Texas Farming Land

If you want to live in the country and you are in Texas, there is Texas farming land to be had. You just have to look for it away from the big cities. I think what took us so long to find land is that we kept looking by major freeways and highways, thinking that customers would never come out to see us if we were far from civilization.

If you look out on less traveled roads, the land is much less expensive than if you look for property on interstates and well traveled highways. That is how we found David's Garden Seeds® Farm.

Texas Farming Land 9/14/20-09/20/20

Monday, September 14, 2020

Texas farming land is exactly what we were looking for back in July of 2019. I am so glad we were driving along, not really knowing where we were, when we drove by a sign on a fence that said for sale. We pulled over, backed up, called the realtor and discussed the price with him. He came to our house two days later, became our realtor, sold our house, and helped us buy our land. Now we have lived here for a year and we love it. We don't miss the city of San Antonio with all of the traffic, crazy rules and taxes at all.

Matthew has been weeding the hoop houses. Some of them are all weeds and no plants. Just four weeks ago, they were empty. Weeds grow so quickly here on Texas farming land. Interestingly, our property was used to grow peanuts according to the previous owner.

Nahass Construction was here and finished the ceiling in the production building. It looks great.

Putting the ceiling in the production building.Putting the ceiling in the production building.
The new drop ceiling is complete and looks great!The new drop ceiling is complete and looks great!

Around 4pm, my Ring doorbell went off. Someone was ringing the doorbell at my front porch so I went over. A man was there saying he is putting in driveways for some of the ranches by us. I thought he would ask to put in a driveway for us, like several others have. He asked if he could park his bulldozer here for the night. David came out of his building at that moment and he said the guy could park it in the parking lot. The guy said he would pick it up at 8am tomorrow.

We went back to work and the guy parked the bulldozer in the sand next to the fence. Unbelievable! I hope it does not get stuck in the sand.

A man asked if he could park his bulldozer on our property for the night. We said yes, in the parking lot. He put it in the sand and said he would get it at 8am on Tuesday.A man asked if he could park his bulldozer on our property for the night. We said yes, in the parking lot. He put it in the sand and said he would get it at 8am on Tuesday.

I had a difficult time getting our large guinea to go to bed. All of the chicks and the small guinea were inside but this silly one just would not go in. Finally, he gave in after Lucy continued to bark at him. The final photo shows the last bits of sunset as the sun sinks behind the trees in the west over Texas farming land.

Mr. Guinea would not get in the inner room in the chicken coop last night. He is king of the coop for sure.Mr. Guinea would not get in the inner room in the chicken coop last night. He is king of the coop for sure.
The last bits of light from sunset looked so golden. The camera does not do it justice.The last bits of light from sunset looked so golden. The camera does not do it justice.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The quarter moon, Venus, and the sun barely starting to come up in the East. It looked beautiful this morning!The quarter moon, Venus, and the sun barely starting to come up in the East. It looked beautiful this morning!
The chicken coop with two air conditioners. The one on the left is broken.The chicken coop with two air conditioners. The one on the left is broken.
Breakfast time for the chickens.Breakfast time for the chickens.
I fill 2 feeding dishes and put some feed, grit, and oyster shells on the ground so there is plenty of space for our flock to spread out and eat.I fill 2 feeding dishes and put some feed, grit, and oyster shells on the ground so there is plenty of space for our flock to spread out and eat.
The chicks like to hop up on the perch by me.The chicks like to hop up on the perch by me.
Chicks scatter everywhere first thing in the morning when I let them out for breakfast.Chicks scatter everywhere first thing in the morning when I let them out for breakfast.
This Bard Rock chicken enjoys pecking at my chicken boots. All of them like it.This Bard Rock chicken enjoys pecking at my chicken boots. All of them like it.

Good Tuesday morning! Our rooster that was supposed to be one of the hens has finally learned how to crow in the dark. He was out there crowing around 6am. Matthew was out there working and texted me.

When it was light, I went out and took care of the chickens. They are ready for food. The visiting guineas were marching around the chicken coop again this morning. I wonder if they ever go home now except at night.

Nacho, the owner of Top Notch Lawn Care, is here helping us with weeding. Matthew was weeding in the early morning. Now he is planting some of our fall seedlings in the Texas farming land.

I am having the team sign monthly birthday cards this morning for next week's birthday lunch. Our September birthday lunch is next week.

It is now 11am Tuesday. Bulldozer has been turned around but not picked up yet. No one saw him come in and flip it around this morning.It is now 11am Tuesday. Bulldozer has been turned around but not picked up yet. No one saw him come in and flip it around this morning. I think he took it out, used it and brought it back.

It is now 10:10am and the bulldozer guy still has not picked up his bulldozer from our Texas farming land. However, I noticed that the bulldozer has changed position so evidently someone came and flipped it around and left without it. Not sure what is going on there.

At 11:15am, the guy came for the bulldozer. I hope he doesn't come back again as it bothers me that he did not pick it up at 8am like he said. At least he did not get stuck in the sand!

I heard the bulldozer start up while making my lunch in my kitchen. By the time I got out there, the bulldozer was leaving our Texas farming land...I heard the bulldozer start up while making my lunch in my kitchen. By the time I got out there, the bulldozer was leaving our Texas farming land...
Down the road he goes.Down the road he goes.

Nacho came into the store a few minutes ago to ask what kind of stepping stones I would like for the farm. We are getting them placed next week. I am so excited. When it rains here, the mud gets bad and people track it all over the store, the other buildings, and our home. We have a lot of people now, not to mention contractors and customers. I have to pick a color and shape.

David had the guys move his desk, chair and other things to his new office in the new building. Now whenever I talk to him on the cell phone while he is in his office, there is a time delay and a tinny sound when he talks. It is pretty bad. I never experienced that in his old offices here on the farm or anywhere on our Texas farming land until now.

David in his new, tiny office. Close quarters, but at least people are not constantly asking him questions while he is trying to work!David in his new, tiny office. Close quarters, but at least people are not constantly asking him questions while he is trying to work!

In the afternoon, the plumber came by. He put the sink in the employee break room. It looks great.

Employee breakroom is complete with a 2 compartment sink and running water. It looks great!Employee breakroom is complete with a 2 compartment sink and running water. It looks great!
Coffee maker and toaster oven in our employee break room across from the sink.Coffee maker and toaster oven in our employee break room across from the sink.
Table area for our team members to eat lunch or chill for a cup of coffee in the breakroom.Table area for our team members to eat lunch or chill for a cup of coffee in the breakroom.

Then he started installing sinks in the commercial kitchen area. He put in a tiny handwashing station. In the water heater closet, he installed a mop sink. In the commercial kitchen area, he installed a three compartment commercial kitchen but the compartments are way too small so he needs to come get it and order a normal size compartment sink. This one is so small that we could not even fit big pots into it. We did not look at it until after the plumber left.

This tiny sink is our handwashing sink, a necessity for commercial kitchens. It is so cute.This tiny sink is our handwashing sink, a necessity for commercial kitchens. It is so cute.
The utility sink or mop sink that is required when you have a commercial kitchen. This many sinks is ridiculous.The utility sink or mop sink that is required when you have a commercial kitchen. This many sinks is ridiculous.
A 3 compartment commercial sink that is way too small for our needs. The plumber needs to order us a large sink so we can fit pots and pans in to clean them.A 3 compartment commercial sink that is way too small for our needs. The plumber needs to order us a large sink so we can fit pots and pans in to clean them.
The bathrooms are ready for visitors as well as our staff. They are in the first building on the left as you turn into our parking lot, first two doors on the left.The bathrooms are ready for visitors as well as our staff. They are in the first building on the left as you turn into our parking lot, first two doors on the left.

The bathrooms have now been fixed up with soap dispensers, toilet paper holders, mirrors,  and paper towel holders. The bathrooms are open to the public during business hours.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 - Texas Farming Land

Happy Wednesday and Happy 20 Week Birthday to our chickens and guineas! They are so cute and so big. Time has flown by for sure!

Let's talk about the rabbits. David has not been feeling well so he did not mate them yet. In fact, we are waiting for some rabbit accessories to come in that David ordered and then he will mate them. David is fine now.

It is hot and humid outside. Matthew is planting more of our fall plants from the greenhouse in raised beds on this Texas farming land. Phil is here doing outdoor work on the mower. A few of our people have off today. The rest are working and enjoying the new break room with a sink. They can get fresh water right out of the tap for coffee instead of having to bring water from home.

Matt is now planting in the hoop house with the watermelons. He is quickly running out of room.Matt is now planting in the hoop house with the watermelons. He is quickly running out of room.
Broccoli seedlings growing in our greenhouse for fall planting. Time to plant them and a lot more.Broccoli seedlings growing in our greenhouse for fall planting. Time to plant them and a lot more.
Matthew is kneeling in shorts on a foam pad so planting is easier.Matthew is kneeling in shorts on a foam pad so planting is easier.
Close up of broccoli being planted in hoop house.Close up of broccoli being planted in hoop house.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

This morning started out with an epic sunrise, pictured above. The chickens are fine. I have started giving them oyster shells to eat so when they finally start laying, the egg shells will be good and not too weak.

David and I left around 10:45am for Hermann Sons in Hondo, a steakhouse we have gone to for years. Today is David's father's birthday so we met him along with friends, Clyde and Ruth Anne Cox, to celebrate his 85th birthday. Believe it or not, with the mask requirements to get in, I completely forgot to get photos. I could not believe I had forgotten to take them. None of David's siblings were there. We had a good time.

It got cloudy with rain on and off throughout the day. In the store, we worked on adding new products and updating other products on the website and in our retail store.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Happy Friday! Today there was another gorgeous sunrise. The chickens are doing well. The neighbor's guineas are also fine and spend almost the entire day here every day.

David and I left the farm during business hours but for the life of me, I cannot figure out what we did. I thought I had written for this day last week but I left it blank...If I remember where we went, I will let you know.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Our first egg from our chickens! It is so small!Our first egg from our chickens! It is so small!

I fed and watered my chicks and then found a shocking surprise--two eggs! One was whole and one was cracked with egg white coming out. I think the egg that was cracked did not have a soft landing in the nesting box, which was the one below the box where I found the intact egg. I am beyond delighted to have gotten my first chicken egg.

As far as I can tell, the eggs are from Rhode Island Red chickens as they are a light tan color and they are small. The books I have say that the first eggs are always small but that they get bigger over time.

The white egg is from the grocery store. The brown egg is ours, so tiny but adorable. One of our chicks worked so hard to give us our first egg!The white egg is from the grocery store. The brown egg is ours, so tiny but adorable. One of our chicks worked so hard to give us our first egg!
This hen could be the mother of one of the eggs. She was broody and did not want to leave the nesting box where the cracked egg was found.This hen could be the mother of one of the eggs. She was broody and did not want to leave the nesting box where the cracked egg was found.

We went into town and picked up groceries as well as chicken necessities such as chicken feed and grit. These will help our girls on our Texas farming land as they grow.

In the evening, we searched our Texas farming land for ripe produce. There were a lot of melons and tomatoes.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Happy Sunday! No eggs today from the chickens, but then again, the egg laying yesterday was a month early. We went to church and then just sort of chilled at the house, doing a bit of cleanup but not much.

We should have worked some more in the garden of our Texas farming land.

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

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chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
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officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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