I have been reading about Coronavirus Gardens, also known as Victory Gardens, which is why people are panic buying garden seeds. Have you planted one yet? Back in World War II, people were encouraged to plant gardens to feed themselves so the USA could see fresh vegetables and fruits to our soldiers overseas. They were called Victory Gardens.
Since I was a small child, we have had small gardens. When I married David, he has almost always had a garden with a lot of produce. Gardening is his favorite hobby. In fact, he turned his hobby into a business called David's Garden Seeds®. This business has been our livelihood now for more than ten years. Four years ago, I quit my day job to work full time with David. It has been a lot of fun.
Most Americans just run to the grocery store for produce, or at least they did until about three weeks ago when the coronavirus hit the country. Now people are concerned and are starting their own gardens. I think it is a very good idea that people learn how to grow their food. By the way, our website (link above) has a lot of good tips for beginner gardeners.
This morning, as almost usual, we left the farm at 6am and arrived at David's Garden Seeds® at 7am. I was exceptionally tired all day long and almost fell asleep at my desk several times. I drank a lot of coffee to keep going.
I pulled website orders before the staff got in and spent the whole day sending out website orders. The staff in another room pulled and mailed Amazon orders.
The more orders we mail out, the more we get in as everyone is planting their spring victory coronavirus gardens.
It was a long day because I felt so tired but we finally made it home close to 7pm. It stopped raining so we were finally able to take a good look at the inside paint job on our new store. It looks great! Next, we have to put the black grids up on the walls of the new store. That should be done this Wednesday!
David said that Amazon is now accepting eight varieties of our seeds today so that is a good sign!
We are at the San Antonio business again. Some of our guys are filling orders and some are taking down the grids to put up in our new store. David says the grids will go up tomorrow. Then the store will get its floor!
Meanwhile, I am watching all of this go down from my business office right next to our old store area. I am catching up on this blog and filling website orders.
David said that today, Amazon is accepting 87 varieties of our seeds. We have over 6,000 seed orders to fill so far today so maybe Amazon can start sending out some of them again soon which will take a huge load off of us.
David also said that he and I will not have to come in and fill orders on Good Friday, Saturday, or Easter Sunday this week. We could use some days off. We will see.
Matthew, our son, is heading up a small planting crew out on the farm today to get some of our seeds and plants in the ground so he is not in the office today.
When we got home today, my heart sank. The lots on either side of us are empty four acre lots. We knew neighbors would eventually move in. Dirt was dug last week right next to the fence up near the top of the hill. Today, the electric company put in four electric poles complete with wires all the way along our fence line to the top of the hill so now my beautiful view of the sunrise every morning will be a bit different.
As it got dark tonight, I saw the pink super moon. It looked really cool.
Good morning. It is a busy day on the farm. People are working on the store and others are out in the garden working.
It was also a busy day at David's Garden Seeds® as the orders continue to pour in so people can put in their coronavirus gardens.
This evening, we had a gorgeous moon playing hide and seek among the clouds.
Last day of work before a three day Easter weekend. It was a busy day at work, filling many orders again.
I did not have to wake up at 5am today! It is Good Friday, the day the Son of God paid the penalty for our sins and died on the cross to save us from Hell. Thank you, Jesus for sparing me.
I worked on my craft room which is all boxes. I created a path and cleaned out the closet, filling it with newly created boxes of supplies. I pitched things. I also did a whole lot of laundry and some other cleaning.
Today, we had to get some seeds planted in our coronavirus garden. I spent the entire morning planting about 30 varieties of seeds. The temperatures were pleasant, a little on the chilly side.
It took hours and it was a lot of work. Then we harvested strawberries, a few cherry tomatoes and a lot of yellow carrots.
After all of that, I was so sore and did not have the strength to finish my craft room. I roasted a chicken with carrots and beets from the garden. The beets were harvested earlier in the week. I also made potatoes for David and sweet potatoes for me. The meal was delicious.
Happy Easter, everyone! It was not quite a three day weekend. There were just too many orders. We left the house at 8am to go to work to fill some of the 8000 orders sitting in the queue and spent about nine hours at work. While there, we watched two church services. Two of our guys came into work to help us.
I had a sinking feeling we would have to work...
Return from Coronavirus Garden to Our Small Farm
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!