Double Wide Manufactured Home

We now live in a new double wide manufactured home on our own farmland. We are still awaiting the electricity hookup but we are grateful to have a generator that gives us power, even though it is very expensive.

Monday, September 30, 2019
Double Wide Manufactured Home

Just a few of the boxes we have emptied and thrown outside.Just a few of the boxes we have emptied and thrown outside.

Today, Bethany came out and helped me unpack a lot of boxes in the double wide manufactured home. She organized the DVDs and books. The library is looking good, waiting for the loveseat to come on Wednesday.

Our insurance agent was here all afternoon, updating our coverage.

I am hurting from bending over and lifting. I am tempted not to go through any other boxes due to the pain. I have not found a lot of small items so I really do need to go through them all. How many kitchen items can one have? There are still boxes of kitchen stuff to go through in my living room. Everything has to be out of the living room by tomorrow evening in preparation for the living room furniture.

One person who did not show up was the water well guy who said he would be here today. Maybe tomorrow?

Tomorrow we have at least four different people coming for various reasons and Wednesday, we are expecting some of our furniture.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Today was a very busy, noisy day in our double wide manufactured home. Bethany, one of our David's Garden Seeds® employees came out to help unpack again today. She did a lot, including unpacking the rest of the books and putting shelves and bins up on my DreamBox. She really enjoyed doing that.

Contractors had quite a time cutting the window out of our double wide manufactured home. They replaced it with a backdoor.Contractors had quite a time cutting the window out of our double wide manufactured home. They replaced it with a backdoor.

David went out front spraying a horrible weed, Texas Bullnettle, that causes infections if it cuts you. They are all over our property. Everything green in the photo below is this weed. David sprayed them with orange oil, Dawn, and 75% vinegar. They are dying! Yay!

David is spraying weeds with a mix of vinegar, orange oil, and Dawn in the front yard. They are dying after just a few hours.David is spraying weeds with a mix of vinegar, orange oil, and Dawn in the front yard. They are dying after just a few hours.

One of our contractors, Andy, and his assistant came to the farm to make a change to the double wide manufactured home. They took out a dining area window and replaced it with a door so we will be able to go out into the backyard once a deck is in place there. They did not finish the job so will be back on Wednesday morning. There is sawdust and dust everywhere. It is horrible but the door will be worth it in the long run.

The new door leads to the backyard from the dining room. Now we need a deck so we can use the door.The new door leads to the backyard from the dining room. Now we need a deck so we can use the door.

The owner of Shelf Confident and his brother came out to measure for shelf drawers so we have a lot more storage. We will have to wait about three weeks before they are built and installed. I think they will make a big difference in our storage.

I spent most of the day finishing unpacking the living room for the big furniture delivery tomorrow. When everyone was gone, we went to town, got gas for the SUV, and then went to Heavy's for some delicious turkey and brisket.

I came home and vacuumed the living room so it is all set for the furniture delivery.

The new furniture will go in the far corner. The boxes have decorative items that we will use in the double wide manufactured home.The new furniture will go in the far corner. The boxes have decorative items that we will use in the double wide manufactured home.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sunrise on the farm this morning.Sunrise on the farm this morning.

Good Wednesday morning from the farm. In this photo you can see some of the wood trim in the yard taken down from the double wide manufactured home when our contractor, Andy, took out a window and replaced it with a door in our kitchen area. He started the work yesterday and completed it today as shown in the photo below. Now we need a deck with stairs there.

This is the new backdoor of our double wide manufactured home. It opens in the kitchen area. We took out a window to put the door in.This is the new backdoor of our double wide manufactured home. It opens in the kitchen area. We took out a window to put the door in.

This morning we were down to five percent in the propane tank and we were grateful when the propane man drove up!

David is talking with the propane man. We were down to 5% in the tank so it was a little scary! We hope to get our electric soon.David is talking with the propane man. We were down to 5% in the tank so it was a little scary! We hope to get our electric soon.

The water well company did not contact us again today so we still have no idea when they will start digging our well.

Around 11:40am, the furniture truck pulled up. David rushed out to tell the driver to be sure to stay on the driveway. He said okay and then backed up into the sand. The men delivered the furniture for my living room and then tried to leave.

Our new living room sectional is so pretty. I sprayed it with Scotch Guard this afternoon.Our new living room sectional is so pretty. I sprayed it with Scotch Guard this afternoon.

They could not get the tires out of the sand and ended up digging deeper. They called for a tow but were in our yard for three hours. I felt so bad for them but they were warned. This makes the ninth vehicle to get stuck in our front yard.

The tow truck finally arrived to help the furniture truck three hours after they called it in.The tow truck finally arrived to help the furniture truck three hours after they called it in.

Our team member, Bethany, was here again today to help us. She was outside breaking down some boxes when she spotted a very large and scary looking spider. One of the furniture men came over and told all of us that it is a Wolf Spider with babies all over its back. We looked closely and there really are baby spiders on its back.

This Wolf Spider was found right outside our door when Bethany was breaking down moving boxes. It is huge, about as big as my hand.This Wolf Spider was found right outside our door when Bethany was breaking down moving boxes. It is huge, about as big as my hand.

I got a lot of unpacking done today and I did a ton of laundry. We were waiting on the laundry until we got more propane.

This afternoon, someone from the internet company we use out here showed up to give us a better signal by attaching a wire from the dish over to the house and he moved the modem in the house.

A friend of David came out to the farm this evening to pick up the moving boxes and I looked up and saw the quarter moon in the sky with clouds, picture below. The skies really are so different out here than in the city.

Tonight's moon looked really cool with the clouds around it.Tonight's moon looked really cool with the clouds around it.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Today, there were no contractors and no helpers. The transport company who was supposed to give us a bid for two decks still has not done so. The water well people still have not come out to see where we want the well.

We need an electrician to fix two kitchen outlets that no longer work. He is supposed to come on Saturday.

We ended up going in to work today for most of the day. David got a haircut and shave in San Antonio. We did some grocery shopping and then came back to the farm and the double wide manufactured home. We got home around 3:30pm and I continued to do some computer work.

David says the temperature in the morning is going to be down to 72 degrees so I am excited! It has not been that cool for about six months. I will do some more unpacking tomorrow and David plans to work out in the garden area.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Happy Friday! I am pleased to report that the overflowing dumpster at our double wide manufactured home was dumped early today!

I worked most of the day on getting the master bedroom unpacked and set up. There were boxes everywhere. Some of the things I still cannot unpack because our new dressers have not arrived yet. That is a bit of a problem.

I ordered a vanity from Amazon. I put it together yesterday. Then I started putting the vanity bench together. The first three legs went on well. The fourth leg would not. There is nothing for the screw to go into--the hole is too big so nothing happens. I am frustrated about that. I emailed the seller like the card they sent said but have heard nothing. I guess they take their weekends off.

Around 2:30pm, we drove to DPS in Jourdanton to get our new driver licenses since we moved. The line moved ever so slow but finally, we got it taken care of. By the way, if you are renewing your license (we were not), be sure to bring your birth certificate with you or you will not get it renewed. They made a big announcement after someone showed up at the window without her birth certificate.

After getting our licenses changed, we met the water well company rep back here on the property and discussed where we wanted the well dug. He may possibly start on it next Wednesday, depending on how long the one he is currently working on takes. They are having difficulties with it.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

It is Saturday and that means our electrician, Tim, is coming to fix some of the outlets that blew out a few days ago in our double wide manufactured home. Tim is here trying to figure it all out now. The girls are shut in the spare bedroom while he works and they are not happy. David is outside working in the garden.

Good news! Tim finally figured out the problem and fixed our outlets so I have power in all of the plugs in my kitchen. I am relieved that I can use them all.

Our neighbor came over with his tractor and smoothed down some of the sand bumps near our garden area.

I picked up the dog poo out in the yard.

I continued unpacking while doing laundry. I finally got the kitchen island cleared off and cleaned up from the sawdust. I was so excited.

Then I saw the gray cloth bench from my old house. I decided it would look great under our new fireplace so I opened it and saw mouse number two on the stuff inside. I am now in the process of washing everything in it. Then I will get to cleanse the entire bench, inside and out, from all mouse unrighteousness. Totally gross. I thought I was done with all of the mouse droppings. There are still more boxes to deal with. I hope they are all clean.

David got a lot of things organized outside in the shed. It just takes a lot of time to start from scratch.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

This morning, David and I got up early to go to church.I let the girls out in the backyard to go potty. While they were out, I filled bowls with fresh water and dog and cat food. I let the girls come in but only two dogs came back inside. I looked far across the road and I saw Ethel inside the neighbor's fence. I told David. He jumped in the SUV and zoomed across. Ethel would not get in the SUV. Instead she squeezed out of the neighbor's fence and ran across the road, down the driveway and to the backdoor. I got some good shots of Ethel running.

We got ready and made our way in to San Antonio for church. After worship, we picked up some groceries, and then headed back to the farm.

David worked on the business and I finished washing all of the blankets that were in the mouse poo bench. Then I vacuumed out the mouse pool and sprayed the bench in and out, top and bottom, with Lysol antibacterial cleaner. It was quite disgusting.

I set up the living room TV, antenna, and DVD player, scanned for channels and tested the WIFI to see if it worked on the TV. It works great.

Then I cleaned the kitty litter box to complete my evening. There is still a lot to unpack and straighten up in our double wide manufactured home.

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Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

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