking lot for our customers. We have a loading dock on the Production building so we can get deliveries. We get deliveries every day from USPS, UPS, FedEx, and Amazon. Occasionally, we receive large shipments on big trucks.
Please do not drive off of the parking lot or driveway or you will get stuck in the sand. So far, we have had close to 30 folks who felt it necessary to go off of the driveway and get stuck. Almost all of them had to be towed out somehow. We do not own the kind of equipment needed to help you so just stay where you should.
Tour Our Farm In Photos below.
Good morning. I woke up before 5am. I got up and worked on the computer. At 6:25am, I went out and started digging up more potatoes. David thinks they are done. A bunch were killed before potatoes started growing with poisonous spray that someone put on them, not David. But I am finding some. I finished digging the Purple Majesty, all of which were small. Then I started on the Yukon Gold and finished those. A bunch had nothing. After that came the Viking Red and I dug up three plants. My back was hurting and I was hot and sweaty. So tomorrow I will continue.
Then on to feed and water all of the farm animals. When I went to the baby chicks, there was a small snake by their coop. I threw a rock and he ran. I am utterly terrified. I came in drenched. Now I am dressed for the day and I am eating breakfast. I was out for about 90 minutes. Today's high should be 106°.
I have a toothache that started last week when I chew food. It is in the back of my mouth. So I have a dental appointment at 2:30pm today.
It is another day of filling seed orders. Also, the one guy who was off yesterday is sick and won't be back until Thursday. We don't know exactly when the lady who does the orders will be back. I think some of our outdoor workers will be back today. None of them work on Mondays.
At 1:30pm, we left the farm for San Antonio. Every time I bite down on food since last Wednesday, I have been having a lot of pain in tooth #17. Yes, it is my lower left wisdom tooth. I thought it had a cavity. David was kind enough to drive me. The dentist came in the room and started testing the three molars in that quadrant. I bit down and no pain. Then he said #17 was wiggly and he measured pockets. It was bad. Now I was just there in April for a cleaning and no one said anything to me about it being wiggly. So then I told him it needed to be pulled and he confirmed that.
I said let's do it and he numbed up my mouth pretty good. I asked for nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and he said they didn't have any. I asked him again. He said no and left. (When I was about 28, I had to have a wisdom tooth, #32, taken out. That dentist gave me nitrous oxide and it was wonderful. I was relaxed and happy.) Too bad.
After 15 minutes, the dentist came back and numbed me with another two needles. Then he took several tools, wiggling my tooth back and forth, over and over. Now, I hate going to the dentist and I was quite terrified, gripping onto the arms of the chair with all of my might, praying to the Lord not to let me die because I was pretty convinced that I was going to.
God came through and I lived! I was so happy to hear my dentist say it's out. Then he gave me three sutures. I had to bite down on gauze for the entire trip home. I have now changed the gauze twice and my mouth is waking up. I took two arthritis strength Tylenols and I know I am going to have some ugly pain soon. I would have taken Ibuprofen but I cannot have it because of one of my blood pressure medications.
So it is now 5:35pm and I am still bleeding. Where the tooth was, is waking up pretty fast now and I am having some fun pain.
I won't be able to dig anymore potatoes over the next few days as I am supposed to relax and take it easy so my blood will clot. I can't use a straw or eat anything hot. With my mouth bleeding and hurting, I really don't have any desire to eat.
Matthew has been doing the animal chores this afternoon which is so nice. He just left. David is in the den and I am here in my office typing. My mouth is waking up. I am still bleeding. I just changed my gauze again. Fun times!
At 8pm, I finally went out and put away the chicks and chickens. I did not want to because it was still so hot but I was afraid a snake would get them. While I was out there, all of my citrus trees by my greenhouse were wilting. They were supposed to be watered today but the young man did not water any of my stuff. So I had to stand out there and water while my mouth bled in the 107° heat. It took a long time and I shouldn't have done it but I cannot lose all of my trees and plants because someone did not do his job.
So I did not eat dinner at all tonight until about 9pm when David brought one whole scoop of ice cream. Then I brushed my teeth and showered. I went back out into the den and we watched Perry Mason for the rest of the night. I fell asleep several times and then I would wake up wondering what I missed. I was changing the gauze in my mouth every hour. So gross.
At the beginning of this day's writings above, there is a photo of our second pond which is in progress right now. Every time someone needs sand (that is all we have over 300 feet down), they are supposed to get it from this hole. Eventually, we are going to make it a second pond. Let's talk about our first pond which is actually two small ponds connected by a little river with goldfish and koi fish. Part of the pond is in our gazebo and the other part has rocks with a waterfall. This whole pond and gazebo combo was designed and built by our friend, Nacho of Top Notch Lawn Care in San Antonio. He did an amazing job.
We love our pond with the falls. Listening to the water cascading down with wind chimes in the gazebo is so relaxing. We hope when you visit that you will take a selfie and then sit with your eyes closed and hear the water for a few minutes.
Usually, it is very breezy here so sitting in the gazebo listening to the falls and the wind chimes is very pleasant. Of course, now that it is 108° outside, nothing is pleasant at all. I am hoping God has mercy on us and takes away the awful heat. I think 80° is about as hot as I care for it to be. I would be quite happy with temperatures around 65°. That would be so comfortable.
On the calendar, today is the first day of summer, but for us, that was in May when the weather started hitting the 90s every day. Now it is over 100° each day and the heat with the humidity is miserable. Happy First Day of Summer!
I had a crazy night. My tooth, or the lack thereof, bled all night long. I decided to sleep on the couch in the den in the reclining seat. I woke up about six times in the night. At 1am, I got up and took some more Tylenol and got a blanket because I was freezing. The other times, I just drank a bit of water. Then I was sleeping happily and Sue Ellen came over and licked my arm over and over so I had to get up. It was just after 6am. I put all of the dogs out to go do their business.
David made coffee and I filled a cup with ice and creamer. I added the coffee and had a cold cup which felt great on my gum. I ate a banana because bananas are soft. I was still starving so I made two eggs and let them cool. I was able to eat them just fine but I am chewing on the right side of my mouth only. We really don't have much in the way of soft food to eat. Then I got to brush my teeth. It was okay, much better than I thought.
Now I am in the house. I did not go out to feed anyone or do chores because the doctor told me not to. Matt came over and got all of the animals fed. David told the guy who did not water to water my stuff. I sure hope he does.
We just had a 10am job interview with a girl who graduated from high school. She was nice but did not seem very happy to get the job. In fact, when we offered her 40 hours a week for the summer at a good pay rate, she told us that she also applied at HEB and Bill Miller's and she was waiting to hear from them. She said she would call and let us know. She could have started with us tomorrow but she says her church is having nighttime VBS, just down the road from us. She would get off here at 4:30pm and VBS starts at 5:30pm. A whole hour to drive not even five minutes away from here so if she wanted to, she could start tomorrow.
Later today, her little sister came to interview while I was in the house. Now both are hired to start next week, first Monday, then Tuesday.
Here is a tip for you job seekers: When you go to an interview and they hire you, act excited. Don't tell the employer that you are waiting to hear back from other employers. If you are waiting to hear back from more exciting companies, then go wait by your phone. Don't just mark us down as back up. We are actually a good place to work.
It is now 5:15pm. I fell asleep three times this afternoon. I don't like naps so you know I feel bad. I am also starving. I have eaten bananas, eggs, risotto, and some mac and cheese throughout the day, all fairly soft foods. My mouth is still bleeding which is irritating and gross.
The grass out back is turning brown with the lack of rain and the intense heat. I really need to be up doing things but I am not supposed to so my gum will clot and heal.
I do not have a plan for dinner but I think I will make more eggs since I was able to let them cool and eat them with no pain this morning.
Let's tour our farm in photos again today. Across from the Farm Store, you will find Fulfillment where seeds are stored in their own bins. It is also where we ship orders for seeds out to our customers. Next to Fulfillment is Production where all of the magic happens. Next to the Farm Store is the Kitchen or Admin Building with a deck between the two buildings.
We have a nice parking lot. We had to bring dirt in for it because all we have out here is sand and that is so easy to get stuck in.
Our seeds are counted right here on the farm in our Production building. We count out thousands of seeds every day with our seed counting machines. Some of our seeds are teeny tiny, like our strawberry seeds above. Our largest seed right now is the Windsor Fava bean.
If we tour our farm in photos, a tour usually includes seeing inside our buildings so I will give you a little information. Our company was started in our home in San Antonio in 2009. I worked a full time job paying medical insurance claims. When I got home, I would count and pack seeds by hand, do social media, or fill orders, whatever David needed done to make the company a success. He had someone draw up some blades of grass for a logo. A few years later, he changed it to a bowl of colorful peppers. Then we had a professional give us several logo choices that he designed. We chose our carrot logo. This is our third logo at David's Garden Seeds® and we like it so much that we had it trademarked a few years ago, along with our company name.
We design and print our own envelopes right here on the farm. We don't outsource them.
Hello! Happy Thursday. Sometime in the night my mouth stopped bleeding. I woke up on the couch in the den with no blood. I woke up a few times in the night. One of those times, a puppy scratched me left foot.
We had to leave the farm before 8am to go see the podiatrist at 9am. Then on the way back, we dropped the truck off to get new tires. Matt met us there and drove us back to the farm.
We got back and I had a soft lunch. Then I wrote paychecks and paid bills. I am very tired. I looked it up and two of the medicines I am taking make me drowsy. No wonder I keep falling asleep.
Well, it is now 8:30pm and I just went out to put my chickens away for the night. I stopped by to see my peanut plants. There are four left and two appear to be dead. It seems one of the new teens we recently hired pulled them all up as weeds. I am so upset right now. I have told David I don't want teenagers here. I had the garden beds labeled and my labels are gone. Green beans are growing in parts of them. The rest of the plants, my peanuts are just gone. I am done. Everything I have wanted to do this year has been bothered.
Well, it is 2:36am and I still cannot sleep because I am so upset. I wonder if my sweet potato plants, the few that actually took root, were also pulled up. I will have to go out early in the morning and see. I really want to sleep but I can't. Of course, the girl who created this latest garden problem for me won't come in again until next Tuesday. I am done.
Well, good morning. I got about four hours of sleep in the night. I am so tired. David and Matt took Ethel to get groomed and do some other errands in Pleasanton. So no one is out there watching the employees. That means I will need to go out there. I got an email yesterday from the lady who does orders. She will be gone at least one more week and I notice that the orders have not gotten done on the days I have been out with my pulled tooth pain. The bleeding has stopped so I guess I have to go do some orders.
This coming Monday, one of our people has jury duty so we will be short again. Two of the outdoor people are not here today and I guess that is a good thing because I am so upset at that girl who pulled my peanut plants. I guess it never occurred to her that if you see a whole bed of plants that look the same, they might not be weeds. She should have asked one of us. It looks like either someone told her or she finally realized because there is fresh dirt around the two dead peanut plants on the left. She must have pulled them up and then replanted them.
Of course, she never came to me or David and said what she did so I got a nice surprise when I checked on them last night. I check on them every night. They were all doing so well last night. I am still so upset and I am paying her to upset me which upsets me even more. She is here for the summer only and then back to home school. Hey, maybe we can get her to come back part time in the fall so she can pull up our fall crops, too.
It is now 3:30pm and it has not yet hit 100°. It is 97° and bright and sunny. I have been filling seed orders all day long and we have a bunch that we cannot fill. Seeds are supposed to come in today for most of them. The problem is that no one will be here tomorrow.
Of course, being that we are short staffed this week and again next week, I spent the day in Fulfillment with some of the employees. Normally, I work in the Farm Store. I filled orders and looked around for seeds that we are out of all day long. When you sit with your employees and work together, they open up and say things that ordinarily they might never have said.
One of the employees mentioned to me that the girl who pulled up my peanuts on Thursday kept mumbling about being in trouble for all of her mistakes. So she did know that pulling up my peanuts was wrong. She tried replanting two of them and, of course, they are lying out there dead. I went out there after work today. So there are still three Tennessee Reds. I thought the three were just one big plant because they have spread out to look like one plant. The only Virginia Jumbo that came up is still out there for now, as long as she doesn't go in there and pull it up.
The thing that bothers me the most now that I know that she knows is that she did not come to me or David and admit that she pulled up most of my peanut plants and then tried to replant two. She was inside working on Thursday afternoon (like she should have been all along) saying she was scared that she would be in trouble. Did she really think that at least one of the employees wouldn't tell me?
Does she think I am blind and would never notice that my peanuts were gone? And that the two she replanted would live? She was hired to work indoors and insisted on working outside like the guy she was hired with. I don't know if they are boyfriend and girlfriend but why else would she want to be outdoors in this horrible heat. And how many other "mistakes" has she been making to say that in front of the other employees? Why wouldn't she just come to us and tell us what happened if it was a mistake instead of carrying on to the employees?
Well, here it is Saturday morning. I just took Ethel out at 6:15am. We have a snake in the yard so I am afraid to go out and take care of the animals so I am letting it get a bit lighter out. I slept better last night than the night before but my tooth extraction site is still painful and tender and on the left side of my mouth. I like to sleep on the left side so it hurts. I slept most of the night on my back which was not very comfortable to me.
We were closed today but one of our employees came to make up time and was here until 5pm. Matt came over to take us to Devine to pick up our truck which got new tires and new brakes. Then David and I went to Walmart for some groceries and supplies.
We got home and the husband of our employee who is out of town was waiting to pick up her paycheck. We got the groceries put away and I started cleaning up a bit inside as well as doing some laundry.
I was going to clean out the pond but never made it. At 5pm, I fed the fish again and went out back to get the eggs and make sure everyone was good. I had to come in and change everything because I was soaking wet with sweat once again. Only got seven eggs this time. I think the hens are protesting the heat and I don't blame them.
Then I started chopping veggies for tonight's movie, which, by the way was a replay from last year so we skipped it and watched the second of the Perry Mason movies without Perry. He died so they said he is in Washington, D.C. and some guest attorney came on and saved the day.
I chopped potatoes, onions, squash, and tomatoes from the garden for roasting along with mushrooms. I sliced up a cucumber from the garden. Anyway, we had a tomahawk steak again which I cooked in the oven. It is just too hot outside to grill. I forgot to take a photo of the veggies or the tomahawk. David had the tomahawk on a rectangular stone from Pampered Chef. We hear a loud pop and went to the oven. The stone broke in half so we had to transfer the tomahawk to the broiler pan. I had that stone for many years but never broiled with it before. It is in the trash can now.
Another day to tour our farm in photos.
This is our third set of citrus trees and our third set of avocado trees. The others kept getting killed by deep freezes out in the orchard in February of 2021 and more in February of 2022 so this past February, we kept them in the greenhouse instead of planting them to die.
Good Sunday morning. It is hot and humid for sure. I got out there and fed everyone as early as I could. I came in drenched and then showered. I cooked us some eggs for breakfast and it is almost time to get dressed for church. My lower left gum where #17 was is still hurting just enough to make me very irritated. I have hated this whole process. I wonder why they just didn't pull all of my wisdom teeth when I was young. I still have one more, #16, upper left wisdom tooth. Oh joy.
When we got home from church, look what I found on the carpet in the den! Seems like the story of my life sometimes...
Tour our farm in photos. Yesterday, I took a bunch of photos early in the morning out back. I hope you enjoy them as you tour our farm in photos.
This week as you go back through all of the pictures on this page, I also did a tour Our Farm In Photos, trying to explain how everything is set up for you.
Return from Tour Our Farm In Photos to Our Fourth Year
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!