Fall Crops

What are some good fall crops that you can plant and successfully grow provided that you live in a warmer area of the United States? There are many things you can plant that will grow well in the south and in the southwest. There are a good three months before we get a frost (for the most part, anyway. You never can tell what the weather might do.)

For us here in South Central Texas, this is the best garden of the year. The weather does not cool much, but the temperature does go down so the plants flourish and produce. There are still a lot of pollinators around basking in the sun so pollination is never a problem.

Fall Crops - 9/27-10/03/21

Carrots growing in the garden make up a delicious part of fall crops for us. What do you like to grow in the fall?Carrots growing in the garden make up a delicious part of fall crops for us. What do you like to grow in the fall?

Monday, September 27, 2021

Time to put in the Fall crops. Pumpkins should have been planted 90 to 110 days ago.Time to put in the Fall crops. Pumpkins should have been planted 90 to 110 days ago.

Happy First Monday of Fall, Y'all! It was lovely and cool again early this morning, but it is hot and sunny now with a high of 93°.

David, Matt, Jay, and I went over to Farm to Familia today to see where they will put us when we set up some of our seeds and plants on Saturday, October 9 there. We got a pretty good spot. We should be located right next to the doors to the store, under the covered patio so that should be a nice place for us with two tables. We hope you will come out and see what we have. Come by and say hi, do some selfies, etc...

We had a good time while waiting for the food. Matthew is always making me laugh. He is hilarious.We had a good time while waiting for the food. Matthew is always making me laugh. He is hilarious.

While we were there, we picked up lunch. The food is so good, but they take a very long time to cook it. Next time, I am getting a deli sandwich, already made up. We were there about one hour waiting for our burgers and then we had to take them with us. They have the place decorated so nicely.

We had two customers this morning who have never been here before. One said he lived nearby but never heard of us. He Googled "seeds near me" and found us, David's Garden Seeds®!

Matt, Linda, and I are going to a social media workshop this afternoon at 6pm over to another town. I am looking forward to learning new things about social media posts.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

It's finally fall, y'all, even though it still feels like summer. Fall crops should be in the ground...It's finally fall, y'all, even though it still feels like summer. Fall crops should be in the ground...

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Have you started planting your fall crops yet? A lady from San Antonio came into the store this morning to get a bunch of seeds for her fall crops or garden, that is...

Most of the yards in San Antonio are fairly tiny. We had a big one when we lived there, which is unusual. Even so, David wanted more land to plant more. I agree. We love having a big yard, even though so much of it is taken up by the business right now.

We have a lot of our fall crops growing out in the hoop houses. Bush beans and pole beans are coming up and soon we will have delicious fresh green, yellow, and purple beans. I bought a new blancher for the occasion! I am excited to use it when the beans start being harvested. I love fresh fall beans but after a while, you have to can or blanch and freeze them and I prefer the taste of the blanched beans over the taste of canned beans. Fresh is definitely best.

The wild ferns shown in the photo are our asparagus ferns. They will be trimmed to the ground in October. Next spring, they will grow more asparagus stalks.The wild ferns shown in the photo are our asparagus ferns. They will be trimmed to the ground in October. Next spring, they will grow more asparagus stalks.

Our asparagus is done for the season. Right now, there are large fern like stalks in the asparagus beds. They will get trimmed down in October per David. I need to go have a look back in the beds because they have been doing a lot of work without me knowing what has been planted. Our strawberry plants are doing well. We have had some of them now for two years and they are still fine. We should have carrots, beets, cauliflower, and broccoli.

Around 10pm, the rain started. We expected it a few hours earlier...

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Woke up to pouring rain in the dark. Here it is light finally around 7:20am, still pouring.Woke up to pouring rain in the dark. Here it is light finally around 7:20am, still pouring.

When I woke up around 6am, it was pouring. I guess it rained all night long. The dogs refused to pee outside. I put Ethel on a leash and took her out but she still refused. It finally stopped around 7:30am. I put all of the dogs out and then I made a run for the chicken coop and fed them, the rabbits, and the guineas. After that, the rain was done. I did some work in the house before we left for San Antonio.

At 10:45am, we left to drive into San Antonio for our monthly birthday celebration lunch at Salt Grass. We had two birthdays this month, Sam and Linda. We also said goodbye to Dawson who is moving to Colorado Springs for the next two years.

From left to right, Brendon, David, Sam, Linda, George, and Caleb. Happy birthday to Sam and Linda. George is our accountant.From left to right, Brendon, David, Sam, Linda, George, and Caleb. Happy birthday to Sam and Linda. George is our accountant.
DaLaina and Dawson. Dawson is leaving us and DaLaina is his mom. She did work for us but now has a bunch of homesteading animals.DaLaina and Dawson. Dawson is leaving us and DaLaina is his mom. She did work for us but now has a bunch of homesteading animals.
We celebrated Linda and Sam who had birthdays in September. Sam has been ill since May so today was the first day we have seen him and he is looking wonderful. His daughter is Linda.We celebrated Linda and Sam who had birthdays in September. Sam has been ill since May so today was the first day we have seen him and he is looking wonderful. His daughter is Linda.
This was a lemon cake to say goodbye to Dawson who is moving to Colorado Springs for the next two years. It was a good cake.This was a lemon cake to say goodbye to Dawson who is moving to Colorado Springs for the next two years. It was a good cake.

We had a good time with two cakes, one chocolate and one lemon. Our two servers were fantastic today, the best we have had in a long time at Salt Grass Cinema Ridge. Of course, the manager, Mark, is awesome and always manages to take good care of us. Everyone had a good time.

Then it was back to work for us and now I cannot stop yawning. It is hot and sunny but we are supposed to get more rain as the week continues. It is 90° Fahrenheit according to Alexa but will get down to 70° tonight.

Two boxes from Amazon just showed up as well as two Chewy boxes for the girls.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Good Thursday morning! It is so humid outside but only 79°. I am starting to pack up things to take to the Market Days at Farm to Familia for next Saturday, October 9 from 10am to 5pm.

I plan to have our favorite seeds, seed sets, strawberry preserves, pickles, plants, and farm fresh eggs there for everyone to purchase.

The two new evergreen trees that we planted out front are brown and dead. They replaced a big brown, dead evergreen tree. Maybe there is something in that spot that is killing everything.

Our Fall Crops So Far

We are hoping we have enough time to grow some sweet corn before our first frost as part of our fall crops.We are hoping we have enough time to grow some sweet corn before our first frost as part of our fall crops.
We have planted several different squashes and zucchinis in our raised garden beds as part of our fall crops.We have planted several different squashes and zucchinis in our raised garden beds as part of our fall crops.

So far, our fall crops include bush beans, pole beans, summer squash, winter squash, zucchini, and corn.

Later on, our fall crops will include carrots, beets, onions, turnips, broccoli, and cauliflower. It is still too hot to plant some of these fall crops right now. It is reaching up into the 90s each day.

In addition to our newly planted fall crops, we still have birdhouse gourds, luffa, and strawberries growing. The asparagus ferns are tall but will be cut down in October. As long as we continue to take care of our asparagus beds, the asparagus will continue to grow in the spring and summer for many more years, around 15 or so. The trick is do not pick any asparagus for a whole year. Then the next spring, you can start picking it. When the edible asparagus quits growing in late summer and early fall and the ferns grow in its place, wait until October to trim them down.

If you are in Texas, it is time to plant your wildflower seeds now for next spring. Yes, wildflowers are included in fall crops in Texas. Bluebonnets, all wildflower seeds, and all root crops including the Texas 1015Y Onion seeds should be in the ground by October 15.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Can you believe it is already October? I have no words! If you don't have your fall crops in by now, plan to plant them this weekend.

Well, the fall crops got watered good early this morning when it rained for hours starting around 1am. That is good news only now everything is muddy. I hate tracking the mud into all of the buildings around the place.

It is already Friday. Where did this week go? It is still dark inside but it is now light outside so I need to get out there and feed and water every animal on the place.

I wonder if we will have any customers in the store today. We have been having lots of online sales but hardly anyone is coming into the store again. I think if people would stop listening to all of the fear going on in our world, especially in major cities in Texas, things would be okay.

It feels cool outside and the rain has stopped. The wind is blowing. I just want to stay in the house today. Unfortunately, that won't happen.

We have had several customers and visitors today so that has been nice. Received some bills in the mail along with a postcard requesting a paper catalog. We do not have paper catalogs. Things change too quickly for that. If you want to see what we have, you will need to look online on our website, David's Garden Seeds.com.

Have you tried Seneca Apple Chips? My son picked some up for me to try. They are amazing! So good and so addicting! I have just ordered some.

Dark clouds are moving in so I think we might get some more rain. We can use it for our garden. The fall crops like the wet ground. The air feels amazingly cool which I love. The temperature is 84° Fahrenheit.

The puddle is the area where we will be putting in a new pond next year. It is behind the greenhouse & will act as a drain pool whenever it rains as well as having some fun fish & plants.The puddle is the area where we will be putting in a new pond next year. It is behind the greenhouse & will act as a drain pool whenever it rains as well as having some fun fish & plants.

In the photo above, we get a pool of standing water every time it rains. This is the lowest spot on our land and we will be putting in drainage ditches and making a nice pond in this area so water around the chicken coop will drain instead of standing, making the lives of the chickens  miserable.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Good morning! It is Saturday already. I woke up at 4am, unable to breathe so I had to sit up on the couch for a while. I finally got up and fed all of the indoor animals. Then I made French toast for David and me. I paid some bills, filed a medical claim for David with Christian Healthcare Ministries, and now I am working for a bit before I go out to feed the outdoor animals. There is always so much to do.

After we get back from Devine, I will make a loaf of sourdough bread and do some more indoor straightening of the house. Yes, we are still going to Devine market days today. I am not sure how long we will be there but I need to mail some things at their post office and buy more stamps. We go through a lot of stamps living way out in the country.

It is almost 2pm now. We had a good time up in Devine. First, I went to their post office and I had to wear a mask to get in. I mailed about 15 orders and four bills and then I had to buy a roll of stamps as we go through stamps a lot with the business. The lady there took her time finishing up what she was doing before she came over to wait on me. No one wore postal uniforms which is the complete opposite of the post offices in San Antonio.

Then, we went to the market days set up. We visited several of the merchants and bought a fresh chicken to eat, some honey, coffee, jam, garden fresh veggies, and crocheted pumpkins. We also handed out some business cards and talked with several folks about planting fall crops and gardens.

After that, we were on to Tractor Supply for worms and other chicken things. We hit up Walmart for a few things on the way back. Then we came home to find that our awesome neighbor, Carolyn, brought us some Church's Chicken with mac and cheese! Thank you, Carolyn.

Now I have to make some sourdough bread, change the sheets on my bed, do some laundry, and put up some fall decorations.It is humid outside but a bit cooler than it has been.

We had a good evening. I was supposed to bake the bread while we watched Svengoolie. I fell asleep three times during the movie and never baked the bread. That is how it works when I wake up at 4am and can't get decent rest...

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Happy Sunday sunrise! I took this while out front feeding the fish.Happy Sunday sunrise! I took this while out front feeding the fish.

Happy Sunday! This morning, I got up and baked my awesome sourdough bread. It is the best I have ever made. I am currently making a pot of chili that I will serve it with for lunch.

We tried out another new church this morning. They rent out a space in a nearby town. The chairs were awful and my leg started hurting almost as soon as we sat down. I took pills and it has subsided a lot but I don't ever want to sit in those chairs again. David liked it so I guess we will be back...

Anyway, I don't think I mentioned it earlier, but I signed up for and started taking one of Jon Acuff's classes that started on September 30. It will go through December 31 and is called #fullpotential (so far, so good. I have completed the homework each day and am enjoying it. Of course, what is not to enjoy with Jon? Have you read his books? He is awesome. I will keep you posted but I am finding time to get more reading and writing done than I have in a very long time.

Also, I am bragging on our awesome business more than ever. You do know that David and I own and run David's Garden Seeds® featuring all Non-GMO seeds, many of them heirlooms? My husband created the company on his own with help from our Heavenly Father who has blessed it over the past 12 years.

David has pulled some of our fall crops that we planted for harvest now, onions. He is going to pickle some and dehydrate some. We will bring some to the show for next Saturday.

It is hot outside. It will get up to 92° this afternoon. In fact, I looked at the Weather Channel forecast and it will hit the 90° mark every single day this week. Fall crops will be ready quickly if we get more rain. Unfortunately, the Weather Channel did not show any rain for this week.

The chili that I made was incredible and it goes so well with the bread that I baked. Time to get my class homework done and then prepare for tomorrow.

A pot of chili that I threw together for lunch after church. It was pretty good.A pot of chili that I threw together for lunch after church. It was pretty good.
My loaf of sourdough bread that I finally baked this morning. I forgot to take a photo before cutting it. :)My loaf of sourdough bread that I finally baked this morning. I forgot to take a photo before cutting it. :)

By now, I hope you have your fall crops in the ground. Don't forget you can also add a winter garden, mostly greens and root crops. The root crops will be overwintered and you will harvest them in February or March of next year.

I love it in the afternoons when you can see the sun's rays coming down. It reminds me of God's love always coming down to us.I love it in the afternoons when you can see the sun's rays coming down. It reminds me of God's love always coming down to us.

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

davidmatthives2Our bee hives
fishOur fish pond
chickensyardOur chickens
bunnynewdigsOur bunny rabbits
goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
gardenbedsgreenA few of our raised garden beds
orchardback40Our orchard and hoop houses
hightunnel2Inside our high tunnel
officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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