Mobile Home Floor Plans

The front door of our home is almost in the middle of the front. There are a lot of mobile home floor plans to choose from. We decorated the outside and the yard for Christmas.There are a lot of mobile home floor plans to choose from. The front door of our home is almost in the middle of the front. We decorated the outside and the yard for Christmas.

When looking for the perfect manufactured home, you should know that there are many mobile home floor plans but your salesman will show you just a few. Salesmen are busy and depending on what you tell him during your interview, that gives him some idea of what you want. He will decide on what floor plans you get to see unless you have done your homework. If he thinks you are not serious, he may show you one or two.

When we went to the lot for the first time, the salesman showed us three floor plans. One was a single wide and the other two were small double wides. We went home and realized that none of them would cut it for the amount of things we own. So we went on YouTube and found larger homes, went back to the lot and he showed us what we asked to see.

There are mobile home floor plans in a variety of sizes and shapes from single wide to double wide to triple wide. We toured two of the triple wide homes. They were fabulous but they start out at around a $200,000.00 base price which was way too much for us. I almost got lost in one, it was so fabulous! They have huge pantries, large laundry rooms, and sitting rooms outside of bedrooms, plus a living room, a den, a game room, and a huge kitchen with an island, everything anyone could ever want in a home except for a garage.

When David and I first married, we decided to go shopping for a home of our own. We were renting a little trailer at the time. We decided on a very tiny mobile home that was so cute. We put down $100.00 earnest money, which was a lot for us at the time. We thought about it for several days and then took some friends with us to see it. They also lived in a mobile home and told us this one was way too tiny since we planned to have a family. We needed to start looking at bigger mobile home floor plans.

We asked for our earnest money back and went to a different dealer who showed us several larger homes. We chose a two bedroom single wide, bought it for $13,000.00 and we lived in it for almost eight years. Looking back, we should have bought a three bedroom, but it was fine. We sold it for $1,000.00 more than we bought it for because we took out a cabinet and added a dishwasher!

Monday, December 2, 2019
Mobile Home Floor Plans

Good Monday morning! Fortunately, most mobile home floor plans today have an open concept plan, like ours, so it is not too difficult to clean up. I have the two robot vacuums going and I had my Dyson out a few minutes ago, trying to tidy up after our Thanksgiving company. The kids had food crumbs everywhere!

We have 3 manger scene lanterns out in our front yard. They are so pretty. Merry Christmas!We have 3 manger scene lanterns out in our front yard. They are so pretty. Merry Christmas!

I still have my cold but I took some Nyquil last night and woke up just one time in the night that I remember. One of our team members called in today through Wednesday since his mother passed away so David said I have to go outside and transplant stuff in the greenhouse that is ready to go into the ground. Right now it is 36° out there and I am sick so I will not be going out until it warms up a bit. I just took some Daycare so hopefully, I will start to feel better soon. I feel very tired right now.

Bethany and David worked outside this afternoon, transplanting things from the greenhouse into the yard. I never got out there because I felt bad. Maybe I will feel better tomorrow.

I rested some and did some laundry. Our laundry room is on the opposite side of our home on our mobile home floor plans from the master bedroom. I folded all of the laundry and then cooked dinner. I looked through some Christmas recipes that I think I would like to try this month.

My cough is still going strong. Soon I will take some Nyquil and go to bed but right now, I will make some tea.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

A bowl of delicious easy to make Taco Soup is perfect for winter.A bowl of delicious easy to make Taco Soup is perfect for winter.

Good morning and Happy Tuesday. Sometimes mobile home floor plans that are open concept are not all they are cracked up to be. I woke up at 3:30am and could not breathe because of my cold. I went out to the living room and went back to sleep on a recliner. I was sound asleep when David decided to get up and grind some coffee beans at 6:30am. I woke up and was surprised that I was able to sleep for three hours like that.

The coffee was good but I would have preferred to sleep a bit longer since it was a rough night. David left early this morning to get a shave and haircut in Pleasanton. He picked up some groceries and decided that we should get the grandkids for a week for Christmas break, starting on the last day of school. We will see what their parents say. Their mom cannot get time off near Christmas Eve or Christmas Day so she is trying to get off work the week before so we can have Christmas on the farm with their family.

This morning, I put together some taco soup. It is simmering on the stove, ready to eat. Add a little cheese and crumbled up tortilla chips and you have a wonderful Texas treat for lunch.

We enjoyed the soup for lunch. It really hit the spot. I cleaned up and stayed inside to work on the computer. Bethany did a lot of ant battling all around the farm, mainly in the orchard area.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

My Christmas Scentsy wax melter is on the hearth with a big bow. It looks so pretty.My Christmas Scentsy wax melter is on the hearth with a big bow. It looks so pretty.

Good Wednesday morning! I am still sick, coughing up a storm. David turned our closet light on early this morning around 6am and woke me up so I got up and fed the animals and then made yummy cinnamon rolls.

Because of the way our mobile home floor plans work, I was able to run the vaporizer in the master bedroom and the steam also went into the library which is a part of the master suite. I am sitting in the library working on the computer and I am breathing quite well.

It is chilly but sunny outside today. Bethany is here transplanting more things from the greenhouse to the raised garden beds. David is outside doing something on his riding lawn mower/mini tractor. I feel bad still so I will stay inside for the most part.

David came in and talked about buying some more land. That would be good if we could buy the properties on both sides of us to expand our growing areas.

A lot of work is getting done on the property and in the greenhouse and garden beds. I have been too sick this week to go out and report on it. Instead I have been working on our business, David's Garden Seeds®. The mobile home floor plans in this home have allowed me to work comfortably from several rooms.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday morning was another foggy morning. I cannot believe how much fog we have had since we moved to the farm. I have been working on the Amazon store all morning long. It is 11:39am and the fog has finally lifted.

Phil is back at work today after having some family time off so I need to keep the girls in the back of the house. Lucy still growls and tries to get him when he comes inside. Due to the mobile home floor plans of this house, they still have the library, master bedroom, and bath to go through and these are big areas.

Phil and Bethany have been decorating the outside of the house and the yard for Christmas. Mary and Joseph, along with the baby Jesus, are close to the road so people can see the true meaning of the Christmas season. I wish we had our front porch so we could decorate it but we won't be able to build that until next spring.

I am still sick with my cold. There has been lots of ugly coughing and hoarseness. Once it got dark, we went out to see everything.

We've never had blowups before. They look pretty cool and the grandchildren will enjoy them when they get here next week.We've never had blowups before. They look pretty cool and the grandchildren will enjoy them when they get here next week.

Our workers went home, we had dinner and then watched some TV. I fell asleep. Right now, David is asleep on the couch but I decided to see if our new blowups were still outside. I am able to quietly work in the living room because of the way the mobile home floor plans are arranged.

At 11pm, I looked out the window and this is what I saw. The first one is without the zoom from our house to the fence line. The second one is with some zoom. Good night!

At 11pm, this is how the blowups look from the living room window, so tiny!At 11pm, this is how the blowups look from the living room window, so tiny!
I had to zoom in from the living room window at 11pm for this look.I had to zoom in from the living room window at 11pm for this look.

Friday, December 6, 2019

When Bethany arrived this morning, she and David shot a short video about tomato grafting. Because of the mobile home floor plans in this home, I was able to shut the dogs and me away in part of the house so our noises did not disrupt the video.

It is never dull at the farm or in our lives. Something good or not so good is always going on. The dogs or the cat are always doing something. With our mobile home floor plans, it is easy for them to get into mischief without us knowing like when they threw up all over the guest bed last month. Fun times!

David and I took the three dogs to be groomed in Jourdanton this morning. Getting three dogs to do anything together is a major feat!  They moved all over the car. They loved being out but they were not sure where they were going and they hate to go to the vet. The groomer put them all in kennels so I am sure they hate to go there too. But they had other dogs there to be taken care of.

My ear, Annabelle, Lucy, and part of David. Ethel is hiding back there somewhere, on the way to the groomer.My ear, Annabelle, Lucy, and part of David. Ethel is hiding back there somewhere, on the way to the groomer.
My hair, Ethel, Annabelle, and a part of Lucy on the way to the groomer.My hair, Ethel, Annabelle, and a part of Lucy on the way to the groomer.

Then we had to stop by for a third copy of our farm deed at the Jourdanton courthouse. It is all decked out for Christmas, inside and out.

The courthouse in Jourdanton. We have to go there to get a copy of our property deed everytime we get anything done on the farm.The courthouse in Jourdanton. We have to go there to get a copy of our property deed everytime we get anything done on the farm.

After that, we hit up the building supply store in Pleasanton for some faucet parts and then we went to Walmart. It was lunchtime so I suggested going to Golden Chick. While we were sitting there, waiting for our food at the window, there was a puff of smoke and a very familiar smell of antifreeze. A hose blew off of the radiator underneath and was spewing antifreeze all over.

We were waiting in line for our food at Golden Chick when our radiator exploded.We were waiting in line for our food at Golden Chick when our radiator exploded.
The silver hood is up. David is pouring antifreeze in the radiator so we could try to get it home. Didn't quite make it.The silver hood is up. David is pouring antifreeze in the radiator so we could try to get it home. Didn't quite make it.

They finally gave us our food so we started for home. We called one of our team members to bring antifreeze and finally we pulled over when it got too hot. Phil brought the antifreeze and we went further but stopped again. We called our tow truck driver and he was on his way from San Antonio.

Phil took us and our lunch and groceries home in his vehicle. We ate and then David and Phil left to go back to the SUV and try to get it home. David finally got the SUV onto our road, about five miles away. He called and said the tow truck was at our house. I told him it wasn't. Then I went outside and he was across the street at our neighbor's house. I rushed out and whistled at him. He came over. I told him what happened and he left to go find David. It costs $185 to have the SUV towed all the way to our mechanic's shop from here. That is insane.

David finally came back with Phil and we left to go get the dogs from the groomer in my car. It didn't take too long to get there but while we were on the way, David had me call Karnes Electric to see when we would get our business electricity hookup that we paid for two weeks ago. The lady did not look it up. She said it takes 16 weeks from the time we paid. I think that puts us in March before we get electricity for the store out here.

We finally arrived at the groomers. Our dogs were so excited but the excitement was short lived because the lady announced she does not take debit cards, only cash or checks. So we had to leave and go find an ATM. The dogs were barking up a storm, thinking we were not taking them with us. We found one in a convenience store and then went back and ransomed our dogs.

We are on the verge of the year 2020. Who won't take a card who has a business? I am very happy to take cards at David's Garden Seeds®! And who still writes checks for every purchase? Please get a Paypal account and an iPad and start taking cards. It is a hassle to carry cash around when everyone is using cards. Also, most folks I know don't even have checks anymore.

So we got home and I tried to line all three up on the couch at the same time. This is the best I did.

Lucy is front and center with her new Christmas scarf. She is so adorable. Ethel loves to sit on the back of the couch but she is so cute in her Christmas scarf.Lucy is front and center with her new Christmas scarf. She is so adorable. Ethel loves to sit on the back of the couch but she is so cute in her Christmas scarf.
They gave Annabelle a red scarf. She is so fluffy and clean. None of them will sit still for long.They gave Annabelle a red scarf. She is so fluffy and clean. None of them will sit still for long.

If you are seriously considering getting a manufactured home to live out in the country like we have done, study the different mobile home floor plans that are out there. There are many companies who make the homes and they are all a bit different with quality so do some research and choose wisely.

Go on YouTube and look at home showing videos of the mobile home floor plans for the mobile home lots in your area. Choose a few models you would like to see before you visit the lot. Decide on what you want before you go so you can tell your salesperson the models you want to see and the mobile home floor plans you need.

It has been a long day and it is only 5pm. I need to get dinner started and clean up the house some. You all have a wonderful weekend!

Kitty did not get groomed but she felt jealous so here she is about to eat a snack.Kitty did not get groomed but she felt jealous so here she is about to eat a snack.

Saturday, December 7, 2019
A Day Lived In Infamy

This morning, David went to the men's breakfast that is held once a month at the little church down the road. I thought he would be back in an hour, around 9am so we could go to the Walmart in Hondo. (I bought my granddaughter a dress there but it was too small. We tried to return it at the Walmart in Devine but they refused to take it. They said I would have to return it to the Walmart I bought it at.)

(The Walmart in Hondo said otherwise. Two of their employees told me that is not true and that you can return Walmart items to any Walmart. So, who does not know store policy? I won't be buying clothes for the kids anymore unless they are with me to try them on. That has been a real hassle.)

David did not come back at 9am. I texted him at 10am but he texted back they were busy. He finally showed up at 11am. Three hours. On the way to Hondo, there was road construction and we sat in the road for a long time behind a round of hay.

We bought things at Walmart after I returned the dress without a problem. I wanted to buy a new bedspread but they didn't have any. How is that possible? After Walmart, we stopped at Heavy's in Hondo, the best barbecue we have ever had. We have been going there for years and it smells so good when you walk in there. My favorite is the turkey but everything else is yummy, too.

We got home late because we got started late so I did not do a whole bunch of things like wrap Christmas gifts. I did find them all, though. I had hidden them when we had Thanksgiving company and for the life of me, I could not remember where I put them all. Because of the mobile home floor plans, we have a lot of different rooms to hide things in. All in all, it was a pleasant day.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Happy Sunday! I got up early this morning, fed the dogs and cat and made coffee and eggs. We ate breakfast and then David took a nap. I did social media for David's Garden Seeds®.

I got ready for church and David was still sleeping so I continued to do more social media posts. I finally woke David up, he got ready and we went to the little church just down the road. We were gone for about two hours and then we ate leftovers from yesterday's barbecue haul from Heavy's.

After we ate, we went out to the orchard to kill ants. There were some. They keep making new homes. We organically poisoned as many as we could find. I think we are going to have to go out there every day. No one did anything yesterday.

I am always looking at mobile home floor plans on YouTube to see what is out there. We really like this home, but some of the flooring is coming up in the kitchen. The tongue and groove is not connected correctly by the china cabinet so it is coming up. Palm Harbor, I am not impressed.

It was in the 70s today so I got pretty sweaty outside working on killing the ants but my back and leg pain has been gone all week so I was happy out there, walking around, singing and sprinkling stuff on the ants. I felt great. I have not been pain free in well over a year and I feel so free.

David is working in his office. I fed the dogs and cat dinner but we have not eaten yet. I have so much to do but I am glad I got so much computer work done today. Unfortunately, it is day eight of my cold. I am not coughing as much but I sound awful when I talk and I feel tired still. I hate being sick.

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

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chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
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zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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