Snow In Texas 2021

This view of the Snow in Texas 2021 event was shot from the front deck and shows the hay field next door and the road we are on, FM 2504.This view of the Snow in Texas 2021 event was shot from the front deck and shows the hay field next door and the road we are on, FM 2504.

This page is about the Snow in Texas 2021 winter storm aka Snowpocalypse and how it affected our business and our lives on the farm. I woke up early on Monday, February 15, 2021 on the couch. It was dark. We were expecting snow when I fell asleep so I opened the front door on my way to my bedroom and we were in the midst of a blizzard. Snow was blowing sideways across my front porch and everything I could see was coated in white. I heard a terrible noise that sounded like an 18 wheeler was trying to drive into my home.

Snow In Texas 2021 - February 15-February 21

Monday, February 15, 2021

Here is the first glimpse of the snow in Texas 2021 event that I got, looking out the front door after midnight 02/15/21.Here is the first glimpse of the snow in Texas 2021 event that I got, looking out the front door after midnight 02/15/21.

The Snow In Texas 2021 Showed Up!

This morning, everything was covered in white and it was 12° Fahrenheit. The crazy snow was blowing in all directions when I woke up after midnight early in the morning and turned on the porch light. The cold was bitter and the power was off throughout the early morning hours. Fortunately, we had to get a generator when we first moved to the country because our electric company took four months to give us electricity back in 2019. The only problem is that we need more propane. We cannot find any propane company who is open.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

This is the shot of the back 40 after the snow in Texas 2021 hit for the first time this week.This is the shot of the back 40 after the snow in Texas 2021 hit for the first time this week.

The Snow In Texas 2021 Is Still On The Ground

Today, Matthew and I filled seed orders for David's Garden Seeds® all day long. We worked in the house as much as possible because our generator was providing us with heat for most of the day thanks to rolling blackouts. Our business buildings are not hooked up to our generator so when we had to go in them, we were like walking blocks of ice. Pulling orders was downright painful and pretty dark in some places in there. No heat, no lights, and then, no mailman to pick them all up. We had a lot of USPS mail crates full and ready to be sent out but our mailman never showed up.

A lot of yesterday's snow was still around because the low was 12°. It only got up to 30° so nothing melted. Our poor chickens and guineas are fine. Matthew lined the nesting areas with plastic on the walls. They stayed dry during the night. Their feathers are starting to grow in but most still have a lot of bare body.

The electricity kept cutting out and actually stayed off for hours at a time. The rolling blackouts are ridiculous.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The back 40 is covered with snow from the snow in Texas 2021 once in a lifetime event.The back 40 is covered with snow from the snow in Texas 2021 once in a lifetime event.

Most Of The Snow In Texas 2021 Melted Today

This morning, everything was covered with ice as we were treated to a freezing rainstorm in the night. The low was 30°. I went out to get some seeds at our store and started slipping. We rock salted the area. Fortunately, it got up to 42° and most everything melted by 5pm. Now we are bracing for tonight's snow/ice storm. It is rare to experience snow in South Central Texas at all, never mind twice in one week! Snow in Texas 2021 will be remembered for many years to come, especially with the rolling power failures. Green energy is just no good.

We have been conducting business with a skeleton crew of three each day. Today, four of our team members showed up to help us pull orders so now we have seven of us pulling orders.. However, again, the mailman did not show up. David and Matthew loaded up the truck and went to our post office. Unfortunately, it was closed which is why we have had no mail pickup.

David tried all morning to find a propane company to come out and fill our tank as we are down to below 40%. However, not one company was answering their phones.

Meanwhile, I have spent most of today in my home office with the blinds open, watching 12 cows go up and down the empty hay field next door. I did not even know they had cows. They have more than 50 acres so this is the first time I have seen the cows and we have been here for 18 months. It has been very exciting for me watching them grazing in different spots over there. I love cows. These cows will one day be steaks on our plates. After all, we are in Texas!

Late this afternoon, all of the paychecks were written as our accountant was finally able to go to the office and get the pay stubs taken care of for us. Normally we get paid every other Monday, provided that our money is released to us and that everything else goes okay. However, our pay day is actually every other Thursday because sometimes it takes that long to get our money. When we get the money early, we always pay our team early. We were prepared to this week but because of the snow in Texas 2021 storm, our accountant just couldn't get into the office to figure all of the taxes out.

Nacho came out to take some measurements this afternoon. He said there is no mail being delivered in San Antonio either. Nacho asked if we had any eggs for sale. I sold him five dozen. He said there are no eggs in the San Antonio stores.

One of our Barred Rock chickens lost her pecking specs this afternoon so Matthew and I went out and gave her a new one. I held her while Matthew did all the work. The chickens gave us 15 eggs late this afternoon.

Tonight, we can expect one to three inches of snow. The weatherman said it will start at 3am so it will actually snow again tomorrow. More snow in Texas 2021 weather. Snow In Texas 2021 is something we will tell our grandchildren about in years to come.

The snow is melting, but there is still some in the raised beds.The snow is melting, but there is still some in the raised beds.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

More Snow In Texas 2021

I woke up at 5:15am and it is 30° but there is no snow here for the Snow In Texas 2021 event that we are experiencing this week. I have KSAT on and apparently, there is a lot of ice on the roads but so far, no additional snow.

It is windy out but it is not wet here in Rossville. Most of our staff said they might come in today with one definite no. They haven't worked all week long but one is saying no? They just don't make workers the way I was made.

The news is saying the storm is still coming. It just didn't start at 3am like they said last night. The weatherman is saying that west of us, the snow is coming down and that it is coming our way. It will start with light, freezing rain and then after several hours, it will snow. Sounds horrible right now. The second snow in Texas 2021 event won't start until the afternoon now.

Phase II Of Snow In Texas 2021 Begins Now!

Yes, the snow has just started again for the second time this week.Yes, the snow has just started again for the second time this week.

It is 8:10am and phase II of the snow in Texas 2021 event just started. There is freezing rain along with snowflakes coming down right here in Rossville now!

Also, today, we have a team of 11 pulling your seed orders, although there is no mail service again today due to inclement weather. Interestingly, of the eight team members who came in, all of them live an hour away in San Antonio. Not one of the local people came in to work all week. Some live just down the road, on the same road where we are located. Others are about 20 minutes away...

Time to get to work on orders. The eight team members who showed up today pulled orders and left at four. They pulled a lot of orders. Of course, there was no mail service or open post offices again. Food is sparse at the stores and it is hard to find an open gas station that actually has gas. The banks are closed which explains why all the rest of our team has not shown up to pick up their paychecks.

The snow is still falling at 6pm with smaller flakes. Most of the snow melted but it will get down to 19° by morning which means everything will be icy again. Then it will warm up to 47° so everything should melt by tomorrow. It won't be 80° on Saturday like the forecast used to say but the precipitations should stop along with the cold after Saturday morning. I think I have had enough of the snow in Texas 2021 event to last me the rest of my life. I simply do not want to go out in it.

Matthew got the eggs this evening and put the birds all away for the evening. He has been a great help all week long during the snow in Texas 2021 event.

This was taken on our front deck with the production and seed buildings directly in front of it.This was taken on our front deck with the production and seed buildings directly in front of it.

Friday, February 19, 2021

David took this beautiful photo on our new business deck. It shows a neighbor's home and yard all covered in snow from the Snow In Texas 2021 event.David took this beautiful photo on our new business deck. It shows a neighbor's home and yard all covered in snow from the Snow In Texas 2021 event.

Good Friday morning! The snow from the snow in Texas 2021 event is melting outside. It is 1:30pm and 42°. The sun is shining and the skies are blue! The morning started out at 20° but the sun soon take care of that!

We could not get into the seed building so we need to fix the tumblers inside the doorknob with graphite according to one of our team members. So we have 13 here today. There is no snow on the roads out here. A few just stopped by to get their checks but they will not work until Monday. Looks like no one is taking us up on our offer to work the weekend so they can get some pay for this week. Interesting, huh?

I moved all of the things I had indoors to the store to work. David and Matthew took a truckload of outgoing seed orders to the Post Office this morning. Then the mailman dropped by with zero mail for us and wanted our orders. I told him we already took them. We certainly couldn't wait another day to get them out. The Post Office has been closed all week long. We had one customer in our farm store this morning from San Antonio.

At 3pm, I finally got some lunch. I thought I would starve to death but Matthew had to go to town and take UPS packages for the business. He was looking for gas for the truck and for propane but found neither. At least the bank was finally open so he deposited our checks and picked up some groceries.

So far, no takers for working on Saturday and Sunday to make up for time missed this week so it looks like I will be the only one who has to work tomorrow.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Our neighbor's beautiful cows dropped by to say hello in the field right next to us. I love cows.Our neighbor's beautiful cows dropped by to say hello in the field right next to us. I love cows.

It is a beautiful, sunny Saturday with clear blue skies. It started out at 25° Fahrenheit early this morning but it is already 44° and the high should be 58°. I cleaned up the house floors from a lot of sand and rock salt that was tracked in all week long from our snow in Texas 2021 once-in-a-lifetime (hopefully) event. The snow is pretty much all melted now. There are occasional patches but that will all be gone by this afternoon.

I made some homemade pizza crust for pizzas this evening that we can enjoy during Svengoolie. I changed the sheets and then I headed over to David's Garden Seeds® Farm Store to open it up for business. I swept and mopped the store floor. It had muddy footprints from customers, but mostly from us coming in the store all week to look for seeds for orders.

There are no employees other than David and me working today, even though some did not put in one hour this week.

I have not had any customers yet today but I have to get newsletters out and do other computer work, not to mention filling orders.

Around 1pm, a lady who looked familiar, came into the store. She lives close by and has purchased our seeds. She was asking if we are hiring. I called David and he came and met her. We asked her to come on Monday for an official interview with our manager. While we were talking to her, the trash man came to empty our dumpster. Also, a propane company came to fill up our propane tank because you never know when you will need the generator!

After I closed the store at 2pm, I went out to see the chickens and guineas. I refilled the food containers and I gave them all treats. The skies are still beautiful. There is a slight chilly breeze, but it feels amazing after going through the snow in Texas 2021 event that we went through this week. The cows continue to trounce around in the field next door. I have really enjoyed watching them.

We made pizzas and they came out delicious. The Invisible Man Returns was pretty good.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Good Sunday morning! It was 44° when I woke up at 6am. Alexa says it will be 71° this afternoon. This is such a nice change from the Snow in Texas 2021 nightmare we went through this past week. I need to get ready for church.

I let the dogs out and the sun is starting to come up but there is fog.

We went to the early service at church and then we stopped by Salt Grass and had a wonderful lunch. We came home and our next door neighbor was plowing the hay field under, where I enjoyed watching the cows all week long during and after the Snow In Texas 2021 snow event. He is getting it all ready for spring hay. I wish we could buy that piece of property because it is so pretty but he says he will not sell. Too bad.

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

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officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
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