We have seeds for sale here in our farm inside of our farm store, also known as David's Garden Seeds® Farm Store. There are close to 2,000 varieties here now so come and get 'em while the selection is good. Soon, they will be flying off our shelves, into envelopes and being shipped all over the country.
Monday morning found us a little bit cooler at 66° and it will only get up to 87° today so cool front...Get down the winter clothes...
The fact is I am wearing shorts right now as I type. It is time to go out and get this day started. Even though it is October on the farm, it is really another summer day here in South Central Texas.
Nacho is already here to finish up the back fence so the dogs will have more space to roam and explore. He will also put some more raised beds together.
I have to fill the grow tower again. I felt kind of dizzy all day yesterday so I did not get over to the store.
It is now 3:22pm and the grow tower is replanted with two types of lettuce and a spinach. It is warm and cloudy, but not overbearingly hot and humid outside.
We have had several customers buying for both fall and spring planting while the supply is still good. We have seeds for sale and people are buying them left and right. We continue to sell the Texas Spring Seed Set and the Texas Fall Seed Set so we had extras made up for quick shipping.
We have been shipping out a lot of orders today but Mondays are like that. Today is also payday so I did payroll, even though today is a bank holiday.
Nacho and his assistant finished up the fence and gates across the backyard. This provides a bigger yard for the dogs to roam around in and when David wants to take the dogs out in the back forty, it will be better.
This morning, I opened the door in the dark to let the dogs out and the air felt hot and humid. Then I noticed there were raindrops on the porch steps. It was raining. My phone sounded with an alert from the National Weather Service saying tomorrow we would have flash floods for Wednesday morning beginning at 1am and continuing through Thursday night at 7pm. Sounds like it is going to be bad since they are announcing it a day before...
The air is now heavy with humidity and the rain has stopped at 10am.
Nacho and his helpers finished up the fencing and then built some raised beds near our front gate right by the hay meadow next to us. They will be back next week to finish up. David has lots of work for them to do.
We went into town at 1pm to do some errands. We got home around 4pm and went back to work for a short while.
Now let's talk for a moment about integrity. I witnessed a conversation between two men today out in a parking lot. They saw me standing there. One talked about how he pulled the wool over someone's eyes when selling him something. The object for sale was beginning to break but he did not tell the buyer. The other party to the conversation responded with a "right on!" I was disappointed in both of them because I thought they were men of integrity. This, my friends, is the opposite of integrity.
Merriam-Webster defines integrity as:
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2 : an unimpaired condition : soundness
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness
Apparently, it rained for a short while at 4am today, but not like it was supposed to. It is now 4:21pm and the rains did not come, although it is very cloudy and overcast. I went to Devine to have my hair done and then I got some groceries. I am still waiting for the rain to start. It is breezy out and thick with humidity.
We got some nice looking zucchinis from our garden this morning.
We have seeds for sale and orders are coming in left and right. One lady today ordered $242 worth of seeds for sale! People are coming in to the store and buying a lot of our fall seeds for sale, even now. The really smart gardeners are coming in and buying their spring seeds for sale, like our Spring Seeds For Texas Seed Collection. Others are just picking and choosing what they like for next spring.
I drove over to Devine and got my hair done this morning. I must say that my stylist did an awesome job and I look fabulous! While I was there, we talked about Dave Ramsey, getting out of debt, and starting your own business. She already read The Total Money Makeover. I suggested she take FPU and that she read Entreleadership and Business Boutique. She just got Business Boutique. We also talked about investing. I always enjoy encouraging those who are trying to get out of debt and those who want to stat their own side hustle. I truly enjoyed my time there today.
After that, I picked up some groceries, got home, put said groceries away, and then went back to work.
The wind started picking up speed and we got a few drops of rain, but it is now 8pm and we are still waiting for the big storm that caused flash flood watches to be called yesterday morning for today and tomorrow.
My new black trucker caps came in today. I have to add them to our website and put them in our farm store. They look pretty good. I wanted to order more green hats but the company was out of green so I decided to try black. I think I like them...
Buy our brand new black and white cap here or our green cap here!
Good morning! It rained in the night but right now, it is not raining. It is overcast and does not feel ugly and humid like it did yesterday.
I am at the store by myself today with almost 2,000 varieties of seeds for sale. I have been pricing and displaying the new black caps. I also added them to the website and I am excited to see how all of you like the new color.
The vet called this morning about Molly. She said that all of the fungal labs came back negative so Molly does not have a fungal infection in her lungs. The vet says it is pneumonia. She has a follow up visit with x-ray for next Wednesday and she continues to take her antibiotics. I still cannot get her to take them unless I crush them but David has been able to coax Molly to take them.
A very nice couple just stopped by to find out what we are all about. I enjoyed talking with them. Matt is now giving them a tour. They are looking to buy some land and garden a lot more as shortages are already starting across our country. This time it is because ships sit out in the harbors in California waiting to be unloaded but because of covid, there is no one to unload them. Honestly, it is ridiculous.
Today was a very busy day for us. We got up early to another hot and humid day. The weather said it would be cool today but the cool weather never hit until this evening. We started out by feeding animals and getting the store set up. David and I left the farm at 9am to go to our podiatrist in San Antonio for an appointment at 10am.
I had a post op visit for the partial toenail removal, had my other ingrown toenail fixed, and I had a new steroid injection on my upper right foot. I have some arthritis and there is a spot where two bones collide with each other that is extremely painful. The last pain blocker that I had months ago wore completely off so I was getting tremendous pain again. I also set up an appointment in November to have the ingrown toenail on my right foot permanently fixed like I did on my left foot seven weeks ago. David had his ingrown toenails worked on as well.
While we were in the treatment room at the podiatry office, David received two calls telling him that his father was being taken to the hospital in Uvalde from Leakey.
After that, we hurried over to Salt Grass Steakhouse for our October birthday luncheon with our team members. We celebrated our Production Manager, Jay. His father and stepmother were able to join us. We had a great time.
While we were in San Antonio, we stopped at a couple of stores for supplies. Then we headed on for the Uvalde Hospital. We called David's brothers as well as his father's cell phone multiple times. No one would answer any of them so we had no idea whether or not David's father would be admitted. Uvalde is a few hours away for us. We called the hospital and the only thing they would tell us is that he was still sitting in the lobby and had not yet been seen. That is when we turned around and came back to the farm.
We got back right before closing time. My team member who was watching the store said some customers came in and she was able to assist them in finding seeds for sale that were right for them. I fed the fish as the wind started blowing and rain came down. I thought we were going to have a big storm so I went out back and took care of the animals quickly and the storm blew right over!
At 7pm, we got a call from David's father but because he had on an oxygen mask, we could not understand him. We called the nurse's station there, but they would not pick up. We let it ring for several very long minutes and nothing. We saw on Facebook that a friend of ours found out from David's brother that he was admitted for observation and oxygen.
The weather is clear and cool this morning. It is 58° Fahrenheit and the air feels amazing. I was happy to let the dogs out and then go out to feed all of our animals. The high is supposed to get to 74° and I hope the humidity stays at bay.
I got some household chores knocked out of the way and have been working on the computer in my home office, fixing some things on the website and that took some research. I have also been doing my homework for the two online business classes I am enrolled in.
One of the classes is with Jon Acuff called Full Potential that is a 90 day class. The other is the Christy Wright Business Boutique Academy that lasts for six months. I know that both of these classes will help me focus and get better at what I do for David's Garden Seeds®. In turn, it will help me, as well as our company, to serve you, our customers, better and that is what it is all about!
We have plenty of wonderful, Non-GMO seeds available, but we want to serve you in the best way possible while we offer them to you. I love helping our in-store customers choose the best seeds for their garden and their needs when they ask for help.
David's dad got out of the hospital this morning and went home so we don't have to travel over to Uvalde today. We have been using our time wisely and getting things for the business done on the computer. Sometimes, we get more computer work done on the weekends because our employees are not here. It is nice to be alone and focus.
There is another Frankenstein movie on this evening's Svengoolie on MeTV.
Good Sunday morning. We had a gorgeous sunrise just a few moments ago. The sky was a gorgeous hot pink, which I love. I just checked and we have 104 orders that need to be filled. Our crew will be busy in the morning. I wonder if it will double today since Sunday is always our biggest seeds for sale day and it is just beginning. This is so exciting. The temperature is 52° and it feels so incredible outside.
Some of our customers are still ordering fall seeds and some of them are ordering winter seeds, while others are already planning ahead and getting their spring seeds now while we have plenty in stock.
We went to church today at one of the local churches. Then we came home and I made a big pot of chili. It is delicious. I have been crocheting and watching "Better Call Saul" with David while he is working on the computer. Now we are taking a break. It is 74° and cool and breezy outside, so beautiful.
We already have a lot more orders today and it is only 3pm. There are plenty of seeds for sale so hopefully we hit some unprecedented numbers of orders today. The guys will be very busy tomorrow trying to get all of the orders out before the mailman gets here.
David and I were out in our new backyard this afternoon, planning where we want to put things now that we expanded the fenced in area. Of course, we will put some raised beds in there against the fence. I would like to put in a permanent greenhouse, mostly for my use so the employees cannot go in and dump the things I plant like they did this past spring. I want a fire pit with some nice seating. Also, I would like to get a hot tub and a built in pool. Of course, we have to pay cash for these things which means we have to save up for them. We don't buy things unless we can pay for them.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!