Planting Cherry Tomato Seeds

Let's look at planting cherry tomato seeds this week. We have many varieties at David's Garden Seeds®. They come in some gorgeous colors. For most of the country, you still have time to decide on what kinds of tomatoes you want to grow.

Planting Cherry Tomato Seeds
February 21-February 27, 2022

Monday, February 21, 2022
Planting Cherry Tomato Seeds

Nacho is cleaning out the pond of algae with his shop vacuum. The algae grows so quickly. Matt has been cleaning it out by hand.Nacho is cleaning out the pond of algae with his shop vacuum. The algae grows so quickly. The shop vac did not work. Matt has been cleaning it out by hand. He should be planting cherry tomato seeds.

Good Monday afternoon! Happy President's Day! There is no mail today and we have an overabundance of orders which means tomorrow, the mailman will have no room in his vehicle so we will have to take them to the Post Office ourselves.

We are still closing orders from the weekend. We had an outstanding amount of them. We are having quite a few customers here today. It is a beautiful day that started out at 60° and it is now 1pm at 79° Fahrenheit.

Nacho and a helper are here to do some work on the watering system and to clean out the rest of the algae from the pond. I counted all 12 fish so it is good to know they are all still alive and well! There are also some frogs.

We were not planting cherry tomato seeds or any other kind of seeds at all. It would have been a great day for planting cherry tomato seeds but we were too busy with getting seed orders out.

We had a working lunch of Tacos from a place in Devine. Jay ordered them and picked them up.

Jay is setting out all of the different lunch tacos for today's working lunch in the employee breakroom. I had the chicken tacos.Jay is setting out all of the different lunch tacos for today's working lunch in the employee break room. I had the chicken tacos.

Well, it turns out all the Shop Vac did was empty the water. It did not remove algae at all. Unfortunately, Nacho did not know that he needed to put de-chlorinator in the pond before filling it with city water and I did not know he was doing it because I was dealing with customers and orders all day long.

Just a little while ago, Nacho told me. My eyes got quite big as I asked if he put in city water. He said yes. I asked him if he added the de-chlorinator first. He said no, that he did not know he had to. I went running for the de-chlorinator and put in a bunch. The wind is blowing making it hard. By this time, the fish were all just sort of laying by the pond. Nacho went in and mixed it in. Thirty minutes later, the fish seem to be doing better, swimming around so I think they will be okay.

It is 88° and Matt is taking a out algae.It is 88° and Matt is taking a out algae.
The fish are looking much better now after I added the dechlorinator into the pond. If only I had known earlier but there were so many customers...The fish are looking much better now after I added the dechlorinator into the pond. If only I had known earlier but there were so many customers...

Now, Matt is out there, wading in the pond, removing the algae by hand. He is pretty wet. He also put water lily tablets in each of the water lily pots in there. The algae is growing on the uncovered side only because it gets a lot of sun. Maybe we should cover it with a tent. I guess we will wait and see.

I got 24 eggs this afternoon from my hens. That is the most I have had since last summer. I stopped by the greenhouse to see my tomatoes. We were planting cherry tomato seeds a little over a week ago and most of them have started coming up now. We also planted some grape tomato seeds in starter pots and those are coming in as well.

Right before it got dark, I was doing the dishes and decided to go check out the fish. I got there and the lights on the gazebo were off and the pond falls were off. I did not know what to do. The controls are up inside, underneath the gazebo. I called Matthew and he walked me through what to do. I pushed a button to reset the fuse and everything came back on. The fish seem fine. The controls will be moved so we can get to them tomorrow, hopefully.

The temperature got up to 88° today and it felt HOT!  It would have been a good day for planting cherry tomato seeds. But we were just too busy for planting cherry tomato seeds today.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Planting Cherry Tomato Seeds

This was taken from my back deck. The new pool is looking so good and the fog looks so cool way back there.This was taken from my back deck. The new pool is looking so good and the fog looks so cool way back there.
You can see the chicken house in this photo and our keyhole garden where we grew a lot of basil. In fact, we ground some basil and we have basil oil, both for sale in the farm store.You can see the chicken house in this photo and our keyhole garden where we grew a lot of basil. In fact, we ground some basil and we have basil oil, both for sale in the farm store.
Fog running in front of the big oak with some of our hoop houses and animal sheds. I love mornings on our farm.Fog running in front of the big oak with some of our hoop houses and animal sheds. I love mornings on our farm.
The field of fog next door. This is the hay field. It is always full of fog when we get it.The field of fog next door. This is the hay field. It is always full of fog when we get it. You can see my personal greenhouse as well.

This morning, I was cold and my joints were hurting so I guess David blasted the air conditioner in the night. It is 66° at 6am and it should be hot again today. I heard it will be 90° so I will need to open my greenhouse door again today.

It is now 7am and it is a bit foggy outside! It looks pretty cool.

I was up first at 6am so I made coffee. Instead of the usual grinding some pecan coffee beans, I opted for an unopened bag of coffee that David bought at a market days back last fall in Devine. It was coffee with honey and lavender. It is horrible. No matter how much flavored creamer I add, I cannot hide the hideous taste. Tomorrow, it is back to pecan coffee!

And while we are at it, all of this "buy local" stuff from vendors of these market days is a crock. They want us to buy local from them, but they tell us to our faces that they buy their seeds only from a company in Missouri. We have been around for over 12 years and we have over 2,000 seed varieties. We are 20 miles down the road and the Missouri seed company is 769 miles away. Which one is local? Which one is in Texas? Buy local? Really?

Of course, you can buy from whoever you want to. This is America where we are free to do so. Just don't go around telling everyone to buy local expecting everyone around to buy from you while you buy from someone in Missouri instead of down the road in Texas. We like the seed company in Missouri and have visited there. They are awesome, but so are we.

I hope it doesn't freeze. We have 5 apple trees putting out blossoms already so it would be bad if we get one. Tomorrow is definitely not a day for planting cherry tomato seeds or any other kind.I hope it doesn't freeze. We have 5 apple trees putting out blossoms already so it would be bad if we get one. Tomorrow is definitely not a day for planting cherry tomato seeds or any other kind.

I am going to try not to stand so much today. My feet and legs ache each evening now. It is ridiculous how much pain I am in at the end of the day.

Planting cherry tomato seeds is something you should be doing now if you live where we live. Actually, you should have planted them a month ago but time flies by, doesn't it?

Our production manager called in today so someone is going to have to do two jobs at once to keep production moving. Matthew has a bunch of errands to run so he won't be able to stand in for the manager this morning.

It is now 9am and the farm store is open for business. The new guy, Nathan, whom we hired last week is here for his first day. I saw David out back showing him around when I went out to see my chickens. The employment agency is supposed to send out an interviewee today to help on Thursdays and Saturdays when Linda is not here. Also, if Matthew continues to work on Saturdays, he will need to take off on a different day so he is not working six days a week like I have to.

Now that we have so much business, we need at least three in the store at all times.

A girl showed up this morning for an interview to help out in the store. She said she may keep her current job if they offer her more money, once we offered the job to her. She had tattoos and a nose ring which are not allowed in our company handbook, but we are getting desperate. Also, she had new pants on that had rips in them. David hates that. When I used to go on job interviews, I would wear my Sunday best. This does not inspire confidence. I need someone who actually needs a good job, not someone who may or may not take the position depending on what her current job decides to offer. This girl told me that she would talk to her current employer today and call me this evening. I gave her my phone number by calling her cell phone.

From now on, we are not going to agree on whoever they send us from the employment agency.

We are looking for someone who is good with people and who is willing to learn how to do things our way from Tuesdays through Saturdays. I have to have help on Saturdays. I know, no one wants to work on Saturdays. We don't want to either, but that is when the bulk of people are off to go shopping so we have to be open on Saturday. Linda and Matthew take days off during the week, so I need coverage on those days as well.

Do you know anything about gardening? Do you like helping people? No smokers, no visible tattoos, no piercings other than one earring in each ear, and no holes in jeans. Yes, these are company requirements from our handbook. We want someone who is respectful, who listens, who follows orders, and who knows their alphabet because you will need to put up seeds alphabetically. You will also need to read well because we have a lot of seeds with names that are kind of the same but a little different.

Planting cherry tomato seeds and any other planting experience is always a plus, but not a requirement.

They shaved Lucy from the middle of her back but left her wavy hair and face alone. She is so soft now.They shaved Lucy from the middle of her back but left her wavy hair and face alone. She is so soft now. I could not get her to stand still. She just wanted me to pet her.
Annabelle also got shaved down the back. Little Ethel got shaved all around and she looks so cute with a darker stripe down her back.Annabelle also got shaved down the back. Little Ethel got shaved all around and she looks so cute with a darker stripe down her back.

Matthew just got back from errands, including getting the dogs groomed at a new groomer's place in Jourdanton. The name of the place is Brenda's Doggie Dos and they did a nice job. We met the owner at an Atascosa County business meeting last month. Then she came out and visited our farm store. So we returned the favor today and we are glad we did.

Matthew then loaded up and took a lot of mail, about six bags, to the Poteet post office. The mailman showed up around 3:30pm and would not have had room for all of those bags in his vehicle. Rural mail drivers do not get big mail trucks. They have to provide their own vehicles.

Nacho took down a big section of fence between us and the hay field and started putting up new wooden fencing.

Nacho and his team took down part of our old fence by the hay field to put up a new wooden one with a gate so people don't drive up the back 40 and get stuck.Nacho and his team took down part of our old fence by the hay field to put up a new wooden one with a gate so people don't drive up the back 40 and get stuck.

David and Matt took the old fencing over to the farmer who went off on him last week. Not sure why, but that happened.

Joshua has been giving tours throughout the day after David showed him how he wants it done this morning. We had at least three tour groups today.

The Ehlinger boys are here. Comfort Commander is a great business if you need a new A/C or heater. Good for maintenance and refrigeration, too.The Ehlinger boys are here. Comfort Commander is a great business if you need a new A/C or heater. Good for maintenance and refrigeration, too.
Comfort Commander (Austin & Daniel) in the house or farm store, fixing the commercial fridge. David came in to say hi.Comfort Commander (Austin & Daniel) in the house or farm store, fixing the commercial fridge. David came in to say hi.

Comfort Commander showed up this afternoon to fix our commercial refrigerator. The piece that was floating out in the Pacific finally came in. Yay!

We had a lot of customers, more than yesterday, throughout the day. Thank you all for coming out to see us on this beautiful day! The wind has now picked up and a cold front is blowing in. It was 88° today.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Planting Cherry Tomato Seeds

Obviously, the sun came up but we did not get to see it due to the thick layer of clouds that enveloped us this morning.Obviously, the sun came up but we did not get to see it due to the thick layer of clouds that enveloped us this morning.
My greenhouse and fire pit area on this cloudy, cold morning.My greenhouse and fire pit area on this cloudy, cold morning.

Good morning! It is chilly at 46° this morning.

I just realized that the girl we interviewed to work for us never called me last night. My phone was on until 11pm last night so she had plenty of time to call. So that means she is staying with her current employer and they offered her more money. I only want serious candidates. That was a waste of our time interviewing someone who actually told us at the end that she would see if her current employer would let her go. If you truly want to leave a place, you give your notice and say no thank you when they offer you more money. She used us to say "this other company will give me a job unless you give me more money." The funny thing is we offered her less money than what she said the other company gave her.

I hate all of these games that people play. They really don't want to work a decent job, do they? She complained about all of the things a home health aide has to do, yet she is staying there...

It is 7:30am now so I need to eat breakfast and get ready for the day. Matt is supposed to be out on another errand for most of the day and it is cold. I wonder how many customers will want to shop and tour our farm on a day like this? It is supposed to rain as well.

I made eggs and got ready for the day. No customers so far and I do not expect any in the cold and rain. Plenty of orders to fill. There will be no planting cherry tomato seeds today.

It is sprinkling out at 40° now and the high will be 45°. It is 10am and overcast.

The new guy who started with us yesterday did not show up today and he did not call in. What is this about? Last week when we interviewed him, he said he has done farm and ranch work his whole life. All he did was weed the garden beds yesterday. He wasn't even planting cherry tomato seeds. I guess the weeding did him in. How can people look you straight in the face, tell you they can do the job you expect with no problems and then not show up after one day or not call to tell you whether or not they want the job? Interesting, isn't it? So maybe the employment agency isn't the way to go. Neither of the candidates this week had even met the contact person there.

David and Matthew are now off getting father/son makeovers and the rest of us are hard at work. Nacho is outside doing more work on the new fence they are putting up. Nacho is by himself today so one of our people is assisting him. Apparently, there will be another gate put up across the drive we have going up to the back so no more yahoo delivery drivers will try to go back up in there and get caught in the sand. That is good.

With our business buildings, loading docks, and home all here in the front of the property, why on earth would any driver in their right mind try going up into the sand to deliver a package. There is nothing back up in there except for a small garden shed up at the top of the hill. Anyone can see the shed is not a home. Nor are we a driveway to the people next door as one delivery driver told us. Their driveway begins at the road at their gate.

Nacho is out there hard at work and has been since 7am building the gates and fence to block off the back of the property.Nacho is out there hard at work and has been since 7am building the gates and fence to block off the back of the property. Not a day for planting cherry tomato seeds.
Here are the gates he has ready to go up so no more drivers can try to go up in the sand and get stuck!Here are the gates he has ready to go up so no more drivers can try to go up in the sand and get stuck!

So David got back and he and I went to do early voting. Then we stopped in at Farm to Familia for a sandwich and then back to the farm. When we got there, the fence was almost completed and the gates were put up. No planting cherry tomato seeds today.

Josh is helping Nacho put the fence up today since Nacho did not bring a helper.Josh is helping Nacho put the fence up today since Nacho did not bring a helper.
Here are the new gates to block delivery drivers from driving up the back 40 and getting stuck in the sand.Here are the new gates to block delivery drivers from driving up the back 40 and getting stuck in the sand.

Around 2:30pm, the mailman came and took everything. Matthew took off for Costco to buy more snacks for the store.

A little while ago, a lady from Hondo came in with her three pretty, little girls, our first customers of the day. She was soon followed by another lady. It is just so funny how that works, like the first person in the parking lot is a magnet and the others are drawn in. It is still so cold out, 37° now. I honestly expected zero customers today because of the icy cold weather after an almost 90° day yesterday.

We did not get any additional customers today. Tomorrow we are having precipitation with a low in the 30s. The high will be 52° so I don't know how inspired folks will be to drive out into the country to think about their gardens. They certainly won't be at home planting cherry tomato seeds.

I cooked rabbit in my Instant Pot for the first time tonight. I cooked it with a small amount of olive oil, a cup of chicken broth, some mushrooms, and some carrots for 24 minutes on high. I made rice in my rice cooker and the meal came out really good. Rabbit really does taste like chicken. This was the first rabbit I have liked.

Rabbit with veggies in my Instant Pot.Rabbit with veggies in my Instant Pot.
Rabbit meat with veggies and rice. It was good.Rabbit meat with veggies and rice. It was good.

Planting Cherry Tomato Seeds

Once it warms up, it is time to be planting cherry tomato seeds if you want some for this spring. Below are some of my favorites of planting cherry tomato seeds. If you will be planting cherry tomato seeds this spring, you may want to choose a few from my list.

  1. Black
  2. Glacier
  3. Gold Nugget
  4. Indigo Rose
  5. Matt's Wild Cherry
  6. Red Large
  7. Sun Gold
  8. Supersweet
  9. Sweetie
  10. Washington

Thursday, February 24, 2022
Planting Cherry Tomato Seeds

Good Thursday morning! It is 35° now at 7am and will get up to 52°. There is precipitation but so far, no ice.

Matt has already gotten here and said the road was good. He is out feeding the animals for me.

Josh, our outdoor guy, worked with Nacho yesterday. We told him he did not have to but he said he wanted to. Today, he called in sick. I guess he won't be planting cherry tomato seeds here anytime soon.

I do not anticipate big crowds today, tomorrow, or Saturday with this wintry weather. We are having our carrot canning class so hopefully those signed up will come out. The carrots will be harvested this afternoon.

My assistant is not here today but Matt is so we should be fine. The employment agency has not sent us any other interviewees even though we need two or three additional workers. They said they will start actually pre-screening candidates which we thought they were doing all along. That is why we are using them and paying them. We want serious candidates who actually want to work, not use us a ploy to get more money from their current employer. Also, you should look presentable and come to the interview wearing your Sunday best, not $100 jeans with holes all over them. Compared to area employers, we pay very well.

There were a lot of orders today. For a while, I printed and Matt pulled while Kathy was restocking. We borrowed Kathy from Production for the day since she volunteered to help us out this Saturday.

We ended up having six customers throughout the day. The first customer bought seven dozen eggs! I had ten dozen in the fridge. Wasn't that great? The final customer was Cynthia from Leakey, a schoolmate of David's. Cynthia owns a flower shop in Leakey. She brought her daughter and grandson. They got there at 4:45pm and did not leave the store until 5:30pm. Then David gave them a tour of the farm.

It stayed cold and wet throughout the day and the high was 55°. Not good weather for planting cherry tomato seeds or any other kind of seed!

David had a team of seven out in the hoop house pulling up our carrots for the canning class on Saturday. We got three big pails of good sized, sweet carrots.

Friday, February 25, 2022
Planting Cherry Tomato Seeds

Good Friday morning. It is 36° and the high should be 46°. I am hoping Linda will be back. We have had a lot of people out this week. At 9:45am, we have another job interview. I hope this one is a serious candidate who fits the bill and actually wants to work. What are the odds? (Hint: Not good!)

I have now fed all of the indoor animals. Matt just got here and is going to feed the outdoor animals for me.

Josh called in again so no planting cherry tomato seeds today. His wife came by to pick up his paycheck and she said he has a doctors appointment on Monday so I guess he won't be at work on Monday either. No planting cherry tomato seeds for a long time!

I mentioned a job interview for this morning. A serious candidate? Hah! The candidate was coming through the employment agency that we have been using. They said they screened her but she never showed up for an interview. That is crazy. Maybe she was home planting cherry tomato seeds instead of coming to get a job.

Our outdoor guy called in for the second day in a row. Our Production manager has been out ill all week but he says he will be back on Monday.

2 of our people washed and peeled the carrots that were harvested.2 of our people washed and peeled the carrots that were harvested.
Our carrots were put through our new slicer and they look great!Our carrots were put through our new slicer and they look great!

Some of our team members washed and peeled all of the carrots that we harvested yesterday. Then others used an electric chopper to chop the carrots.

Comfort Commander is parked in our driveway by the Fulfillment building.Comfort Commander is parked in our driveway by the Fulfillment building.
Austin is on a ladder on the north side of Fulfillment.Austin is on a ladder on the north side of Fulfillment.
Daniel on the east side of the Fulfillment building.Daniel on the east side of the Fulfillment building.

The Ehlingers of Comfort Commander showed up today to install a heating and AC split unit in the Fulfillment building. They worked all day in the cold and finished after 4pm today. Next week, they should be back to install one in the Production building.

Saturday, February 26, 2022
Planting Cherry Tomato Seeds

Good morning! Happy Saturday. Today is cold and wet but we are open for business. It is currently 11am and 39°. It was 36° when I got up this morning after 6am. The cold is sprinkling down on us. Matthew came early and took six bags and boxes of outgoing orders down to the Poteet post office which was great because I know our mailman would not have room for that much in his vehicle. I have closed up a few orders from yesterday since then. Our post office is open on Saturdays from 8am until 10am so we have a very short window to get things to go out.

Our First Canning Class Is Today!

Some of the pint jars the carrots were canned in today. I think they all should have been planting cherry tomato seeds in warmer weather!Some of the pint jars the carrots were canned in today. I think they all should have been planting cherry tomato seeds in warmer weather!

Today is our first canning class. Sixteen people signed up for the class but they did not pay ahead so only seven showed for the class. We think that is a great turnout for this cold and wet day. Hopefully, next time it will be sunny and warm.

David in our commercial kitchen setting up for our first canning class.David in our commercial kitchen setting up for our first canning class.
David in front of the canning class. The problem is that cooking the jars and cooling them takes a long time.David in front of the canning class. The problem is that cooking the jars and cooling them takes a long time.

Matthew is over there filming the class. I took a few photos and met everyone. We harvested some beautiful, sweet, orange carrots this week out back in our hoop house. Yesterday, several of our team members cleaned and prepped the carrots for today's class as I mentioned above.

Kathy, who is a full time team member here came in to help but so far, we have had just one family come in as customers (Can you say inclement weather?). We are an hour away from most places, out here in the country so I would not want to drive that far in wet, cold weather either. Kathy is restocking the store, which, by the way, she has been doing all week long. We just cannot keep the place stocked since our TV commercial.

Esme, our once a week, Saturday only part timer is here putting seeds away in back stock. After that, she will be pulling more orders. The orders just keep on coming in. We are so grateful. Thank you all so much!

The class is over. Everyone enjoyed it. We had less customers than other Saturdays, but still a pretty good amount. Most of them came after lunch. It is still cold and wet. It is 3:30pm now at 41°.

I got a lot of eggs this afternoon, the most since last summer, 26! That is a lot of eggs. I believe I already have eight dozen in the refrigerator. Not one person wanted eggs today, which is strange. I almost always sell out on Saturdays.

The Svengoolie movie was Devil Doll. They showed it sometime last year, I think. Our commercial looked great! Did you see it?

We are actually advertising on MeTV, on a radio station in Pleasanton, and on South Texas Gardening with Bob Webster. David has decided to pull the two radio ads. They brought in a small amount of people. But most people who have come in over the last four weeks have seen our MeTV commercial.

There have also been quite a few people coming in because of a Homesteading group on Facebook but no one can tell me the name of the Homesteading group. Someone posted on there that we have good seeds for sale. Quite a few people have told us this but not one can remember which one. So thank you to whoever has been helping us there!

Sunday, February 27, 2022
Planting Cherry Tomato Seeds

Good Sunday morning. It is 40° and I do not want to go out and feed the animals. It is still dark out this early. Looks like I will have 11 or 12 dozen eggs to start the week out with, depending on how many we get today. No one wanted eggs yesterday. That is strange. The wet weather kept a lot of people away. Can't say that I blame them. So come to the Farm Store first thing on Monday and get eggs!

We went to church and froze again. After church we came home. David and the dogs went out back and I sat down to eat some bread at the kitchen table. Unfortunately, I chose the chair by the backdoor. Let me say before I go further that I completely amaze myself sometimes. Soon David came back and I did not want to block him from coming in so I tried to lift the chair and scoot it under the table while sitting in it. Somehow, the chair leg landed on my right big toe, where I recently had surgery for an ingrown toenail.

I screamed out in a whole lot of pain, got the chair off of me and got up. I just stood there with my hurt foot up in the air. I cried a little bit, embarrassing myself. It hurt so bad. I got zero sympathy from my husband. After a while, I took off my shoe and sock. I broke the skin a little and you can see where the nail is already turning black. Holy crap, it really hurt!

After I realized I would live, I went to my office to work and throughout the afternoon, I took out several trash bags, did three loads of laundry, folded and hung up laundry, did the dishes, took eggs and orders over to the farm store, fed the fish, guineas, rabbits, chickens, cat and dogs, and finished social media posts for the next two weeks. All of that while walking carefully because my toe hurts.

I got a good amount of eggs again this evening. The weatherman says the temperature will get down to 31° tonight. It got up to 64° this afternoon but because of the cold breezes, it felt cold all day long.

I had hoped that by now we would be planting cherry tomato seeds every day this week but here we go with the freezes again.

David said that starting tomorrow, the spring seedlings are ready to sell for $3.95 each. However, because it is still too cold, we will not bring them up to the store until it warms up. That means customers will need to go back to the greenhouse with an employee to pick out plants if they are interested. We have been planting cherry tomato seeds and a lot of other seeds in the greenhouses.

Jay, our Production manager was out from Tuesday through Friday with strep throat. He just called David and said he will be back tomorrow but it will be too cold to plant cherry tomato seeds in the morning...

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

davidmatthives2Our bee hives
fishOur fish pond
chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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