Gardening Gifts

If you love to garden, you can make gardening gifts or you can pick some up from David's Garden Seeds®. We have wonderful seed sets that any gardener would love to have. You can give fresh veggies, fruits, and herbs, potted flowers, or canned vegetables, jams, and jellies.

Gardening Gifts 9/20-9/26/21

One of our gardening gifts, our strawberry seed set.One of our gardening gifts, our strawberry seed set.

Monday, September 20, 2021

The specks in the fog is a herd of about 25 cows in the hay field next door to us. Isn't the fog so cool looking?The specks in the fog are a herd of about 25 cows in the hay field next door to us. Isn't the fog so cool looking?
Sunrise shows fog spreading from next door on the left, through our back 40, and over to where the cows are grazing. I love mornings like this in the country!Sunrise shows fog spreading from next door on the left, through our back 40, and over to where the cows are grazing. I love mornings like this in the country!

Good morning! There was a really cool fog spread out across the back forty this morning. My neighbor cows were out in it. They look awesome.

Some of our David's Garden Seeds® Seed Set Collections. These make wonderful gardening gifts for any holiday.Some of our David's Garden Seeds® Seed Set Collections. These make wonderful gardening gifts for any holiday.

Today was a busy day. In the mail, I got two books I have been waiting for. One is the Christy Wright book that should have arrived last Tuesday, Take Back Your Time. I also received six medical bills for David and his hospital expenses for July and August as well as one for June.

We drove into Lytle to get two cars inspected and then drove all the way into Pleasanton to get the tags.

We picked out the rock we will use when we build the back forty pond. I like the Mexican Pink Flagstone. It has the color of our sand as well as some white on it so it looks pretty natural. We need a pond out back because every time it rains, there is a big flood. So we will build a pond where the flood gets really bad and the water from all around can drain into the pond. That will help out a lot. We had some buildings falling over earlier in the year because the foundation was washed away when it would not quit raining for days.

I heard we are getting a "cold front" tomorrow evening. I sure hope so. It has been in the 90s every day for the last two weeks and it dips down in the 70s at night. A few weeks ago, it went down into the 60s overnight which was awesome.

My zinnias in front of our farm store. Note the yellow butterfly coming off of the red zinnia as I snapped the photo, one of many gardening gifts when you grow flowers.My zinnias in front of our farm store. Note the yellow butterfly coming off of the red zinnia as I snapped the photo, one of many gardening gifts when you grow flowers.

My beautiful zinnias are looking so pretty outside of the farm store. There are butterflies all over them. Out in the back forty, bees, wasps, and bumblebees are all over the flowers of the garden plants. Matthew took this photo below of a bumblebee in the flower of one of our luffa gourds.

We got back from errands this afternoon and David parked in the driveway but left the engine on. I asked him what was going on. He said he just could not believe that anyone would think stacking the shelves like that would be acceptable.Take a look at the photo below. Amazing, isn't it?

If you know David at all, you know this hurts him. Someone special made this mess and he will clean it up, tomorrow.If you know David at all, you know this hurts him. Someone special made this mess and he will clean it up, tomorrow.

Gardening Gifts

Gardening gifts from David's Garden Seeds® Farm Store can be seeds, seed sets, plants, preserves, pickles, and even our farm fresh chicken eggs. Who wouldn't love a dozen delicious, fresh, pretty-colored eggs? Of course, there is also the David's Garden Seeds® cap. This makes a wonderful gift for anyone at anytime of the year! I designed them myself!

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

It is lunchtime as I type this. Flavio, the computer and internet guru is still supposed to come and finish installing our Shopify pay system.

David and I went to HEB, a Texas grocery store, this morning to see what kinds of meats we could get. We've been hearing from people and from the internet that grocery store shelves are bare. The closest HEB to us is fully stocked so far. So that may be happening in some places, but we are good. We ended up getting groceries, which we needed. I bought a big chicken and I now have that in my slow cooker along with some carrots, onions, mushrooms, and potatoes for tonight. It will be so tasty with my sour dough bread that I baked last night, which by the way was delicious.

Everywhere we went, yesterday and today, we did not have to wear masks. It is only in the large cities that everyone is so fearful, not out here in the country and in smaller towns.

Seed Sets Are Wonderful Gardening Gifts!

Our beautiful seed collection sets make the perfect gardening gifts for anyone. If you love to garden, what is the best gift you can get? Seeds! They are perfect for any occasion. We have put some nice collections together for you to use yourself or to use as gardening gifts.

  • Christmas
  • Birthdays
  • Anniversaries
  • New Year
  • Hanukkah
  • Spring
  • Mother's Day
  • Father's Day

Flavio finally let David know that he won't be coming today. Since it is already 4pm, that is a good thing! He will be here at 10am tomorrow now.

David forwarded me an email from the people who installed our sign on the roof saying they have been trying to collect $450 for 109 days but have been sending the bill to an email address that is not ours. Good luck with that. Honestly, they could have mailed the bill to us and I would have paid it immediately. Our address is on their bill so why didn't they mail it? I will put the check in tomorrow's mail.

It is so hot and humid outside. We had one customer about an hour ago from Austin. She was in San Antonio at a garden supply convention so she decided to drive another hour to visit us. We had a fun visit.

Shelves go bye bye on the farm. They do not make good gardening gifts.Shelves go bye bye on the farm. They do not make good gardening gifts.

The shelves are going bye-bye, all loaded up in the wagon to go to the dumpster. I tried to give them away but no one wanted them.

This evening, we had delicious chicken and veggies for dinner. Then, David gave me a gift that he ordered from Amazon. Almost every night, my nose clogs so I can't breathe when I am lying down. Then I have to prop my head with pillows. There are a lot of things out in the country that you can be allergic to and they take turns. So David handed me a box called Navage with a caddy. Navage is a nasal cleaning system using water and salt pods. I was afraid to use it but I did. It felt great as I used it last night. My nose felt good after. I really thought it would hurt because when I swim and get water up my nose it hurts. The salt pods prevent the pain.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Good windy Wednesday morning! Happy First Day of Fall, Y'all! A bit of a "cold front" blew in over night and I do use the term loosely. It is 71° but the high will only be 88° so that is a cold front for Texas. Tonight it should be down to 66°. That will be refreshing after all of the heat.

I have been up since 5am. It is now 7:30am. I have been writing checks, paying bills, and getting more of David's medical bills in order to submit to Christian Healthcare Ministries. I am still not done with that. I hate paperwork.

I need to go feed all of our outdoor animals now.

I completed all of my chores, started some dishes and laundry and now I am in the store waiting for Flavio to come finish setting up my new Shopify pay system today. The air is incredibly cool and much drier than it has been in a long while. In other words, it feels so good outside. It is 74° Fahrenheit and I am loving it!

Our neighboring cows have been out in the field next door all week long and I love that. They look so pretty there in the field. (Did you know I am a cow fan? I would love to have some but David says no.)

The cows are lying down in the field, except for one. Aren't they just amazing? This is the view from my back deck.The cows are lying down in the field, except for one. Aren't they just amazing? This is the view from my back deck.

In three weeks, we are doing a small show at Farm To Familia just outside of Poteet, Texas. We will be taking some of our best selling seeds, strawberry preserves, pickles, and plants. Today, I will remove the plants from our farm store growing tower and transplant them to sell. I will also root some plants from my front porch for the show. These plants will make good gardening gifts. If you are in the San Antonio, Poteet, Pleasanton, or Devine areas, please make sure to visit us on Saturday, October 9 out at Farm to Familia, located at 55 Meadows Road. For more information about it, call (830) 276-1944.

This morning was so much cooler than what we have had for months. I really appreciated the cooler air.

Flavio showed up, set up Shopify correctly, and left. A few minutes later, we had our first customer using the new payment system. It worked well! I was so excited!

I pulled some of the plants out of the grow tower and transplanted them to sell at the show we are doing on October 9. Right now, they are in shock. I have them outside to begin the hardening off process. I worked outside on the deck by the business kitchen. I got very sweaty as the air heated up pretty quickly after this morning's cool temps.

I also started taking apart my succulents and transplanting them. This weekend, I will plant out some of my Wandering Jew plants for the sale. These will make beautiful gardening gifts. They can be for indoors or outdoors. They can be grown in pots or planted around the yard. We had many of these planted in our yard in San Antonio and they did very well.

The show we are doing is in 17 days, not much time. It is at Farm To Familia, a restaurant area with a store and some food trucks in Poteet at 55 Meadows Road. Come on out to Farm To Familia on Saturday, October 9 from 10am until 5pm. There will be other vendors there as well. Come by and look at our most popular seeds, pickles handmade by us, and authentic Poteet strawberry preserves that we made here on the farm. The strawberries were grown in Poteet. They make beautiful gardening gifts that everyone will enjoy.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

There are butterflies and moths all over our flowers. They are so fun to see.There are butterflies and moths all over our flowers. They are so fun to see.

Let's talk about the marvelous 53° Fahrenheit weather this morning. It is simply gorgeous, so refreshing! I love cool weather.

Unfortunately, it got hot, up to 97° today. I was out tending to plants and animals in it for a while, but this morning felt great!

Today, I added all of our drinks and snacks to the new Shopify pay system so they are easy to ring up. Now, I just type in "water" and choose the brand and the price automatically pops up. Or I type in "Lays" and all of our Lays potato chips pop up and I choose the correct one. It is awesome. It took a long time to get everything added.

I also did a lot of social media posts. I will be at a social media workshop on Monday evening in Devine.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Our gate with our John Deere mower. We had to get parts for the ignition because a few special people shoved screwdrivers in the ignition instead of asking us for a key. Can you believe that?Our gate with our John Deere mower. We had to get parts for the ignition because a few special people shoved screwdrivers in the ignition instead of asking us for a key. Can you believe that?

This morning, it was 58° and it felt amazing again. Today is Dawson's last day with us. He is moving to Colorado for the next two years. He made his last day memorable to us by cutting the sewer line that goes to our home. I was getting ready for the day when David came in and told me not to flush the toilet or run any water. I hope it gets fixed soon.

David went to Devine and got some parts and a few hours later, the pipes were fixed so we could use the water at home again. I got a lot of computer work done today.

David has made some changes to how we do business starting next Monday. This will be better for our bottom line.

The new Shopify point of sale system is working well instead of the cash register and PayPal. I really like it, especially the detailed receipt the printer gives out. Come in to our store on Monday and pick up some gardening gifts for birthdays and Christmas. Yes, we have beautiful seed sets that make great gardening gifts, as well as our beautiful jars of Poteet strawberry preserves. The preserves are delicious and make a great souvenir for your friends and family if you are visiting the San Antonio area.

This afternoon, a dump truck brought more dark brown mulch, this time for the front of the property on FM 2504 by our trees. It will look great when it is all spread out.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

The gorgeous cows next door are having fun in that hay field just chomping away. I tell you what, this view beats the view we had in San Antonio!The gorgeous cows next door are having fun in that hay field just chomping away. I tell you what, this view beats the view we had in San Antonio!

Today, we did some computer work, and outdoor work, but most of the time, we did things that needed to get done in the house. I did a lot of laundry and cleaning. I folded a ton of laundry. In the afternoon, David made sweet and sour pork which we enjoyed during Svengoolie this evening. It was wonderful served over rice. David used to make this dish a lot back when our kids were young. He did a great job.

I decluttered the guest room. I got some new ottomans with storage and put two in the guest room to hold extra sheets, blankets, and pillows. So now there is seating for guests in there, mostly for grandkids to sit on the ottomans and play. It looks so much better.

I got a new ottoman to put in front of the living room fireplace since Molly chewed up the old one. It looks better. Of course, it holds our throws to keep us warm in the cooler weather while we watch TV or read a good book.

David spent a few hours in the kitchen late this afternoon making a delicious sweet and sour pork for our Svengoolie movie. It was so good!David spent a few hours in the kitchen late this afternoon making a delicious sweet and sour pork for our Svengoolie movie. It was so good!

Sunday, September 26, 2021

I love it when the sun begins to show its light at dawn!I love it when the sun begins to show its light at dawn!

This morning, we got ready and went to church just down the road. My leg was hurting most of the day. Then around 5pm, we did some grocery shopping, came home, put it all away and started getting ready for tomorrow. Not too much excitement here, although the Amazon delivery driver made it out and left us four packages.

We had many seed orders this weekend. No doubt some of them are gardening gifts for holidays and birthdays. With more empty store shelves in various parts of the country, it just makes sense, doesn't it?

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

davidmatthives2Our bee hives
fishOur fish pond
chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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