This is our doomsday Arugula Seeds page. Here we tell you just how many arugula plants are needed to feed one person for a year, provided this is all you have to eat. Of course, chances are you will have other foods to consume and enjoy so you are staying healthy. Hopefully, you will have fruit and nut trees and some game for meat, chickens for eggs.
Arugula has 5 calories per cup, so it is not a good vegetable to
grow to try to get 1200 calories out of which is out doomsday goal.
It is a good ingredient to add to a salad of greens. Who doesn't like the spicy flavor of arugula in with their bowl of salad?
Arugula is easy to grow and here in San Antonio, we can grow it year round. As long as the ground does not freeze, it will grow.
It can be dried
into chips which we have bought and tried. I did not care for it. If
not drying it, eat it within hours of picking it. It will not last long
without refrigeration.
It is a good green to use in your compost pile or to till under in the garden.
You can also feed it to the chickens, rabbits and whatever animals you may have.
I would grow about 20 plants just to have them. You grow these in a 4 x 8 raised bed. One plant can produce thousands of seeds. Just let it keep growing and when it matures, stalks will grow out of the middle of it, producing flowers, pods and then seeds.
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