This week, we are getting our seed store ready to open next Monday, June 15, 2020. The counter is not finished. There is a lot of leftover wood, not to mention tools, and odds and ends. There is a ton of work to be done including hanging many more seeds.
Today started bright and early with a 7am delivery of flooring rolls for the three new buildings. Edward finished up building number two today. He sprayed texture on the walls and gave it three coats of paint. It looks good and tomorrow, the floor goes in.
Meanwhile, back in the seed store, the counter is not done so there is nowhere to set up the cash register or any displays. There is no built in desk like there was supposed to be. We have asked a good contractor to come in and finish it up but he did not have time today.
David said a customer called him today wanting to know when our seed store is opening. David told him it would be open one week from today on June 15. I really don't think that is enough time to get it finished, cleaned up, and stocked but he says it doesn't matter.
David will be moving his temporary office in the store over to the new building as soon as the floor is put down in the new building.
Tomorrow morning, we will get the third building. Edward the contractor says he will be out here on Wednesday to sheet rock it. Thursday he should float and tape and Friday he should be able to texture and paint it. He is amazingly fast and has no help.
Our chicks are doing well. Last night, eleven slept on the top roost in the coop, all together. I wish I had gotten a photo of that. This morning, they were all excited and ready for another happy day in the new coop.
Matthew harvested most of our corn today. The Enhanced sweet corn did not get very big. David says it is because we did not have enough water on it. For many weeks now, he has been trying to get our guys to put in an irrigation system but they kept not finishing it. They would glue a few pieces together. David would think it was done and it wasn't. Last Wednesday night, we were out there close to 9pm, trying to glue some of it together ourselves
After harvesting, Matthew shucked it and, of course, there was a corn worm in every ear. I cut away the damaged parts and then blanched a lot of little ears and froze them. We left some out to cook fresh for tonight.
The well company is out in the well house now, putting on a new faucet to give us a bit more pressure. The water is filled with sand smells bad.
Today, there was a whirlwind of activity in the seed store and all over the farm. Our third business building was delivered this morning. At the same time, a team of construction workers was here finishing off decks and other wood projects. Some of our guys were working in the garden and the lawn, while others were mowing.
Another construction worker who has done many jobs for us, came out and finished off most of the counter and stained it. He will be back tomorrow to make me a built in desk for the seed store since I am the one who will be working in it most of the time.
With so much going on, David and I stayed home on the farm. The chickens did very well in the 103° heat. It really was hot and humid and miserable but the guys all got a lot done despite the heat.
Today, the chicks turned six weeks old. They look like mini chickens, bobbing their heads up and down and strutting around.
This morning, David and I went into the office early. Then we left at 10am to go to the cedar yard for some more cedar for decks to match the deck on the seed store trimmed out with cedar logs. We got a truck full of them.
Meanwhile, back on the farm, we had several workers. Some of them finished up some outdoor steps and decks, including the deck on our home! Another guy came out and built me a slide out desk in the seed store so I can work on my computer while I am there waiting for customers.
The floor did not get laid in the second building so it must get done tomorrow morning. The third building got sheet rocked today. The guy will be back tomorrow for floating and taping.
Today, I spent most of my time in the seed store setting up the area behind the counter. I also swept up a lot of sand that has accumulated over the past few weeks in the store. I found a big tear in the linoleum. I am not sure who did it, but when I told David about it, he said, "Oh, you found it."
Sarah, one of our new employees, put packs of seeds into hanging bags so they can be displayed in the store. She spent the entire day doing that but there are still so many left to do.
The new building has been sheet rocked and float and taped. It will be painted on Saturday.
First thing, I ate a quick breakfast and went outside to feed and water the chicks. Then I proceeded to clean the inner room of the coop from a whole lot of chicken poo. It took longer than expected. I went in the house to get ready for the day and work and David called asking where I was. I got ready, started a load of laundry and crossed the parking lot.
This morning, Jay, our David's Garden Seeds® manager, sent D'Marco and Brendan out to the farm to help us set up the seed store some more. They got a lot of boards and other heavy things out of here. They also put individual packs of seeds into bags to hang them up in the store.
We have been taking down incorrect price tags that had previously been put on packs of seeds incorrectly. That took several hours to do and my feet are now killing me.
David and Matthew are in the kitchen canning beets from our garden. There was a huge beet haul two days ago. We have three guys doing construction out here on the new buildings. Sarah is not here today as she and her family went on a family vacation to Colorado.
FedEx came at 5:10pm wanting to know where to unload a large delivery, after everyone but me went home.
Friday is trash day out here. Every two to three weeks, Apache Disposal does not come when they should so it is always a crap shoot on Friday. Will the guy come to dump the dumpster that is always overflowing? Just two weeks ago, we got a much larger dumpster but since our yard is a construction zone, it still overflows early in the week.
Today, at 11am, I heard the trash truck as the guy dumped our next door neighbor's dumpster. Then he zoomed on past our driveway. He never came back. I called this afternoon. The lady said he had been by at 11am. I said yes but he never came to our house. She told me she would call me back. At 6pm, I remembered she did not call me back. So here is what my dumpster looks like now because the guy did not dump it this morning like we pay them to.
Normally, when he misses Friday pick up, he gets it on Saturday, but we never really know if he will come. I have called to complain before but it never does any good. It just keeps happening.
Here it is Saturday morning at 9:05am. There are workers out and around the property. The trash man still has not shown up. Why on earth do we have to pay well over $100 a month and yet we have to go through trash spilling everywhere most weeks? It is so frustrating.
I am at the David's Garden Seeds® Farm Store, pricing seeds for our grand opening on Monday. It is a huge job. We have over 1,600 line items and many of our seed packets were priced incorrectly. In fact, there has not been one priced right.
I worked on this all day long yesterday. From now on, none of the team members will be pricing any of the seeds. I will be doing it. Everything was under control until we moved to the farm and could no longer be at the store everyday. Then different team members would either hang the seeds up in the store without pricing or they would just guess at pricing. For the past year and a half, all of our prices have ended with the number 6. Every single price tag I found yesterday ended with the number 3. Those prices are from 2018, yet they have been put on our seed packets in 2019 and 2020.
I don't have much of an internet signal out here in the store. We can't get AT&T internet out here and the "high speed internet" (LOL!) is slow and spotty. We are supposed to get another line for the store, but not until the business electricity is turned on. Hopefully, our electrician will come out today and get the electricity taken care of for our business.
David's temporary office is still in the store as well as the temporary breakroom as the other buildings are not yet ready to be occupied by anyone.
Just in case you wondered, no, the Apache Disposal truck did not come by for our trash.
Sunday came and went quickly. We took time to go to church. Then we jumped in and cleaned up the store as much as we could for tomorrow. Of course, the trash man never showed up today.
Our electrician came this afternoon after church and finished up.
We got David's furniture moved out of the store and set up the cover crops, grain crops, and the few grasses we have left.
We did not have time to go through all of the outdoor plants which we still need to do.
I was in the store working until 8pm at which point Lucy and I went out to the back and put our chicks to bed for the night.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
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