Garden Life

This week, we will talk a bit about garden life since gardening is our main focus. If you did not know, my husband David created David's Garden Seeds® more than ten years ago because he loves to garden. He sells garden seeds online and in our shop which is currently in San Antonio. Soon enough, it will be located out here on the farm.

Garden Life

Monday, February 24 2020

The sun shone through the clouds early this morning.The sun shone through the clouds early this morning.

Today is the day that our store building should be ready. We are anxiously awaiting a call from the company telling us which day this week it will be delivered.

I worked in my office today at home. This morning, as I was walking through the kitchen, I saw a blue tractor coming down our driveway. I watched as the guy on it took the tractor off of our driveway and go out to the orchard. I called David who was out in his office. Meanwhile, the tractor tore up three rows of land in between the orchard rows. David told me he asked him to come do it so he could plant more garden life, an assortment of vegetables. Turns out this guy is a farmer up the road.

The blue tractor dug up the ground in between three rows in my orchard per David's instructions. David is going to plant in each row.The blue tractor dug up the ground in between three rows in my orchard per David's instructions. David is going to plant in each row.
David talked to the farmer after he furrowed.David talked to the farmer after he furrowed.

The generator company came this morning to put a switch on the generator. The electricity was off for over two hours while the men worked. We have satellite internet so while the electricity was off, I could not work on social media for David's Garden Seeds®.

Today, I also got us checked in to our cruise online. I still have not packed. I also learned that the shorts and shirts I ordered for David for the cruise were lost in Kentucky by Amazon. I had to sit down and reorder clothes for him since the items I ordered originally were now unavailable.

Now it is nighttime and we never got that call telling us about the store. I am not too surprised.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The lovely Palm Harbor staircase that says  "Construction Use Only" is falling apart.The lovely Palm Harbor staircase that says "Construction Use Only" is falling apart. They are finally being retired.

David decided that we are going to have the front porch built so we can stop using the rickety, falling apart, "construction use only" stairs provided to us by Palm Harbor Homes last August. Even though we use the side deck by the driveway, every single visitor or delivery person who comes here uses the front. They actually climb up the stairs, ring the bell and expect me to answer the front door and walk down the stairs. The bottom step is now cracking and will soon completely split.

With all of that being said, David made an order for wood to Home Depot. A very large Home Depot truck showed up this morning, being delivered by a young guy in his twenties. He decided to drive that huge truck into our brand new parking lot. He delivered the wood to our front door and then decided to back out while turning the wheels and he got stuck, tearing the parking lot up. He kept spinning the wheels deep down until there was nothing else he could do. Then he got a shovel and started digging. Meanwhile, I let David know what was going on since he had gone back to his office to work.

Home Depot guy unloaded wood and delivered it to our front door.Home Depot guy unloaded wood and delivered it to our front door. If he had backed out straight, he would have been fine, or better yet, he should have stayed on our driveway.
David walked out to tell the guy to call a tow truck. From experience (10 others have been stuck in the sand since we moved here, we know there is no other way out when you are in that deep.David walked out to tell the guy to call a tow truck. From experience (10 others have been stuck in the sand since we moved here, we know there is no other way out when you are in that deep.
Home Depot truck got stuck in our new parking lot when he tried to back out and turn his wheels at the same time.Home Depot truck got stuck in our new parking lot when he tried to back out and turn his wheels at the same time.
After more than two hours, a tow truck finally showed up.After more than two hours, a tow truck finally showed up.
Home Depot truck is now free and heading off without saying a word to us.Home Depot truck is now free and heading off without saying a word to us.
Home Depot driver placed our shovel by the outhouse instead of taking it back to where he got it and left without apologizing for the mess he made.Home Depot driver placed our shovel by the outhouse instead of taking it back to where he got it and left without apologizing for the mess he made.
Home Depot truck leaves after getting out of sand.Home Depot truck leaves after getting out of sand.
The holes left by the Home Depot truck will have to be repaired. They are big and deep.The holes left by the Home Depot truck will have to be repaired. They are big and deep.

David came out and told the guy he would need to call a tow truck. For a while, the guy would not do that. He kept on spinning his wheels. The parking lot is trashed. Two hours later, a tow truck showed up, hooked a cable up to the truck, and pushed a lever on the back of the tow truck. It pulled the Home Depot truck out. The young man placed our shovel by the outhouse and left without so much as an I am sorry I ruined your new parking lot.

A little while later, David got a call from the company who employs the truck driver saying they will pay to have the lot redone so the driver was a contractor who drives for Home Depot. While that is nice, this driver has no manners or he would have at least apologized. No one asked him to use our parking lot. Stay on the very large driveway. What is so hard about that?

Also today, Nacho came out to start work on a brick retaining wall in the back of our manufactured home as the gravel pad that was created for our home is starting to disintegrate. He was here all day long until after 5pm building the wall. It looks nice. When we have more money in the budget, he will come back and build the other half of the wall on the other side of the pool deck.

Some of the brick retaining wall put up today in the back yard.Some of the brick retaining wall put up today in the back yard.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Today, David sent me into the office in San Antonio as our team members at David's Garden Seeds® were seriously running behind getting things out. I was not here to see another Home Depot delivery but there were no problems with today's delivery. In fact, David told me the Home Depot driver left his truck out on the side of the road.

Phil and Matt V. started on the deck in the front of the house. They cemented posts into the ground after working on the garden life on the farm.

Beginnings of our new front porchBeginnings of our new front porch

I did not get home until after 5pm and everyone was gone. I missed the garden life on the farm today.

Thursday, February 27, 2020 - Garden Life

Good Thursday morning. The temperature got down to 24° Fahrenheit last night which is no good for the garden life. Hopefully, things are okay out in the garden. It is a beautiful, sunny day with no clouds and it should be 67° this afternoon.

My Valentine's Day rosebush is fine. I covered it last night with a bucket and it worked just fine. David did not cover anything and all of the veggies are fine.

David tried on the bathing trunks and shirts I ordered him from Amazon for our cruise this morning and they fit!

David called the factory where our store is being built this morning. If you missed it, we are trying to bring our seed store and share our garden life on the farm with our local customers.

Late last week, we were told by the factory that our store building would be ready on Monday, February 24. We have heard nothing since then. So David called the owner of the company yesterday and the owner said to call the factory. The factory said it would be another two to four weeks because they are waiting on parts. It has already been four weeks. On the day we ordered the building, the salesperson told us he would put a rush on it and we would have the building in two weeks. Ha ha ha!

Good news! The UPS just brought David's replacement shorts that I ordered from Amazon. Hopefully, they fit him. I cannot persuade him to try them on. Remember, they lost the first set of shorts I ordered for David so I am relieved that he won't have to wear sweats on the Caribbean Cruise! 

The mailman just brought us our cruise caps! Ordinarily, I talk about our garden life and business, but a year ago, we booked a cruise, our first cruise ever and I am so excited about it. It is almost time to set sail!

I found these adorable cruise caps on Amazon. They were a matching set.I found these adorable cruise caps on Amazon. They were a matching set.

The temperature got up to 64° today and it is supposed to get down to 33° tonight. Tomorrow, we have to get back to the garden life. The forecast shows it will be warming up into the seventies and we have lots of planting to do.

As the sun was setting, we went out and checked on all of the garden areas. Everything is doing well. There is one Meyer lemon tree that is dead, possibly a few other trees are dead after more 20° weather, but almost everything looks great. The garden life is pretty good on the farm.

Friday, February 28, 2020

The clouds helped to provide a spectacular pink and golden sunrise this morning.The clouds helped to provide a spectacular pink and golden sunrise this morning.

Good Friday morning! I finally picked up some dress shoes for the cruise this morning. We found the HEB in Lytle and it is not as far as I thought. It was pretty easy to get to. I also managed to get my hair done for my upcoming trip.

Now back to work. We have a busy week coming up next week. The Palm Harbor fix it team will finally show up on Tuesday to make repairs we have been trying to get them to make since the end of September, including the tongue and groove laminate floor in the kitchen that wasn't put together right. It is coming apart. Pieces of the floor are starting to break off. The shower frame is loose and is coming unscrewed. The master bathroom mirror was never glued on so it is hanging loosely on the wall. There are pieces of trim that were never secured all over and more.

Phil and Matt V. got a good start on the front porch for our home. They got the frame up and then started putting boards across before they left at 4:20pm.

The beginning of the new front deck. It will be so nice not having to use the rickety steps from Palm Harbor Homes.The beginning of the new front deck. It will be so nice not having to use the rickety steps from Palm Harbor Homes.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

This morning, I went to Walmart and bought a new suitcase for my checked luggage. I only have carry on luggage but I will need more room for clothes for a ten day trip.

Today is Leap Day! Four years ago today, I quit my insurance job and went full time at David's Garden Seeds®. Yay! I have not regretted this decision at all.

We bought four seedless grape vines, one purple (there was only one) and three green. We planted them yesterday afternoon out in the orchard. Let me tell you that those four holes were the easiest I have ever had to dig. Our yard is just beach sand without the water. It was so wonderful not to struggle.

Garden life is looking great today as the weather was perfect, in the 70s and sunny. This is so good for growing all of our garden life.

The plants are looking good out in the greenhouse as well as the garden life in the hoop houses.

Our four new grapevines. Only one was a purple grape as that is all they had.Our four new grapevines. Only one was a purple grape as that is all they had.
One of the new green grapevines I planted today.One of the new green grapevines I planted today.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

A fresh gopher hole out back. The gophers make hills each day along with one hole.A fresh gopher hole out back. The gophers make hills each day along with one hole. You can see my boot in the photo.

This morning, we visited a local church for the first time. The air feels cool, but it is in the 60s right now and overcast. I think our garden life will be okay now that warmer weather seems to be coming. Per the two week forecast I looked at on The Weather Channel, temperatures won't be lower than 44° and will be mostly in the 70s and 80s. This will be perfect weather for everything in our orchard and garden.

We spent most of the afternoon straightening things up and watching old TV shows while we worked on our computers.

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

davidmatthives2Our bee hives
fishOur fish pond
chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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