This week we will talk about planting spinach seeds, both vining and leaf spinach types. Spinach is quick to grow and is good for salads, dips, and in cooked dishes. It is very healthy for you and should be included in everyone's diet.
Good Monday morning! We have a whole lot of weekend orders to pull and fill today. Linda and Shay are both here today. We are so glad to have Linda back after her vacation at the beach last week.
We ended up getting a lot of orders filled and closed before the mailman arrived. The check stubs were late today. I did not receive them until after 4:30pm but I did get them all written by 5:15pm.
Last night, after 11pm, hail started followed by rain. Then I fell asleep. It couldn't have been much because the ground was not wet this morning.
It got windy and cool and poured here this morning around 11am. Then it stopped and warmed up a bit. Late this afternoon, cool air blew in again but it is now 8:25pm and we still have not had the rain I thought we would get. It hasn't rained at all since before lunch.
I just finished cleaning up the kitchen from dinner. I also washed up all of the produce from our garden today. We got cayenne peppers, sun gold tomatoes, purple passion asparagus, and a big bowl full of strawberries.
I have been so busy today that I did not even have time to work on this page until now. We are watching Mission Impossible from the 1960s while I type. The puppies are rolling around on the floor. They tore up one of their beds, taking all of the stuffing out of it.
The Angie's List housekeepers sent David a text saying that a housekeeper will be here in the morning. Ha ha ha. This will be the third time since last Wednesday that we have heard that. This time, David did not request one. I am done with them. It is supposed to be pouring rain tomorrow plus tonight so I doubt anyone will drive all the way out here in rain.
Annabelle, Lucy, and Ethel get groomed tomorrow morning. It hasn't rained tonight, although it got windy and cool. The clouds were dark but they did not produce anything this evening.
At 9:30pm, David's phone rang. It was the man who was coming to clean the house tomorrow. He said he wanted us to cancel the Angie's List cleaning and he would come out here and give us his own price and keep all of the money instead of taking $90 and giving the rest to Angie's List. David did not understand what he meant. He hung up. I explained to David that this guy was going to screw Angie's List out of the money they earned by finding him work and that he would keep all of the money. The guy never gave David a chance to think; he just kept saying "you know what I am saying?". I had an uneasy feeling about it all night long.
Good morning. We never got a drop of rain here on the farm. Matt got rain where he lives. David texted the supposed maid this morning telling him to forget it. The guy then said he doesn't work for Angie's List. So how did he get our contact information and how did he know that we have been trying to get our home cleaned? Interesting for sure and a bit scary.
It is lovely and cool this morning. Matt is already loading Annabelle, Ethel, and Lucy up in the truck to take them for a nice grooming. The puppies want to go, too. But they are nice and clean for now.
It never rained all day but it did stay cool with low humidity all day long into the evening. I sold three chili pequin plants to two different customers as well as seeds.
I have a lot of eggs in the refrigerator for $3.45 a dozen. If you want some, come get them.
Lucy, Ethel, and Annabelle got groomed today. They were all shaved and Annabelle is almost white under all of her black hair. She looks like a sheared sheep and I hardly recognized her!
Lucy has an ear infection so David took her to the vet late this afternoon. She got some spray and an antibiotic.
Maya Angelou said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Remember that people will always remember how you made them feel. That is right. The person who you screamed and yelled at today will remember how you belittled him or her and will forever associate that horrible feeling with you every time they think of you.
Today is a beautiful day for planting spinach. It is fairly dry and the temperature is so nice right now at 60°, something we seldom get this late in the spring.
First, you have to decide if you want to plant a leafy spinach or a vining spinach. The vining spinach is called Malabar and we have both the red and the green. The vine is red for the red Malabar and the vine is green for the green Malabar. Both of them have green leaves that grow on a vining plant so you will need a trellis or fence for it to grow on.
The leaf spinach can be grown for tender baby leaves that are usually done around day 21 or for larger leaves that you can cook or add in a smoothy. The baby leaves are wonderful in a salad.
Planting spinach is easy. Just find a sunny spot. Make a shallow (1/4 inch deep) trench with your finger and sprinkle seeds along trench. Then cover up with some of the soil and gently water it so the seeds don't get blown away or get eaten by bugs or birds. Spinach germinates quickly and in 21 days after germination, you can be enjoying your first salad.
This morning it is cool and sunny. We are having a birthday potluck today. We have a lot of orders and so much to do.
Dawson and Matt are out in the back planting spinach, weeding, and watering.
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David started cooking his sweet and sour pork in the house. Shay started setting up the commercial kitchen for a luncheon, heating everything up. Jay helped a little. The kitchen smelled heavenly!
Then we had the most delicious Asian potluck followed by a Tres Leches cake and a chocolate cake. Happy birthday to Brendon, our only April birthday.
I gave away a few dozen eggs as I am being overrun with eggs now. It was a very strange day with just one customer the entire day. Maybe the San Antonio area planting season is officially over. We are still out here planting spinach and other things every day.
Next Sunday, May 8, is Mother's Day. Mothers love herb gardens and flowers. We have some beautiful herb and flower seed sets that your mom will enjoy. You can come out to the farm store and buy them or order them at David's Garden Seeds®. But hurry. You have just one week left!
We have lots of pecan goodies for mom as well including chocolate and dark chocolate turtles, coffees, and pecan pralines. Even some chocolate covered pecans with bows. Come out and see what we have.
If you are planting spinach in your spring garden, make sure you choose a variety that does well in the spring and summer. For your fall garden, choose a cool weather variety for planting spinach in September. Some varieties do well in both seasons.
Good morning! You can see in the photo above that we have sandy soil out back. It is all beach sand, just without the water. We have gophers and a lot of sticker burrs and weeds so we use weed barrier for most of our planting. There was no rain. Dawson and Matt planted spinach and other veggies out in the back forty.
It was a busy day but we had just a handful of customers. Our David's Garden Seeds® goodies came in, five boxes worth came in. Now I have to open and unpack them, price them and put them up in the farm store, but not today.
Today, we have to shut down early to attend the Atascosa County Small Business meeting. It is on the Strawberry Festival grounds in the Rotary Club building. We arrived fairly early with some charcuterie boards, plates, and napkins. People were already there with nachos and drinks as well as strawberry cake.
We took five door prizes from our Farm Store. We won a strawberry plaque for the farm store with Psalm 34:8 written across it. It looks good. Some of the presentations were rather lengthy and I got tired fast. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep.
Right now, we have cayenne peppers fresh from the garden as well as asparagus that we can harvest for you when you arrive. This is based on availability each day. First come, first served. Our farm fresh eggs are the same way. Sometimes we have a lot. Other times, people come and buy them up in large quantities.
We have dehydrated, canned, and pickled carrots that were made a month ago in our commercial kitchen. We have just two jars of dehydrated carrots left. We also have pickled asparagus that is not spicy and we have strawberry preserves made right here on the farm.
Good Friday morning! We have had just a few customers today. One customer bought a few plants and took a caterpillar off of one parsley plant and put it on her own to take home. Good riddance! That stupid caterpillar ate half of my parsley plant.
It is overcast and my feet are just killing me. It is 2:30pm and I have checked over all of the orders but none have gone out. Linda harvested the spilanthe lemon drop plant for toothaches. Now she is in the commercial kitchen washing the leaves and flowers and she will dehydrate them.
I have been going over orders and unpacking our name brand pecan goodies all day long. We got the biggest order we have ever had. It was for $894.73! Can you believe it? It was checked three times and will go out tomorrow morning.
For the rest of the day, I unpacked all five boxes of pecan goodies. We even have some plain chocolate fudge without pecans if you don't like them or if you are allergic. Everything is set out now. We have some chocolate covered pecans in pretty bags with bows for Mother's Day as well as five different pecan coffees to choose from. They are all whole bean. Mom will love them all so come by David's Garden Seeds® tomorrow and do your Mother's Day shopping in our store.
Today, four of our team members came in to help with rearranging seeds in the Farm Store. We are slowly dropping our line of hybrid seeds. A lot of customers freak out when they see hybrids, thinking they are GMO when they are not.
We had two customers the entire day. Around 10:30am, we had a call from Americus that my piece of anniversary jewelry was ready for pick up, not even two weeks after we bought it. They said up to six weeks. David said we would have to wait until Monday to go.
I left the store and was vacuuming the house since we cannot find any housework helpers. David texted me to say let's go to San Antonio. We called Matt to go with us since he has our truck. We went and picked up my jewelry.
After that, we made a Sam's run for drinks. We bought a lot of drinks but David stayed in the truck and I forgot to buy sodas. I bought jerky and Sun Chips as well as water, Hint, Snapple, Jumex, and unsweetened tea. It was so crowded in there that I could barely stand it.
Then I wanted Taco Cabana for dinner so we stopped at one on the way out of the city. Unfortunately, the moron taking drive thru orders did not hear a thing and was making things up. David got so frustrated with him that he got his food from a gas station in Somerset. They botched up my order. They don't have a clue what they are doing...Either that or they need to buy new speakers and microphones. We should have gone inside but I just did not want to with all of those people. I have really grown used to being out here in the country and I hate to be in big crowds now. Unfortunately, there is no good food out here like Taco Cabana.
Svengoolie was pretty good with Attack Of The Martians from 1986, the year before we were married. I had never seen it before.
It has been a busy Sunday. We got up early and fed all of the animals. Then we went to a new church. It was okay.
We came home, ate some frozen Asian food which was tasty and then we fell asleep on the couch while watching Mission Impossible. We woke up and it was almost 3pm. That was good because at 3pm, David's cousin Becky and her husband Ronnie got here as expected.
They brought us some large white buckets for holding water. We gave them a tour and had a fun visit. They live up above Seguin.
After they left, we fed everyone and then called in a food order to a local Poteet drive through with a kitchen. Of course, when we got there, they did not have the things we had ordered off of their brand new menu so we had to sit there while they cooked us other things. The food was good but the person who took the order should know what they have and what they don't. Anyway, now we are winding down the day. It was in the 90s and so humid. Alexa says it will rain at midnight. I can only hope she is right. We really need rain.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,000 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!