Mrs. David's Garden Seeds®

Determinate Seeds

What are determinate seeds? They are seeds that grow into plants producing a certain amount of fruit and then they stop.

Determinate Seeds - 7/22-7/28/2024

Monday, July 22, 2024

This is my first time to grow Flamingo Feather Celosia. It looks pretty cool!This is my first time to grow Flamingo Feather Celosia. It looks pretty cool!

David started his morning out by having fasting blood work done. He then bought some groceries and came home to start the work day. I stayed here and did some more planting.

Today was a very long and busy Monday. The weatherman said we had a really good chance of rain but we got none all day long. At one point, the dark clouds gathered but not for long. The storm went around us as it often does. The forecast shows us getting rain every single day through next Monday but I wonder if we will get any rain at all.

We had one customer today twice. He came at lunchtime and bought one dozen eggs. He left and about five minutes later, he showed up again to buy another dozen. That was it.

Folks, we have all sorts of beautiful flowers, tomato plants, pepper plants, and flower plants for sale right now to plant for fall so come by and see what we have. We also have pecan coffees and pecan treats because David is a pecanaholic. Of course, we have farm fresh chicken eggs and over 1,000 heirloom seeds for the garden. Now is the time to pick up your Fall Garden Seeds as we are having a 20% off sale going on right now.

I spent the day filling orders from the weekend and I got the worst headache once the clouds gathered above. It lasted for hours. Before the headache, I enjoyed watching the head of the Secret Service getting grilled by members of Congress. Some very good questions were asked, none of which she would answer.

Trump finally finished his infection medicine tonight. He is putting on weight and enjoying life.

Determinate Seeds

Tycoon is a hybrid grown from determinate seeds. It is the San Antonio 2011 Rodeo Tomato, a favorite of all Texans.Tycoon is a hybrid grown from determinate seeds. It is the San Antonio 2011 Rodeo Tomato, a favorite of all Texans.

Hey there, fellow backyard gardeners! Are you ready to dive into the world of determinate seeds and plants? If you're new to gardening, understanding the difference between determinate and indeterminate varieties is crucial for planning your harvest and maximizing your garden's potential. So, let's get started!

First things first, what exactly are determinate plants? In a nutshell, determinate plants are those that grow to a specific size, produce a crop, and then stop growing. They have a fixed growth habit and a defined fruiting period, making them ideal for gardeners with limited space or those who want a more predictable harvest.

On the flip side, indeterminate plants keep on growing and producing fruit throughout the growing season until frost kills them off. They can get quite large and sprawling, which is great if you have ample space and want a continuous supply of fresh produce. However, they do require more maintenance, such as pruning and trellising.

The Celebrity tomato is a hybrid grown with determinate seeds.Washington Cherry tomatoes are grown with determinate seeds.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

We have clouds every day but not much rain.We have clouds every day but not much rain.

Good Tuesday morning. Today, we head into San Antonio to see another doctor and that is always fun. It is now 7:15am, very cloudy out but not a drop of rain. The forecast said the rain would start at 7am.

Well, we left the farm at 9am and ran into pouring rain in San Antonio, sometimes so hard that it was difficult to drive. We went to the doctor for David. One of the nurses said it poured there yesterday, too. We didn't get Diddly Squat yesterday. Apparently, while we were gone, it sprinkled for about 60 seconds and that was that. All the way home, it poured until we got right out here. The ground is dry as a bone and it is now 6pm.

I spent the rest of the day pulling and filling orders. Now clouds are moving in once again but my guess is they will go right around us as they did on Sunday, yesterday, and today.

Determinate Seeds

This is our Roma Determinate Tomato. Of course, this is grown with determinate seeds and is wonderful for making sauces and salsa.This is our Roma Determinate Tomato. Of course, this is grown with determinate seeds and is wonderful for making sauces and salsa.

Now that you know the basic difference between determinate and indeterminate seeds, let's talk about some popular determinate varieties you can plant in your garden. Tomatoes are a great place to start, as there are many determinate options to choose from.

One classic determinate tomato is the Roma tomato. These oblong-shaped fruits are meaty and have few seeds, making them perfect for sauces, canning, and dehydrating. They typically ripen within a short window of time, allowing you to process a large batch all at once.

Another determinate tomato to consider is the Celebrity variety. These medium-sized, round tomatoes are known for their excellent flavor and disease resistance. They're great for slicing and adding to salads or sandwiches.

If you're looking for a cherry tomato option, try the Mountain Belle variety. These compact plants produce high yields of bright red, crack-resistant fruits that are perfect for snacking or tossing into pasta dishes.

Washington Cherry tomatoes are grown with determinate seeds.Washington Cherry tomatoes are grown with determinate seeds.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The memorial service for John Schulze, Jr was held in Leakey at Church In The Valley where my in-laws used to attend. We have been there many times.The memorial service for John Schulze, Jr was held in Leakey at Church In The Valley where my in-laws used to attend. We have been there many times.

Good morning. David made a nice breakfast of farm fresh eggs, breakfast sausage, and whole wheat toast. There was not a drop of rain all night long. The clouds are there again but no rain. Meanwhile, there are area floods being posted on Facebook.

This afternoon, we have to be in Leakey for a memorial service for David's older brother who passed away two weeks ago.

It will be a busy day.

Somewhere around noon, the heavens opened and it poured here finally. We got a half inch. We took off for Leakey around 1:30pm to attend the memorial service for David's older brother. We got there in good time and there was a nice turnout. Unfortunately, quite a few of the attendees felt that we did not belong there and treated us like dirt or completely ignored us at the church. I was made to feel like less than the dirt under our feet and so was David. We are done going to these functions with so called family. Someone has been badmouthing us up there. We have never been treated so badly before. I regret talking David into going.

Hardly anyone in the Frio river on this hot summer day.Hardly anyone in the Frio river on this hot summer day.
David planted the giant tree when he pastored this church that used to be Jesus Church in Rio Frio, TX. Now it is a vacant building & I am glad. We were thrown out by the former pastor.David planted the giant tree when he pastored this church that was Jesus Church in Rio Frio, TX in 1996. Now it is a vacant building & I am glad. We were thrown out by the retired pastor who changed his mind back then.

On the way home, we almost wrecked because of an incompetent driver. We both thank the Lord for stopping the truck just inches from slamming into the moron in Rio Frio. We got back home just after 7pm and I decided I will never go back there. I no longer wish to be around any of David's family. It was just unbelievable. So that was a fun day. Let's hope that tomorrow is way better...

Meanwhile, back on the farm, Matt held the fort down and made a very big sale with a customer who came to buy seeds in the afternoon. He is a good son.

Around 9pm, our housekeeper called to say she won't be able to come for two weeks as she was diagnosed with the new strain of something that seems to be going around again...She actually wanted to know if she should come tomorrow wearing a mask. No, thank you. We do not want it. We are getting up there in age and we do not need to be sick on top of everything else we have going on. When we get sick it takes a whole lot longer to get better now that we are older.

If you are feeling sick, please think twice before going anywhere and getting other people sick. Just stay home and stop spreading illness.

Determinate Seeds

The Blue Lake 274 Bush Bean is a fan favorite to produce beans as well as determinate seeds to save for next year. We grow this bean every fall. Great taste and texture!The Blue Lake 274 Bush Bean is a fan favorite to produce beans as well as determinate seeds to save for next year. We grow this bean every fall. Great taste and texture!

Moving on from tomatoes, let's talk about some other determinate vegetable varieties. Bush beans are a great option for small-space gardens, as they grow in compact mounds rather than long vines like pole beans.

Blue Lake Bush Beans are a popular choice, producing tender, stringless pods that are great for fresh eating, canning, or freezing. They mature in about 55-60 days, making them a relatively quick crop.

Another bush bean to try is the Provider variety. These reliable plants produce high yields of round, green pods even in cool weather. They're also resistant to bean common mosaic virus, ensuring a healthy harvest.

Determinate peas are another option for your garden. Little Marvel is a compact variety that produces sweet, tender pods perfect for fresh eating or freezing. They mature in about 60 days and don't require trellising.

If you prefer snow peas, the Oregon Sugar Pod II variety is a great determinate option. These plants produce smooth, stringless pods that are delicious raw or lightly stir-fried. They mature in about 70 days.

Now that we've covered some specific determinate varieties, let's talk about planting and growing these crops. When it comes to planting, timing is key. Most determinate varieties should be planted after the last frost date in your area, once the soil has warmed up.

Before planting, amend your soil with compost or well-rotted manure to provide nutrients for your plants. You can also add a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to ensure steady growth throughout the season.

When planting determinate tomatoes, space them about 2-3 feet apart in rows or beds. They typically don't need pruning, but you can remove any suckers that form below the first flower cluster to direct more energy into fruit production.

For bush beans and peas, plant seeds directly in the garden about 1-2 inches deep and 2-3 inches apart. Thin seedlings to about 4-6 inches apart once they've grown a few inches tall. Bush beans and peas don't require trellising, but you can provide some support with stakes or small cages if desired.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

It looked good before I left the salon. The wind got it. I like it.It looked good before I left the salon. The wind got it. I like it.

Good morning. No rain in the night and I found out that we missed the finale of Food Stars last night. Apparently, it was a two hour special. I will see if I can find it on YouTube or wherever you can watch TV shows that you missed now.

The day started once all of the animals were fed as usual. David and Matt had 8:30am father/son makeover appointments at the barber shop. Then I got my hair done at 10am by a new stylist. They don't keep stylists for very long there. Anyway, she did a good job. I think my hair came out pretty good. The cut is a bit different and I went with highlights for summer.

I got home, ate lunch, and then started working on orders. We had several customers, which is surprising for a Thursday. I was doing a phone order when the final customer came driving in around 4:30pm. Matt went over to the store. After a while, he asked for back up so I went out and met a nice man who drove all the way from College Station. He bought a lot of seeds, eight dozen eggs, a coffee, and 28 flower plants! I was delighted. He left at 5:30pm. Then we took care of all of the animals as clouds moved in again.

Matt left, taking a seed delivery over to Devine on his way home. The clouds continued to come in so I went out to put the chickens and goats away. The chickens easily went in for the night but the goats did not want to. I finally got them to go in for the night and got back in the house when the rain started. It rained pretty good for a little while and then less than an hour later, it was done and the clouds moved away. It was just a trace in the rain gauge.

Determinate Seeds

Some of last fall's colorful bean harvest.Some of last fall's colorful bean harvest.

As your determinate plants grow, be sure to provide consistent moisture, especially during flowering and fruiting. Mulching around the base of the plants can help retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

Keep an eye out for common pests and diseases, such as aphids, whiteflies, and blossom end rot in tomatoes. Regular monitoring and prompt treatment can help prevent these issues from getting out of hand.

When it comes to harvesting your determinate crops, timing is once again crucial. Tomatoes should be harvested when they're fully ripe and have reached their mature color (red, yellow, or orange, depending on the variety). Gently twist or cut the fruits from the vine, being careful not to damage the plant.

Bush beans are ready to harvest when the pods are about pencil-sized and snap easily. Pick them regularly to encourage continued production. Peas should be harvested when the pods are plump and bright green, before the seeds inside have fully developed.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Barred Rock Chicken from our original flock is still around. I don't think she lays many eggs anymore.Barred Rock Chicken from our original flock is still around. I don't think she lays many eggs anymore.

Good Friday morning. Monday is the five year anniversary of us buying this farm. We are having a 50% off seed sale from Saturday through Monday to celebrate. I just sent out the newsletter and I realized after I sent it that I put Friday through Monday which is wrong. At least I got the dates of July 27 through July 29 correct.

It is now almost 2pm. We did not get the rain that was forecast for noon. Matt drove over and got us all food from Charlie's Daughter in Devine for lunch. We had one set of visitors wanting us to donate to their local cause, but not wanting to contribute at all to ours. We've been out here now for five years and I am surprised they have not come by before. Sponsorships are certainly not cheap. Considering the thousands of dollars each year we already give to community organizations, I think we are good. Interestingly, not one of the organizations that we give to each year come out and support us at all throughout the year.

I got all of the orders filled and mailed except for one that I am holding for one pack of seeds that we ran out of. It is 88° and miserably hot and humid. The wind is picking up now. There is a 59% chance of rain at 2pm. That is in just two minutes. I see blue skies so my guess is we won't get rain...

The mailman has come. The trashman has come. No customers have come.

Determinate Seeds

Draining blanched carrots in my kitchen since blanching is mentioned in this section.Draining blanched purple and orange carrots in my kitchen since blanching is mentioned in this section.

Once you've harvested your determinate crops, it's time to think about storing and using them. Tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for a few days, but for longer storage, consider canning or freezing them.

To can tomatoes, wash and core them, then pack them into sterilized jars with a bit of lemon juice or citric acid to ensure safe acidity levels. Process the jars in a boiling water bath or pressure canner, following recommended guidelines for your altitude.

For freezing tomatoes, wash and core them, then cut them into quarters or smaller pieces if desired. Pack the tomatoes into freezer bags or containers, removing as much air as possible before sealing. Frozen tomatoes can be used in cooked dishes like soups, stews, and sauces.

Bush beans and peas can also be preserved by canning or freezing. For canning, wash and trim the ends of the pods, then pack them into jars with boiling water, leaving 1-inch headspace. Process the jars in a pressure canner, following recommended guidelines for your altitude.

To freeze beans and peas, blanch them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then immediately plunge them into ice water to stop the cooking process. Drain the pods and pack them into freezer bags or containers, removing excess air before sealing.

Of course, you can also enjoy your determinate crops fresh! Tomatoes are delicious sliced and added to sandwiches, salads, or simply eaten out of hand with a sprinkle of salt. Cherry tomatoes make a great addition to pasta dishes or can be roasted with a bit of olive oil and herbs for a flavorful side dish.

Bush beans and peas are wonderful steamed or sautéed with a bit of butter or olive oil and your favorite seasonings. They also make a great addition to stir-fries, soups, and salads.

As you can see, determinate seeds offer a wide range of possibilities for your backyard garden. By understanding their growth habits and choosing the right varieties for your needs, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious, homegrown produce.

One of the great things about determinate plants is that they allow you to plan your garden harvest more efficiently. Since they produce their crop all at once, you can stagger your plantings to ensure a steady supply of fresh produce throughout the season.

For example, you might plant a row of determinate tomatoes every 2-3 weeks, ensuring that you have a continuous harvest of ripe fruit from mid-summer through early fall. This can be especially helpful if you like to can or preserve your tomatoes, as you'll have a large quantity ready to process all at once.

Similarly, with bush beans and peas, you can plant successive crops every 2-3 weeks to extend your harvest. This way, you'll have a steady supply of fresh, tender pods to enjoy all season long.

Another advantage of determinate plants is that they're often more disease-resistant than their indeterminate counterparts. This is because they have a shorter growing season and are less likely to be exposed to disease-causing pathogens over an extended period.

That said, it's still important to choose disease-resistant varieties and practice good garden hygiene to keep your plants healthy. This includes rotating your crops each year, removing any diseased plant material from the garden, and avoiding overhead watering, which can promote fungal growth.

When it comes to harvesting your determinate crops, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, be sure to harvest regularly to keep the plants producing. If you allow fruits or pods to over-mature on the plant, it can signal the plant to stop producing.

Second, handle your harvested produce gently to avoid bruising or damage. Tomatoes, in particular, are delicate and can easily be squished or punctured if handled roughly. Use a sharp, clean knife or scissors to cut fruits and pods from the plant, rather than pulling or twisting them off.

Finally, be sure to store your harvested produce properly to maximize its shelf life. Tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Bush beans and peas can be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or container for up to a week.

If you have a particularly large harvest, consider preserving some of your bounty for later use. As mentioned earlier, canning and freezing are great options for tomatoes, beans, and peas. You can also dehydrate tomatoes for use in sauces, soups, and stews.

When it comes to using your determinate crops in the kitchen, the possibilities are endless. Tomatoes are incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide range of dishes, from fresh salsa and caprese salad to homemade pasta sauce and tomato soup.

Bush beans and peas are also great in a variety of recipes. Try adding them to a summer salad with feta cheese and a simple vinaigrette, or sauté them with garlic and olive oil for a quick and easy side dish. You can also use them in soups, stews, and casseroles for added flavor and nutrition.

One of my favorite ways to use cherry tomatoes is in a simple pasta dish. Sauté some minced garlic in olive oil, then add halved cherry tomatoes and cook until they start to burst and release their juices. Toss with cooked pasta, fresh basil, and grated Parmesan cheese for a delicious and easy meal.

Another great way to use bush beans is in a classic Nicoise salad. Arrange cooked and cooled beans on a bed of mixed greens, along with hard-boiled eggs, olives, tuna, and boiled potatoes. Drizzle with a mustard vinaigrette for a satisfying and protein-packed lunch or dinner.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Well, today was an interesting day. We had one set of customers the entire four hours. I restocked the store for several hours before the customers showed up.

It was hot and humid but the plants in the front needed water so I watered them. We were supposed to get rain but it went around us so it is a good thing I watered.

This evening, Matt grilled steaks and I baked salmon fillets. Everything was delicious. We watched another James Bond movie. Unfortunately, around 9:15pm, I fell asleep. I woke up at 10:30pm as the movie went off so I have no idea what happened. I had to get up and let the dogs out for the night and then give them their nighttime dog chews.

Determinate Seeds

We start tomato seedlings at the end of December for spring sales and planting from determinate seeds as well as indeterminate seeds.We start tomato seedlings at the end of December for spring sales and planting from determinate seeds as well as indeterminate seeds.

As you experiment with different determinate varieties and recipes, don't be afraid to get creative in the kitchen. Try substituting determinate crops in your favorite dishes, or look for new recipes that showcase their unique flavors and textures.

In addition to their culinary uses, determinate plants can also be a great choice for gardeners who want to save seeds for future planting. Because determinate varieties produce their crop all at once, it's easier to select the best fruits or pods for seed saving.

To save tomato seeds, choose fully ripe fruits from healthy plants. Scoop out the seeds and pulp into a jar, then add a bit of water. Let the mixture ferment for a few days, stirring occasionally, until the seeds sink to the bottom. Rinse the seeds thoroughly and spread them out on a paper towel to dry completely before storing in a cool, dry place.

For bush beans and peas, allow some pods to mature fully on the plant until they're dry and brown. Shell the pods and store the seeds in an airtight container in a cool, dry place until ready to plant.

By saving seeds from your determinate plants, you can create a self-sustaining garden that adapts to your local climate and growing conditions over time. Plus, it's a great way to save money on seeds and ensure that you always have your favorite varieties on hand.

As you plan your determinate garden, don't forget to consider companion planting to maximize your space and improve plant health. For example, planting basil or marigolds near your tomatoes can help repel pests and improve flavor.

Similarly, planting bush beans with corn and squash creates a classic "three sisters" garden that maximizes space and nutrient uptake. The corn provides a natural trellis for the beans, while the squash shades the soil and suppresses weeds.

By getting creative with your garden layout and planting combinations, you can create a beautiful and productive space that's tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Did you know we have cast iron skillets, good coffee mugs, and air fryers for sale in our Farm Store? Prices are lower than Amazon. We won't ship these. You must come in.Did you know we have cast iron skillets, good coffee mugs, and air fryers for sale in our Farm Store? Prices are lower than Amazon. We won't ship these. You must come in.

Year five actually ends tomorrow, July 29, 2024 but since it is a Monday and starts a new work week, it will be included in our year six page. We bought this farm on July 30, 2019. Five years have flown by. We have accomplished a lot in five years, thanks be to our Heavenly Father who has supplied all of our needs. All praise goes to Him! Five years has just flown by.

It rained a bit in the night. I woke up at 2:15am and heard something. I looked out the window and saw that the window was wet. It did not last long. Since I have been up this morning, it has rained for just a few moments twice, barely registering as an eighth of an inch in the rain gauge. I went out and got all of the animals taken care of before the rain. In fact, I was finishing up with the goats when it started.

David made breakfast sandwiches on biscuits with bacon and eggs this morning while I was feeding the animals.

Our sale is still going on to save 50% on all seeds to celebrate the purchase of our farm five years ago. It is hard to believe that five years has just flown by. If you would like to shop for seeds, here is the link to David's Garden Seeds®.

We are getting ready to go to a local church. It is difficult to start over. It seems we have gone to so many local churches out here and still haven't found a good one that appreciates us being a part of it. I guess we should probably have kept going back to San Antonio each Sunday. It would have been so much better than what we have been through.

It rained on and off for several times throughout the day. The total rain fall here for the entire weekend was 1/8th of an inch. Late this afternoon, around 5:30pm, there was a beautiful rainbow which I captured. I saw it as I walked past the kitchen window.

This partial rainbow was vibrant and exciting but only lasted a few minutes. Photos never seem to do them justice.This partial rainbow was vibrant and exciting but only lasted a few minutes. Photos never seem to do them justice.

Determinate Seeds

Sugar Snap Peas are grown from determinate seeds. These are some I grew. I love to eat them raw!Sugar Snap Peas are grown from determinate seeds. These are some I grew. I love to eat them raw!

In conclusion, determinate seeds are a great choice for backyard gardeners who want a predictable harvest and a more manageable garden. By understanding the difference between determinate and indeterminate varieties, and choosing the right crops for your needs, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious, homegrown produce all season long.

Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a newbie just starting out, experimenting with determinate varieties can be a fun and rewarding way to expand your gardening skills and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

So why not give determinate seeds a try in your garden this year? With a little planning and care, you can create a beautiful and productive space that provides fresh, healthy food for you and your family.

Remember to choose varieties that are well-suited to your climate and growing conditions, and don't be afraid to experiment with new crops and techniques. Gardening is all about learning and adapting, and every season brings new opportunities for growth and discovery.

Whether you're canning tomatoes, freezing beans, or simply enjoying your harvest fresh from the garden, determinate seeds can provide a satisfying and delicious bounty that's sure to impress.

So get out there and start planting! With a little bit of knowledge and a lot of enthusiasm, you can create a thriving determinate garden that's the envy of the neighborhood.

Happy gardening, my fellow backyard enthusiasts! May your determinate plants be bountiful and your harvest baskets always full. Here's to a season of growth, discovery, and delicious homegrown produce!

Return from Determinate Seeds to Year Five On The Farm

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!
All Non-GMO, we've got the seeds you want!All Non-GMO, we've got the seeds you want!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,000 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!