Our farm store is almost complete. We were shooting for a grand opening date of May 1 but then Corona happened and all of our attention turned to filling Amazon orders when Amazon quit doing FBA back in March. Since then, we have had to stop everything for the most part and concentrate on filling orders in house in our San Antonio business, David's Garden Seeds®.
We hired 12 new people. Some worked out for the long haul. Some quit or were let go after just a few days. Just today, we made two of them permanent, full time hires. Some went back to their jobs or their businesses.
Now our orders are down to about 2,000 so we let most of the part timers go and we are starting to concentrate on our farm store and getting it ready for its grand opening in a few weeks as well as bringing the rest of the business to the farm.
This morning at work, we hired two of our part time temporary helpers as full time permanent workers because they have been doing a good job.
The guys found a live mouse in our garden shed, where we were keeping the chickens before last Saturday's big move. I am so grossed out by that.
The guy doing the parking lot in front of our farm store started delivering loads of gravel and red clay.
Today, we were at the office in San Antonio when we got a call from the parking lot people. They are at the farm store and say we don't have enough room for the 100 feet of buildings we have coming in. The guy was trying to prep the spot between the farm store and the well house. Wrong direction! The 100 feet was drawn on a diagram by his boss in front of David when he came out. He forgot. The 100 feet of buildings is parallel to the farm store.
So we had to stop working, pack up, rush back to the farm and tell the guy how the buildings will be set up. He was trying to cram 100 feet into a space that would not work. David got that straightened out. The chicken coop builder was there to fix up and reinforce parts of the coop so that predators would not eat the chickens. However, he did not have all of the parts necessary so the coop is still not done. He says he will finish it this week. I hope so because the chicks are beginning to fly away from me and it makes me nervous.
Today, our chicks are three weeks old! Twenty-one days and they are flying, all of them healthy and they are getting so big. I believe we will soon move them over to the chicken coop so they can be more comfortable. Because it is hot in Texas, I am told by others who have raised baby chicks every year in Texas, that they will do fine without the heating lamp. It has been getting up in the 90s and low 100s for weeks now.
Unfortunately, the chicken coop still needs a few details. I am afraid predators will be able to get in if we don't get it fixed and then they will all die.
Today, we stayed on the farm to work. David had a small shed delivery and a Home Depot delivery to tend to. We had three guys working the farm.
The shed guy showed up in at 18 wheeler and pulled right into our newly done parking lot and parked up on one of the new building pads. He had two sheds and unloaded ours. He took his sweet time and was here for almost two hours instead of going about his business. He kept sitting in the cab of his truck waiting. Waiting for what, I wonder.
He took the shed he brought way up on the top of our hill. It looks so lonely all by itself.
When he finally pulled out, he backed up across the lot onto one of the other new building pads, all put there this past Tuesday. He should have stayed on our long driveway, but now everyone thinks the parking lot is for them to park and drive around in. I wish the buildings would get here so this nonsense stops.
In the morning, the guys put the new pool together and it is filling with water.
I vacuumed and somehow my toe hit a stool and I broke it. At first, there was no pain so I did not realize anything was wrong. When I got to the kitchen, I felt pain. Fun times!
After the shed delivery man left, the Home Depot truck showed up. This time, he was smart and parked outside the gate.
Early this morning, I went out to take care of the chicks. One got out and was on the edge of the stock tank before I could get her to go back down into the tank. I stayed up late last night ordering everything I will need for the chicken coop so that we can begin the transfer over. I need to go out and line all of the nesting boxes and make a dust bath for the chicks.
Today, our farm store electricity got cut off until sometime next Wednesday. The electric company has to upgrade us since we are adding three more business buildings sometime soon. So the electricity in there is off and it is in the 90s and low 100s everyday here in South Central Texas so that means no work will get done in our farm store which delays our grand opening some more.
Tomorrow, our electrician will come in and do some work. Then next Wednesday, the electric company will do upgrades and allow us to have electricity in our business buildings again. I thought we would get the store all set up this weekend since we have a long holiday weekend. The counter has not yet been built anyway so we still could not open...
Three of our guys are working outside. Our son, Matt, took the three girls to the dog groomer and now they look so pretty and patriotic.
One thing that has not happened is the trash man still has not shown up. The trash is piled sky high and I cannot get one more bag up on top. My kitchen trash is starting to overflow but what do these people care as long as we pay them $108 a month to come out once a week to collect our trash? All of the boxes were piled up but they won't accept that much trash so looks like we have two weeks worth to be collected.
Usually, if they don't come first thing in the morning on Fridays, we have to call and then they show up on Saturday. This happens quite a bit but the scheduled day is Friday. We live on a working farm with a business. This means there is always a lot of trash and a lot of boxes.
Our pool only has about two feet of water in it so far. It is still filling. It is supposed to rain all through the long weekend. I hope we get to go into the pool sometime during this Memorial Day weekend. I don't know that the water even reaches my knee yet.
This morning, I peeled and chopped carrots from the garden in purple and orange and blanched them so I could freeze them.
This morning, we got up early, fed and watered all of the animals, packed a bunch of lunch meats, cheese, bread, chips, cookies, and sodas and hit the road for Leakey, Texas. We took our onions with us from the garden as a lot of people in Leakey put in orders for our onions. We took them to David's father's house so he can distribute them when his friends come to say hi to him this weekend.
Our main purposes for the trip are to see Dad, to take the onions up to Leakey friends, and to visit a rabbit farm. David wants to raise rabbits again like he did in high school. It turns out that one of his classmates, Beth, has a rabbit farm in Leakey and she invited us to come out and see her farm.
We got there shortly before lunch and this farm is full of beautiful show rabbits. She would not allow us to go into her rabbit barn but we could look in. Apparently there is some sort of hemorrhagic contagious rabbit disease going around now so no one is allowed to buy or sell or go near anyone else's rabbits until this disease passes.
While we were there, we kept hearing this shrill noise. It was one of Beth's many peacocks. They are loud!
David was thinking of raising rabbits for the meat. You can get $16 a pound! I have never eaten rabbit before. David says it is good. When I was five years old, my first pet was a light brown bunny named Hoppy so I am not sure if I can eat rabbit. I guess I will give it a try.
We also read that rabbit number two is great for the garden and that you can sell a pound of it for $5 or more. This we will do! I will just bag it and sell it in the store. It does not burn your plants. What an excellent way to help others and recoup some of the feed money for the rabbits!
Beth raises show bunnies and never sells one for less than $100! She has a lot and had four new litters of baby rabbits. She works them full time. I must say they were beautiful but I don't think we have time for that with so much more going on at the farm, not to mention the chickens, the business, and the store.
David has already ordered a shed for the bunnies as well as air conditioners.
We had a good visit with David's Dad, John Schulze and the lunch we made was so good. The sandwiches were put together with sourdough bread. So yummy!
When we returned from Leakey, our electrician and his helper were still at the farm putting in upgrades. Unfortunately, he did not have all of the parts he needed so we will not get the electricity turned back on on Wednesday. We will have to wait another week which puts opening our farm store back another week. Our farm store may not open now until the middle of June or possibly July. Setbacks happen.
(UPDATE: Our farm store opened on Monday, June 15, 2020.)
Around 6pm, I finally got to try out the new pool! It felt totally amazing and it felt so good to get some exercise in after sitting in a car for most of the day. I love to swim. It is my favorite thing to do. It was a miserable hot day today and the temperature of the water was perfect. I did not want to get out but Svengoolie was coming on so we went in the house and enjoyed the strange movie, Gargoyles, from 1972. It was freaky.
Today, we tried a new church in a different town and we really liked it. We will go back and try it out a few more times. Hopefully, things will work out and we will stop trying new churches. Let's face it, when you move to a new town, it is hard to find a good church, especially if you had a great church in your old town.
This morning, way before church, I made eggs and toast for breakfast. I fed and watered the chickens. They will be moving out to the new chicken coop this week, as soon as everything comes in and I get it all ready for them. They are getting too big and too crafty to stay in the stock tank for much longer. There are too many of them (26) and only one of me to grab them all as they try to fly out as I replace their water.
Hopefully, in five months, we will be selling some of their colorful eggs in our farm store. That should be around October, as soon as these girls start laying eggs. Of course, I get mine first! This is something I have wanted to do ever since I read the book, The Egg And I back when I was a teenager. Great book. The book is better than the movie.
I changed sheets on the beds because we left so early yesterday to go visit David's father and the rabbit farm.
Now we are in the office in San Antonio because we have not been since last Wednesday and there is so much to do. Monday is a holiday so we won't come back in until Tuesday, May 26, 2020.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!