There are spring flowers coming up all over the David's Garden Seeds® farm. Some we planted and others are coming up as they do every spring because they are wildflowers. Our entire farm, when we first saw it, was covered in waist high wildflowers and weeds. Now we have tamed our land, put on many buildings, sheds, and a home. We are in the process of building a gazebo with a waterfall and pond. Out in the back forty, we have an orchard and several gardens. We also have coops for our animals.
Good Monday morning! Four of our team members have called in. It will be a long week. David has offered overtime to everyone and a few have said they would come in early and stay late.
It was a beautiful day for spring flowers and I went around the farm taking photos of a lot of wildflowers and some that are planted in our raised beds.
Nacho was here today working on the gazebo and he and his helper got a lot done. Unfortunately, he won't be back until next week to do more work. He is busy with his lawn business.
I worked on sending seeds to Amazon for Fulfillment By Amazon for most of the day. Our team members worked hard to get orders out the door and seeds counted and packed. I had one customer the entire day. She said she lives right down the road and has always wondered what we are all about. When she came in, my counter was piled high with groups of seeds I was sending out as well as a lot of boxes. She picked the wrong day to find out what we are really about.
Around 11am, the water company cut off all of our city water to the business and to our house because there was a break in the line down the street. So all day long, we had to use the bathrooms and then use hand sanitizer to clean our hands. At least we had that. Finally, we got some buckets of well water with plenty of iron in it to pour down the toilets to flush them. We kept thinking the water would come back on at any moment. What a joke that was. So we got Bill Millers for dinner and I had a sink full of dirty dishes. I put away the clean ones that were in the dishwasher and loaded up the dirty ones so I could turn it on as soon as the water was back in.
The spring flowers and our gardens could still be watered because they use well water. Unfortunately, it has too much iron to drink or to use on a regular basis. It turns everything a rust color that doesn't come off easily.
I fell asleep on the couch watching Touched By An Angel. I woke up at 11:30pm and decided to try the water. A tiny drizzle came out. You will be happy to know that it finally came back on at 11:35pm and then it was a trickle. I boldly turned the shower on and a bit came out, enough to get wet but that was it. I showered in that trickle and finally got to bed at midnight.
Good Tuesday morning! The water is running at full speed this morning! Yay! I have the dishwasher going but David is still asleep. I woke up at 5:25am. My leg was hurting and my nose was clogged with allergies again. 'Tis the season.
The day was a very busy one at work. David wanted the extra desk and all buckets and boxes that I had in the store gone. I got them all out by myself. This means I will not get a helper. The table and chairs from my old kitchen were also taken out and put into storage. We were planning a coffee bar in the store and then the table turned into a place to store the canned goods we make in the commercial kitchen. However, now we will display the canned goods in wire hanging baskets because of our new grow tower.
David bought a grow tower to display in our Farm Store. We will not be selling them. It is here for the customers to see that our seeds will grow in one and for them to look at. It has seven rows from top to bottom. Each row has four planters. We are still waiting on the grow lights to get here. They should come in this week.
Today, I planted seven types of herbs in the grow tower from the top down:
At lunchtime, I went out back to check on the baby chicks because they keep putting wood chips in their water so they cannot drink. When I got there, I saw the guinea coop door was wide open. It was empty. Fortunately, the male guinea was alone, close to the coop. I got behind him and started talking to him. He walked around the corner and into the coop. I went in behind him and closed the door. Then I closed him in the nesting area.
Next, I went over by the chicken coop where my female guinea was visiting with our neighbor's guineas who think they live here. I got behind her and started talking with her. As I did, Carolyn's guineas started toward the guinea coop. I had the door wide open. Both of Carolyn's guineas walked on past the door, but my white guinea walked inside. I went in after her and let the male out of the nesting area. I noticed that there are three visible eggs. I am not sure if they are new eggs or if they keep burying and unburying the ones they already have. I got them a nice meal and left them alone.
After work, I went out and tended to the baby chicks who will be four weeks old tomorrow. They are very big now and will soon be ready to get out in the coop. Then I fed and watered everyone outside, collected the chicken eggs and went in to my kitchen to clean it up.
I took some photos of spring flowers out in the back forty.
Matt grilled some steaks for dinner. He and Aaron, one of our managers, worked until 10pm tonight, trying to get caught up on printing envelopes.
Today has been an exhausting day so far and it is only 1:30pm. I am trying to get some housework done as well as updating our website in the store. Every little while I rush in to do a quick task and then run back out to see if anyone is here. Yesterday, there were no customers and we haven't had any yet today.
There has been plenty of activity in the store as David has been taking down seeds that we are about out of. Linda has been in here getting seeds for spring flowers to ship up to Amazon for FBA. I discovered a whole lot of seeds that are marked with the wrong prices. How do I know? Our old seed prices ended in .96 and our new seed prices since last June end in .45. Supposedly, all of our in store seed packs were corrected but that is not the case.
Sales are great right now because it is spring and this is when everyone plants a garden. Spring flowers are a must for many home gardeners. Because of this, we have run out of a lot of popular seeds. When this happens, I have to take them down from the website because we have none left to sell. We have plenty to take the place of the popular seeds so don't worry.
The weather is supposed to be hot and humid for the rest of this week and the humidity is high now. The temperature should reach 92° this afternoon and later this week, it will be over 100°. I hate the heat and humidity. The spring flowers and trees are loving the sun and heat.
Here are some gorgeous spring flowers for you to see. They are growing all around the farm.
Good morning! It has been a hot and busy day. It hit 92° yesterday and it will be 98° today. The spring flowers are blooming and blossoming and looking gorgeous.
We have another huge batch of strawberry jam cooking in the commercial kitchen. Lots of planting and fixing are going on around the farm. I am in the store doing website updates and social media posts.
We get a lot of deliveries out here. Everyday, we have UPS, FedEx, Amazon, and the post office delivering. Most days, everything is fine. Today the FedEx delivery driver, driving an 18 wheeler, going forward, crashed into our left front gate, smashing it. He then took off. He did not stop, did not apologize, did not give us his info, nothing. Can you believe that?
Unfortunately, the damage was caused by his tire as the cab is up so high. I personally hope FedEx fires him because he did not stop and admit what he did. And yes, we saw him do it.
David contacted ULINE as FedEx was delivering ULINE products to us. I doubt they will do anything either.
About a month ago, another person who does business here a lot backed into one of our employee's cars and did some damage. He did not want to use his insurance and told our employee that he would pay. He actually admitted he did it and said he would take care of it. He has been sent an estimate several weeks ago and still has not paid our employee.
A Home Depot driver did some damage last year while making a delivery. We still have not been compensated.
Our driveway has been damaged time and again and
no one will pay us even though they say they will. It is unbelievable
how people think they don't have to take responsibility for their
actions. When we say something, they say they didn't do it when they did it right in front of us.
It is now 4:30pm and it is 97° Fahrenheit. It is way too early for this kind of heat. We had a couple who drove up from Houston here today to buy seeds. They got plenty of seeds for spring flowers. They are also going to visit a few other towns while they are in the area. I love it when folks come to visit from all over the country. We love Texas and we love the United States of America!
Today is hot and humid with a high of 98°. It is 1:24pm now and the temperature is at 85°. It should get down to 67°. I just got back from giving all of our outdoor animals fresh water and I am sweating profusely. The air conditioner used for the rabbits last fall is no longer working. I have the windows open and a fan blowing so the baby chicks can feel somewhat cool. Good thing they like it warmer. Our guys are supposed to look at the air conditioner.
The spring flowers are blooming more. The snapdragons keep opening and the yellow rosebud from two days ago is now wide open. The trees are putting on lots of leaves all around the property and some of the fruit trees now have spring flowers.
Our trash man made it out and he emptied the dumpster three times, shaking a lot of the contents all over the driveway. It was overflowing because it was still partially full from last week. To my surprise, the driver actually got out and picked up some of the trash and then left some plus he left his gloves on the driveway. Our farm manager swept up the rest of the trash and picked up the guy's gloves because he never came back for them. His gloves are sitting on some wood right by the dumpster for him when he comes back next Friday.
The driver of the FedEx truck came back again today. David confronted him. The driver says he didn't do it even though four of us watched him crush our gate yesterday. David told him that four of us watched him but he still stated he did not do it. That is okay. David reached out to ULINE, the company that he delivers products for. ULINE, a huge office supply company, will either take care of the matter or maybe we will find a new office supply company.
In any event, one day that guy will be found out by his employer. This driver comes here every week, sometimes more than once a week and he knows that we know he is lying because we saw him do it. Incidentally, there was no damage to his truck because the tire is so big that it is what crushed the gate when he got too close to the gate. The gate no longer closes. The left gate is now about four inches shorter than the right side.
Everyone makes mistakes. It is how we handle the mistake that counts. We can admit it and apologize and offer to make amends. Or we can lie about it and blame someone else. People who do that have zero integrity. Who wants to work with someone who has no integrity?
UWR, who dug our well, sent some people over here today with a sand filter to show to David. He said they would be back later today to turn off our well water and install the sand filter. It will take them a few hours to put it on. Then maybe our well water won't be so rusty looking. It truly is disgusting.
They never did come back today.
I loaded up the David's Garden Seeds® Farm Store with cold drinks for customers and we now have some chips for sale in the store as well. Of course, we have plenty of farm fresh eggs from our chickens for just $4 for organic, colorful, delicious eggs. Even though I loaded it, the fridge is so big that we need a lot more drinks.
I got up early and saw that David beat me to making coffee. He was already outside so I went out to take care of our chickens and guineas. The air was cool and crisp with a lot of breeze. It felt amazing!
After I took care of the chickens, I went out into our new orchard and the spring flowers were blooming on the trees. Great news! I found our first apple. We have never had an apple tree before. It was very exciting!
At 8am, there was a knock on our front door. I put the dogs away and opened the door. It was the UWR guy wanting to put the filter on the well. I told him to go ahead. He then asked me for the combination to our gate. I figured if he was standing on my front porch, the gate was already unlocked. We unlocked it and he got his truck in. Of course, had he done what he said and come back yesterday, everything would have been fine.
On Saturdays, our employees will not come in and we don't open the store until 10am so we don't expect visitors that early. Once people stop being afraid and start coming out again, we will open earlier so our gate will be unlocked earlier.
Right at 9:58am, a truck drove up to the store. I was inside turning on lights and getting ready to open the store. A friendly couple from Corpus Christi walked in. I asked if they were here for the Strawberry Festival. They said no, that they drove up this morning just to come to our store. They drove by the festival grounds this morning and said everything was a crowded mess.
We had a good visit and they found a lot of seeds they wanted to plant, especially seeds for spring flowers and vegetables. Matthew, who does work on Saturdays, gave them a farm tour. They loved it and said they would be back.
The spring flowers look so beautiful outside of our store, with more starting to come up out of the soil in the planters close by.
A man just came in wanting seeds for coastal grass. We don't carry it. We carry very few grasses.
A man texted David and said he would be at the store today at 2pm to shop. David told me to stay open. At 2:15pm, a vehicle drove up with the man, his wife, and little girl. They asked a lot of questions and ended up staying until 2:55pm. But it was worth it because they bought $166 worth of seeds and were great people. They even bought some seeds for spring flowers.
As I closed up, I noticed that two of the planting pods had tiny green plants in them!
I went grocery shopping and animal feed shopping. After I got back, I went out to collect eggs. While I was out there, Matthew was checking on the rabbits because two of our females are due to deliver within the next couple of days. He called me to the rabbit hutch. One of our girls delivered at least seven pink babies. There could be more. This was the rabbit's first litter. The mama just laid there. Amazingly, she had them all inside the litter box like she was supposed to. Last time, the other female gave birth to seven babies and they all landed outside the cage.
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Today started out at 47° and the air felt so good. The sunrise was gorgeous. The cool air soon warmed up to 90° and there is quite a bit of humidity in the air. It is 5pm and I just came back in from collecting eggs and giving water to the baby chicks, the chickens, and the guineas. I got 17 eggs today.
We went to San Antonio earlier in the day to shop at Sam's for food and drink supplies for the store. We will be selling water, sodas, teas, chips, and cookies to our visitors. So in addition to our beautiful farm fresh eggs in our store refrigerator, we will have a nice selection of drinks for you to purchase and some snacks because we know we are a long way from almost everywhere!
We are building a waterfall with a pond in the middle of the gazebo. We plan to add some fish. Soon you will be able to sit on our new covered gazebo and enjoy a beverage. You can also sit on our covered deck and watch the hummingbirds while you relax for a few moments and enjoy the country atmosphere. Then take a tour of the farm.
We have had a lot of orders this weekend for spring flowers seeds, not to mention fruit, herb, and vegetable seeds.
Someone just called David to see if they can come by our store this evening. Thankfully, he said we are closed today. I am in the house in shorts and a t-shirt and I am planning to go out one more time this evening. That will be to put my animals away for the night.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!