Brand new Mobile Home Repair is what this week is all about. Supposedly, last week our home was to be repaired but it is carrying over into this week. We have a brand new Palm Harbor Manufactured Home but most people still call it a mobile home because it comes on wheels. The wheels get taken off once it is delivered because the bank doesn't want you going off with it. This is actually what they told us where we bought our home on the day we closed.
On Friday evening of last week, at 6pm, we were finally given the keys to our home. Unfortunately, we have found a lot of mobile home repair work that still needs to be done including a broken refrigerator door handle, a cracked ceiling in a closet, trim in a closet that was not put up, trim in the living room behind the door that was not fixed, and wiring that was not done correctly so we have no power to our oven, our microwave, the living room, the master closet, or the master bathroom.
In addition, our air conditioner needs to be delivered and hooked up, the skirting needs to be put up, and we need some decent stairs instead of the construction set that was left here. They are crooked, full of splinters, and I have to jump to go out of my house to get to the top step--very scary.
The morning started out with a text stating the Air Conditioner Man would be here this afternoon. Queue the Hallelujah Chorus! David got a lot of boxes emptied out and I started cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen. Everything is dusty, sandy, or just dirty from sitting on the trailer lot and from sitting out here in all of this sand for 31 days.
While it was still fairly early this morning, David got some bean planting done.
The air conditioner technician arrived around lunchtime and then said he needed a pad and left. I was overjoyed when he arrived for our mobile home repair and sad when he left after just a few minutes.
Meanwhile, the trim out technician came and fixed up most everything that needed mobile home repair. He cannot figure out the wiring issue for the microwave/stove combo that is built into the wall. He said he will have to bring back an electrician friend, hopefully tomorrow, to get that taken care of. We now have lights in the living room, master bath, master closet and outside! We just can't use the microwave or oven.
David has been on the phone with Whirlpool trying to get us a new refrigerator handle since the fridge the mobile home people gave us is broken. Funny, it wasn't broken the times we walked through the home on the lot. The mobile home people said we would have to contact Whirlpool. David called Whirlpool and had to hold for 26 minutes just to get to talk to a customer service representative to find out about our refrigerator mobile home repair.
Then David got a trainee on the
phone with a trainer telling her what to say and hacking up a lung into
the phone. We will have to wait ten days to get a handle to the fridge
by FedEx. She asked for David's email which he gave her but when he
asked for email confirmation, she said she could not provide that. So he
asked her why not and she could not answer that. How frustrating!
David just got a text saying the skirting will be installed this Wednesday as part of the mobile home repair.
The Air Conditioner technician was gone for over two hours but came back and is now installing the A/C.
The trim out technician is fixing the crack on the closet ceiling, more mobile home repair.
Happily, over at our business, my Dreambox replacement parts were successfully delivered and per our manager, appear to be fine with no damage in transport this time. I thought I would get to be there today for the arrival but getting our air conditioner as part of the mobile home repair is way more important!
Another problem for mobile home repair is the washing machine will not run hot water. We discovered this last night after David hooked the washer and dryer up. Fortunately, the mobile home repair technician was able to fix the water problem.
The air conditioning has been installed and it is getting nice and cool in here now. As it cooled, I started unpacking boxes. I found some mouse number two in a few of them. They were in storage. I threw away a lot of stuff. I still have more boxes to go through but I am finished for the night.
I ran the dishwasher for the first time and it is working well. Hopefully, the oven and microwave will get fixed in the morning, around 7am and then I can start cooking again.
Last night, the air conditioner ran well and cooled this place off. It is amazing to be sitting here feeling comfortable instead of sweating profusely.
Two men are here to continue with the mobile home repair, namely fixing the microwave and oven combo. The two appliances make up one unit.
There were some wires that were not connected. They pulled out the unit, connected the wires under the home and behind the appliances and they work! Then, the second man who came with the trim out technician said the refrigerator handle just needed an allen wrench. They pulled one from a toolbox and fixed my brand new refrigerator. Poor David got all frustrated calling Whirlpool yesterday and it was for nothing because today everything that we know of is fixed! Crazy.
The mobile home repair is coming along. This morning, we headed into San Antonio to get the rest of the boxes in our fourth storage unit and we closed it out. Three more to go.
On the way from the farm, we saw a medium sized turtle crossing the highway. We never expected to see that out in the country!
After we finished at the storage place, we went to David's Garden Seeds®
and picked up some more of our stuff there. I got to see my Dreambox
replacement pieces and they look good! We stopped at Walmart to pick up a
few groceries. Then we came back to the farm and found a team of two
putting up the frame for the skirting. They arrived late, after 10am and left early, around 3pm.
Out in the back of the home, our contractor was working on changing the fencing for the dogs. We will need the fencing to attach to the home so they cannot go running off when we let the girls out.
We have been waiting to get our permanent stairs so we can start moving our furniture in. We called the transport company and they said the Palm Harbor people provide the stairs. So we called them and they have the people who set the mobile home on bricks give a construction site wooden, uneven, unfinished set of stairs, which they did. We did not realize this sorry, splintery, uneven staircase was our permanent set of stairs until we find someone to build us some decent stairs.
We were surprised by this because when we bought a Fleetwood home, Fleetwood provided us with two finished sets of stairs with iron side rails, one for the front door and one for the back door. I expected better from Palm Harbor. The stairs we have now do not go all the way up to the door. I have to really stretch to get in the home. But what is worse is going out of the home. I almost have to jump as I cannot reach the top of the step from inside. This is definitely not the way to do great customer service. We have been disappointed in Palm Harbor for many weeks.
Back to mobile home repair, our contractor will be finishing the fencing next week as well as building us some stairs for the front door of our home. Tomorrow, the skirting men will finish that project (they didn't!) and on Friday, the back door deck is supposed to be started. Hopefully, it will be finished the same day.
The generator and the propane tank are holding up well. It is great to have water and air conditioning. We have been working in the yard and unpacking boxes. Because we don't have furniture yet except for a few pieces, I am having to improvise where to put the things in the boxes.
This evening as the sun was going down I put an empty box in the living room and I looked out the window to cows in the front yard across the street! I got very excited. I am a big cow fan!
I tried my new oven out this evening. It worked well. It is all digital. I tried for a while to figure out how to turn the oven off when the timer went off but I couldn't. A short while later, it was off so apparently it turns itself off.
David just told me that our propane tank is already down to 20% so we will need to call for more propane in the morning. The full propane tank did not last long. We started using it on Saturday and it is only Wednesday.
Good morning! Happy Thursday! So what is going on with mobile home repair today? The skirting is supposed to be finished. I am hoping the portable potty company will finally pick up their potty. We asked them to pick it up on Monday but they said they would get it on Wednesday. That did not happen so we still get to see it and smell it. We have called and texted several times, but to no avail...
We called to order more propane and the lady at the company that filled us up the first time said they would get back to us later. Meanwhile, we are getting very low, below 20%. Still nothing from the electric company but they still have another two months before they turn our power on.
The guys working on the skirting showed up today around 10:30am and stayed until 7:30pm. They still did not finish so will be back in the morning. There is some more painting to be done but it looks pretty good. The problem is that some other folks are coming tomorrow to build the side door deck and decent steps so the painters will be in the way. If only workers would show up at 7am and get things done before it gets miserably hot. The heat tends to slow you done a lot when you are trying to do mobile home repair outside.
The portable potty guy still has not picked up his potty. He texted David and said he does not know when he will be able to pick it up. We just can't get rid of the stinking thing.
The propane people did not call back so David called again. They put him off again until later so he called another propane company. They said they would have to send someone to inspect the generator for $48 and if it was okay, we could have propane. They sent the inspector out this afternoon and the generator was fine so he called the propane truck and we filled it about for $630.00. It was down to 20%.
One of the guys who does work for us on a regular basis came out this afternoon and changed out both low flow toilets for some decent ones that will actually carry away the waste in the commodes.
I got a lot more boxes unpacked and put away. Our dumpster is overflowing. We called for them to reinstate weekly pick ups. They should be here tomorrow.
A big black spider came into the utility room this evening. I sent him where he belongs with my shoe but it was scary.
Tonight when we took the dogs outside, lightning was flashing continually. I managed to get a photo.
Happy Friday from the farm. Today is a very windy, sandy day, just like El Paso during the March sandstorms. Our farm has a lot of empty sand right now from all of the plowing and the sand is blowing everywhere, including in my eyes and in my teeth.
Today on the mobile home repair front, the skirting team who swore up and down last night that they would be here early today, never showed and the transport team who coordinated their job here said they should have finished yesterday and have no idea where they are today since they were scheduled for another job. I knew they would not get here early but I did expect them to show up at some point. So our home now looks strange with bare wood and paint.
David texted the transport manager that they never showed up. She texted back that the skirting team would be here first thing Saturday morning.
Of course, our trash dumpster is overflowing and Friday is trash pick up day. But they skipped over us so it will be even worse by next Friday, if they come.
On a positive mobile home repair note, the deck people showed up and built most of the deck which looks really great. They left about three hours ago because they couldn't take getting hit in the face by sand any longer today. They said they need for the cement to dry so they blocked it off. They will be back early in the morning to finish (hopefully!). We have been unpacking, washing dishes out of boxes and finding new homes for them. David is watering the grass as I work on the website in our library on a folding tray.
We are planning to get a load of furniture tomorrow morning in San Antonio, including my DreamBox which is in my office at David's Garden Seeds® taking up a lot of space.
This morning, David headed off to San Antonio to pick up another U-Haul and meet up with two men to help us move some more of our furniture to our home at 7am. I moved boxes out of the way in each room in anticipation of furniture.
The skirting team never showed up, just like yesterday. David let the transport manager know by text. She doesn't answer phone calls or texts on the weekends so, of course, she did not respond.
The deck team showed up around 8am and spent four hours finishing the deck. It looks great with seven sturdy steps.
I went to the front door to take some trash out and saw that the
dumpster was closed and not overflowing. I went outside and it was
empty. The trash man came sometime this morning, but I did not hear a
thing. I wonder why he came on a Saturday. It was a nice surprise.
The portable potty is still here in our yard. We called one week ago today to have it removed.
David and the friends showed up around 1pm with a lot of our furniture. Some of the furniture was wrapped in moving blankets that had mouse number two on the blankets. So I had to do a lot more cleaning than I should have. In fact, this is the second storage unit at the same place that has had a bunch of mouse droppings. I threw away a bunch of stuff that had it. Some of it got on my carpet so I had to clean more. David and I are tired and sore.
My DreamBox made it this time. Thankfully, all three pieces are okay.
We took the U-Haul back to San Antonio and got the rest of my DreamBox pieces from the office. The three pieces need to be attached and then I can start filling it.
We got back and did some more moving of furniture, cleaning, and laundry. David got us some take out food from a local place for dinner. We will do more tomorrow.
Today, for mobile home repair, David noticed there was a metal piece lying next to the heating unit inside the closet. He attached it to the heating unit. The rest of the morning was spent unpacking and putting things away. I found a lot more dishes but for the life of me, I cannot find a single plate or drinking glass. I wonder where they all are? Hopefully, we will find them when the rest of our stuff comes tomorrow. I am almost out of paper plates.
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♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
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