This spring weather is a nice respite from what we will soon be facing here in South Central Texas -- Extreme Heat! No! I am loving the cool breezes each day.
Come visit us at David's Garden Seeds® Farm Store.
Happy Birthday, David! It is David's birthday, but we are not celebrating with the company, David's Garden Seeds®, until tomorrow. Mondays are very busy for management, especially for David. We have a reservation for 25 at Salt Grass Cinema Ridge in San Antonio and we are excited. For the first time in a year, we will all be seated at the same table with no masks!
The spring weather is beautiful and cool with hardly any humidity. It is a very busy day with all sorts of things going on around the farm. Nahass Construction is here working. The spring weather has been beautiful with cool breezes so the outdoor crew is getting a lot of spring planting and repairs done.
I went out to check on the chicks, chickens, and guineas this morning. When I came to the guinea coop, I saw a small egg, just lying in the dirt. I went inside and found three more tiny eggs. This is the first time I have ever seen a guinea egg and I was overjoyed to find three more! Two of them were partially buried in a corner so I put the other two by them so they would not get stepped on. I thought the guineas would be all over me, upset but they didn't even squawk. I hope we can get some baby guineas.
The baby chicks are feathering out and are doing well. The big chickens are still getting pecked some so that means the rooster is doing it. The peepers we have are too small for him. I found some bigger ones on Amazon and they will be here on Wednesday. I thought it was ridiculous that their feathers were taking so long to come in.
The guys pulled up all of our carrots, purple Black Nebulas and orange Scarlet Nantes carrots. We have them here for $1 a pound if you want any. I ate an entire purple one and it was so good. After a few days, they will be processed.
We are happy to say we can now make and serve food as we received our license today.
Right now, I have nine dozen farm fresh chicken eggs in beautiful hues of color. They are $4 a dozen, which is the going rate for this area of Texas. Come on in and get your pretty Easter eggs today. If you have not had farm fresh chicken eggs before, you will be amazed at how rich the yolk is, dark in color, almost orange, not light and watery like the kind you buy at the grocery store. These are delicious, fresh, organic eggs that you will enjoy eating. That is 33 cents per egg. Most of our eggs are larger than you normally find and if you are lucky, you will find some with double yolks. Those are always a fun find.
We gave David some gifts this evening and we made some T bone steaks with freshly steamed Purple Passion Asparagus from the garden. I planted it last spring and it is popping up every day now. The spring weather is also allowing so many of the things we have just planted to come up as well.
This morning at 10:30am, the entire David's Garden Seeds® team drove into San Antonio to go to Salt Grass at Cinema Ridge for David's birthday party. There were 25 of us all seated at one big table. We had fun. They messed up my order and did not bring my food until everyone else was half finished, but it was still fun.
We brought in a cake and served that after the meal. I brought my food home and ate it later. We returned to the farm at 2:30pm and two different teams of construction workers were here getting things done.
Nahass Construction finally finished the covered walkway by the new buildings.
Today was another busy, full day. Jerry, our farm manager needs another person to help so he has scheduled interviews for tomorrow. One is at 9am and the next one is at 9:30am. He has spoken to both and feels they would be good for the job. Both men called him after he put something up on local social media.
Nahass Construction finally finished the covered walkway to the new buildings after lunch. The Comfort Commander Air Conditioning guys came by to add covers to the outdoor wiring that came in. It looks good and feels great in those buildings.
I got some 50 pound feed containers from Amazon. I need to get them out in the back forty and put all of the different feeds in them. However, I never seem to get the chance.
The spring weather here is beautiful today. It is 61° and it will get up to 81° by this afternoon. It is bright and sunny, a perfect spring day. We have a lovely selection of flowers for you to plant here in the Farm Store.
Our production manager got here feeling ill with a fever. We promptly sent him home just after 8am so Matthew is playing the part of production manager today which means I have no help or relief here in the store again....Good help is so hard to find. One of these days, I will find help.
Two of our team members are in the commercial kitchen, peeling carrots. The carrots will be canned or pickled, not sure which David will do. We did sell some carrots by the pound but now they are all peeled, sliced, and ready for David to make something yummy to eat.
We have three interviews scheduled for this morning for an outdoor position. One should be here at 9am and the next one at 9:30am.
It is now 9:38am and both interviewees are late--no call, no show. That is unbelievable, isn't it? These are men who called us for a job and they can't even show up for an interview? I just don't understand.
Today's life lesson: Never be late for an interview. If you have to be late, call and let the employer know.
At 9:50am, the third interviewee actually showed up ten minutes early. He seemed nice and said he lives close by but also said that he just drove from San Antonio because that is where his girlfriend lives. He showed up wearing shorts but said he could start today. He said he had long pants in the car. He asked for $7.50 an hour. The position starts at $12. He said he is not currently working but could not tell us why he is not working.
He went to the car to get his pants and then said that he did not have pants. We sent him home to get pants. He called a few minutes later saying he could not start today as his mother broke her leg in two places and he had to take her to the hospital but that he would be here tomorrow. David did not have a good feeling about it.
There is much to do. Someone asked me this morning if we could bring our produce to a farmer's market in San Antonio. We just don't have time for that. We only have twenty people doing the work. There is so much for me to do that I really need a helper, one who will actually do what I tell them to do, not what they think is best. We just don't have time to do a farmer's market or shows anymore. Our business has grown too big for us to not be here making sure everything gets done the way it needs to. We now have three managers because all of the expanded work was too much for one manager.
I am overwhelmed with running the store, keeping it stocked, doing Etsy orders, doing social media, price changes and adding to the websites. Not to mention, I also take care of my chicks, chickens, and guineas and I do plant starts as well as some of the gardening. My plate is overflowing and I can't even take a lunch to run in and do laundry and dishes because it is so hard to find someone to work the way you want them to.
ADT called saying they will be by this afternoon to add an alarm to the David's Garden Seeds® Farm Store so that is good.
ADT was here for several hours working on the alarm and adding to it. During that time, ADT called me twice to report problems with our alarm. One of the technicians finally talked to them and ADT left me alone after that. Not sure why they called me instead of David. David was in his office with his phone. I was trying to work. Honestly, I did not get much done all afternoon because of everyone who kept coming in the store along with ADT to ask questions or to tell me something. ADT left at 5pm and I closed the store exhausted.
I went out to get the eggs and a broody Rhode Island Red was sitting on seven eggs up in the top right nesting box. She would not let me get the eggs. Then I heard something and went back in. The black Ameraucana hen was now on the eggs while the broody Rhode Island Red got down to eat. This hen would not let me near the eggs either. Matthew finally had to go out and collect those eggs.
Meanwhile, in the guinea coop, there are still only four eggs so I guess they are done laying. The place where the eggs are has gotten deeper into the ground so they work on that nest hole while we are not around. The spring weather has been perfect but it will get down to 50° tonight. It was 83° today.
Good Friday morning. The spring weather got chilly in the night. This morning, a lot
of the team will be planting out in the back forty so that is exciting.
The spring weather is supposed to be perfect for planting today. A lot
of stuff that I planted is already coming up. I don't think our
production manager will be making it this morning. We heard from his
brother that he is worse now than yesterday morning. Great news: After going to the doctor and getting tested, he does not have Covid-19 but he does have the flu and is on medication for that.
It seems our
interviewee called in this morning saying he could not start as his car
got impounded and that he would have to let us know when he could
start. We told him that we would give him a call...David was right. He
was just here to fulfill unemployment requirements so he could continue
to get unemployment. We moved one of our newer indoor guys to the outdoor position so this one is now filled.
David told me around lunchtime that there was a turkey in the field spreading his feathers. I went over and the closest I could get was really far away. In the second photo, you can see his feathers. He was beautiful. I wish he would have come closer.
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David and I have been talking. I need someone to help in the store, cover Saturday store hours, and help out with social media. I cannot do it all myself. I work seven days a week and I still don't get it all done. This helper would need to look representable--no visible tattoos or piercings other than one in each earlobe, no ripped jeans, no nose rings. Also, you must be a non-smoker. I would prefer a female to help me.
This helper would need to like people and want to help them. Knowing a bit about gardening would be helpful but is not necessary. The helper would need to know how to make complete sentences and spell and know the difference between your and you're and know when to use which one in a sentence. No, I am not kidding.
The helper would need to be respectful and listen and do things the way I train you. Also, the helper should never tell me or David, "I don't care" when we are talking. The first time that comes out, I will show my helper the gate. I will not put up with disrespect anymore.
We are a great company to work for provided you follow the rules and treat us with respect. We pay well and we expect you to work, not talk and watch videos on your phone instead of working.
If you live in the Poteet/Devine area and you think you would like to come interview, come by the Farm Store at 5029 FM 2504 in Rossville next week, Monday through Thursday only, dressed for an interview. Don't show up in shorts or with an unnatural shade of hair color. I am interested in hiring an adult who is serious about working and isn't afraid to learn new things. We are closed on Good Friday, April 2.
One of our managers bought David a Turducken for his birthday. It was brought to him this afternoon. We have not had one before but it was quite impressive and very tasty. Somehow, Cooper's Meat Market in San Antonio puts a boneless chicken inside of a boneless turkey, adds cornbread stuffing and puts all of that inside of a partially boneless turkey. It looked and smelled wonderful and it was delicious. We enjoyed the heck out of it this evening and we will enjoy it again tomorrow. This would be perfect for Thanksgiving! Thank you, Jay!
Good Saturday morning. I am in the Farm Store and the spring weather is hot, 79° and humid out. The skies are overcast. So much for the beautiful spring weather we had earlier this week. The humidity is just awful. That is what I hate the most. The heat is a close second.
I have eight dozen fresh eggs from my chickens for your convenience. You won't have to color the eggs for Easter and these eggs are so good, not like the ones you buy at the grocery store.
The store has been open for almost two hours now and we have not had one customer. I have been filling Etsy orders and doing store things.
The customers started coming in at 12:15pm. They took some tomato starts and eggs which is wonderful. There is another 90 minutes until we close.
If you didn't know, we sell on our website, on eBay, and on Etsy, but our biggest platform is Amazon.
This afternoon, I need to clean my home, fold laundry, and get some groceries. I also need to clean out the chicken coops and see what needs to be harvested from the garden. I need to tend to plants in the greenhouse and get some ready to sell in the store.
I ended up vacuuming the entire house but I did not get the laundry folded. The spring weather yesterday and today has been hot, humid, and miserable, not pleasant like it was earlier in the week.
I woke up a few times in the night and the wind was blowing hard. I almost thought I was back in El Paso because the March wind was blowing that much. Sunday morning came and the alarm went off. The wind was still going strong and I could see sand blowing across the farm.
We got ready for church and left. It is chilly out there. I wore a jacket and took the above photo just outside of our farm from the truck. As you can see, the spring weather brought wind and blowing sand.
Church was great. The spring weather stayed cool but the wind finally died down. I got a lot of things done at home that I have needed to do, including folding and putting away all of the laundry. I did not get a chance to dust the house. Time flies by so quickly on the weekends.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,000 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!