David's Garden Seeds® carries many types of heirloom seeds. An heirloom is a seed that has been around for at least 50 to 75 years and it will give the best flavor of any seed. You can depend on it to come back the same as always, year after year if you save the seeds from an heirloom plant.
Well, good morning, everyone! It is finally bright and sunny at 8am and 44° Fahrenheit. I hate it when it is dark outside in the morning so you can't get anything done. Today, we have a whole lot of asparagus crowns to get planted plus anything else we have time for. It is time for spring flowers to start coming up and for heirloom seeds to grow delicious things to eat out in our many garden beds around the property.
I need to get ready for the day and oversee things in the store. It is also payday so I will need to write a lot of checks.
In the house, I put my new vacuum together on Saturday and used it for a few rooms. I got up a ton of dog hair but it seems that David has not left the den so it is still not vacuumed. Now that I have to clean the house again, I really don't know when I can get to it. There is so much to be done regarding the business. That is why I had a housekeeper whom I paid well.
Why is it so hard to get people who want to work for good money? I really thought I had found a good housekeeper this time but she would take off but not let me know. I was always the one asking if and/or when she would be coming and then not getting an answer. I am not used to being ignored for days at a time. Then she would never try to reschedule and who can go four weeks without their house being cleaned?
On this very busy Monday morning, we have lots of customers wanting heirloom seeds. I watered all of the plants in my greenhouse as they are so dry. It is extremely hot in there so I am a bit sweaty now. Yuck. I just finished filling the fish pond again. The water goes down quickly.
David said some yahoo nailed large spikes through our watering pipes that hold the raised beds together out back, specifically the very large raised bed that is over 300 feet in length so that has to be repaired. It is sad when they nail through the pipes even though you have told them ahead of time not to do so.
After work, we went toward Devine and turned left on some side road to someone's home. David was told that there were big tomato plants for sale there so we went over and bought 20 of them to plant tomorrow. Ours are still tiny in the greenhouses. This woman said she planted them all in her dining room back on January 1 and they are really good sized.
Good Tuesday morning. It is 57° at 9:30am and bright and sunny. Nacho is here to hang plants and do other things. A plumber is here to fix lines. Some of our crew will be planting today. I am not sure what is going on. Plants are coming up to the store out of the greenhouse and the hanging plants I wanted up on my store porch are being taken away. It is like watching an episode of the Keystone Cops going back and forth with knocking on the building. I have gone out several times to see what on earth they are doing. Honestly, I don't think they know.
I am hoping to get it straightened out when Nacho comes over. I think he is out back right now working on some other things.
There are many heirloom seeds to be planted today as well as planting a lot of asparagus crowns. We sold very few and gave away a few hundred crowns.
I went outside and chose hanging flower baskets for each place on our porches. Nacho will put up the fixtures and get the plants hanging so it will look nice. He took down the old window units that we sold to someone in Leakey. He will come pick them up later in the week.
The plumber told me he did not have any materials needed to do the job that David wants done. He left to go get them.
Our sign guy stopped by with some new, large signs so people can see where the Farm Store is.
The hanging plants are looking nice but the wind started up so I hope we still have flowers on the bouganvillea when it is finished.
We tried burgers from a new place in Devine today where Fly By's and Heavy's used to be. The fries are greasy and my bun was all wet on the bottom from a lot of stuff coming off of the cheeseburger with egg. The meat, cheese, egg, and veggies were good but I hate a soggy bun.
Customers have been coming in and out all day long for heirloom seeds. You know everyone wants heirloom seeds these days. They think hybrid means GMO, even though it does not. It has been a busy day. I just hung up new cookies for sale in our snack area. We still have a lot more to hang up.
I could only find seven for almost two weeks now, but I was just out at the pond. All of them are at the bottom of the covered pond and I counted three times. There are eight. This photo shows all eight of them. I am relieved.
David was out front with some of the guys by the new raised beds. He taught them how to make holes and plant heirloom seeds. Both guys live out this way and neither one of them knows how to plant anything. I thought everyone out here could plant a basic garden. Interesting, isn't it? Anyway, they filled up several raised beds with heirloom seeds. Hopefully, we will have some good things to eat and some greens for our chickens. They love fresh greens. This will certainly be a lot less expensive to grow some greens instead of buying them at the store for close to $2 a head.
Our asparagus crowns need to go in the ground by tomorrow. Someone special watered the ten raised beds in our asparagus patch that only takes up three raised beds so far. That means that they are all muddy so we have to wait to plant in the seven empty beds until tomorrow. So we moved over to the next hoop house and planted all ten beds with green and purple asparagus. There are still a lot more crowns to go. I went out there and David showed the guys how to dig a trench for the crowns. Then I demonstrated how to plant them, at the same time making a video for our YouTube channel, David's Garden Seeds®.
Matt videoed it and will be posting it soon. Check it out. As soon as Matt gave me the signal, I started talking and then planting. Then it was over and I said so. Matt cut it and said that was smooth. I said I know and that I am a consummate professional! I am a one take wonder! LOL! Look for my awesome asparagus crown video coming soon. Like and subscribe. Share the channel! If you do, I will make more and even post some to my own channel, Mrs. David's Garden Seeds®.
It is almost 5pm which means I will go out and plant some heirloom seeds and gather my eggs.
Good afternoon! It is 12:30pm and I have been out in my greenhouse all morning, fixing plants and transplanting, getting them ready to bring up to the store. Matthew has been planting asparagus crowns all morning long with a crew.
Our ULINE representative just stopped by to make sure we are still alive. We saw him sometime last fall. Yes, we use ULINE for our envelopes and paper needs. They are a great company. Before Covid, they used to ship out our things to us by the next day. Now, they take forever, just like everybody else. Of course, we ship out quickly but we are hindered by the USPS who now takes five days to ship a first class letter. I know they have the same problems with getting things in and getting them delivered because of the shippers they use.
We have had a steady stream of customers buying heirloom seeds all day, or at least in the 30 minutes I have been in the store. I need to price my plants and some have been put out front from the big greenhouse. They need to be watered.
The plants out front are now priced and watered. So many customers today have gone out to see our greenhouse plants. Unfortunately, many of them are still so small because of all of the cold this year. That is now behind us (hopefully). Soon, the plants will shoot up tall and proud.
Matthew and the team are still planting the rest of the asparagus crowns. We will have asparagus everywhere next spring. Our current patch that I planted in April of 2020 is already putting out beautiful stalks every day now.
Ethel appears to be sick. Poor thing won't eat. She just lies there but she is drinking a lot of water.
Customers just keep asking for heirloom seeds. Some come in asking for heritage seeds but that is the same as heirloom seeds.
Good morning and Happy St. Patrick's Day! Yes, I have a bit of the Irish blood coarsin' through me veins, I do, from my father's mother's side of the family. It is 52° and cool right now with strips of fog outside.
This morning, David and I have podiatry appointments in San Antonio. Linda is off but Shay will be taking care of the store. The pest control guy will be coming today to spray both the commercial kitchen and our home so Matthew will have to take care of the dogs when he is here unless we get back before he gets here.
Ethel drank a lot of water during the night and this morning, she walked outside on her own, but she still won't eat anything.
We went to the foot doctor. I had an injection in a foot joint and it hurts. Also, he got me some full sized insoles because my arches are literally killing me with pain. I have to do cold and hot physical therapy...I have been in pain for several weeks. Fun times.
We called our vet, our former vet, and a different vet out here and no one has any openings so no one can see Ethel. Not sure what is going on with her but she is walking on her own and going up and down the steps to go potty.
The brisket sandwiches were good but so greasy. My bun was coated with grease so I could not even eat it. Definitely not worth the $10 a piece that we paid for our whole company.
Encino Pest Control came out and took care of us. Both father and son came today. Ethel just laid there, not even barking while he was in the house. They are a good family owned company so if you are looking for pest control in the San Antonio area, give them a call.
David is outside teaching our outdoor team how to plant seeds. They live out here in the country but have not gardened.
It has been a busy day. It finally stopped blowing chilly wind and warmed up. Customers came and went.
Ethel is starting to do better. She actually ate a few bites this evening and is going outside on her own.
Today started out windy and chilly at 50°. I planted some rhubarb and Golden Acre Cabbage and then went in the store because the wind was really getting with it.
Today was a very busy day. If the sky is blue, we have a lot of customers. So since the sky was blue, we had a good day. Not one plant was sold today. Not sure why. We sold a lot of seeds, germination tray kits, germination mix, and rabbit manure. We also sold our two air conditioners that we took out of the Production building.
A school mate of David's came down from near Fredericksburg and bought them. He did not arrive until after 4pm. He got the royal tour and then he bought a bunch of seeds and supplies from us as well. He left at 4:59pm, just as the mailman pulled in.
The mailman took five large mailbags filled with orders going out. Thank you again to all of you who order seeds from us. We appreciate it so much! The mailman never comes that late so I do not know what happened.
Honestly, the day was so busy that I forgot all about the mailman not coming. I am just glad he showed up right before we closed up everything because Matt is not working tomorrow. He takes the leftover mail on Saturday mornings to the post office but they close at 10am so it needs to be done quickly.
I got two more display stands for snacks in and added all of our new snacks to our Shopify store. Now we just have to price them and put them in the baskets. We also have new drinks to add to the refrigerator. Some of the new snacks that I started putting out are already going.
This evening, Ethel ate and she took her bedtime dental treat for the first time in several days. So that is good news since we have not been able to get her to a vet.
Hello. I have been up since 3:30am. It is freezing in this house, my nose was clogged, and I could not fall asleep on the couch. I tried that for an hour and David got up and started working in the den. So here I am at 5am in my office typing. It is going to be a long day. I put the heater on but it is still so cold in here. It was over 80° yesterday so why do I need a heater on this morning?
My foot is still hurting where I got the injection on Thursday. I have a ton of heirloom seeds that I need to plant and a house I need to clean but the store is open today. Matt will not be working today so hopefully, Shay and I can handle it all.
So now it is 5:45am and David is sound asleep. I am still freezing and cannot sleep. The heater is on but you would never know it. It is supposed to get up to 80° today. I wonder if it will be windy and cold again this morning instead of warm and sunny.
It is 2pm and we have had a busy day here at David's Garden Seeds® with just two more hours to go for people to find heirloom seeds. We have had to define heirloom seeds about five times so far today.
We closed up at 4pm and David and I picked up some groceries at Walmart. Then we got back in time to put everything away and take care of the animals. I found another dead bunny. We need to stop having visitors in the bunny shed and touching them. This will continue until that is stopped. When we go to other farms, we are not allowed anywhere near their rabbits.
Svengoolie was a 1933 movie that was made in England after Boris Karloff was a star. The movie was lost and was discovered in 2003 I think and was shown. This means that my father, who loved Boris Karloff, most likely never saw this movie. He was two when it was made but it was never shown in the USA. My father died in 1991. He would have enjoyed it. I think it was a fun movie that points out a truth. Boris is looking for eternal life through an Egyptian god. Jesus said He is the way, the truth, the life. All Boris's character had to do was put his trust in Jesus, not an Egyptian god for eternal life.
So I went outside to close my greenhouse door around 9:30pm. Of course, it was pitch black out in the backyard because our wonderful outdoor crew not only unplugged my parties lights from the timer, but also unplugged the extension cord inside of my greenhouse. So there I was with my phone light trying to figure out how to plug lights in that should have been on. Why on earth is there ever an excuse for them to touch my party lights, the timer they are on, or the plug inside my greenhouse.
I had my greenhouse built because the outdoor guy in charge last year kept dumping the flat of seed pots every time I planted seeds in the greenhouse. Now that I have my own greenhouse, these guys can't stay out of it. I told David in no uncertain terms that I don't want anyone touching my greenhouse, my lights, my plugs, or my hose that is in the greenhouse. There is no reason for any of it.
We have hoses and plugs all over the property. Why would you purposely go into my backyard, use the hose inside of my greenhouse, unplug my lights, and who knows what else? Stay out! Do not touch my stuff.
I slept fairly decently. Woke up to 42°. I went out and fed all of the animals. Then we got ready for church and went. We came home and had deli sandwiches from Walmart that were so good. Now I need to change my sheets, do some laundry and dishes and cook some salmon and some pork ribs that I defrosted. I also need to clean the house but David is in the den again. It really needs to be vacuumed.
It is a nice day outside at 73° and I have so much to do that I don't know where to start.
David wants a 20% off sale going in the store so I took care of that. Use code SPRING2022 for 20% off of your seed order right now since today is the first day of spring!
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!