Growing an heirloom tomato plant will give you the best flavor. In fact, heirloom seeds for any vegetable will give you the best tasting ones.
Here is a link to all of the tomato seeds we have over at David's Garden Seeds®.
Try Aunt Ruby's German Green Heirloom Tomatoes in your garden.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, and especially to my love, David. It was 30° Fahrenheit this morning but the sky is bright and beautiful.
This morning has been busy. We started with a meeting and then pulled a lot of orders. Four different customer groups have been in and one wanted a tour. It was a party of five with two young children.
Now it is lunchtime. We are very busy so we are having a working lunch. I will be passing Twix candy bars out for Valentine's Day in a little while. It is also our payday so I imagine our team members will be excited to get their checks.
My son surprised me with an I Love Lucy mug and I Love Lucy Vitameatavegamin hot chocolate! If you know me, you know that I have been an I Love Lucy die hard fan since I was five.
Our customers keep asking if we have plants for sale. In about four weeks, our plants will be ready to sell. There are heirloom tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, herbs, greens, and more that we are growing in our greenhouse.
The Amana Orange Heirloom Tomato is pretty and tasty.
This afternoon, we paid everyone. Nacho was here doing some work outback. He left at 4pm. Matt is out running errands for the company right now. We are about to close up and go home for the evening. I have some laundry to fold that is calling my name. I also have chickens to check up on.
We meet some of the nicest gardeners each day and almost all of them have seen our TV commercial. A few have never gardened before but they are wanting to try. Our website has some good gardening information for beginners. Read through it and get some good tips. This website also has some good gardening tips.
Good Tuesday morning. One year ago today, Snowpocalypse hit Texas out of nowhere! We had snow on the ground for days, accompanied by rolling blackouts because our power companies did not know how to handle the storm. It was not a pleasant time for Texas. Here on the farm, we lost all of our greenhouse plants that were growing for spring. You can read about that week here.
I am so glad we are not going through that again this year! This morning, it is cold with a bit of fog. I just took these photos from my back porch. It is 6:15am, 40°, and still dark. Coffee is going in the kitchen.
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I made fried eggs for breakfast. We are getting ready to go into San Antonio this morning because David has to see one of his doctors. Then we will hit up Sam's for more snacks. Our team members and our customers have been cleaning us out of the new snacks we just picked up, especially the jerky.
After that, we are supposed to have a nice Valentine's lunch on the day after. We don't get to leave the farm much so when we do, we should do it up right.
Linda and Matthew will take care of the store today. Jay will hold the fort down while we are gone. Tomorrow, Linda is taking her day off instead of Thursday this week. Then she has Friday off for a funeral. The new girl who works on Saturdays will not be in this Saturday because she is going to a retreat. So it will be me and possibly our son on Saturday. Matthew was gracious to come in this past Saturday and work.
I am hoping we can get some of the algae out of the pond today. Matthew has just removed some of it from the pond. It is 9:20am and 45°.
Here is a link to the David's Garden Seeds® Shipping And Return Policy. Once we have mailed your package using USPS with tracking, we are finished. If you do not receive your package, look up the tracking number we provided you with. You will need to check with your post office or file a USPS claim if the USPS fails to deliver your package. We have tried to help in the past. USPS is taking longer than ever before to deliver packages. See their website as they have changed the number of days it takes to deliver first class mail. The price has also gone up.
Lately, we have been receiving a lot of emails from customers about not receiving packages. We check our tracking and the package shows delivered. However, a lot show delivered the day before they are actually delivered. We have nothing to do with this. This is an example of your tax dollars at work in the USPS, a government entity.
We left the farm around 9:50am and arrived a few minutes late for David's doctor visit. We got a good report from the doctor and David's labs looked good. Then we went to get David some new shoes at Skecher's. After that, he took me to Olive Garden for Valentine's Day. It was packed but we got a good table and had good food. I ate way too much and felt miserable.
Then it was off to Sam's for some more snacks for the farm store. David also bought me a bouquet of flowers.
Matthew texted me all through the day. We got back after 3pm and then I was called to the store to pay someone. I wrote a check and went over. Customers kept coming. We ended up having 13 customer groups today, unheard of for any weekday.
While I was gone, the new hours sign that I ordered was delivered. Matthew put it up at the entrance to the farm.
Matthew cleaned some algae out of the pond. More has to come out tomorrow but it is looking better already. I de-chlorinated and then filled the pond full again as it was getting low.
David was out in the big greenhouse this evening so I joined him and took a few photos in general and some of the heirloom tomatoes that he has growing.
Then I went to check on the cherry and grape tomatoes that Matthew and I planted last week. Nothing coming up yet. I watered them.
I got 20 eggs today again. The light staying on in the chicken coop is working.
The Brandywine Black Beefsteak Heirloom Tomato is a delicious dark tomato that you will enjoy.
Good Wednesday morning. It got down to 60° overnight and it got up to 84°. It started out overcast and windy. Then it got very warm. The wind came back this afternoon.
Matt started out the day by taking a lot more algae out of the pond. There is still more algae to be taken out tomorrow. Now we can see the bottom of the pond again and it is easy to see most of the fish. I can find at least ten of them.
In the store, it was just Matt and me today doing all website orders, restocking, and waiting on customers. We had a lot of customers for a Wednesday and a lot of orders. As usual, most of the customers have seen us on TV. A few have heard of us on radio and one found us online. As soon as we get the store restocked, we have to do it again but that is a good problem to have.
Tomorrow, Linda will be back so the orders will get done quicker while I wait on customers.
This afternoon, we got shopping baskets in to assist our customers in carrying their seeds and things around the store.
Today, we did a wholesale order, our first, to another store in Texas that wants to sell our seeds in their store in our packaging. I had to check it and ship it out in a timely manner. It took over an hour of my time, in between customers.
One of the grape tomato seedlings that we planted last week has come up in my greenhouse. None of the cherry tomatoes have come up yet.
The Pineapple Beefsteak Heirloom Tomato can be eaten yellow or orange.
This evening, I got 18 eggs from the chickens. We will have four cartons of eggs tomorrow, all from this week. I suggest you come early because the eggs go fast most days, especially on Fridays and Saturdays.
Good morning. Are you ready to come visit the farm today? It is 60° now. It should be 78° with, hopefully, no wind. Tomorrow will be cooler, starting off in the 30s again. I thought that was over with. Apparently, there will be scattered 30s over the next several weeks per The Weather Channel app on my phone. Boo! I hate the extreme heat but I am not a fan of the super cold either. I think 50° to 80° year round would be perfect.
It is time to go over to the store. I have a dozen eggs to take. I put the rest of yesterday's eggs in my egg bin at home because we are running out of eggs. Take a look at the date of the eggs at the store next time you go shopping. They are usually three to four weeks old when you buy them. My farm fresh eggs have been harvested this week.
My housekeeper will be here soon. She comes once every two weeks for a few hours. I wish I had someone like Alice from The Brady Bunch! Wouldn't that be great?
Our first red shopping basket was used this morning by a mom of two little ones. I was so excited!
My house got cleaned. We had a lot of customers and all of the orders got pulled. This afternoon, I got 22 eggs! A cold wind has come in and it will be in the 30s when we wake up.
Exciting news! The Sungold cherry tomatoes that I planted last week have started to come up this afternoon. They were not up this morning. I think I have four coming up. Meanwhile, the grape tomatoes that Matthew planted are almost all coming up now so that is exciting.
Good Friday morning. It is 37° and I did not sleep well. I kept waking up, too hot so I guess the heater was on. Then I fell asleep and dreamed something strange and then I got up. I made eggs for David and me. He made coffee.
I printed out all of the new website orders and it is time to go pull them and get them mailed out to all of you. Thank you again for ordering from us.
Happy birthday to my little sister, Norma! She tells me she is sick with a cold and feels miserable. I know how that feels. I got sick the day after Thanksgiving with a few days off for good behavior at Christmas and then bam, sick again. The grandchildren get a lot of germs when they go to school and spread them to me every time I see them. I am not around children anymore so my immunity to the germs is gone. One sneeze in my face and that is it. I am just now feeling better this month. However, the wind keeps blowing every few days so now allergies are making me cough.
Matthew just came in to get the orders and he has a winter coat and hat on. Linda is off today for her grandmother's funeral so I need to finish getting ready and get on over to the store. It should be a nice day once we warm up. It is supposed to get up to 67° so it will be a nice day to come out to the farm and shop for seeds. Don't forget that we will be open tomorrow from 10am until 4pm for your shopping convenience as well and now we have adorable, red shopping baskets for you to use! I am so excited about them.
Don't forget that if you are in Texas and you want to grow heirloom tomatoes, it is past time so get them started indoors immediately if you want spring tomatoes.
Nacho was here today finishing insulating the buildings and doing a lot of other things. I heard power tools throughout the day but I was too busy to be able to look to see what was going on. It warmed up into the 60s. The pond still has a lot of algae. Matt needs to get wader boots to get in there but he won't pick some up. I saw a frog go down into the algae like he was going into his own apartment. Yuck.
I worked hard all day long, pulling orders, closing orders, printing orders, running for seeds for our guests, and waiting on our guests. My feet and legs are killing me. The orders did not get done. I had to work by myself until 6pm because Matthew had to go do some work errands at 4pm. I finally got all of the pulled orders closed but we still have many more from today to pull and close tomorrow. However, the new person we hired to work on Saturdays will not be in tomorrow.
The Great White Beefsteak Heirloom Tomato is a very pale yellow tomato. Tasty, too.
Good Saturday morning. It is 37° at 7am and David is still asleep. I know he is so tired. I woke up because it is too hot in this house. So I made coffee, let the dogs out and back in, and fed the indoor animals. I don't want to make too much noise and wake him up. I wish I were asleep!
I have some checks to write and I need to post some social media posts. I also have to make breakfast, feed the animals outside, and open the store for business. Will you be coming out to the farm to buy seeds today?
Turns out, a whole lot of people came out to the farm today. As usual, the visitors, for the most part, were in groups. No one showed up until 11am this week. Not sure how that works, but we started out with one couple coming in and soon we had six family groups in the store at once, children included. We broke them up into two separate tour groups. Matthew took the first one and David took the second tour group.
Once they had all left, there was a 30 minute lull and then the place was packed out again with seven family groups of customers. After they were gone, we had one and two customer groups for the rest of the day. Matthew got to pull some orders and restock. I also restocked in between check outs but I never got to close any orders so we have a ton of them to get done on Monday. Of course, Monday is President's Day so there will be no mail pickup.
My legs and feet are killing me so it was a very busy day. This evening, I got a lot of eggs. I checked on our grape and cherry tomatoes that we planted last week and a lot of them are coming up now. I watered everything in my greenhouse and turned on the heater since it is supposed to be cold again.
Tonight, they showed our TV ad twice on Svengoolie again and it was still exciting to see! Have you seen it? Almost everyone who came into the store today saw it. There was one couple who drove in from Austin at around 3:45pm. They did not see our ad but they had ordered seeds from David's Garden Seeds® back when they lived in Houston.
Interestingly, I had six dozen eggs today and I only sold one. When I only have one or two dozen, everyone asks for eggs. When I have more, people don't want them. It is strange how that works.
Happy Sunday! It got down to 40° so not as cold as it has been lately. I need to go outside and feed the animals but it is not quite light yet.
I just got back in from feeding the animals. It is 8am and 45°, chilly out there but not windy yet. Time to get ready for church.
We hit up Walmart after church for a few things. We are sponsoring a Christian rock music concert set for Saturday, April 2 at the Natalia Football Stadium. Natalia is a small town by Devine. We will be providing hamburgers and drinks for all attendees so we started buying sodas and burgers. We invite all of you in the area to come out and enjoy a night of worshiping Christ. I will have more about this event later.
I worked all afternoon on social media posts and laundry. Then I put a fresh chicken in the oven with potatoes, onions, carrots, and mushrooms. It was delicious. It was not one of ours. A farmer in the area came to the store and gave it to David after she yelled at him in some text messages on Friday. I guess it was a peace offering of sorts. Anyway, it was nice. I don't care to do business with anyone who speaks that way to him. There are others we can give our business to out here. RESPECT is what it is all about. We would never dream of talking to any of our customers that way...
Mr. Stripey Beefsteak Heirloom Tomato has yellow stripes on an orange fruit. It is fun.
Return from Heirloom Tomato to Business Growth
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,000 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!