Planting Herbs

So many of you are interested in planting herbs in your backyard gardens. It is pretty easy to grow most herbs from seed. The taste that comes from using fresh herbs in your food is so good. You will love it so much you won't want to use dried herbs in a jar anymore unless they are from your own garden.

My latest squash and zucchini harvest in my kitchen. So excited! Planting herbs is just part of our gardening.My latest squash and zucchini harvest in my kitchen. So excited!

Planting Herbs - May 16-May 22, 2022

This is Hamberg Parsley. Planting herbs is an exciting part of any kitchen garden.This is Hamberg Parsley. Planting herbs is an exciting part of any kitchen garden.

Monday, May 16, 2022 - Planting Herbs

This was our first sunrise in a long time. It has been overcast here for many weeks.This was our first sunrise in a long time. It has been overcast here for many weeks.

Happy Monday. It is hot, 97° and sunny. This morning, we saw the sunrise for the first time in what seems like months. It is 3pm and we finally have our first customer of the day. That is okay because we have been busy filling orders and adding things to the website all day long. Also, the arthritis in my hands has been so painful today. I have taken several pain relievers and I massaged in Penetrex and BioFreeze. They are somewhat better but I can still feel the pain.

The mailman came about an hour ago and delivered a lot of boxes. He also delivered a bunch of political mailings to us. The crate is filled with stacks for everyone to get some. I thought he would have missed them and come back but so far he has not.

There is now a wasp in here flying around. I am a bit freaked out by that. The mailman just returned for those flyers so I am glad of that.

The mailman finally came back for the flyers about 90 minutes later.

My hands slowly felt better throughout the afternoon but my right leg was hurting all day long. I left the store at 4:30pm to put my feet up as my ankles were quite swollen. It was just not a good day.

David grilled chicken and we had salad and noodles with white sauce. Matt stayed for dinner and we watched Mission Impossible. We are now at the end of season 4 of the TV show. Matt went home and I fell asleep on the couch. I got up and showered and washed my hair.

Planting Herbs

This is Dark Opal Basil, a nice reddish green basil for cooking.This is Dark Opal Basil, a nice reddish green basil for cooking.

When planting herbs, you have the option of putting them in the ground or planting herbs in pots. If you plant them in pots, you can put the pots away in your greenhouse, shed, garage, or even in your house overnight when cooler weather and frost get here. If you have them in the ground, most plants will die during the first frost. Some are hardier, like rosemary if it is a big bush, so it may not get that on the first freeze of the season.

There are so many herbs to choose from. We carry both culinary and medicinal herbs. It is nice to have some of each just in case you need them. For a list of all of the herb seeds we carry, click this link.

Most herbs are easy to grow and quick to germinate. A few are not. For instance, we carry several varieties of Shiso. Shiso must be put in your freezer for two weeks before planting. Once it has been put in the freezer, it is okay to plant.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - Planting Herbs

We are planting herbs all year long and bringing them to the store porch to sell. Here is some basil that we have been growing.We are planting herbs all year long and bringing them to the store porch to sell. Here is some basil that we have been growing.

Last night I was up and down all night long. I woke up to the sound of grinding coffee beans just after 6am on the couch so I got up and started the day. I fed everyone and got ready. I took eggs over to the store and then we left for San Antonio. David had his quarterly visit to the cardiologist. He had a great visit. All of his labs came back good and his blood pressure is fine at 117/77. Not bad at all. The doctor does not want to see him until November.

Meanwhile back at the farm, Matt was outside planting herbs. Linda has been planting herbs in the grow tower in our store. She has trimmed some of them back several times over and they continue to do well.

Then we tried to go to Salt Grass again but there were many people sitting in the lobby waiting for a table. We went to King's Buffet over by where we used to live. The food was pretty bad. I tried a lot of it. The only thing tasty was some sort of spaghetti noodles. It was pretty full in there but man, $32 for some food that was not even remotely good. Then we came home. I slept part of the way home. I have been in the house since. My leg is aching again.

It is 4:30pm and 102° Fahrenheit. The day just flew by. David wants me to start being at home more and I think that is a good idea, especially when I am working six days a week. I have no time to get anything done here at home.

I added algae killer to the pond this morning as algae is taking over it again. At 5pm, I added de-chlorinator to the pond and then filled it up again.

After that, we went in the pool which was filled with all sorts of bugs, dead and alive. Pamela did not want to go in so David helped her in. After that, she would not stay out of the pool. Everytime David would take a different dog in, Pamela would jump in and swim out to him. She loves to swim now.

Then we had Marie Callender meals for dinner. They are pretty tasty for frozen meals. We used to like to eat at Marie Callender's years ago when it was an open restaurant.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - Planting Herbs

Did you know Goji berries are an herb? Yes, we have been planting herbs including Goji berries. These are some that we have harvested.Did you know Goji berries are an herb? Yes, we have been planting herbs including Goji berries. These are some that we have harvested.

Good morning, fellow gardeners! It feels cool outside right now at 73°. It is 6:30am. We are having a gorgeous sunrise. We got all of the indoor animals fed and David made a delicious omelet and coffee. This pecan coffee is incredible. We have six types, all available at our farm store so come on by today and get a pound to grind and enjoy each morning.

Early this morning, I fed the fish and then went out back and used my rowing machine. After that, I walked the orchard. Amazingly and for the first time, I have pomegranates growing! Yay! There are apples and mulberries, too. Every tree is leafing out and starting to look great. One citrus tree, a red orange, survived. Only one fig tree is alive and very small, an Alma fig given to us by a customer back in February. All of the others are dead. Both of my cherry trees are dead and were pulled up and replaced by pecan trees. I am so bummed by that.

The corn and melons are doing well. The strawberries have been pulled up as well as all of the green beans because they had a woody texture due to the extreme heat.

This is our orchard. Corn and other things are growing between the rows of trees.This is our orchard. Corn and other things are growing between the rows of trees.

I did not know until this morning, but David had us signed up for a housekeeper again. They took payment yesterday and should have been here at 9am. No one showed and it is 10:43am now. My guess is no one will show, just like for so many weeks. Two weeks ago one showed. He moved things and furniture all over and I am still putting things back. He did not dust any blinds and he completely missed dusting my dresser or headboard.

I told David to stop doing this, that I will clean instead of being in the store all day long. As long as someone is in the store, I can be freed up to come and fix up the house during the day.

David got to go to a nearby ranch and collect some feed buckets to use as planters. The owners came in to our store several weeks ago and told them they had some for us.

Right now it is 86° at 11am and it should hit 104° this afternoon. I am going to clean up the house a bit. We had a nice produce haul this morning of asparagus, sun gold tomatoes, mulberries, squash, zucchini, and cayenne peppers.

I am eating lunch at the house instead of eating in front of customers. This is nice. I will be doing this more often and get some of my life back since we are now working six days a week and holidays. Hopefully, I will get Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day off but I am not counting on it now...

Well, wouldn't you know it, not even three years old yet, our deep freeze went out again. We have transferred our food to other freezers. Looking for a good repairman. We bought it at Sears and it is a Kenmore in October of 2019.

My sourdough starter looked good this morning so I have started a loaf. It is in the proofing basket now.

Planting Herbs

We have been planting herbs in our greenhouses and bringing them up to the farm store to sell. One person bought 12 plants yesterday. We will continue to be planting herbs in our greenhouses and we will sell them as they are ready.

Our store carries a lot of herb seeds so planting herbs is something that you can do in your own garden.

Thursday, May 19, 2022 - Planting Herbs

Good afternoon! It is 2:21pm and I am in my home office. I just put a turkey breast in the oven to roast for dinner tonight. Yesterday, our freezer went out and it defrosted so it is dinner tonight. The freezer is fine, by the way. David fixed it.

I worked this morning at home and then went over to the store and checked on all of the orders. Then I noticed some pricing errors on packs of seeds hanging up. I pulled wrong price tags and then came back to the house. I have started cleaning up the house, little by little. We have had so many housekeepers in here and not one of them ever dusted a lot of things, like filter holders and fans and baseboards. So I started doing that today. Then I vacuumed the furniture in the den because it was all sandy from the puppies. I have been doing dishes and laundry.

Also, this morning, I tried baking the sourdough. It did not work. The chickens get it. I will try again.

I saw some customers on tours today when I looked out the windows. Yesterday, we had zero visitors to the farm.

Planting Herbs

Planting herbs includes cilantro in Texas! So many good things are made with it.Planting herbs includes cilantro in Texas! So many good things are made with it.

Some of the guys were working outdoors early this morning, planting herbs and weeding.

I spent most of the day working from home and cleaning. Around 2pm, there was a knock at the door and my next door neighbor brought me a beautiful bouquet with a card from David. Kaitlyn recently started Poteet Posie Co and she did a wonderful job. This bouquet is just gorgeous. There was no occasion.

I got a lot of social media posts done from the quiet of my home office where I could think and not be interrupted every few minutes.

After 9pm tonight, I let the dogs out for their final pee of the night. When I let them back in, the two puppies were soaking wet and sandy. They ran through the den, all over the furniture and carpet that I cleaned earlier today. It was then that David told me he had the sprinkler on in the backyard. I ran and got some towels. The furniture needs to be cleaned again.

Friday, May 20, 2022 - Planting Herbs

Early this morning, I was awakened by the sound of a motor going by the house. It was still partly dark and it finally dawned on me that it was Nacho, our yard and wood guy. He mowed the whole four acres. He made some pretty wooden crosses for Molly and Annabelle.

Right now, Nacho is over at the Grass Farm across the street from us buying some grass for the backyard so the puppies don't get all muddy and sandy again. When we first moved in almost three years ago, we got grass from them but it died without being watered constantly. Of course, now we have a water line and a well so we can water it.

I prepared some of the plants in my greenhouse to sell up at the farm store. I am in the farm store currently. So far we have had zero customers today.

What We Have In The Farm Store

We have lots of plants for sale as well as seeds and food items. We even have pecan firewood for sale.We have lots of plants for sale as well as seeds and food items. We even have pecan firewood for sale.

We have wandering jew plants, different mint plants, herb plants, (yes, we have been planting herbs)  half dozen cartons and dozen cartons of eggs, strawberry preserves, canned green beans, canned carrots, pickled carrots, pickled asparagus, dehydrated white icicle radishes, pickled white icicle radishes, fresh Texas 1015Y onions at $2 a pound, pecan oil, bags of pecans, pecan coffee, germination starter kits, pecan snacks and chocolate covered pecans, trucker caps, and seeds, lots of seeds. We even have pecan firewood, two firewood holders, and a Weber Original Kettle grill left and they are all marked to sell quickly. All of our other grills are gone.

We are open today until 5pm and will be open tomorrow from 10am until 4pm. Come on out and get fresh, delicious foods from the farm as well as seeds so you can grow some of your own fruits and vegetables. Don't worry about grocery store shelves. Buy some seeds and read our website. It has lots of helpful articles.

Nacho, Aaron, and Matt are putting down grass in the backyard.

We are rearranging the store a bit and getting rid of most of our hybrid seeds. They won't be replaced. We already carry a lot of heirlooms. Now we will carry more heirlooms and some open pollinated seeds. Hybrids are good as they are usually disease resistant, but we find that many customers are afraid of them and stay away. Besides, you get your best flavor with heirloom seeds. 

I went back to the house to get lunch for David and me. While there, I let the dogs out to go on the new grass. Nacho has gone across the street to get more. The mail came early today, before noon.

Today is Friday and usually Fridays are a busy day for us but it is very slow today. It is after 1pm and it is 95°. The low will be 76° overnight. Do you plan on coming out this afternoon or tomorrow? There is a lot to see and buy.

So I came to the house to clean up a bit since it is slow at the store. I found another pile of poo on the side of the couch in the living room, just like yesterday. I cleaned it up and shortly thereafter, I heard David yelling in the guestroom. I went in there. There was another pile of poo on the floor and the guestbed has been used as an outhouse for a while. There was a huge circle of yellow. Thank God that I put a mattress protector on the brand new mattress! I am washing the bedding now.

After that, I went out to put dechlorinator in the pond and I saw a thin, long snake. I left my phone in the store so I had to go back in to call for help. By the time I got back out to the pond, I could no longer see the snake. Matt tried to find it but could not. I have six fish who are too scared to eat. Not sure where the other two are. I turned on the water to fill up the pond and closed the store for the day. I will go back out there soon to turn the water off and check on the fish. Now, I have to go check on the chickens and collect eggs.

The grass looks good but we still need to buy a lot more.

The pond looks good and all eight fish are there, safe and sound.

Planting Herbs

If you are planting herbs, you may want the link to the herb seeds at David's Garden Seeds®. We have many seeds to choose from, both culinary and medicinal.

Saturday, May 21, 2022 - Planting Herbs

Planting herbs is something we do a lot. We sell herb plants every week in the farm store.Planting herbs is something we do a lot. We sell herb plants every week in the farm store.

Good morning! It is an early work day. We have five team members here at the farm working on a Saturday. I have been up since 6am, feeding all of the animals inside and out and unlocking every building. Now I just finished my eggs at 8am and I still have to get dressed and fixed up so that I can meet all of you today.

Yesterday, I took out quite a few plants from my greenhouse and added to the store for you to purchase. I do need to price them all. There are some big beautiful Wandering Jew plants that should cost $20 and then there are several mints, including chocolate mint, that will go for $5 plus tax. Don't forget that in Texas, all plants are taxable.

Planting herbs is something that I need to do because I find that so many of you want herb plants, especially for cooking.

David decided that we would go grocery shopping this morning instead of waiting until after church tomorrow. So we left at 9:45am and went to Walmart. I am glad we did because after church I am always starving and I don't feel energetic enough to do much shopping. We had some team members cover for us here today until we got back at lunchtime. I was able to put all of the groceries away. We have had some really great visitors to our farm store today. We sold some eggs, some onions, and some plants as well as a lot of seeds.

It is now close to 4pm, closing time so soon everyone will go home and I will take care of the animals and go in the pool. My leg has been hurting all day long so I think the water will feel good on it. It is 101° Fahrenheit right now.

The new grass is being watered and every time we have let the puppies out to go potty from last night through today, they go through the sprinkler and come in soaking wet. They are so cute. It feels like an oven out there with the hot air.

I would like to say Happy Armed Forces Day to all of our current military and those who were in the military. If you are in the military or you are retired military, please let us know for 15% off of your store purchase.

Right now, we are running a 15% discount on all online orders for Memorial Day. Just use code MEMORIALDAY2022 to receive this discount. Free shipping when you spend $25 or more on seeds.

Tonight on Svengoolie, it is the second Dr. Phibes movie that Vincent Price was in. Who doesn't love Vincent Price, right? I have not see this one before. Not sure what we are eating yet to go with it.

Just found out we are having pizza. Closing the store now. Come by on Monday!

The movie on Svengoolie was good but weird...

Sunday, May 22, 2022 - Planting Herbs

Planting herbs is a great way to learn how to garden. This is Spilanthe, the tooth ache plant. It makes your whole mouth go numb when you chew the flowers. We are growing some in the store now.Planting herbs is a great way to learn how to garden. This is Spilanthe, the tooth ache plant. It makes your whole mouth go numb when you chew the flowers. We are growing some in the store now.

Good Sunday! We went to church and got Church's chicken for lunch. While we ate, we got caught up on Fear The Walking Dead and now I am doing laundry while David naps. It is much cooler out than normal for this time of day.

Sometime after 11pm last night, it started raining and it rained for a good while. Not sure if it will rain today or not. The air is cooler and the sky is overcast. It is nice to have a day off. David told me this morning that we are having company next weekend. I had no idea. I thought I would have a few days off to do things that I wanted to do. LOL!

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

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chickensyardOur chickens
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goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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