Gardening Zones Texas

Here is the gardening zones Texas has as well as the rest of the USA.Here is the gardening zones Texas has as well as the rest of the USA.

So what are the gardening zones Texas has?  The San Antonio area as well as Poteet are in Zone 9A. In zone 9A, since we have lived in it for 22 years, you get two growing seasons, spring and fall. The spring growing season normally does not last very long with the year 2021 as the exception. Fall is the best growing season for this area. We get our best everything in the fall. The beans, squash, and other veggies taste better when grown here in the fall. Texas also has 6B through 10A.

Gardening Zones Texas
August 16-August 22, 2021

Monday, August 16, 2021 Gardening Zones Texas

Welcome to this week of gardening zones Texas has.Welcome to this week of gardening zones Texas has.

Good Monday morning! Time for another week of work. Those weekends sure fly by quickly. Today, the electricians are here once again. They are working on adding the generator to all of our business buildings. It is quite an undertaking.

If you are new to our site, two years ago next Monday, we moved to the farm so happy two year anniversary to us! The electricity company refused to hook us up for almost four months even though we had already paid over $4000 to get in line to get electricity. So we found a man who had a huge generator and we paid a lot of money for it. He hooked it up to our home once Palm Harbor Homes put our manufactured home together. It sat out here for about four weeks while we lived in a tiny shed we bought.

Once we were hooked up to real electricity, on October 30th of 2019, we kept the generator just in case. "Just in case" happened in February of 2021--Snowpocalypse 2021!

Back to the present, today, David got on the riding mowers and did some mowing, his first real physical labor since his surgery. One of our team members also did some mowing out back. David is starting to feel much better with the hernias gone. He is also out of atrial fibrillation and losing weight. He will see the surgeon next week to be cleared.

The only customers in the store today were our employees and the electricians who kept coming in to buy drinks. It is definitely hot and miserably humid.

Look at this silly frog living in a pot with a marigold plant.Look at this silly frog living in a pot with a marigold plant.

There are frogs everywhere, hiding in potted plants, relaxing on waterlilies in the pond, and just hopping along out back. I have never seen so many types of frogs before and other than our pond, there is no water. We also have an overabundance of grasshoppers, spiders, and a lot of bugs that I cannot identify.

I spent the day working on changes to our products on the website. I have many pages left to do and more updates daily.

This evening, David went back out to mow and the new mower got stuck again...

Way up at the top of the hill, you can see our new mower stuck in the sand again.Way up at the top of the hill, you can see our new mower stuck in the sand again.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021 - Gardening Zones Texas

Another gorgeous sunrise over the farm.Another gorgeous sunrise over the farm.

Good hot Tuesday morning. David is supervising while some of our guys clean up the back forty this morning. We found a big bag of grass seed that our farm manager was supposed to plant back there over two months ago. It was just sitting on a bench out back. The place was a physical wreck. David is having everything loaded up and taken either to our burn pile, a shed, or to the dumpster. Hard to believe we paid two grown men $16 an hour each and they could not get any of this done.

Sometime today, David has to go into town to have his stitches removed. If you missed the post when he nearly cut his thumb off, check it out here, on Friday August 6th.

We are planning on having dinner with my sister-in-law from Dallas as well as my father-in-law this evening. Lois is in the area to go to the doctor with David's father today.

As I mentioned previously, we live in garden zone 9A which means we can grow things in our garden almost year round for most years. This year, back in February, was a most unusual exception to the rule.

Gardening zones Texas are varied depending on what part of Texas you are in as well as the elevation. The lower the elevation, the warmer it is.

My point is, most everyone who lives in Texas can have a fall garden. It is almost time to plant for fall so you need to get your seeds as soon as possible. If you live in the San Antonio area, come on by the farm store at 5029 FM 2904 in Poteet, Texas and shop for your fall seeds. If you don't live nearby, order your seeds from our beautiful and very user-friendly new website here!

Here is David's thumb with stitches as we drive to the hospital in Jourdanton to have them removed.Here is David's thumb with stitches as we drive to the hospital in Jourdanton to have them removed.
The stitches were removed before all of the paperwork and vitals were completed.The stitches were removed before all of the paperwork and vitals were completed. We were in and out in ten minutes!

David and I went into Jourdanton to the hospital to get his thumb stitches out. Amazingly, we were there for just ten minutes, got the stitches out and left. The nurse would not take us back into the ER as she said it is filled with covid patients. The stitches were out in just seconds but we had to stay while paperwork was completed, printed out and given to David. Five sheets of paper to remove seven stitches. Vitals taken as if he were sick. I don't even want to know what they are charging us for something I could have done...

Just look at our new Texas flag proudly waving along with our USA flag at the gate. We lowered both flags a bit so they won't get ripped on the lettering again.Just look at our new Texas flag proudly waving along with our USA flag at the gate. We lowered both flags a bit so they won't get ripped on the lettering again.

We put our beautiful, new Texas flag up today and it looks amazing, waving in the breeze along with our flag of the United States of America on our front gate.

This evening, we drove into Hondo and met my father-in-law and sister-in-law, Lois, for dinner at Hermann Sons Steakhouse. This place used to be okay but it has gone down a lot in quality. The salad bar is gone, I guess due to corona. My chair was greasy so I exchanged it for another at a different table. Later the waitress was setting up a table for a large party, picked up the greasy chair and did not wipe it off. There is no way she did not see the grease.

It is an older building so the floor is not smooth and even. It was packed as always so it is still the most popular place to eat in Hondo. We had a nice visit and then came home. By the time we got here, it was dark.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The chickens are really putting out in this heat. I am getting at least 20 eggs a day now.The chickens are really putting out in this heat. I am getting at least 20 eggs a day now.

Good morning, everyone. David left his cowboy hat in a box on our front porch yesterday afternoon. This morning, it wasn't there. I asked some of our employees if they had seen a hat blowing around. One said she saw a cowboy hat down the road, smashed in, run over by a vehicle. She said it was the one David was wearing yesterday. Sometimes, the wind gets really strong here. There is a lot of breeze.

Today, it is overcast and I am hoping it will rain because everything needs to be watered. I have been working on website changes all morning and I am tired of it. I need to get up and walk around for a bit.

Well, it never rained. Instead, it was hot and humid, up to 96 degrees Fahrenheit. My chickens continue to produce at least 20 eggs a day in the horrible heat. Yes, the chicken air conditioner is on but it was also on when I was getting just two eggs a day.

David continues to go out and about the property, seeing what has not been done. He is having folks get things done now.

Aaron got stung by a wasp walking through the carport today. He told me not to go near it. I got the can of wasp spray and took out three wasp nests that were in there. I had no idea they were there. They have been all over all of the buildings. Most are gone now but they are making more. I have ordered more wasp spray that will be here tomorrow.

Gardening Zones Texas

The gardening zones Texas has on the coast are 9A, 9B and 10A. Only the southern most tip of Texas next to Mexico and the ocean are 10A. Most of the Gulf coast is 9A, including the Houston area.

The gardening zones Texas has on its most western point are 7A, 8A, and 9A. I find this very interesting but it is mountainous over there. I am talking about El Paso and west of that to New Mexico.

The gardening zones Texas has in Dallas, Fort Worth, and the Metroplex is just 8A and 8B over in Austin.

The gardening zones Texas has in the panhandle of the state are 6B, 7A, 7B, and 8A.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Today it was miserably hot and humid. Bugs and frogs are everywhere and I spent most of the day soaked. I have had to change clothes multiple times as I have taken care of the animals and watered plants.

The chickens gave me 24 eggs today despite the fact that it was a miserable 99° with high humidity. How are they doing that in the heat? Yet when it was cooler, I was getting two eggs a day...I really don't think so.

Today was another day filled with changes to our new website. This evening, I was changing an edible herb and thought it was weird that it was marked as taxable when it is not taxable. I began to go alphabetically through all of the herbs. So far, every single edible herb has been marked taxable so I am now having to go through all of them, one at a time and fix them all. Looking forward to the day when everything on the website is right so I can have time to breathe again.

Friday, August 20, 2021

This morning, I decided to work a bit on my home office. The master bedroom, my office, the guest room and the craft room are all a wreck as I am still trying to figure out where everything that came out of the master closet and the guest closet should go.

Then I checked on the website orders and wondered why they hadn't been done today. I was getting ready to go find out when it hit me that today is Friday and the folks who normally do the orders have off on Fridays for right now. So I printed them out and had them pulled. The orders are on their way to you. Thank you!

The trash dumpster is piled up and starting to come out. I saw the trash truck out the window and I just heard him dump the dumpster! Yay!

We found a drill left here by the electricians last week. They are coming on Monday so we will have to remember to give it back to them.

If you are thinking of coming to the Farm Store to shop for seeds, do not come on Monday morning, August 23. The electricity to the business will be shut off for several hours until the electricians finish hooking the generator up to each building. Once they have completed their work (that has been going on for weeks now), they will turn the electricity back on. Without electricity, we have no internet and, more importantly, no air conditioning. Folks, I am not going to go sit in a hot, dark store with no internet and wait for customers. I will work from home that morning.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

I wish our view was beautiful with no electric poles and wires like it used to be, but we have to have power and so do the neighbors. The weekend was very hazy in the mornings and humid.I wish our view was beautiful with no electric poles and wires like it used to be, but we have to have power and so do the neighbors. The weekend was very hazy in the mornings and humid.

The guys have been getting our garden beds ready for our fall garden planting. Some planting actually took place this week, including this morning. David got out there and did some planting. I worked in the house and there is still so much to do.

David and I went to Tractor Supply for animal supplies and food. I had to lift those 50 pound bags because David still cannot lift. He started to but I had to stop him. I wanted to go grocery shopping but instead we went home.

We drove by a very old church started in the 1860s several miles away from us. David wants to go there tomorrow. There is a church cemetery and a sign that says if you need to bury someone to call a certain phone number. No pastor is listed on the sign. It seriously looks like no one goes there.

I took some more wasp spray out and took out some nests. Unfortunately, those cans are good at first but as you spray, the pressure gets less and less so they no longer reach up high to get all of these nests. I got spray in the face in the breeze which was fun...LOL! After one can and about seven nests, I went back in. There were four out front that I could not get as the can was out of pressure.

We had good Asian food from a restaurant in Natalia for the Svengoolie movie, House of Horrors. That was weird and interesting at the same time.

Do you remember that on July 24, 2021, we had a crew suggested by a friend of David come here and mow the property? There were three men and three mowers. They took two mowers and told David they would be back for the third mower. The third mower is sill here. We have contacted this guy over and over during the past month and he always says he will come get it tomorrow but tomorrow never comes. So last night, David contacted him again and told him to come get this mower. He said tomorrow. Well, today has come and gone and he did not get it again. Doesn't he need it?

Gardening Zones Texas

We are getting our garden beds for gardening zones Texas has in our area so we can have a fall garden. You can start planting as next week is the final full week in August. It is time to plant your fall garden for the next two weeks.

Sunday, August 22, 2021 - Gardening Zones Texas

The mower is still here. If only the guy had left the keys, we would not be complaining. What kind of business is he in mowing lawns if he doesn't need his mower?

It is a hazy Sunday morning. The sun is trying to peak through the clouds and haze but is having a hard time.

The interior of the Old Rock Church was a lovely surprise and there was no old smell that so many old buildings have. Everything was remodeled.The interior of the Old Rock Church was a lovely surprise and there was no old smell that so many old buildings have. Everything was remodeled.

We visited the Old Rock Church today in Somerset. It was founded back in the 1860s but has been newly remodeled and it was very nice inside. The stained glass windows are pretty and the sermon was good. There were about 12 regulars, mostly senior citizens. No piano or other instruments were played. No, we will not be attending regularly.

We drove the truck out back and there is the riding mower brought over a month ago that the guy won't come get.We drove the truck out back and there is the riding mower brought over a month ago that the guy won't come get.

No, that guy never came back again for the mower. I wonder if it is really his or if it belongs to someone else.

Gardening Zones Texas Has

As you remember from the top of the page, gardening zones Texas has range from 6B through 10A, depending on where in the state you live and the elevation. If you are down on the coast, it is pretty warm so you can grow just about anything. The cooler places are a bit elevated which is why certain parts, in the middle of a hotter looking zone on the map are 6A so you can't grow as many things that require more heat.

Again, we are in zone 9A and it is hot and humid and downright miserable here. In fact, most years in August it is so hot that nothing is growing at this time. This year is the exception. We harvested some tomatoes yesterday and I still have watermelons and cucumbers on the vine, as well as gourds and peppers. Most of our other plants have been pulled up so we can get our garden beds ready for fall planting. We get our best garden in the fall which is an advantage of being in gardening zones Texas has.

Living in gardening zones Texas means that most years you have to start a lot of plants early indoors or you won't have enough time to grow your plants before the hot Texas sun cooks your plants and makes everything stop growing before you can harvest. Usually by July, this happens. But 2021 has been an unusual year with Snowpocalypse.

The rest of the day, we watched some movies that David ordered from Amazon. They were all sort of weird and out there, none that I would have ever chosen. My head was hurting from the ragweed so I rested and slept some while they were on. We will focus more on gardening zones Texas has next week as we plant our fall garden seeds.

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

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officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
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