New Year Wishes

How many New Year wishes or resolutions are you making for the new year? Most fail in the first week as far as resolutions go so maybe wishes are better.

December 27, 2021-January 2, 2022
New Year Wishes

Monday, December 27, 2021

If you have been reading along, you know that yesterday, we drove four hours one way to have Christmas with Jeremy and then bring his daughter, Holley, back to spend a week with us. Holley will be going to the New Year's Eve wedding with us and she is excited about that. In fact, she brought along four dresses with her for the wedding.

This morning, Holley and I made a lot of clay charms because Holley always wants to craft when she comes here but there is never time. We made a ton of them.

I went over to the store several times to check on things throughout the day and each time, there were customers. We had a lot of customers in our farm store today and I want to say thank you to each one of you who came out on our first day that we were open after Christmas! This is a great way to start a week. Soon, our TV commercial and our radio commercial will be airing locally and then our hours will change. Hopefully, a lot more of you looking for Non-GMO seeds packed fresh right here on the farm in Texas will start coming out.

I cleaned our oven today with the self cleaning function. It took four hours! The prime rib from Christmas spattered grease all over so each time I turned it on after that, it smoked. It is all clean now.

Holley is on our new couch with Christmas blankets and a new dollhouse.Holley is on our new couch with Christmas blankets and a new dollhouse.

We had lunch and after lunch, Holley started watching some Barbie Christmas movies while she played with her toys.

After dinner, she and I went in the hot tub which she loved. Then we showered and watched Jingle All The Way with the Terminator. When that was over, it was 10pm so we all went to bed!

Have you thought about your New Year wishes yet?

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Holley is in the back of our truck having fun while Grandpa drives her around town shopping.Holley is in the back of our truck having fun while Grandpa drives her around town shopping.

New Year's Eve is coming up fast now that Christmas is over. What are some of your new year wishes? Mine include losing weight and learning to work faster so I have more free time.

Today looks like another fun day for Holley. David says we are going shopping to get her some new things because her slippers are all worn out. While we are in town, we have to do some Amazon returns and pick up some prescriptions.

As I type this, Holley is still asleep so I can type this. LOL! I am already behind on a lot of work. Holley will go home on Saturday and then we get her brother, Max for a week.

We took Holley into Pleasanton and we bought her a whole lot of new clothes, slippers, boots, a coat, a Barbie, books, and a purse... She had a very good time!

While we were in town, we went to Walgreens for a prescription and, of course, the pharmacist had an emergency and left just before we got there, so we could not pick up David's prescription. He has two pills left. They were supposed to call us when a pharmacist got there, but they never called. It is a 50 mile round trip. What if we go tomorrow and it is the same thing? Can I sue the pharmacy for not giving us the pills that were prescribed if something bad happens? Who do they think they are that they can keep the pills that are waiting for pickup?

When we got home, we watched some YouTube videos of Christmas morning and those were fun.

We will no longer be carrying seeds for the seedless watermelons as they have just gotten too expensive. Other years we have carried them, but the prices have skyrocketed this year. I just found this out yesterday after one of our customers asked.

Linda has been knocking it out of the park this week with all of the customers coming in. They are buying the seeds like crazy now that Christmas is over. Who knew that the spring seed rush would start in late December? Again, a big thank you to all of you who came out today to support our small business, David's Garden Seeds®. We so appreciate you and are thankful for every one of you who come out to the farm. We are also thankful for your online orders, but we love it when you visit! So if your new year wishes are to have some excellent garden seeds that are Non-GMO and packed fresh right here on the farm, stop by our farm. The address and hours are on our website.

Now it is evening and we are watching Prancer, which Holley has never seen before.

Three more days to think about your new year wishes...

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Today, I started feeling sick, like I am getting a cold again. By this evening, I knew for sure. So here I am going through it all again. Problem is that almost everyone I come in contact with is sick.

David texted me around lunchtime that our friends from 27 years ago were coming by the farm. They are in town for the Alamobowl from Dickens, Texas. Then he texted me again saying they were here. Marvin and Ruth, it was great to see you both! We noticed that Josh pulled down the party lights from the gazebo when he took Christmas decorations down. He shouldn't have touched them. Aaron found them and put them back up because by the time we noticed them, Josh had left early.

About 27 years ago, we were pastoring a church in Coleman, Texas and they pastored in Ballinger, Texas. We would get together with our families when we could and have fun.

Holley made things out of clay and then got my glitter while I was doing other things....Her new year wishes are to own all of my craft supplies.Holley made things out of clay and then got my glitter while I was doing other things....Her new year wishes are to own all of my craft supplies.

Holley glittered my whole kitchen today with my expensive glitter for crafting. There is glitter all over the chairs and the floor. She is fast. Fun times.

She watched a Barbie Christmas movie while I napped on the couch because I felt so bad. Then tonight, David, Holley, and I watched Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus and I fell asleep during the crucial part. Of course, David woke me up instead of letting me sleep. Then I went to bed.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

I woke up in the night with my nose clogged. I slept the rest of the night on the couch and woke up at 5:15am. I tried to go back to sleep but could not.So here I am typing up a storm on my blog while the others sleep. I made coffee and had a bagel with cream cheese. It is 6:25am and still dark.

Here it is December 30 and I am sick again. I was just sick in November, right after Thanksgiving. The problem is that everyone is sick with a cold so we all get it. Linda and Matthew and Caleb all have off today. Josh the outdoor worker left early to be with his sick mother so I am not sure if he will come in today but I do have his paycheck so he should come in.

Again, I want to say thank you to all of our customers who came by the store. I sold out of eggs but fortunately, my chickens have made more.

What are your new year wishes? I wish to stop being sick and stop all of this world craziness we are going through (covid or corona).

It is now 7:38am and I just got back inside from unlocking the business and feeding the fish and the animals. There was the most spectacular pink sunrise and, of course, I captured it all digitally for you to enjoy.

Here comes the bright pink sun! Good morning and many happy new year wishes for everyone!Here comes the bright pink sun! Good morning and many happy new year wishes for everyone!
I moved to the right and got this shot of the pink sun behind the oak. No filters were used. We have some awesome colors going on out here on the farm!I moved to the right and got this shot of the pink sun behind the oak. No filters were used. We have some awesome colors going on out here on the farm!

Our people are starting to come in the gates. Very few of our people actually as many of them are taking the last days of 2021 off so they don't lose their PTO days. This is a new concept to some of them and they don't understand the concept of Use Them or Lose Them. We allow 40 hours to roll over to the next year but not more than that. Take some days off early in the year folks.

I am hoping we have a large amount of customers again today and thank you again for coming out and supporting our small business!

So far, it has been a good day with more orders to fill than time allowed before the mailman got here. One customer spent $207.00 in the store today so that was awesome.

Holley is taking a nap. Maybe she is feeling sick. I feel miserable and fell asleep a few times while we were watching Christmas movies today.

Now, remember that our farm store and our business are closed tomorrow for New Year's Eve. By the way, this has been an awesome year for our business, just like last year was and we thank God and our customers for giving us two super wonderful years. The other years were pretty good but with corona, more people started putting gardens in after seeing empty store shelves...

Well, our team members have gone home for the rest of the year. They got all of the orders out. I was cooking dinner for Holley and she asked me if the meat was good. I made pork chops and they are delicious. So I asked her why would I cook her something awful. Then I asked her if I ever made her anything awful before. She said no so then I asked why she thought I would make her something bad today. LOL! She ended up saying the pork chops were the best thing I have ever cooked. Kids are so funny.

Look at the spectacular color at sunset from our back 40. Again, no filters.Look at the spectacular color at sunset from our back 40. Again, no filters.

Friday, December 31, 2021 - New Year Wishes

Today is New Year's Eve. Our business is closed today so I have been cleaning up and doing laundry. We decided to drive into Devine and then a truck pulled up to the store with a couple from Devine. This was their first time to visit our store so David opened it for them. We had a nice conversation and they will be back for seeds. They did buy two sets of garlic bulbs today.

We went on to Devine and visited our son. I took him a surprise and put it in his bathroom. It is one of those toilet lights that lights up in the dark and changes color so he doesn't have to put a light up. I put mine in our toilets yesterday and they are pretty cool.

I have two packed USPS boxes of orders for the mailman to take so I hope he stops today. If it is a substitute, they don't come in to pick up orders. That happens quite a bit.

We will be attending a wedding this evening and we are excited about it. We have lots of New Year wishes for the happy couple, Seth and Kandra. Seth worked for us before going into the Marines and we went to church with his family when we lived in San Antonio.

Tomorrow, we trade Holley in for Max so I am trying to find all of her things and pack them up. She has a habit of tossing socks and toys and clothing all over the house, under chairs and in strange places.

The bride and groom during the ceremony. We all have happy new year wishes for them.The bride and groom during the ceremony. We all have happy new year wishes for them.

We went to the wedding and it was packed out. It was a nice ceremony and then we went to the reception. The music was loud and David wanted to leave before we even ate. We were sitting way in the back of the room so it would have been a really long time before they served our table so we left. I was glad because I started feeling pretty bad while we were there.

We hit up a Carl's Jr on the way home but I didn't think it was very good, probably because I felt so bad. We got home and I showered and got into jammies and then fell asleep on the couch. Holley went to bed early.

We sat in the back row of the chapel which was packed full.We sat in the back row of the chapel which was packed full.
Holley at the reception eating candy.Holley at the reception eating candy.

We wish you all the happiest of New Year wishes!

Saturday, January 1, 2022 - New Year Wishes

I woke up at ten minutes after midnight and went to bed for an hour. Then I woke up and went out to the couch...I had a rough night; kept getting up and going to the couch and then back to bed and back to the couch. I feel so tired.

It seems Santa left a few things under the tree for Max.It seems Santa left a few things under the tree for Max.

Happy New Year, everyone! I am sicker than a dog today with a bad cold and cough.

David packed up Holley and is on his way to take her halfway to meet Jeremy and get Max. Honestly, I do not want anyone here because I feel miserable but the whole fair is fair thing is going on. So he will come, but he won't have much fun because I am sick.

Max had a great time playing with his new Paw Patrol toys and watching his new Paw Patrol movie.Max had a great time playing with his new Paw Patrol toys and watching his new Paw Patrol movie.

My new year wishes are to lose weight and to stop being sick. I have been sick since the day after Thanksgiving. I was just getting better and it hit me again this past Wednesday and now it is full blown. My throat hurts from coughing.

I just made some soup to feel better. I also signed up for Weight Watchers this morning. I am up to 185 pounds, a weight I have never seen before until the end of this year. Enough.

I took Max out in the back 40 to see the next door neighbor's pig. He loved it. Happy New Year wishes to all!I took Max out in the back 40 to see the next door neighbor's pig. He loved it. Happy New Year wishes to all!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Max is all ready for church with Grandpa.Max is all ready for church with Grandpa.

It was cold this morning, 33° Fahrenheit. It stayed pretty cold the entire day. I felt horrible all day long, getting worse.

David and Max went to church over in Devine. I went out and took care of the animals. I stayed home from church and cleaned up a bit. Mostly, I slept and watched YouTube videos.

Late in the day, I went out and took care of the animals and put more water in the pond to prepare the fish for the below freezing temperatures that tonight will bring.

The sky was beautiful and full of new year wishes for 2022 as the sun set.The sky was beautiful and full of new year wishes for 2022 as the sun set.

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

davidmatthives2Our bee hives
fishOur fish pond
chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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