Minimalist Gardening

Minimalist gardening is a trend that uses neutral colors and believes that less is more. You can create a calming, stress-free environment when this trend is used. Now do I want that kind of a garden? No. I want lots of plants growing tons of colorful and edible vegetables, along with pretty flowers and useful herbs.

One look at my very cluttered home will tell you that I am definitely not a minimalist. However, things look so neat and tidy when you don't have shelves and bins overflowing with stuff. This applies to the garden, too.

Having a good garden means starting with the very best seeds. David's Garden Seeds® has the best seeds. Give us a look...

Minimalist Gardening - 3/17-3/23/2025

Monday, March 17, 2025

Our green store is all ready for St. Patrick's Day every day.Our green store is all ready for St. Patrick's Day every day.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all! It was 45° around 3am. Then it warmed up to 47° around 6am. The day was breezy but it got up to 89°. Amazingly, it never felt bad because of the wind.

One of Nacho's people working way out back.One of Nacho's people working way out back.

Nacho and some of his workers were here all day long. I have no idea what they were working on as I was up front all day. We had quite a few customers and visitors starting early. Matt, too, spent the entire morning out back.

David's birthday is this coming Saturday so he wants a birthday sale. I received an email instructing me early this morning. I set that up along with a newsletter and social media posts. That took a couple of hours to do.

It is now 9pm, my first chance to post here today. I worked on a lot of orders, but it looks like I didn't do any all day long.

David made a Walmart grocery order this afternoon. The guy delivered right before 5pm. Then he tried to leave. I was still working at the time and watched him actually drive up to the gate thinking that it would open the closer he got. I finally had to go out there. I told him three times that he would have to back up his vehicle because our gate opens inward. It would have smashed his little car. He finally backed up and I opened the gate and let him out.

Then David decided he wanted meatloaf for dinner. I had to come in and make a nice meatloaf without carbs. That took an hour to bake but it was pretty tasty. Nacho didn't leave until after 7pm. Then I got to shower and put my comfy clothes on.

It is almost time for bed and here I am trying to recall the events of the day.

Minimalist Gardening

Pretty pink flowers, snapdragons, & dead plants from fall are still in my garden beds...Pretty pink flowers, snapdragons, & dead plants from fall are still in my garden beds...definitely not minimalist gardening.

Hey there, fellow gardener! Ever feel like your garden is overflowing, not with bounty, but with *stuff*? You're not alone. Let's talk about minimalist gardening.

Minimalist gardening is all about intentionality. It's about focusing on what you truly love and need in your garden, and letting go of the rest. It's about "less is more in gardening," and creating a space that's both beautiful and functional.

So, how do you bring this minimalist mindset into your backyard? Let's dive in!

First, think about what you *really* want from your garden. Fresh veggies? A peaceful retreat? A place for the kids to play? Write it down. This is your garden vision.

Next, take a good look at your current garden. What's working? What's not? Be honest. Are there overgrown bushes, unused tools, or forgotten projects? Weeds? Dead plants left over from winter? (Yes!)

Now, it's time to declutter. Get rid of anything that doesn't serve your garden vision. Donate extra pots, toss broken tools, and compost dead plants. It's okay to let things go!

An artistic rendering of a minimalist garden...An artistic rendering of a minimalist garden...

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Good morning. I have been posting things on social media this morning. As usual, I can't help but read some of the posts of others...Here is one that caught my eye.

Beware of those who can with others but can't with you!

Lol! I know the feeling.

It was fairly warm when I woke up this morning at 6am. The temperature was 55° but I see in the forecast that tomorrow morning, it will be back in the 40s.

David's Birthday Sale - 3/21-3/23/25

We will be having a big sale this week starting on Friday morning and lasting until midnight Sunday, Central Daylight Savings Time. Saturday is David's birthday so he wants you to save 20% on all single seed packs, 15% on what is left of the rice and 15% on the coffee. No discount codes needed. No minimum purchase.

Some of the pretty eggs our girls lay for your culinary experience.Some of the pretty eggs our girls lay for your culinary experience.

I have five dozen eggs in the fridge this morning and they are $6 a dozen. While I was getting ready for the day, David came in with a woman on the phone wanting to know if I have eggs. I told her I have five dozen eggs right now. She seemed excited about that.

Now, six hours later, she still has not shown up to get the six dozen eggs. In fact, no one has come today except for the mailman. It is very windy, canceling the work that David and Matt were doing outside this morning. We have been working on orders.

It is supposed to be 92° here today but it is not hot because of the wind.

Sometimes, I wish I could go do some other things. I could really use a break from doing this for six days a week.

A few of the flower plants from last year are growing back out in front of the Farm Store so that is good.

Norton showing off for company. He needs a good shave.Norton showing off for company. He needs a good shave.

Late this afternoon, I went out to see the twins. Nacho rebuilt their platform and flipped it so now there are stairs so the babies can climb. I am not sure why he did it that way. He also rebuilt Norton's which is good because Norton had completely taken his platform apart. He is such a destructive little goat.

Taken from the orchard, George and Trixie are on their new wooden platform.Taken from the orchard, George and Trixie are on their new wooden platform.

Minimalist Gardening

Another artistic rendering of minimalistic gardening...Another artistic rendering of minimalistic gardening...

With a clean slate, you can start planning your minimalist garden. Choose a few key plants that you love and that thrive in your area. Think about their size, color, and maintenance needs.

Remember, gardening in the backyard doesn't have to be complicated. A few well-chosen plants can make a big impact.

Speaking of plants, let's talk about what to plant when. In early spring, think leafy greens, like lettuce and spinach. These are quick growers and perfect for early harvests.

Spring in Texas is also the time for tomatoes, peppers, and other heat-loving veggies. These will provide you with fresh produce throughout the warmer months.

As summer fades into fall, consider root vegetables like carrots and beets. These can be harvested late in the season and stored for winter.

And even in winter, you can still enjoy your minimalist garden. Plant some hardy greens like kale or spinach, or try growing herbs indoors.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Well, here it is Wednesday morning. This morning, David decided he wants the sale to start tonight at midnight, so I had to change the sales and then redo the newsletter announcing the sale and add some more social media posts. Fun times.

Nacho is coming this morning to move some things around. David has dismantled his in-home office. He has also told me to start getting rid of a lot of things. So much fun coming up...

It is now 8:24am so I had better start doing something soon. At least I am dressed so when Nacho invades the house I don't have to go hide.

Nacho and two helpers came and moved things for David. I was with a group of customers and I started getting texts and calls to pay Nacho as he was done. I told them where the checkbook is but they could not find it so I had to leave the customers. I am pretty sure I could have had much bigger sales had I been left alone to do what I am good at...oh well.

David was taken out to lunch today for his birthday by some folks at church and I tagged along. We had a good time. I came back and pulled a lot of orders and got some out.

Matt was bringing hay down for the goats. Half of what they eat is hay.

I just finished up with customers and not one person bought any eggs again today. I find it interesting that people are calling and emailing about eggs and they say it is great when we say we have them and then they never show up. Very strange, indeed.

It is now 5:08pm and time to get moving as we have a business meeting at 6:30pm.

We shouldn't have bothered to be on time for this business alliance meeting because we were the only ones there. As we were leaving to go to the meeting, one called and said they would not make it. After we got to the restaurant, another called and said they would not make it. The other couple never contacted us this time or the last time so my guess is they don't want to be bothered, although everyone thought it was a good idea when David mentioned this back in January.

We are the only ones who made it to all of the meetings and we had a special handout for all four of our businesses with QR codes for tonight but no one was there to get them. The idea was that we would refer our customers to each other when they wanted something we do not carry. Unfortunately, no one bothered to come out and say they thought it was a lousy idea. Instead, we ended up feeling stupid and embarrassed after reserving a table for nine again and there were just the three of us.

Plus, David put a lot of time and work into it for no reason. Then he made copies of the QR code flyers for each business. No one else did any of this. David tried. It was all for nothing. We feel so loved in the community.

Another lesson learned--everyone for themselves. I spent some time tonight taking down all of the website links I had given these businesses to help them online. I won't be promoting anyone who treats us like that. My mistake.

We got back and it was still light. I went around and locked everything up. I decided to water my greenhouse plants but I needed the hose attachment in the greenhouse. Of course, the wafer board floor that the halfwit contractor used decided to break and my foot went all the way through to the ground. My ankle is all cut up and it hurts. And I have no idea where my arm went when I fell but I also reinjured my rotator cuff. That whole area of my right arm is in pain, only not as bad as the first time I injured it in February of 2009. Who uses wafer board for a greenhouse floor? Only a moron.

The idiot who built the greenhouse cut corners on the flooring as well as the walls and ceiling to make more money. What a jerk. We will have to pull everything out, have the floor ripped up and pay someone else to put a good floor in. This guy, mind you, is supposed to be a great Christian brother. Hah!

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day but right now, I have my doubts.

The wind is blowing sand around and it was very hazy driving into Devine both times today. It is getting cooler because I was actually feeling chilly when I was outside being injured.

Here is a good one I found on Facebook that I think is appropriate for today:

Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.

Minimalist Gardening

Here is a model of minimalist gardening at its finest. What do you think?Here is a model of minimalist gardening at its finest. What do you think?

Now, let's talk tools. You don't need a shed full of gadgets for minimalist gardening. A few essential tools will do the trick.

A good trowel, a hand rake, and a pair of pruning shears are a great starting point. These will cover most of your basic gardening needs.

If you have a larger garden, you might also want a shovel and a garden fork. But remember, keep it simple!

Watering is essential for any garden, but you don't need a fancy irrigation system. A simple watering can or a soaker hose will do.

And speaking of watering, consider collecting rainwater. It's free, and it's better for your plants than tap water. Of course, we are in South Central Texas and we get very little rain. Hose it is.

Another key element of minimalist gardening is composting. It's a great way to recycle kitchen scraps and yard waste, and it creates nutrient-rich soil for your plants.

You don't need a fancy compost bin. A simple pile in a corner of your yard will do. Just make sure to turn it regularly.

Minimalist gardening is also about creating a space that's easy to maintain. Choose low-maintenance plants, and use mulch to suppress weeds.

Mulch also helps to retain moisture in the soil, so you'll need to water less often. It's a win-win!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

I had a hard time getting to sleep because of my rotator cuff. My ankle cuts hurt throughout the night, too. Around 3:30am, I was in so much pain that I got up, took Tylenol, applied some Biofreeze to my arm and shoulder, and went to sleep on the couch. Falling asleep took more than an hour and I woke up at 6:01am. I am still in pain so today will not be a better day. I can't lift my arm more than halfway.

It is 44° and the temperature will be up in the 70s today. I am getting sick of this sandy wind. It is almost like living in El Paso again in March.

Our big birthday sale started at midnight, a day earlier than originally planned because David changed his mind. So if you need seeds, or coffee, get them now. There are currently three bags of rice left so that has gone fast.

Time to get ready for another busy day. I went out and took some photos of the hole that my foot broke through. There was no hole before.

My foot went right through the cheap wafer board floor last night to the ground, cutting my ankle up and somehow injuring my right rotator cuff. Not sure where my arm went as I fell.My foot went right through the cheap wafer board floor last night to the ground, cutting my ankle up and somehow injuring my right rotator cuff. Not sure where my arm went as I fell.

On a happier note, today is the first day of spring for 2025. We still have not planted anything because of the awful wind.

We worked on orders and then David and I went into Pleasanton. David ordered wood for the new greenhouse floor. He says that he and Matt will install the new floor and it will be actual plywood, not wafer board. The wood should be delivered tomorrow.

First, we will have to take everything out of the greenhouse. David has asked for some helpers to get all of the trees out of there but so far, there is no one. That figures. The work ethic out this way is severely lacking. Everyone has their hand out but no one wants to earn money. I could move a lot but now I have one arm to work with.

Then we headed up to Devine to pick up some animal feed. Unfortunately, I was not told that we need hay as well. We will have to get more of that tomorrow or Saturday.

I returned and closed orders until close to 5:30pm when Shopify refused to let me buy anymore postage until their bill is paid. So I had to stop. David wasn't around to take care of the bill. So I have 34 orders that could have gotten done today but Shopify would not allow it. So ridiculous.

Matthew did weeding in some of the front garden beds today and repaired more pipes in the back.

We had several customers today. Some were looking for plants. Tractor Supply, Walmart, HEB, and other local places have plant starters. We don't this year because for the past several years, so many of our plants did not sell. No one wants to pay what the plants cost us. This includes pots, soil, seeds, water, electricity to keep the greenhouse heated from December through March, not to mention David's valuable time.

We've actually lost thousands of dollars each year growing plants for customers to buy. We had to discount plants a lot just to sell them. We sell seeds so customers can try their hand at growing plants. Last year, all we heard was that our prices were too high and they were lower than Walmart's. By the way, Walmart buys plants. They don't take the time to grow them.

Gracie and George ready to go to sleep after a very active day. Trixie, their mom, is on the right hand side in the front.Gracie and George ready to go to sleep after a very active day. Trixie, their mom, is on the right hand side in the front.

I took care of the goats. Matt collected the eggs and then he left. I made an egg casserole with ham for dinner.

Minimalist Gardening

Minimalist gardening with vegetables all laid out in the garden bed. Ha ha!Minimalist gardening with vegetables all laid out in the garden bed. Ha ha! But you get the idea.

Now, let's talk about design. A minimalist garden doesn't have to be boring. In fact, it can be quite beautiful.

Think about using clean lines and simple shapes. Choose a limited color palette for your plants. And don't be afraid to incorporate some hardscaping elements, like rocks or pavers.

A minimalist garden is all about creating a space that's both functional and beautiful. It's about focusing on what you truly love and need, and letting go of the rest.

Remember, minimalist gardening is a journey, not a destination. It's about finding what works for you and your garden.

So, take your time, experiment, and enjoy the process. And don't be afraid to break the rules! There's no right or wrong way to do minimalist gardening.

Now, let's talk about some common misconceptions about minimalist gardening. Some people think it means having a bare, empty yard. Not true!

Minimalist gardening is about being intentional with your choices. It's about choosing plants and features that bring you joy and serve a purpose.

Another misconception is that minimalist gardening is low-maintenance. While it can be easier to maintain than a traditional garden, it still requires some work.

You'll still need to water, weed, and prune your plants. But with a minimalist approach, these tasks can be less overwhelming.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Good morning. It is Friday and 41° at 6am. My arm feels much better. It did not wake me up at all. I did not have trouble with it this morning until I tried to put some eyedrops in. For that, I am grateful. My cuts are also feeling much better.

I was perusing the orders that came in overnight and we have just one bag of long grain rice left. That was quick. The rice with no chemicals is very good. It just did not sell as quickly as we had hoped so we will not be carrying it anymore. We will be doing away with our coffee as well and getting back to the basics.

What are those? We sell seeds. Our company name is David's Garden Seeds. We sell seeds for the garden which we did for years with no frills. Since we moved out to the farm, David has tried plants, pecans, candy, coffee, rice, and even CowPots. By the way, we have four packs of  the 12 CowPots left and those are going away, too.

I believe I will be planting zinnias this morning. Whatever
"Mrs. David's Garden Seeds" zinnia packs I have left, I will plant.

Someone commented to me last year about my zinnia seeds because the seeds were not cleaned. They said they did not want our weeds. I would never knowingly give weeds to anyone. There are no weed seeds in my zinnia blend. We just did not take the time to separate the seed from the petals for this particular blend. It takes a lot of time to clean seeds and time is the one thing we never have enough of. Each year, I sell plenty of these packs but I am pulling the rest from the shelf today from last year to put right back in my Farm Store garden beds.

Some of my beautiful zinnias on the left. Butterflies and birds just love them!Some of my beautiful zinnias on the left. Butterflies and birds just love them!

Clean Seed Definition

This is my blend. I took 12 different zinnias and mixed them together. You can buy all of the colors separately and make your own mixes for beautiful colors and shapes!This is my blend. I took 12 different zinnias and mixed them together. You can buy all of the colors separately and make your own mixes for beautiful colors and shapes!

"Clean seed" refers to seeds that have been processed to remove chaff, debris, and other impurities, improving storage, and viability.

We do this by hand as we do not have cleaning machines and it is a time consuming process.

Happy birthday to David a day early.Happy birthday to David a day early.
Matt picked up a small chocolate cake for the 4 of us. This is definitely a small gathering compared to the 25 person parties we used to have in San Antonio.Matt picked up a small chocolate cake for the 4 of us. This is definitely a small gathering compared to the 25 person parties we used to have in San Antonio.

We had a birthday cake for David this morning. We did it early because one of our team members had to leave at lunch for the day.

We had several customers but the sales were all very low as they have been all week long. People are buying one or two packs of seeds instead of a garden full of seeds. No one has bought any eggs all week long. Last week, I could not keep them in stock. 

I know that people have less income to spend and many are spending what they have on a spring break vacation this week, last week, next week. Spring break starts here at the beginning of March and some places don't take it until April.

Orders are way down compared to the last few years at this time.

All of our rice is now completely gone. The coffee is on sale and right now, with the sale, you can get a bag of pecan coffee in whole bean or ground for $11.05 instead of $16.99.

I never got a chance to plant any zinnias today. Matt emptied my greenhouse and I watered all of the trees and plants once we got them arranged in the back. The wood was delivered this morning for the new floor in my greenhouse.

My citrus trees are now out of the greenhouse. The blue trash can is full of garden soil, not trash. All of the plants are out on shelves not seen in photo.My citrus trees are now out of the greenhouse. The blue trash can is full of garden soil, not trash. All of the plants are out on shelves not seen in photo.

For dinner, I made chicken thighs and shrimp with spanish rice and corn. It was very tasty. We watched a Gene Hackman movie--David's pick.

Minimalist Gardening

This drawing shows minimalist gardening, even including a tree with fruit.This drawing shows minimalist gardening, even including a tree with fruit.

So, if you're looking for a way to simplify your gardening routine and create a more peaceful outdoor space, minimalist gardening might be just what you need.

It's about creating a garden that's both beautiful and functional, and that reflects your personal style. It's about "less is more in gardening."

Remember, gardening in the backyard can be a source of joy and relaxation. With a minimalist gardening approach, you can create a space that nourishes your soul as well as your body.

Now, let's revisit the concept of how to incorporate minimalist gardening in the backyard. It's all about making conscious choices about what you include in your garden.

Think about every element – plants, hardscaping, furniture, a water feature – and ask yourself if it truly adds value to your space. If not, let it go.

Minimalist gardening is about creating a space that's free of clutter and distractions. It's about creating a sanctuary where you can relax and reconnect with nature.

So, take a deep breath, and embrace the simplicity of minimalist gardening. You might be surprised at how much you enjoy it.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

David with my puppy, Trump.David with my puppy, Trump.

Happy Birthday, David! I have to go feed all of the animals and get ready to open the store. It is 53° and already 8:30am. The morning went fast. I made a nice egg dish for breakfast. Time to get going.

I got the animals all taken care of and got myself ready for the day. I changed sheets, started laundry, emptied dishwasher, loaded dishwasher, started dishwasher, and got out to the Farm Store just in time to open it. I had to wait one hour and 11 minutes before we got our first customer. Then we had a second one just after the first one left.

Our gate closed at 1pm but it wasn't supposed to. Right after it closed, someone else showed up. We let them in and then I contacted Matt. The stupid gate reset itself somehow because it closed at 2pm last Saturday. Then the mailman came so I rushed out with a sack of mail to him.

Matt picked up three bales of hay for me this morning and brought that and fixed the gate. That was it--three customers for the day. Totally unusual for this time of year. Even though we are having a big sale, we are getting very few orders.

This is an overhead shot of the banana stump and two new banana leaves shooting up from the roots.This is an overhead shot of the banana stump and two new banana leaves shooting up from the roots.

There are now two new banana trees coming up by my old one. That is some good news.

It is now close to 3pm so I will stop working and go do some planting.

I planted some Crawford lettuce seeds that a customer gave to me in the store grow tower since the peppermint seeds I ordered online did not grow. David could not get peppermint seeds so I ordered them from someone else. Losers.

Then I loaded up my two front beds with my zinnia blend. Zinnias are a great choice for Texas.

I collected the eggs, roasted a chicken with vegetables, did dishes and laundry and cleaned up. We gave David some nice gifts. A friend from down the road made David a delicious banana pudding. He loves her banana pudding so he was pretty excited. He grabbed a helping before dinner. I should have taken a photo but before I knew what happened, I found it with a big spoon in it and a corner of it missing!

We watched Gladiator II as Matt gave David that DVD for his birthday this evening.

Minimalist Gardening

I actually like this rendering of minimalistic gardening.I actually like this rendering of minimalistic gardening.

Now, let's talk about some specific tips for minimalist gardening. First, choose plants that are easy to care for.

Native plants are a great option, as they're adapted to your local climate and require less watering and fertilizing.

Another tip is to group plants with similar needs together. This makes watering and fertilizing more efficient.

Also, consider using vertical space. Trellises and hanging baskets can add beauty and functionality to your garden without taking up valuable ground space.

And don't forget about the power of empty space. In minimalist gardening, negative space is just as important as the plants themselves. It allows the eye to rest and creates a sense of calm.

So, embrace the emptiness, and let your garden breathe. You might be surprised at how much you enjoy the simplicity.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Good morning. I made a wonderful breakfast of potato, egg, and mushroom. David made bacon. I got all of the animals taken care of. We are not going to church this morning because two of the goats need shearing. We have never done this.

David found one guy to shear who lives a few hours away. He wanted $350. He found another guy near Floresville and he will charge $50 so we shall see...He can only make it today at 10am. Norton has long curly hair and he is hot. Trixie has long straight hair. I know she has to be hot, especially with the twins hanging all over her. Both are part Nigerian Dwarf goats but I have no idea what else...

Alice is a Nigerian Dwarf and she was expecting Norton when we bought her. Trixie is not related to Alice but we bought both of them together.

Well, at 9:45am, the shearer called and asked where we were again and said it would take him 40 minutes to get here.

He finally got here and is a very nice man. He said he grew up on a farm and his dad was a shearer. He had this whole electric set up. Matt was here to help him get it set up and plugged in.

Norton with some of his angora hair  hanging down.Norton with some of his angora hair hanging down.
Electric trimming set up that Josh has.Electric trimming set up that Josh has.
Matt helps Josh get Norton situated for the shear.Matt helps Josh get Norton situated for the shear.

Norton was first. They had a hard time flipping him upside down but finally got it done. Norton yelled out a lot during the shearing. He absolutely hated it but now that it is done, I am sure he feels much better. He looks like a brand new man. I wouldn't even recognize him if I saw him on the street. Ha ha.

Matt collected the fiber and helped to hold the goats while they were shorn. They are two different fibers. Norton is half Angora.

Norton is now flipped back over, almost done.Norton is now flipped back over, almost done.
Finishing up...Finishing up...
Norton is a brand new man and now he is cool.Norton is a brand new man and now he is cool.

Trixie was next. Matt grabbed her out of the female hut and got her over to Norton's area where everything was already set up. Since Trixie is smaller and lighter, it was quick and fairly simple. Trixie still looks like Trixie.

Trixie's long hair was making her hot.Trixie's long hair was making her hot. Alice is in foreground.
Trixie in the back with her new shaved style. In front, Alice, Gracie, George.Trixie in the back with her new shaved style. In front, Alice, Gracie, George.

I caught the twins, one at a time and took some kid selfies. They are so adorable.

Gracie and me this morning.Gracie and me this morning.
George and me this morning.George and me this morning.

I picked some asparagus today. It is now hot and humid outside but a bit cloudy. We are supposed to have rain tonight. I sure hope so. We need rain desperately now.

Well, it is after 10pm and we did not get a drop of rain so that is that. Up in Kerrville this evening, they got hail.

Minimalist Gardening

Notice the lack of bright colors in minimalistic gardening with flowers. Pastels are nice, but there are also so many bright colors.Notice the lack of bright colors in minimalistic gardening with flowers. Pastels are nice, but there are also so many bright colors.

Now, let's talk about some common mistakes to avoid in minimalist gardening. One common mistake is trying to do too much too soon.

Start small, and gradually add plants and features as you get more comfortable with the minimalist approach. It's a journey, not a race.

Another mistake is being afraid to experiment. Minimalist gardening is all about finding what works for you. So, don't be afraid to try new things.

And finally, don't be afraid to ask for help. There are plenty of resources available, both online and offline, to help you on your minimalist gardening journey.

So, reach out, connect with other gardeners, and learn from their experiences. You're not alone in this!

Minimalist Gardening - A Recap

I do not like this minimalistic gardening rendition at all. I like my variety and bright colors.I do not like this minimalistic gardening rendition at all. I like my variety and bright colors.

Now, let's recap the key principles of minimalist gardening. It's about intentionality, simplicity, and functionality.

It's about choosing plants and features that bring you joy and serve a purpose. It's about creating a space that's free of clutter and distractions.

And most importantly, it's about enjoying the process. Gardening should be a source of pleasure, not stress.

So, relax, take your time, and embrace the beauty of "less is more in gardening." You might be surprised at how much you enjoy it.

Remember, minimalist gardening isn't about deprivation. It's about creating a space that truly nourishes your soul. It's about "gardening in the backyard" with intention.

So, go ahead, give minimalist gardening a try. You might just find that it's the perfect way to create the garden of your dreams.

And remember, it's all about finding what works for you. Your minimalist garden should be a reflection of your personal style and preferences.

Happy gardening!

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

davidmatthives2Our bee hives
fishOur fish pond
chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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