Manufactured Home Plans

Manufactured Home Plans seem alike but are different. David and salesman in the manufactured home we almost bought. I later realized it was just too small.Manufactured Home Plans seem alike but are different. David and salesman in the manufactured home we almost bought. I later realized it was just too small.

We have a lot of manufactured home plans for the house we bought. We have put some in place. This week, a lot more will take place. For instance, in the kitchen, we took out a window and replaced it with a door to the backyard. But right now, it leads to nowhere. This week, a deck and steps will be put there so we can use the door instead of walking through the house to the laundry room to get out.

We plan to put in better grade carpet but that won't be for a while because we have had to spend so much just to have electricity with the generator and propane. We will be putting trees out front as well as a covered deck with sturdy steps leading up to our front door.

When you shop for a manufactured home, be sure to carefully go through the ones you are really interested in several times to be sure. There are many manufactured home plans to choose from. I know that they all seem alike and once you've gone through four or five different ones, you keep blending them together in your mind. That is what I did the first day. 

David going in a manufactured home that was too small. Note the nice stairs in this photo. These are not what they give you. We got Construction Site Only stairs.David going in a manufactured home that was too small. Note the nice stairs in this photo. These are not what they give you. We got Construction Site Only stairs.

At first, we decided on a really nice home. It looked great and David was all set on it because it had a huge walk in shower. I loved the kitchen.

Me in the beautiful kitchen of the home that was too small. I loved the kitchen!Me in the beautiful kitchen of the home that was too small. I loved the kitchen!

We went back a few days later and walked through it again. I kept looking at the things I loved and never really looked at anything else. Then we went back for the third time and went through the home. That night I started mentally planning where all of our things would go and I realized there just wasn't enough room for most of our furniture and other things.

Holley, our granddaughter, claimed the master bedroom in the home that was too small as her own! Isn't she adorable?Holley, our granddaughter, claimed the master bedroom in the home that was too small as her own! Isn't she adorable?

We started looking at manufactured home plans online and found a design we really loved from Palm Harbor Homes, the Pecan Valley III. I took tours on YouTube and so did David. We decided this was the one instead of the much smaller home we had been walking through. So we went to the lot the next day. They had one Pecan Valley III. It was brand new. It had been designed by a couple who ended up getting a divorce while the home was being built.

If we would take it instead of having one built, we would save $20,000.00. We liked the colors so we took it. We were so excited and then the reality that it would take so long to move into set in. We bought the home on August 16 and did not get to move into it until September 14. It sat on our property all of that time while we lived in a hot shed behind it. They would not give us the keys until they had the inside ready. It was hot and they wouldn't bring us the air conditioner until September 16 so we had to buy a window unit air conditioner for the media room so we would have one room to live in. When it is 100+ degrees, you don't want to be without the air conditioner.

But now we have been in the home for five weeks and we are making changes to their  manufactured home plans to fit us and our needs, and yes, we are still unpacking.

Manufactured Home Plans This Week

Monday, October 21, 2019

Our backyard and hay meadow.Our backyard and hay meadow.

Good Monday afternoon! It has been a busy day with manufactured home plans today. First thing this morning, it rained for a bit before daylight. The air seems so much less humid than it has been. It feels so nice, with just a touch of coolness.

The propane truck showed up and filled our tank. Our team member Bethany showed up to help me empty all of my cabinets throughout the house. She did this very quickly. The parts I did took a long time, but she just breezed through. The house looks a mess but, hopefully, it will be worth it. Tomorrow, Shelf Confident team members will show up to install pull out drawer shelves all over my house. It should make it a lot easier with storage and finding things.

A contractor installed a few things around the house and then went outside to start the back deck, hooking the pool deck to our kitchen door so we can barbecue by going through the kitchen instead of all the way through our home and out the laundry room door. He got a good start but then left around 4pm. He did not arrive until lunch so he did not have enough time to really get a good amount of work done.

It is now 4:42pm and it is only 75 degrees outside! I am so excited. Yesterday, it hit 92 and it was hot and humid. I have spent most of today working on websites. David has spent most of the day out in the garden, preparing holes for the garlic and onion transplants we are getting.

Using a propane burner to burn holes in the weed barrier to plant.Using a propane burner to burn holes in the weed barrier to plant.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

I woke up at 5am (not by choice) and it is 51 degrees but the high is supposed to get to 83 degrees, which is ridiculous. It feels so lovely outside and I am sitting here with my cozy robe on. We get to wear cozy clothes for so few days in Texas and since it is still October, we have a lot more hot days to go.

Today is the day we get our pull out drawers instead of plain shelves in our cabinets. Hopefully it will be easier to store and find things. The manufactured home plans did not call for many shelves in this home. Some cabinets don't have any shelves so hopefully, this helps. Right now, my house is a disaster with everything pulled out of cabinets.

The Shelf Confident folks are here bringing things in and will start installing soon.

We have one of our contractors and his helper working on the greenhouse and one of our team members working in the greenhouse. The sun is bright and trying to get into my office through these thick blinds, making it hard to concentrate!

David wants a newsletter to go out today from David's Garden Seeds® so I will be writing one and emailing it out. If you would like to receive the FREE David's Garden Seeds newsletter about once a month, sign up here!

I got the newsletter out for David's Garden Seeds®. Shelf Confident showed up but had a hard time as they were short staffed today due to sickness and because this is a manufactured home, our cabinets are not even on both sides so they are having to modify everything. Hopefully, things will get better tomorrow. They managed to get one cabinet in the kitchen done and it looks pretty cool.

Shelves are now drawers that pull all the way out so you can find things easily.Shelves are now drawers that pull all the way out so you can find things easily.

David went with our lawn guy to a tree nursery and bought ten trees for the front and side yards. They should be delivered on Friday. They are two different varieties of oak trees. The lady gave them a great sale price. It will be good to get some trees out here. We have one tree on the property, a mesquite tree right at the fence line at the top of the hill so trees fit in perfectly with our manufactured home plans.Our future manufactured home plans include putting some fruit and nut trees in the backyard and over on the side beyond the driveway.

David put ten stakes in front and along the sides of the house for the trees to be planted. Note the wobbly stairs given to us to enter our home.David put stakes in front and along the sides of the house for the trees to be planted. Note the wobbly stairs given to us to enter our home, not part of our manufactured home plans.

Next Monday, our manufactured home plans include having the carpets cleaned and the windows washed by a professional cleaning company. There is a lot of paint-like stuff on the carpet and it washes off if you have the time. It is from when the mobile home repair guy was putting the house together. He had that stuff all over cabinets, counters, walls, trim. I have cleaned up a lot of it.

This afternoon, I unpacked more stuff and reorganized my closet some, mostly to clean off the bed so I can go to sleep on it. It was piled high with all of the things in the bathroom cabinets so I had to sleep on the couches last night. It was awful and then David got up at 5am, turned on the kitchen lights and made coffee. I tried to get back to sleep but could not so I got up. I am so tired now.

Possibly the most important news of the day: David called the electric company again and they said they might start installing the poles this Friday or next Monday--way better than November 15 like they originally told us! We shall see. (Of course, they did not show up at all this week. I would be shocked if they show up on Monday.)

I am so tired this evening. I completely cleaned off my bed of all of the bathroom cabinet items so I can sleep in it instead of sleeping on the couch again.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Shelf Confident guys are putting pull out drawers in my kitchen cabinets. All of the cabinets had to be emptied.The Shelf Confident guys are putting pull out drawers in my kitchen cabinets. All of the cabinets had to be emptied.

This morning we awoke to 53 degrees but it will get up to 87 degrees, so it is gradually cooling in a Texas sort of way! Our Shelf Confident folks are back, working on the kitchen so we can get it cleaned up. Dishes and pots and pans are piled high on the island and on my brand new table with some spillover in the living room and in the library.

The contractor working on the deck is here now. Hopefully he will finish! Then when we use the grill, we can walk right out through the door we had installed in the kitchen out onto the deck where the grill is instead of walking through the house and then all the way around and up the stairs to get to the grill. Believe me, it is a long walk. Honestly, I am not sure what the designer of our manufactured home plans was thinking. The back door should be in the kitchen, not at the other end of the house by the media room.

The unfinished deck will hook the pool deck to the kitchen door we had installed.Our manufactured home plans are for the unfinished deck will hook the pool deck to the kitchen door we had installed.

Shelf Confident got most of the work done today. Their manufactured home plans included finishing every room they made shelves for, only that didn't happen. They did the kitchen, utility room, and both bathrooms. They even got two sections of the built in in our media room completed. The only thing that still needs to be done are two places in the Media Room built in that came with the home. It was after 8pm before the last shelf installer left last night. He was tired and so were we. Hopefully, they will finish up sometime next week.

This evening around 6pm, I saw two men come onto the property by foot. I went out back and they were from the generator company. I got David and we went to the generator. The installer, Fernando said the generator was about to go out at any time. The water pump was out and he would have to order parts. It had already been going for 1,000 hours straight without a rest since we still are not hooked up to electricity. He said he would get a diesel generator that we could rent for a few days until the parts come in for our generator.

I rushed inside to wash some laundry before it went out. I did get a load of laundry washed and dried before bedtime.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

This morning I woke up and it was dark. I looked at the alarm clock and there was no light. I thought we had a power failure. Then I remembered that the power company still will not hook us up and besides, I could see light under the bedroom door. David was not in bed. I asked Alexa what time it was and she refused to answer me. I went into the bathroom and the light switch would not turn on.

I opened the bedroom door and candles were burning in the living room and on the kitchen island. David said he woke up at 4:30am and there was no power. It was a bit warm in the house. The windows were open but the air did not get that cool last night. This was definitely not in our manufactured home plans!

David went to get us some coffee and breakfast while I got dressed in the dark. David got back and we ate. Then Fernando showed up with a generator on the back of a trailer and hooked it up for us. By 8am, we had power again.

The contractor working on the back deck showed up with a helper. They finished the deck today. Our manufactured home plans included a pool deck which has been up since before the home got here. Now the pool deck is connected to the kitchen of the home.

I vacuumed the whole house and dusted the media room, including the built in. It had never been dusted before. I still need to do the very top shelves that are way taller than I am.

While we were out there looking at the handiwork, we arranged the deck furniture and it looks very comfortable. It will be a nice place to sit out in the early morning with a cup of coffee.

They also installed a door in the exercise shed, plus a doggy door so the girls can go in and out to visit us while we are in there while in the backyard. We had them try it. We had to sort of push the dogs through. They still do not really understand the concept.

Bethany planted quite a few things today including the garlic bulbs. David did not tell me about that so I did not get a photo to share with you.

Everyone is gone now and the diesel generator is working well. It is cloudy and humid out. Now I have to get all the rooms back together and finish unpacking. I am so sick of the mess.

The wind is blowing outside and it smells like diesel because of the diesel generator sitting next to our driveway. The rain has been sprinkling on and off for several hours. Alexa says it will be 47 degrees in the morning, our coldest yet this fall. For Texans, this type of weather is exciting and hardly happens at all in a year!

My manufactured home plans for this evening were to straighten up the master bathroom and bedroom but I did not get to finish. I ran out of steam.

David called Patriot Propane to let them know that we would not need any propane since our propane generator is dead. The girl he spoke with said she would change the schedule.

The electric company is supposed to show up tomorrow. The water well company said they won't be here until Monday now. The trees are supposed to be delivered and planted tomorrow. We will see...

The pouring rain with thunder and lightning started before 9pm.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The rainstorm lasted throughout much of the night! This is the first big rainstorm we have been through since we bought this land back in July. At 6am it was 46 degrees! Everything is soaking wet and chilly so no coffee on the new deck today. It is windy now and was windy all night.

Everything in the greenhouses is fine. All of the growing plants are doing well. They loved the rain. The wind blew a lot of boxes and trash bags out of the overflowing dumpster. There is trash all along our side fence and behind the dumpster, not in our manufactured home plans.

Jay's dad and stepmom sat right across from the birthday boy at Salt Grass Steakhouse in San Antonio.Jay's dad and stepmom sat right across from the birthday boy at Salt Grass Steakhouse in San Antonio.

We have to go into San Antonio today to celebrate Jay's birthday. Jay is our David's Garden Seeds® manager.

The birthday boy! Jay has been Manager of Operations at David's Garden Seeds since February of 2016 and is doing a fantastic job for us.The birthday boy! Jay has been Manager of Operations at David's Garden Seeds since February of 2016 and is doing a fantastic job for us.

Once a month, we take our whole team to Salt Grass Steakhouse where they can choose whatever they want on the menu, except alcohol. No alcohol during business hours! We celebrate birthdays for the month with a cake. The birthday person gets a card with a nice cash bill inside. That is always a fun time.

A blue circle marks the spot for the water well to be dug!A blue circle marks the spot for the water well to be dug!

We are about to leave for San Antonio and guess who is out in our front yard? The Water Well company. The man said they won't be digging today but they dropped off a tractor and they marked the spot where they will dig with a blue circle and a blue flag.

This is the yellow tractor that the water well company left on our property over the weekend.This is the yellow tractor that the water well company left on our property over the weekend.
This is the huge truck to dig the well that was left on our property. It has two very high flags flying on it, which I love-the Texas Flag and the USA Flag!This is the huge truck to dig the well that was left on our property. It has two very high flags flying on it, which I love-the Texas Flag and the USA Flag!

Now we are in San Antonio taking care of business before we head off to Salt Grass. It is so windy and chilly, about four degrees cooler here than in Rossville.

We headed to Salt Grass for Jay's birthday luncheon. Our pastor and his wife have a standing invitation each month. They beat us there! We sat down and had a good time.

Bethany chose the cake for Jay and it was moist and delicious.

Then we headed back to the farm. When we got there, we saw that the Water Well company had come back with a big truck that was now in the yard with the Texas Flag and the flag of the United States of America flying high. I just love it. No people were around. They put it in our yard and left.

The next thing we noticed is that we had packages from USPS, UPS, and FedEx. We also saw that the dumpster was empty! Once we parked the SUV, David checked our broken generator and he saw that some parts had been disconnected so we know the generator folks were here as well.

I got the packages in, let the dogs out, and then went outside to pick up the trash. The wind is still blowing pretty hard so it was a struggle to pick up the broken down boxes and carry them to the dumpster. The wind fought me all the way. I picked up about half of what was out there. Considering how far the trash had blown I did a lot.

Then Nacho showed up with our trees--ten in all, definitely in the manufactured home plans. Five Monterrey Oaks and five Red Oak Trees. He and his son are planting them now. They look amazing. Four are in front of the house, The rest are on the side and behind the house. David went outside to talk to Nacho and while he was out there, he picked up more trash.

Now the trees are all in the ground and they are being watered. We went out and looked at them. They look great. Next for manufactured home plans, we need a front deck with some decent stairs and some grass.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

This morning, it was 44 degrees Fahrenheit on the farm. It felt wonderful. No workers or contractors were in the manufactured home plans today. At 10:30am, a nurse showed up to do some labwork for life insurance. After, that, we did some grocery shopping. I got home and did laundry and some more unpacking and straightening. I worked on the laundry room, putting away all of my cleaning supplies.

I got a cabinet delivered for the animals food and supplies since I cannot find any place to put them. The downside is I have to build it! Maybe tomorrow after church.

David and I talked about some of our manufactured home plans, such as the front deck that we want to put up. We want it covered but we are not sure how that will happen because of the lights on the front of the home.

Also we talked about what type of building we will use for the business and also for the retail store we will have out here. Originally we thought we would make manufactured home plans for the business and change the home into work areas. Now we are leaning toward building the business and the store from scratch. It will be cheaper and easier and we won't have to wait for a ridiculous amount of time before we can get into our own buildings like we did with our home.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

This is a view of our backyard with a  beautiful blue sky this Sunday with the Texas flag and the flag of the USA flying from the water well rig over our home.This is a view of our backyard with a beautiful blue sky this Sunday with the Texas flag and the flag of the USA flying from the water well rig over our home.

Good morning and Happy Sunday. It is 41 beautiful degrees outside but it will get up to 89 degrees today which is ridiculous. I got up and fed the animals. David is already up and out of the house. Not sure if he is working in his office or out getting some exercise. Our manufactured home plans today include more arranging and unpacking after church.

I put a stew together in the slow cooker this morning and put it on high for four hours. It got done about eight minutes after we got home from church. We decided to try a little church down the road from us today.

I spent the afternoon building the cabinet for the dog food but on one piece, the holes were drilled too big so I could not get the drawer to go in. I was so upset.

The stew was delicious. We had no company, no calls, no one out here. We watched Cannon on DVD before bed. I set the alarm early because tomorrow;s manufactured home plans include someone from Kona Carpet Care in San Antonio coming out to clean the carpets and windows of our home. We have known the owner for several years which is why he is coming out instead of someone local.

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And lots of yummy greens

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With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

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