So many people want to know what our seed sources are. We use only the very best including seeds grown by ourselves, by local farmers, and by seed companies that David has done business with for more than thirty years. The important thing for you to know is that David's Garden Seeds® is a trusted source for Non-GMO seeds that you can safely plant in your garden for your family to enjoy.
Good Monday afternoon! I have been busy packing and paying bills, filing insurance claims, and balancing my checkbook all morning long. It is now 12:15pm. Soon, we will be going to visit David's father who is not doing well. Matthew will be taking care of things for us here on the farm. It is good to have someone we can depend on.
The weather is fabulous right now. It is 75° and feels cool and amazing. It will get down to 59° tonight. This morning, the weather was incredible.
Just last night on social media, a customer asked if all almost 2,000 of our seeds have been planted here on our farm and if they all do well in Texas. First, not all of our seeds come from seed sources in Texas. We send seeds all over the USA so we don't expect all to do well here. It is just way too hot here most of the summer for seeds to do well. Once that awful heat comes out, most plants stop growing. Other seeds we sell are designed to do better in cooler climates, back East, up North, etc. We have just four acres, so not enough room to grow just a small portion.
The best way to find out what does well in your area is to read the description on our website and then Google and find out if the variety does well in your area. You can also ask your county extension agent to see if a variety will do well where you are. He or she should be able to tell you what varieties grow best in your area.
We had a good trip to David's father's house. We talked with him and David's brother. The only problem is when we got hungry, David went into town at 7pm and there was nothing open but a convenience store. So he brought home some convenience store food which wasn't very good.
This morning, when we got up at 6am, it was dark and Dad came out of his bedroom, feeling better and wanting breakfast. He ate nothing yesterday. We fixed him coffee, orange juice, farm fresh eggs, and thick bacon. It was delicious and he ate well. He said he had a new lease on life and was sounding much better. I cleaned up the kitchen and bathroom and started a load of laundry for Dad. We visited all morning and then we came back to the farm because we have a business to run.
We have been back about an hour now. I am unpacked and exhausted. I did not sleep well in a strange bed. Got to sleep around midnight and woke up about six times. The dogs and cat were very happy to see us. I have some laundry and dishes going and I need to get over to our farm store and make sure everything is going well but my feet hurt and I feel like I could just sleep.
I got the mail and some deliveries. Our seed sources have been sending us plenty of seeds. Our mail orders are up so people are already thinking about spring and about winter planting.
The pest control guy came by shortly after we got back. He sprayed and he put some sort of bait boxes out in the yard for any mice that might come along.
We smoked pork chops for dinner and they were so good.
Well, good morning. I slept pretty well. I was so happy to be back in my own home and in my own bed last night.
Right now it is 10am on the 20th of October and it is 75°. How can it already be the 20th? And, it is already humid out there and the sun is shining. It will get up to 88° today. Our "fall" weather is already done and we are going back to summer.
We put our fall blow ups back up by the road and we are filling our pond again. The water levels go down quickly.
David took Molly to the vet a little while ago. She has a follow up appointment to see if she is getting better from what the vet now thinks is pneumonia.
I believe that is the only thing on our schedule today.
David is back from the vet with Molly and it only cost us $343 today. Molly is not getting better. She has fluid around her heart so the vet put her on Lasix to go with her antibiotic. Now she will be peeing all over the place...Fun times!
We keep finding new seed sources since some of the older ones are no longer reliable due to the effects of covid. It is sad when businesses can no longer provide services that they used to.
Most of the problem comes from businesses not being able to find good workers. Since they have no one to work to get seeds to the seed companies and to count, pack, and ship seeds out from seed companies, the seed companies cannot keep up with orders. Many close and do not accept new orders until they finally catch up with all of their current orders. This makes us have to find new seed sources so we can keep providing garden seeds for all of our customers.
There is no doubt that 2020 and 2021 have come with big sets of challenges to keep businesses open. We here at David's Garden Seeds® have tried our best to continue to provide all of the quality seeds that you enjoy growing.
This afternoon, we drove to Natalia and took a tour of the Winterstrom Ranch Fiber Mill. This facility has their own alpacas and they make alpaca yarn and other products that they sell in their own store. It was very interesting and fun.
I bought some alpaca yarn as well as some felted handmade soaps. They are awesome.
Good evening. Today was a busy day. Nacho was here and finished up a bunch of new raised beds. Then he put all new plastic on our greenhouse and did some other things.
Next week, we are supposed to start building a new greenhouse that will be in our fenced off backyard. This greenhouse will not be available to the public or to our employees. It will be for me. That way, when I plant a bunch of expensive seeds, I will not have to worry that my employees dumped them all like they did this past spring. I propagate a lot of plants to sell and because my plants kept getting dumped, I had to move my operation to my front porch instead of using the spacious greenhouse we built. Yes, it is worth the extra cost to me to make sure people keep their hands off of my plants instead of destroying them.
At 10:15am, we left the farm and took our managers into San Antonio for a nice lunch at Chama Gaucha Brazilian Steakhouse. We met our San Antonio pastor and his wife there for Pastor Appreciation month. There were seven in our party and we had a great time.
After that, David and I had some errands to run in San Antonio. We got back to the farm around 3pm and packed the truck so Matthew and David could run out to Leakey. Yesterday, David's father was placed on hospice and today the hospital bed and other durable medical equipment arrived at the house in Leakey. Unfortunately, we were not told until about an hour before the bed arrived this morning, so we could not arrange for a proper space to be made for the bed. So it is in the family room. There is no room to get back to the three guest bedrooms or bathroom on that side of the house.
Matthew and David are spending the night there and they have to sleep in the living room. Prayers will be appreciated during this difficult time period as the family says goodbye.
Linda took care of the store all day and did an awesome job. The only problem we are having lately is at the end of each week, I am having to give away dozens of eggs. If you want farm fresh eggs from our chickens, you need to come in during the week and purchase my eggs. Right now, because we have so many, they are just $3.25 a dozen for the best eggs, way better than you will get in your grocery store. And you are helping us to feed our chickens. Good grains and worms are expensive to buy so we are selling our delicious eggs to help feed our chickens. Come on over to our farm and buy some eggs. They are great for breakfast and for baking. So tasty with dark yolks. Most are large but there will be a few smaller ones in every carton in some gorgeous colors.
Here on the farm, I said have a great weekend to all of our team members and then I took care of the animals and closed up for the weekend.
I made some homemade chicken noodle soup tonight and have been enjoying it while I am doing laundry and other exciting tasks this evening.
Each day in the mail, we get new seeds from our favorite seed sources around the United States of America. In addition, we get seeds from our own farm, from farmers nearby, and now from some gardeners whom we have met in surrounding towns by going to some events. Local is good.
Good Saturday morning! I woke up five times in the night. I woke up at 5am and my nose was clogged. By 5:30am, I still wasn't back to sleep so I got up. I have laundry going again and I am getting caught up with work. We have had so much going on this week that I am way behind. Plus, I am enrolled in some online courses so I have plenty of homework. It was strange that David was not here with me, but the dogs protected me.
It is fog as thick as peanut butter to quote from Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer... The fog we got this morning did not lift until around 10am.
I have a lot of transplanting to do on my front porch. I look forward to getting my new greenhouse. Now that we moved the fencing and expanded the private backyard, there will be plenty of room for the greenhouse and the dogs will still have a nice, large play area. They are loving the new space they have.
I want to put in a hot tub. I think it will be amazing for my sore muscles. Working on a farm is hard work. Yes, most of the time David and I are sitting inside, working on computers, but we do have chores to do like gardening and taking care of the animals. A hot tub will be wonderful. I just have to talk David into it! Ha!
David got back okay. I stayed here the entire day because I am in pain.
The Svengoolie movie, House of Frankenstein, started out pretty good. I had never seen it before. Then, because I was so tired from very little sleep the night before, I fell asleep on and off during the film. I totally missed the ending.
Happy Sunday. I am not feeling well today. I think I will stay home. I had another miserable night. I could not get comfortable and my nose was stuffed.
My arms, back, shoulders, and neck have all been hurting this week. Arthritis is a horrible thing. Most of the time, I am good but I did some things my muscles and joints did not like.
To be honest, I did very little today but every time I tried to rest, I could not get comfortable to go to sleep.
I really meant to talk a lot more about seed sources this week but my arm muscles are hurting when I type.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!