This week, we are planting our fall garden in Texas and you should be planting yours, too! Yes, it is time to get your seeds in the ground so your plants can grow and produce before you get your first frost. Some of our seeds were planted last week and the week before but most will go down into the ground this week!
Good Monday morning! I got quite the surprise when I went out front at daylight to unlock everything and feed the fish. There were three horses next door and a fence has been put up that comes all the way down to the fish pond! It was pretty exciting. I love horses and now our customers can see them playing next door!
There are dark clouds overhead but Alexa says we won't get rain today. It actually did rain some because everything is wet outside. It is miserably humid out there.
We have a lot of seed orders to pull and ship today so thank you all very much! We appreciate the orders and we're excited to fill them for you so you can have a wonderful garden. Growing your own food is awesome!
As some of you may know, this Thursday is our 13th anniversary of David's Garden Seeds® being in business! We will be having an awesome HAPPY13 sale with 25% off of your total seed order with a minimum purchase of $25! This sale will last through the entire month of September. Be sure to take advantage of it! If you are smart, you will buy your spring seeds for next year during September as this is the biggest sale we will have for the rest of the year.
Also, starting on Labor Day, look for our TV commercial showing on MeTV and on Saturday mornings on KSAT's Good Morning San Antonio! You can also see it above at the top of this page but it is way more exciting to see on an actual television!
I was busy doing a lot of necessary things in the house so I did not make it out to the Farm Store until 9:44am. No problem because last week David told some of our employees to make sure each day that the store is opened at 9am if I am not out here.
Then at 10am, I went in to use the bathroom and a nice big bunch of number two was floating around and the water was to the brim. I found a plunger in the other bathroom and plunged a lot of times until it finally went down. I am all sweaty now and not happy. Also, there was no trash bag in that trash can.
The dump was probably from Saturday. The mailman has a female assistant who always uses our bathroom, including Saturdays and also we had a lot of customers. I usually can't get in so I go to the house most of the time. I did not check the bathrooms when I closed the store on Saturday but I should have since I was the only one left here at the end of the shift. Everyone else left early.
David called a meeting a few minutes later, not knowing any of this. He called everyone out on not telling us about the four bags and one box of packages that did not go out on Friday. Then I chimed in with that and with everything else. I know I came out looking like the Wicked Witch of the West in that meeting but we are paying good money for jobs to be done. When I was in charge of the orders, I used to tell our people to put them out for the mailman before we went out to eat as a company, unless there was inclement weather.
Some of our employees said they go in our business bathrooms first thing in the morning and it smells like weed. I am not sure how that happens unless people are coming in and using our bathrooms and we do not realize they are here after hours. They would have to be climbing over the gate. So some of our guests are using our bathrooms and lighting up marijuana in there. So should we close our public restrooms? They are there for our employees but also as a courtesy to our customers. This is ridiculous and so rude. Not to mention pot is illegal and we do not do illegal here at David's Garden Seeds®. I am so disgusted by it all.
It is 11am, 86° Fahrenheit, and will climb up to 96° with no rain. The humidity is at 67% but it feels way worse.
It is now 4pm. No rain and no customers but over 500 orders to fill from the weekend. A bit low, but it is picking up.
Today was payday so I wrote all the checks by lunchtime and then David and I went into Pleasanton to do some errands. We passed a new meat market the last time we went into Pleasanton so today we stopped. They have some delicious looking meats so we bought some. The people were all so pleasant and friendly! We will definitely be back. It is right by the little airport there.
I got all of the groceries put away and put in more laundry. Meanwhile, just as Matthew was loading up at 3pm to take the mail because the mailman never showed, he showed up. It is tricky out here. Monday through Friday, the post office closes at 4pm. Sometimes the mailman shows up at 11am and sometimes not until 4pm but we cannot keep on holding packages or they will freeze our Amazon account. Yes, we still sell on Amazon but it is much less expensive if you buy our seeds from our website.
Matt will be grilling hamburgers tonight for us. I am so tired. It was hot in Walmart today and all of the ice cream freezer section plus one of the frozen meat sections were empty. I think maybe the freezers were not working properly. We asked the cashier but she did not have a clue. There was air conditioning in much of the store but up by checkout, it was so hot. I started feeling really sick in that heat.
Matthew said that a customer showed up while we were gone but he did not buy anything. I am not sure why anyone would want to drive all that way and not buy anything, not even a drink or a bag of chips. Speaking of where we are now located, while we were out, we had a call from a Houston cell phone number. He was in San Antonio at our old location so he called to ask if we were still there. Actually, there is a new church there with a big sign so obviously, David's Garden Seeds® is not still there.
I told the man that location had been closed for two and a half years and I tried to give him our new address. He said he saw that on the internet. Then why did he think we were still in San Antonio paying about $3400 a month in rent when he already had the new address? Here is a new article I just wrote this morning about how close we are to many points of interest in the surrounding areas and you can read it here.
Good Tuesday morning! Time to plant the fall garden in Texas and many other warm areas as well. It is humid and rain is expected. I did not go out this morning yet. It is now 7:46am. I need to get looking decent and then I will go out and open the store at 9am today since I cannot depend on others to do it.
Well, it is almost 1pm now and the clouds are starting to gather. Alexa says we have a 59% chance at 3pm. It is currently 90°. The humidity is way up because I am so nasty feeling from walking across the compound.
Nacho and his special guest helper, Art, are here mowing and doing other tasks for David. Art, who we used to go to church with, said he had the week off and Nacho said he needed help. I told Art that you should always stay away from Nacho when you have a week off. Nacho is a work horse and expects his helpers to be the same! They are really earning their money out there today.
I hope it pours at 3pm but you never know. We haven't had any in person customers today but the orders are pouring in so thank you, everyone!
The mailman came early and picked up everything. We got junk mail in return. It is bright and sunny with clouds and Alexa has now dropped our rain chances down to 36% at 3pm. It is 1:49pm. I am bored out of my mind by myself in here. I think I will pack it up and go to the house. There is so much in there that needs to be done.
I came to the house, folded three loads of laundry and other things. Meanwhile, a customer finally showed up at the store. Matt took care of him. Then at 3:28pm, it started raining hard and sideways. There was even a bit of hail at the beginning. It almost always rains sideways here on the farm. I am loving the sound of the hard rain, something we have needed since the early spring. I am glad I let the dogs out to go not too long before the storm started. The cat went out too. I rounded everyone up to come in for treats and Kitty came as well. She is an indoor cat, but she likes a bit of sun every now and then.
At 3:50pm, the internet cut off and so did the electricity! Fortunately, the generator kicked on but no internet. So I am typing this and will save it to put up later. There is a lot of thunder and a bit of lightning. I am glad I am in the house instead of being stuck over in the store.
It is now 4pm and it is still coming down good. The internet out here is satellite based so we have none at all right now. I sure hate that. Nacho and Art went into Production for Matt to put them to work.
It is literally coming down too hard to drive right now. It is now 4:30pm and the rain is very light. The internet just came back on.
At 4:45pm, right after I headed over to close the store, it started up again. I got pretty wet going to feed the fish. Now it is barely coming down but we are getting more thunder and lightning so I think we may get some more rain. It is 5:07pm. Rain is just so exciting after months of having very little to none!
We are done for now and the sun is back out and shining bright. The internet came back. We ate leftover burgers from last night for dinner. I just finished cleaning up the kitchen and washing the eggs. Speaking of eggs, I had four dozen in the store and someone bought them all up at 4:40pm today. It is now 6:35pm and it is time to move on to other things.
Happy Wednesday morning. I got up and went to the den to let the dogs out and there were a bunch of little piles of number two on the carpet. I think Ethel had to go in the night. The puppies were in their kennel and Lucy slept in my office. The piles were way too little for her. Ethel is 12 now. She normally goes at night before bed and that is enough for her. My guess is that because the ground was wet last night, she did not go. She has always hated her feet getting wet. So the carpet cleaner and I had a fun time before breakfast.
David made eggs and kielbasa breakfast sausages. They were pretty good. We never had that kind for breakfast before. The coffee is good and it is still dark out. The puppies won't eat this morning. In fact, none of the dogs are eating. It is kind of weird. I mean, when I wake up, I am starving. They all just want to lounge around longer.
I have a bunch of my seeds for my fall garden in Texas ready to roll this morning. I also have a bunch of wildflowers ready to go. In Texas, plant your wildflower seeds in October for an early spring flowering.
I just came back from feeding the fish and opening the store. I could not get the cash register to open. After about 20 minutes of fighting with it, I came back to the house. I turned off and reset the modem. I turned the cash register components on and off. See, it is all internet controlled. So when it rained yesterday afternoon, I could not get in to the register because the internet was off. I finally found the register key so hopefully, we can get in some how.
This has been a busy morning. I finally got into the cash register but we have not had any customers. I put more drinks into the refrigerator. I went to open the new box of Snapple which comes with peach, raspberry, and lemon tea. Everyone fights to get the six bottles of peach Snapple but no one wants the rest. So imagine my surprise when I pull it out of storage and all six bottles of the peach are already gone. I hope they enjoyed them warm. I hope they paid for them. So I put up the other flavors that no one drinks.
Nacho and Art are back today putting up new hoop houses and covering the tops of each with shade cloth. We will soon be planting more seeds for our fall garden in Texas.
Linda tested the soil in our new corn bed. This is part of our fall garden in Texas. All of the tests turned blue so we are good!
It is 11am now and hot and humid. The sky is cloudy but very bright as well. I have chosen some more seeds for our fall garden in Texas.
Get this! David hired a new guy last week who was supposed to start next Tuesday through an employment agency. The agency called and said the guy called in to quit already. He has not even been out here yet and he already does not want to work. Can you believe that? My mind is blown by the lack of actual people who want to work and earn money instead of living poor and taking whatever benefits the government wants to give them.
If this new guy has such a bad work ethic that he could not show up for even one day, I am glad he quit now so he doesn't get a dime of our hard earned money.
I am glad my father taught me a good work ethic. The lack of laziness has served me well through the years. I can hold my head up high knowing that I have never been lazy and afraid to carry my own weight and support my family. I wanted to be at home with my babies, but I had to pay to keep a roof over their heads and feed them.
Now, I am grateful that I don't have to drive to work anymore and punch a time clock because I am an owner who lives on property, but for many years, I did have to do that each day or night, depending on where we were living.
If you would like to plant a fall garden in Texas and have not gotten your seeds, come see us today, tomorrow, Friday, or Saturday because we are closed on Labor Day so I can have a day off. I work six days a week and I need a break where people are not constantly here on our property. I have a house to clean and clothes to wash, etc, plus once in a while it is good to just sit and do nothing. I seldom get to do that now.
Monday, look for our TV commercial on MeTV throughout the day. Your fall garden in Texas should be planted as soon as possible now.
I went to the house and made sandwiches for David and me and then I had to take David's over to him because he is back in his office today! I went back in and found the puppies out in the backyard. I let them in and put them away. Then I emptied the dishwasher and filled it. I fed my sourdough starter and finally ate my lunch. I came back to the store and there is a customer vehicle. Someone told me Matt has him on a farm tour. The only time someone comes to the Farm Store anymore is if I am in the house...
45 minutes later and Matt brought back the couple from the tour. He even picked them a watermelon. They had a good time and then went shopping in here.
I have no eggs today because someone bought the last four dozen at 4:30pm yesterday. That is fine. The chickens are not putting much out because of the heat. We have very few in our home refrigerator so we need some. We go through a lot of eggs in a week. They are delicious and a great source of protein. We are the reason I got chickens in the first place and we sell the excess.
Just in time to plant your fall garden in Texas, tonight at midnight, you will get 25% off of your order when you use the code HAPPY13 at checkout. This sale will go on for the entire month of September. Tomorrow is the 13th anniversary of the beginning of David's Garden Seeds®. Our lives changed in such a freeing way 13 years ago tomorrow as David built the business. That was in 2009.
My life truly changed in 2016 when I finally got to quit the day job I hated and start getting paid over at David's Garden Seeds®. I have been working the entire time that David started the company, building the website, doing social media, counting seeds by hand, pulling orders, all after I would get home from work or before I went into work early in the morning.
Good Thursday morning and Happy 13th Anniversary to David's Garden Seeds®! Yay! There is a special code when you buy on the website to get 25% off with a minimum of $25 spent on seeds. The code is HAPPY13.
One of our top order pullers will be out today as a family member has surgery. The orders are coming in quickly so everyone else will have to be on top of their game. Plus, David has an appointment with his surgeon late this afternoon which means both of us will be gone for a while so our people will really have to step up while filling orders.
Alexa says we will not get any rain today. We got none yesterday and she promised that we would get some all day long. So who knows? The cat and dogs have eaten. David made a nice sausage and egg breakfast and it was very good.
Now it is time to get some things done before everyone gets here. I went over at 8am and opened the store (better early than late) and I fed the fish. A few drops were coming down but not much. I asked Alexa if it would rain again. She said no. It is now 8:35am and it is raining. The rain did not last long. Really, it was a few moments of rain followed by a few sprinkles.
The doctor's office called and gave David a 3pm appointment instead of the 4:15pm appointment we had. We drove to San Antonio and got there before 3pm. It was actually 3:50pm when the doctor stepped into the exam room. In five minutes, it was all over for just $187 with a self pay discount.
Then we stopped at a Taco Cabana and ordered some to go dinner. It took forever and a day. While we were sitting in there waiting, I noticed 50 pound bags of dried beans and Domino sugar sitting next to the customer tables. I think it is very strange.
By the time we got home, only Matt was still here. Everyone else had gone. Matt said we had just one customer the whole day but the orders have gone way up. We did not get anymore rain.
We have to leave here tomorrow morning no later than 8am for dentist cleanings in San Antonio. How I hate going to the dentist but it will be good to get it over with early in the day. Then we have to drive to Pleasanton and pick up some prescriptions. It has been a very expensive week.
Happy Friday! I hope it has been a good one for you. We had such a busy day that I did not have time to spend writing about it earlier. First, we had to get up extra early and get things done because we had to leave the farm at 8am to get to our dental cleaning appointments by 9am. I just hate going to the dentist. So we got there with a few minutes to spare so we went to the bathroom. David went first and then waited out in the waiting room. I came out of the bathroom door to go back to the waiting room and my hygienist was there waiting for me. Surprise! She had an 8am cancellation.
So she started doing x-rays. Apparently, today was the day for my five year x-rays. We started out with the panoramic. No problem there. I stood, the machine went all the way around me and we were through with that one. Then she sat me in the chair and took my blood pressure. I have white coat syndrome so I get terrorized being in the dental chair. I took my blood pressure medication this morning but my blood pressure was sky high-201 over 160. Obviously, I cannot live that way day in and day out. So she took it again on the other hand. It was about five points lower. Then she promised she would do it again after the x-rays.
First, she did the horrible bitewings, where the x-ray pieces that go in your mouth are too big to bite down. Once the four bitewings were completed, she brought on about 50 or so more, at least it seemed that way. X-ray pieces were going through some of the spaces between my teeth like floss. Some really hurt my soft tissue and it was scary. She finally finished the x-rays and wiped the machine down, folded it up and closed the closet doors. She left. She came back and said we had to do yet another x-ray because she did not get two teeth. So we had to go through all of the pulling out, hurting the mouth, and then wiping down and folding and putting away again. She forgot about the blood pressure.
Next, came the torturous stick your gums and see how much we can hurt you routine. She measured my gum pockets. Fun times. Once the thrill of that was over, she polished me up. Then the real fun started when she began scraping my teeth. I really thought she was going to break some of them. I floss and brush every day so they should not have been this bad and just six months ago, I went through this dental torture with her.
She finally finished. The doctor came in and said I was good to go. Meanwhile, David finished and I had to pay. For the two of us, with an $81 discount, It was $465! Holy cow. That is a lot of money to pay for being tortured.
While we were there, we saw our two old San Antonio stores. One is a coffee shop and the other one is a church. People ask us all of the time if we still have those stores. No, we do not. The signs on them say "coffee shop" and "church", not "David's Garden Seeds". We moved out of what is currently the coffee shop in 2017 and moved into what is currently a church. Then In March of 2020, we closed the store in the now church building because the mayor said we could not have people in there due to Covid. So from March until the middle of June of 2020, we had no store but we still continued to sell online.
At the end of June of 2020, we moved all of the business out of San Antonio onto our property on the farm so we no longer pay a ridiculous amount for rent. At the first place which is now the coffee shop, we were paying over $1800 a month. At the second place, we were paying over $3600 a month. That is insane. Now we don't pay a dime because we own the property and the business buildings.
Once we left the dentist, we headed for Hondo. We stopped at McDonald's for some iced coffee drinks and some muffins. David went by Medina outside of Hondo to pick up some fertilizers. Then we went to a home garden center for some plants that David wanted for our personal use, not for the business.
I would like to say that all throughout the day, we were answering texts, emails, and phone calls from customers and from our staff.
After that, we went to Walmart to get a few groceries. We got home, put the groceries away, ate lunch and then took off for Pleasanton. We had to pick up David's prescriptions at Walgreen's and they were royally messed up. We were supposed to get the five new prescriptions that his doctor put in. Instead of that, they filled nine prescriptions, old and new so I had to go through each and tell them that we did not need the old prescriptions, just the new ones. Good golly, Miss Molly! The nine prescriptions were going to cost us $1323.00! The five new ones were $747.00!
We also stopped off to get some supplies for our John Deere mower including a maintenance kit. You have to service it every 50 hours to keep it in top shape.
Then we came home and left again at 5pm for some wine tasting event that one of David's friends was having with three food trucks. We showed up and went inside and the host said hello and left to take a shower....
So we visited with a few people, bought some items, and then went outside and bought some food from all three food trucks, loaded up and left. It was extremely hot and humid out there. The host still was not back but we were exhausted from a long day of work. The event was supposed to last until 11:45pm.
We came home and some of the food truck stuff and then vegged out in front of the television. It has been an exhausting week and, of course, there is tomorrow. We are open.
Good morning and happy Saturday! I had to go take care of all of the outdoor animals by myself and I was sweating when I finally got inside because of the thick humidity. I made eggs for breakfast. I wrote some checks for business bills.
I had to fit three very large orders from one customer into one box and get that sent out. I was hoping the mailman would pick it up today but so far, he has not shown up. We have a lot of orders for him to take.
The Farm Store is open for business. I have two dozen eggs and lots of seeds and home canned and pickled goods.
It is now 12:48pm and the mailman just got here. Matt just left to go cut the grass at his house.
I went in the house and did some more laundry. I also made a loaf of sourdough for tonight. It is currently rising. We have had quite the number of guests today. In fact, I just checked out two families. One has four of the cutest children and they are out looking at the fish right now. Matt checked out some of the customers this morning. He was here for a few hours getting some orders filled so it would be just a bit easier on Tuesday. We are closed on Monday so everyone can enjoy the holiday. Then Shayleigh checked out about four families while I was inside. Now she is back to shipping out orders.
When we close, I will be putting a pork roast and vegetables into my Instant Pot for a delicious dinner along with the sourdough bread that I will be baking. We will have that tonight for the Svengoolie movie. The good thing is that we can eat the leftovers tomorrow after church so I don't have to cook again tomorrow afternoon!
The pork roast and the bread were both delicious. We enjoyed the meal and topped it off with cherry pie that Matt brought. The Svengoolie movie was Frogs. We saw it a few years ago and it had all sorts of frogs and snakes and they destroy everyone because we are not taking care of our environment. It was gross.
This morning, I planted some of our fall garden in Texas out front by the store. I planted snapdragon seeds, petunia seeds, viola seeds, and pansy seeds, all fans of the fall garden in Texas concept. All of these flowers do better in cooler weather. I was trying to get them planted by 11am as that is when we were supposed to get some rain. However, it is now 12:12pm and we still haven't had any rain. I bet it goes right by us like all of the rest this week.
We pulled up all of the zinnias out in front of the Farm Store to get ready for the fall garden in Texas. I was going to plant all of the above in the two beds but the zinnias are growing again. They re-seeded so we really got our money's worth from those zinnia seeds that I planted back in June of 2021. This is the second time they have re-seeded. It is amazing.
We were hoping to get a lot more planted for our fall garden in Texas yesterday but we decided that as long as we had to be off the farm for dental appointments, that we would get a lot of other errands run as well.
Good Sunday morning. I woke up at 6am without an alarm. I was hoping to sleep in a bit. I got up and got all of the animals fed, in and out of the house. David made us bacon and eggs. I am ready for church and am working on the computer, correcting broken links. It is humid and cloudy. It is supposed to rain today but we haven't gotten much, mostly hype about how it will rain...
It is now almost time to leave for church. As I have been working, I have been watching the Unashamed podcast on YouTube with Phil, Jase, and Al Robertson. I loved watching Duck Dynasty and I really enjoy this family talking about and living out their faith.
Return from Fall Garden In Texas to Our Fourth Year
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!