Heirloom Seeds For Sale

We have a lot of heirloom seeds for sale both on our website and in our Farm Store. If you have not visited our store, come visit us at the farm or visit our website here to see what we have.

Heirloom seeds will give you the best flavor so you are smart to want them for your garden. They are seeds that have been around at least 75 years. Every time you plant an heirloom seed, you know exactly what you will get every single time.

Heirloom Seeds For Sale - 9/26-10/2/2022

Monday, September 26, 2022 - Heirloom Seeds For Sale

Good Monday morning. Today is payday. Nacho and a helper are already outside mowing and working on various projects. I unlocked everything and fed the fish. I need to get outside and do some more transplanting.

This week, we will talk about heirloom seeds for sale on our website and in our Farm Store. We have many heirloom seeds. We still have a few hybrids and open pollinated seeds but, for the most part, we are carrying heirloom seeds. In fact, we are the largest heirloom seeds for sale provider in the great state of Texas.

I finished transplanting my snake plants and took a few out front for sale. I brought the papaya trees that were out front to my plant area. These small trees that we grew from seed have not grown well in the extreme heat. I will try to grow them to become sturdy producers.

Likewise for the small citronella plants out there now. They are currently $6 but the bigger ones growing in the back will cost a lot more in the spring. A couple on Saturday wanted to buy some citronella plants. They wanted some big ones. I explained that the $6 plants would get big as long as they transplanted them to bigger pots and took them inside when it got cold. They said they would wait until the plants are big. The cost will be more for sure when they are big, just like at garden centers, Walmart, and other stores where plants are sold. I am not sure why people think we should give our plants away for low prices instead of selling them at current prices that everyone else sells them for. I have had people tell me $2 a seedling is too much this past spring but when we go to Walmart and Home Depot, they are for sale for $4 a seedling.

It is 2pm and 94° so when will it cool down? This coming Saturday is October. It should have cooled off some.

We Are Not Hiring Right Now!

I got the paychecks written at lunchtime so that is all done. I have not had any customers but right after lunch, a lady stopped by asking if we are hiring. I told her that this is our slow time and due to the heat and the drought it is unusually slow and we might hire again in spring. I asked her to leave her resume if she had one. She then told me that she had emailed it to us this morning. I called David and he did receive it but he did not ask her to come in for an interview. So I told her again that we are not hiring right now.

Just in case you are thinking of coming in for an interview, we are not hiring right now. Traditionally, this is our slow time of year. Sales are slow as we move into October. They will pick back up in January. Now is when we get ready for spring planting. We still get orders but they are very low compared to the rest of the year. We do not have extra cash right now to pay additional folks. Hopefully, we can keep the ones we have for the rest of the year.

Nacho and his helper put a lot of our sandy soil into the raised garden beds in the back, leaving a pretty big hole in the ground for our back pond that we will be putting in, probably next year. The hole is pretty deep but it needs to be a lot longer.

Heirloom Seeds For Sale

Your favorite heirloom seeds for sale have the best flavor. They have been around for at least 75 years and can always be depended upon to grow the same plant and produce the same fruit year after year, season after season. You can save the seeds and plant them to get the same plants over and over.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022 - Heirloom Seeds For Sale

Good Tuesday morning! It is 61° and nice and chilly outside. I went out and unlocked all of the buildings and it feels like a happy party outside. But the party won't last. It should get up to 91° today.

David and I have a lunch meeting today so we won't be here for several hours. Matt will be in charge so you can speak to him if it is important. Don't forget that our HAPPY13 anniversary sale is almost over so if you want to save 25% off the heirloom seeds for sale here, come on over and pick out your seeds. The sale ends on Friday, September 30, 2022. As soon as midnight chimes in October, it is gone. Now is a great time to buy your spring seed collection as well as your wildflowers and your winter greens.

I need to get outside and work some more in my plant area. I did some work but I needed more potting soil. Hopefully, I will get to set up my five tiered pot set from GreenStalk that I recently bought on sale. I forget the name of it. I am planning to grow herbs in it.

We had a good time with our dear friends at Salt Grass. Then we picked up a few groceries at Walmart and some bales of hay for the garlic we planted. It will be mulch.

Late this afternoon, one of our former employees and one of Matt's best friends came out to visit. He picked up some citronella plants while he was here.

The mailman was supposed to bring a hospital bill that we have been waiting to be sent for two months. The USPS preview email I get every day said it would be here today. It did not come. Unfortunately, I was not home when the mailman came. I reported to USPS on their website that I did not receive this piece of mail.

I am tired so we had grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup for dinner. It was fine and made a good dinner for us.

I am making a nice coffee bar in the kitchen. I got in some K cup holders as well as some glass holders for coffee beans. It will be nice. I wish we could get one of those fancy foam type coffee machines now. We need a new coffee grinder. Ours finally bit the dust.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 -
Heirloom Seeds For Sale

It is 57° at 6am and feels so nice. But it won't last long. It will be 91° before the day is done. How? Why?

I went over to feed the fish at 7am and right before I got there, it hit me...I left the water running all night long to the fish pond. Last night around 7pm, I turned on the water to the pond after I put de-chlorinator in there. Normally, I would set my phone timer, but I misplaced it and could not find it. I went back to the house to make dinner. David found my phone but by then, I had forgotten to set a timer. Hours passed and I did not remember. The night went by.

Meanwhile back at the pond, I smelled chlorine and the water company adds extra chlorine in the city water in the morning. Some fish were dead; others were struggling. I shut the water off and put more de-chlorinator in the pond. Then I went back to the house so upset.

I ended up losing three fish so far. The rest seem to be doing okay. The pond did not overflow so I am not sure why.

I finally made it over to the store around 1pm. I asked the mailman for a bill he did not deliver yesterday that was in my mail preview email. He said he knew nothing about this bill. So now we have to called and ask them to bill us again. It took them two months to bill us the first time. We don't even know how much it is for or if there is a self pay discount. This is a medical bill.

I went out to fill my Greenstalk and there was only enough soil to fill the bottom tray so I packed it up and put it away.

Today, we had several people come in to buy our heirloom seeds for sale. One was a neighbor down the road.

We decided to forget about the church we started going to in July. We were hoping to make some friends in the community so for the past three years we have been trying different area churches. For one reason or another, we don't feel like we belong. One of the churches actually told us they did not want us there. Some of them just had people not talk to us. Pastors of two of the churches just stopped talking to us or even acknowledging our presence. Some we just did not have a good feeling about. Since we have been out here, we have tried going to at least nine different churches.

Honestly, that is a lot of churches. David used to be a pastor and yes, I was a pastor's wife. We know the drill and we know when we are not wanted. Strange how some of the small churches just want their own and don't want new people or money to come into the church.

We are going back to where we used to go before we moved. At least the pastor and his wife talk to us and love us. In fact, we just had lunch with them yesterday. We never should have stopped going, giving thousands of dollars to churches out here when it could have gone where it should have gone...This latest church is just too big. I tried to introduce myself to the pastor who was finally at the door as we left but he did not have time for that and moved on to the next person. I thought that was weird but whatever. He is a good speaker but he did not want to take the time. I get that there are a lot of people. Oh well. He will never miss us because he never met us.

We stayed home tonight from the Bible study and we probably won't go back. We felt out of place, old enough to be parents to the others. Each attempt we have made to make friends out here have ended in failure. It is disappointing.

I could not figure out how to get any water out of the hanging hoses with 15 switches out in front of the Farm Store so I had to bring two gallon jugs full of water to water the plants. That wasn't enough so I had to get wet and muddy trying to fill one up again with another hose. The watering systems around here are so complicated.

We had a rotisserie chicken for dinner. It was pretty good.

Yesterday, we called David's surgeon's office for the CT scan results from last week. The nurse said the results are in but we would have to wait until the surgeon calls. Well, that was about 30 hours ago and we still have not heard from the surgeon. I had to pay over $1000 out of pocket for this test. Why can't we know the results?

Today when the mailman came, I told him I did not get it and he said he knows nothing about it. So now we have to call the hospital and see if maybe they will send another and we have no info. USPS.com has done nothing so far. I guess it is no big deal to them. They won't have to pay it or submit it to Christian Healthcare Ministries for reimbursement. We now have two months left to get it to them but we can't because we did not get it. No neighbors have brought it by. In San Antonio, neighbors were always bringing my mail by because my mailman always delivered mail to the wrong people. We got plenty of other people's mail, too.

Thursday, September 29, 2022 - Heirloom Seeds For Sale


Good Thursday morning! It is 59° outside and feels great. This morning there is a lot going on.

David, Matt, and I went to get our hair done in Devine. I look pretty decent and they look good. While we were gone, someone came into the store and bought about $200 worth of heirloom seeds for sale as well as coffee and some pecan treats. Good job to whoever helped this customer.

The USPS mail preview today shows the hospital bill that they keep losing so maybe I will get it today. We shall see.

We did get the paperwork from the hospital but it is not a bill so I still have nothing to send in to Christian Healthcare Ministries. The mailman said he did not know how it happens that the mail from the hospital showed up today. We know it was there two days ago because I have a photo of it on my email from USPS.

The five fish left seem to be well but they are all staying close together on the bottom of the inner pond and will not come up to eat. I still feel so bad.

The employee we just hired to work full time outside got a new job. He will work full time for the other place and then work here three hours in the afternoon for five days a week here. That is 15 hours a week which means he will not get any benefits and he won't get much done in just three hours. By the time the tools come out, it will be time to put them away. He has only been here about three to four weeks and he was doing a great job.

I did not get to work on my plants this morning because we left the farm at 9:30am for hair appointments. I need to do a lot more transplanting. I am in the Farm Store now figuring out the PTO hours that each employee has. We cannot find this information anywhere from the manager who left two months ago so we are starting from scratch based on the employees' best guesses as to how much they have left and how much they took. I have personally gone through every paper file and every single file on his computer trying to find this but I have come up with nothing.

We have been trying to get our new IT guy out here to try to connect our K drive but he won't answer us. He was supposed to come both this past Saturday, September 24 and September 17 but he did not and he will not answer calls or texts. What is wrong with people? No one wants to work and he was not cheap when he was here on September 10. He did not finish what he was supposed to do. I paid him a lot of money that day and he would not finish and he won't come back. Maybe we will find someone else.

Out here in the country, there are less people who are skilled in many areas. Those who are out here either already have good jobs or they just don't want to work because the government is paying them or someone in the household to stay home. The others we have met have no marketable skills. These people also exist in big cities. It is just that there are more skilled people in the big cities so it is easier to find good help there. I do miss that about the city. Here, people drop by and say they want to know if we are hiring. Then they ask exactly what we do and how much will we pay them.

First, do your homework. Look us up on the internet. Find out what we do and come prepared. Tell us how you can help us. Tell us that you love to garden. Tell us how important it is to grow your own food so we don't have to eat GMOs like we do now. The government changed it from GMO to Bioengineered Foods. Check your pantry and your freezer. You have been eating GMO food all year and you didn't even know it. That is what happened to us. All of a sudden, this crap is going into almost everything. I couldn't believe it last week when I checked my pantry and freezer. Blue Bell Ice Cream, yes! If you live in Texas, you have Blue Bell Ice Cream and it now contains GMO foods in it called Bioengineered Foods. It is right on the label. We cannot believe it.

We will be open tomorrow with plenty of fall heirloom seeds for sale from 9am until 5pm and on Saturday from 10am to 4pm. Come pick up your fall heirloom seeds for sale, your winter greens, and even some of your spring garden seeds. Yes, we are already packing brand new seeds for spring including our Texas Spring Seed Set, all new with only heirloom seeds for sale in the brand new sets.

I ordered some goldfish online and I just got an email saying they would be delivered tomorrow.

Friday, September 30, 2022 - Heirloom Seeds For Sale

David tries to run his business from his phone when he cannot be there. It is not easy.David tries to run his business from his phone when he cannot be there. It is not easy.
My nails were drying and they put hot towels on my legs. It felt great!My nails were drying and they put hot towels on my legs. It felt great!

Well, good morning. There was a lot of drama on the farm this morning. I get so sick of drama sometimes. It was 61° when I got up this morning and felt good but I did not do any transplanting this morning because I wanted to stay clean for my pedicure.

David and I went to get pedicures at 10:30am. We have a difficult time with our feet and they did a nice job.

We came back and the new fish still have not been delivered. It is now 1pm. The fish arrived at 6:39am today in San Antonio and are out for delivery. They should arrive no later than 7pm. I hope they come soon so some will still be alive.

Matthew and David just took off to go pick up some alpaca poop. It is supposed to be good for the garden like rabbit poop. It doesn't burn the plants. You can mix it right in and plant without plant damage.

Here are the goldfish in the bag.Here are the goldfish in the bag.

The new fish got delivered at 1:41pm by UPS. I opened the box and floated the bag. I did not see any dead fish. There are 50 teeny orange fish. Matt got back at 2:05pm and then we went out to the pond. He cut the bags open and let the fish out. I hope the big fish stay away for a while. I just gave the big fish extra food and they are all in the covered pond. The babies are over by the waterfall, on the bottom of the pond. We fed them some goldfish flakes since they are so tiny. It is 90° right now so I hope they don't burn up in our heat.


We also got in three large boxes of garlic bulbs today. Our garlic bulbs are going fast so this will help. If you did not know, now is the time to plant your garlic bulbs.

The baby fish are mixing in now. I hope none have been eaten but who knows?

Well, it's 7pm and we turned on Shark Tank again this week. Why should we bother? They are putting on some crappy governor's debate. Can you believe this crap? ABC is a major network and Shark Tank is a hit show. Why on earth is it hijacked every single week so we cannot watch it? I have had it.

I passed out most of the PTO notices today but we had three out. So I will have to pass them out on Monday. One of our new people went from full time to part time to take a job with HEB. That is a good company with good benefits to work for. However, we pay very well, especially for this outside job. He says he will still work for us from 15 to 30 hours a week. We doubt it because we have done the two jobs at the same time stuff and it is difficult and takes a lot out of you. He is young and doesn't get that. But he will find out starting Monday.

Well, I guess this is it for tonight. I am tired and upset about so many things that went on today but that is okay. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, October 1, 2022 - Heirloom Seeds For Sale

Here is a butterfly on David. The place is filled with butterflies now that it has cooled so much.Here is a butterfly on David. The place is filled with butterflies now that it has cooled so much.

Good morning. It is Saturday once again. It is 62° but should get up to 90° according to Alexa. It is still dark so I have not unlocked anything yet. Last Saturday, we only had a few sets of customers. I sure hope we have a lot more today. By now, everyone should know we are here and after the empty shelves that keep happening, everyone should be concerned about how they are going to feed their families.

I have so much to do today. I always have so much to do. What cracks me up is how many people want jobs and then call in or come in and then leave to go get their kids from school at the beginning of the day and then don't come back. We have work that needs to get done and when our employees don't get it done Monday through Friday, guess who has to do it instead of getting her work done on Saturday and Sunday? We have had a lot of absences this week.

USPS Rate Increase Effective 10/02/22

I just got an email from USPS saying effective tomorrow the rates go up 30¢ a package to mail seeds out to you. How ridiculous! Below is some of what they said.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) will be activating a temporary rate increase for the peak holiday season across their commercial and retail postal services. The rate increases will take effect on October 2nd, 2022 and remain in effect until January 22, 2023.

Their rates just keep going up. Sorry about the postal increases but that means we need to raise our rates again. This is our slow time of year and we have had to take pay cuts so we don't have to lay off anymore people.

I wrote a page about how to plant and grow garlic this morning. Since it is fall and you should plant your garlic in the fall, it should help if you have never grown garlic before. Then I watered all of my plants and trees in my greenhouse planting area. I still have more transplanting to do but there never seems to be enough time in a day.

I opened the store but we had very few visitors today. Very few purchased heirloom seeds for sale with our new discount code WINTERGARDEN.  This saves you 20% when you spend $20 or more. I really thought we would have a lot of customers. We have just ten bags of garlic bulbs left after today from our first batch. They are going very fast, mainly by mail order. Fortunately, David ordered more and it got here just before close of business on Friday. It did not get packed yesterday because all of us but two had the day off. (When do I get my day off?) Hopefully, the garlic will get packed on Monday.

I priced and hung up all of the snacks and a lot of the drinks we bought at Costco two weeks ago. The refrigerator won't hold what is left. I think I have another six cases of drinks.

I think the new fish are doing okay so far. I hope none have been eaten. I have been feeding the big fish more food. The little ones are so tiny. I get a glimpse of orange every now and then. They are going back and forth from pond to pond while the big fish have been hanging out in the covered part.

Svengoolie was actually on TV here last night and it started an hour early. Matt brought us Subway and we watched Trilogy of Terror which was three stories all in one movie with the same actress. It was freaky. This was a made for TV movie back in the 1970s that I did not watch back then.

Some of our trees in the orchard are dying. We have been told by our workers that they are all getting water, even the dead ones but I think that is not true. I mean they have been dead now for months and I have always held that they are dead because they are not getting watered. We will be testing them today. There are a lot of dead trees.

Sunday, October 2, 2022 - Heirloom Seeds For Sale

I could edit the electric poles out but let's keep it real. I just hate that they spoil my view.I could edit the electric poles out but let's keep it real. I just hate that they spoil my view. We have heirloom seeds for sale just feet from where I snapped this.

Good Sunday morning. I woke up early which is sort of upsetting...but I have a cup of coffee and am finishing up this page for you.

I fed all the animals outside and in. Matt came over and the three of us went out into the orchard at 8am to test the moisture in the soil with a meter. Three of the dogs accompanied us. We have a lot of expensive trees in the orchard that are dead. Why are they dead? Because they are not getting watered.

Lucy, Matt, and David are putting the moisture meter into the ground at every tree.Lucy, Matt, and David are putting the moisture meter into the ground at every tree.
This is the moisture meter and it is not out of the red zone. You can say you watered but the meter says no. That is why the trees are dying or dead. No water = Dead trees. Duh.This is the moisture meter and it is not out of the red zone. You can say you watered but the meter says no. That is why the trees are dying or dead. No water = Dead trees. Duh.

After testing the trees, most of which had little to no moisture, David turned on rows one and two and nothing happened. He went down to the end of the orchard and discovered a huge leak in the pipes, water just spraying out. So every time the water came on, this place got watered but none of the trees.


And Then There Were Nine

So David texted our main outdoor guy. This guy said it is not his fault the trees are dead and that he is not God and cannot predict when trees will die. What? I am not God either but if it is Texas hot with temperatures in the 90s and 100s and the trees are getting no water, I can predict they will die. He never even checked to see if everything was getting water or he would have known why the trees are dead. Why is our water just leaking out? How could he not know this?

He kept texting back of all this defensive stuff and finally quit in the text message and said he would have another job by the end of today because God's got his back. Wow. He told David that he is given too much to do instead of apologizing and saying he would try to do better.

Anyway, that was a crazy way to spend a Sunday morning and all before church.

We went to HEB up in Lytle to buy some groceries and fruits. Their produce is so much better than what Walmart has.

We are heading on over to another store now to see if we can get some more trees and then we have to pay someone else to plant them because we have a company to run. Good holy crap. We have spent thousands of dollars on trees over these last three years and they keep dying because people don't water them. I knew we were paying them all way too much money because they do not do what they are supposed to do.

We drove over to Tractor Supply. They had dead and dying trees, some alive. Apple, fig, peach but no citrus. We passed because I don't think they are watering them, same as ours...

We came home and went out to check on the asparagus patch that David started watering this morning. It needs to be watered for four hours at a time to get down to the roots. After four hours, it is still not moist enough. So we put it on for longer. David has been telling the outdoor folks to do this each morning and set a timer but they do not. This is why so many of our things did not survive this summer.

I think I will go fold some laundry and enjoy what is left of the afternoon. Don't forget that we have plenty of heirloom seeds for sale in our farm store. Our online store is open 24/7 and by using code WINTERGARDEN you will get 20% off the price of seeds when you spend $20. Have a great rest of your Sunday.

A single engine plane flew overhead while we were out in the orchard this morning. It was a perfect morning for it.A single engine plane flew overhead while we were out in the orchard this morning. It was a perfect morning for it.

Return from Heirloom Seeds For Sale to Our Fourth Year

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

davidmatthives2Our bee hives
fishOur fish pond
chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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