This week we will focus on the mobile home interior. I finally have enough boxes unpacked that I won't be embarrassed with my messy home. When you first walk through an empty mobile home/manufactured home on the lot, you think it looks so fancy and gorgeous. Then you move in and find out there is not enough storage space at all. They give you some big cabinets with no shelves. They give you tall cabinets with shelves you cannot reach, especially if you are vertically challenged like me at five feet tall. So you need to make modifications.
Good Monday morning from the farm. It was 53°F when I got up and it is now in the 80s which is way too hot for me. I have the A/C on. I got some work done on the computer for David's Garden Seeds® and unpacked a few boxes I also vacuumed the second half of the house left over from Saturday. Phil and Bethany are here working in the garden area. I am working on the mobile home interior.
Someone who works for the county stopped by to say hi. I saw a county vehicle with lights flashing in our yard. I went out and he was talking to David. He grows a variety of strawberries. He loved the set up.
The water well folks did not show up today. Hopefully sometime this week they will put a pump on the PVC pipe out in the front yard so we can use our well. David got new soaker hoses from Amazon today to water our very long garden beds.
The main focus this week is to get the mobile home interior looking good. I need to empty all of the boxes and get things put up where they go. In three weeks, a lot of family will come to see our new home for the first time and I do not want them to have a bad first impression. I need to get candles and decorative pieces in place and get photos and paintings hung where they should go. I also need to find more kitchen supplies and office supplies. I have fall pillows out and some new throws on the couches.
Once the guest room is complete, I will work on the mobile home interior of the third bedroom, which is my craft room. It is a total mess right now as I have been working on the other rooms first.
Good Tuesday morning! We started the day early so we could go vote. We arrived at the polling station in our community center before 7:30. There were seven other people and the machine was having technical difficulties so we had to sit down and wait. We finally voted and then went to Tractor Supply in Pleasanton to look at the trees they had left over.
Tractor Supply had all of their leftover trees out front. We bought all of them--two fig, two pear, four apple, one blueberry tree, and 15 peach trees! We want to get some pecan trees and I want a Meyer lemon tree. We will check at Home Depot the next time we go into San Antonio.
and Josh planted all of the trees for us except the blueberry bush.
David will plant that after he decides where he will put it.
I was happy to do a short workout on my rowing machine that David set up for me in the exer-shed. It felt pretty good to do that again.
Now that we are back home, my main focus today is getting things unpacked as we will be having company for Thanksgiving. I would certainly like to be all unpacked by then.
This morning, we awoke to heavy clouds over the farm. It rained for just a bit. We sat outside on the back deck before the rain. The air was humid but there was a cool breeze so it was nice.
The water well company showed up to clean our well out because of all the sand. There is now mud everywhere as the sandy water keeps shooting out of the pvc pipe. Once it runs clear, they will put a motorized pump on it so we can use it.
Two of our workers showed up. One spent the morning putting a new
cabinet together for the pet food so we can hide it and keep the kitchen
and mobile home interior looking nice. It is an oak color and goes well
with the dining room set. It will sit next to the china cabinet as that
is the only place left for it to go.
I did some more unpacking and I am doing a lot of laundry while working on the computer.
The sun just came out and it is supposed to be 86°F today. I thought summer was over!
back to the mobile home interior, I have unpacked some more but I won't
try to organize anything else until everyone is out of here so I can
move about freely.
David and Bethany are doing various farm things outside.
Getting back to the well, the two men working on cleaning it left before noon. The water shot out all afternoon and the men never came back. At 5pm, they still were not out there. The pump on the trailer that they had hooked up to the well was smoking. David called the company and the man on the phone told him how to turn off the pump. He did and no one ever came.
Good morning. Today, I heard rain when I woke up. Everything is wet and it is hazy outside. I wonder if the well people will come back today.
The well people came to get their trailer and the smoking pump and left. The pipes are still on our well and we did not get the well pump yet. David called the company and the guy said the machine that takes the pipes off of the well is broken so we get to have them for a while until the machine is fixed. The front yard is all muddy sand now. I had to go check the mail and it was a mess.
It is now almost 3pm and it is still dark and overcast and sprinkling every little while. The breeze has picked up and it is supposed to get down in the 40s by tonight.
The only person at the farm today is Bethany and she has been working out in the garden and the greenhouse. I am not feeling well today so have not gotten much done on the mobile home interior. My head is pounding and my hip has been hurting. I am guessing this was brought on by the change in weather that we are going through today. The high was 76°F when I got up this morning and it is going down with rain as a side benefit. I am excited about the rain because all of our new trees need it.
It got pretty cool and windy as the day wore on. Bethany went home and we went to Jourdanton so David could get a haircut and a hot shave. It was cold and raining and we had to park and walk, but it was not far. David had to make an appointment at a little place in downtown Jourdanton and with a tip, it cost $40. I think that is a lot but the guy got down to business and he did a great job. Several folks came in while we were there and they were turned away because they did not have an appointment.
Next, we drove over to the Sears Home Store to buy a freezer. They had one upright model and they had two of them in stock. The measurements were right so I bought it on the spot. It will go in the laundry room whenever they deliver it. The lady said the delivery guy would call but it would not be tomorrow (Friday) as he had to go to Tilton. (Not sure where that town is.)
Then we bought some groceries at Walmart and went home. It rained all night. I put groceries away but was too tired to work on the mobile home interior any longer.
This morning I woke up to rain and 45°. I got up and fed the girls. David made breakfast. I started unpacking in my craft room for a change. Working on my mobile home interior is what I really need to be doing. The truth is I have way too many craft supplies. There were boxes and boxes of crafty items. I began to load some of them into my Dreambox. After a couple of hours worth of work, I realized my Dreambox would not organize it all. I told David that I need at least five Dreamboxes at $3,000 a piece to hold all of my stuff. Nightmare! Of course, there is not enough room in my mobile home interior for any additional Dreamboxes.
David got a phone call around 11:30am. Fortunately, he takes most of his calls on speaker so I can here what is going on for the most part. Yes, I like to be an informed gal. David gets calls all day long. When you are a CEO, you get a lot of calls. Back to the 11:30am call. I was in my craft room and David was in the media room working on his computer because it was not a good day for working in a shed. I did not recognize the voice and I could not make out what the man was saying but I was busy working on my mobile home interior. Then David hung up and told me my freezer would be here in an hour.
I thought it would come on Saturday or Monday. So I rushed out to the laundry room and cleaned out the space where it is going, as well as anything I thought would be in the way. Then I went back in the craft room to work on my mobile home interior.
About an hour later, the man drove up to the front door and parked. I opened the front door with those awful steps that we were given by Palm Harbor Homes (yes, we still have them). I told the man to go to the side where there are good steps and that is the room he will put the freezer in. He got the freezer in, set it up, turned it on and left. It is good to have an upright freezer again! The mobile home interior in the laundry room is pretty well fixed, except maybe I will get one of those old fashioned, farm friendly laundry room signs that are popping up all over the internet.
We got our first upright freezer back in the early 90s when we were living in Colorado Springs. That one died about seven years ago. It lasted over 20 years ago and was a Kenmore, just like our new one. Now we will be able to blanch and freeze veggies when we harvest and we will be able to buy meat and other food and put in the freezer without having to go to the store every few days. Best part is, there was a specific space for an upright freezer in the mobile home interior design so it fit right in.
The rinky dink fridge that came with this house is ridiculous compared to the one we had just purchased at our old house. I wanted to bring it with me but the mobile home interior does not have a space that would fit such a big fridge so i had to leave it at our old home.
This morning, the sun is shining brightly! It is 44°F and I had to turn the heater on because I was finally cold. I normally stay pretty warm all of the time. I fed the girls but the three dogs don't want to eat yet. They are lounging on the couches. David made eggs for breakfast and the all important coffee. Most of the mornings, he gets to the coffee machine first. David is a bit of a coffee snob. He will order imported coffees online and he likes to grind the beans. If I get there first, I will make a flavored Folgers, like the chocolate which I love and which David hates!
This morning, I was going to be working on the mobile home interior again. I really thought by now I would have completed the unpacking and fixing up but so much is going on with people here every day that it is taking a lot longer than I thought.
However, I decided that as soon as I am ready to be seen out in public this morning, we will go shopping and get the Thanksgiving turkey and ham.
Around 9am, there was a change in my plans. David said we were heading in to San Antonio to Fanick's Garden Center because their delivery of fall trees is finally in. We went back in September but they did not have them yet. So much for any hope of working on the mobile home interior today.
We got there about an hour later and one of the owners, Mark, helped us find everything we were looking for. He was so friendly and gave us his suggestions. They had a huge selection. We got a total of 29 trees plus eight plants and some wood chips for the Traeger grill that David has.
We got two kinds of orange trees, a mandarin clementine tree, two Meyer lemon trees, four kinds of apple trees, three avocado trees, four olive bushes, two varieties of grapefruit trees, and three varieties of pecan trees. Our friend and lawn care guy, Nacho of Top Notch Lawn Care will pick all of the trees up on Monday and get them all planted in our orchard, along with the 22 trees we already have planted there. I am so excited. The pine trees will go elsewhere. I also got some honeysuckle and jasmine plants. Those will go inside of our fenced yard. I want them to grow over our fence like I planted in our yard in San Antonio.
After we finished at Fanick's, we went to Salt Grass Steakhouse at Cinema Ridge in San Antonio for an early birthday lunch. I had the grilled chicken salad and it was so good!
While we were there at Salt Grass, we made the reservation for our David's Garden Seeds® November birthday/Thanksgiving luncheon for 36 people! This is the most we have ever had for our monthly luncheons.
After lunch, we went grocery shopping to fill up our new freezer. We also got the turkey and ham for Thanksgiving as we are expecting a full house on Thanksgiving Day.
Once we got unloaded, and everything was put
away, the freezer was almost full. It looks cool. Then David went out to
cut the property on his riding mower/mini tractor while I started
laundry--fun times.
Sunday was a quiet day for us. I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Then we went down the street where a church set up a temporary tent until they build a sanctuary. Today was the first day they met in the tent. They were using a community center for three years. There was a pretty good turnout. I counted 45 but I may have missed a few. The music was good. The message was good and we had a three minute commute. You can't beat that! We normally drive into San Antonio, leaving our home at 8:30am to make it to church by 9:30am.
We came home and got to eat lunch right away instead of having to bring a snack to munch on. Nothing was done on the mobile home interior today except that I did some laundry.
I baked some cookies and this evening, I made taco rice while David made an enchilada pie. It was so good. We ate while we watched Walker Texas Ranger! Then we wet to bed. Still can't get used to the time change.
Around 5pm, we went out to the orchard to inspect it. We found a lot of cutter ants in the area. David took care of some of them. I wrote down each type of tree and variety in order in my new orchard notebook. So far, we have 22 trees in our orchard with another 25 fruit and nut trees to be planted that we bought yesterday. We also bought four pine trees to go with our ten oak trees. We are now officially a tree farm!
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
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