Our Favorite Christmas Movies

This page is about some of our favorite Christmas movies and what we are watching as Christmas gets closer. Of course, it is also about our daily life on the farm, including Christmas activities. We had a good time this week with the grandchildren and we are so thankful that our son, who was so sick, is finally getting better as the week ends.

Monday, December 16, 2019- Christmas Movies

Our Christmas tree and living room fireplace light the room up while we watch Christmas movies.Our Christmas tree and living room fireplace light the room up while we watch Christmas movies.

The four of us woke up to a chilly morning. The kids watched some Christmas movies while waiting for their parents to get here such as Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, Frosty The Snowman, and Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. After lunch, they watched Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer. They loved it.

It turns out that Jeremy and Felisha did not get here until around 5pm. We went to IHOP for dinner in Pleasanton. The service was incredibly slow and there were only a few folks in there around 7pm so I don't know why. Then when we wanted to leave, we had to sit at the table for 20 minutes waiting for a manager to approve our ticket since we had two small children and two senior discounts. We wanted to skip the discounts and just pay but the waitress would not let us. It may be a very long time before we visit them again. We went one other time last summer and they took forever bringing us our check as well.

We sent the children to the hotel with their parents because we needed a break. The broken lamp I had to clean up before 7am today was just too much. But we did enjoy our time with the children.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

This morning, it was 36° Fahrenheit but it warmed up to the 50s later in the day. We have three workers here today.

At 11:30am, Jeremy and his family showed up from the hotel and we took off for Chama Gaucha Brazilian Steakhouse in San Antonio for our Christmas dinner with them. We got there and there was a 35 minute wait but it was worth it. The place was packed and it was the loudest I have ever heard it.

We ordered our drinks, said a blessing, and went to the very crowded salad bar. I took the potato salad like I always do, along with several other delicious things. It was almost 1pm and I was starving. The food was delicious. Then the meat came along and it was superb. I think my favorite meat of the day was the pork parmesan. It was delicious!

Max having fun at the Chama Gaucha table. The food was delicious.Max having fun at the Chama Gaucha table. The food was delicious.
My creme brulee dessert was so good! The strawberry was sweet and juicy.My creme brulee dessert was so good! The strawberry was sweet and juicy.

The children loved it. When we were finished, we all ordered dessert and coffee. It was so good.

Holley in her pretty new Christmas dress by the tree.Holley in her pretty new Christmas dress by the tree.

David and I had to run errands after that, including getting air in my tires since my car is the only one we have now. We picked up a few groceries at Walmart and stopped by our shop to check on things.

We got home after 5pm and then prepared for Jeremy and his family to come eat and watch Christmas movies. We turned on our blow ups that we had off because of the wind. The wind died down so we could have all of the Christmas decorations on when the grandchildren came. We had a charcuterie board and watched Scrooged. We wanted to watch Elf but could not find that DVD anywhere.

Max in front of the tree in his new Christmas clothes.Max in front of the tree in his new Christmas clothes.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

This morning, we woke up to 28° Fahrenheit on our farm. We didn't see any frost. David went out and checked the plants and he thinks they are fine. I find it hard to believe that the green beans and strawberries made it. Time will tell.

Time did tell in the afternoon. The green beans are all gone, dead from the below freezing weather.

Today was our Christmas Day for Holley and Max and their parents. They showed up a little before 10am. The kids got very excited to see wrapped presents under the tree. Then Max noticed the stockings that were full.

Max and Holley waiting to open gifts.Max and Holley waiting to open gifts.
Felisha with her stocking from Santa.Felisha with her stocking from Santa.

So presents were opened and then I chose from one of our many Christmas movies so the kids would be entertained while waiting for lunch. I picked The Little Drummer Boy. They never saw it before.

David and Jeremy went down the road on the way to Poteet to pick up a couple of good pizzas from a drive through beverage store. They make pretty good food there. We enjoyed the pizzas and then they packed everything up and left. I cleaned up and then it was back to work for David and me. It is quiet in the house so I am going to get some social media work done for David's Garden Seeds®.

One of the Christmas movies I want to watch tonight is It Happened on Fifth Avenue. It is a beautiful story that I discovered just a few years ago. It is old and was filmed in black and white but so worth it. Of course, our favorite Christmas movie is It's A Wonderful Life which we watched several nights ago. Christmas Vacation is another must see that we watched on Black Friday.

Because it was so cold this morning, we gave our three farm workers the option to have off without pay and all three took it. It is supposed to be in the 20s again tomorrow morning so I don't know if we will have people here or not.

Unfortunately, we never got to watch Christmas movies tonight so that was disappointing. But work for David's Garden Seeds® has to be done and for the past five days, we have been entertaining grandchildren instead of working.

Projectors come on at dusk and shine red and green lights and snowflakes on our home.Projectors come on at dusk and shine red and green lights and snowflakes on our home.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Our Christmas kitchen tableOur Christmas kitchen table

This morning we awoke to 25° Fahrenheit so I wonder what else did not make it. It has warmed up rapidly to 59°. I am hoping everything else is okay but I am afraid to look. David has not given me any reports yet.

I just went out to check the mail and it is still chilly out but bright and sunny. We got a letter from the tax assessor saying we have to call them to make an appointment so they can come out and tax us for everything in our yard. Wow. In San Antonio, they never called. They just came and looked and taxed.

We have three team members out here working in the garden area today. Tomorrow is our monthly birthday plus Christmas party so not much work will get done.

I have been working on the computer and doing laundry all day. I have a mountain of it to fold and hang up.

I hope that tonight we can watch some of our favorite Christmas movies. Last night, we worked until late so we did not watch any Christmas movies.

I was not able to reach my son, Matthew, who has been ill all day long. I texted his best buddy, DJ. He went over to his apartment and Matt had been sleeping all day. He got him to drink something and then went home.

Friday, December 20, 2019

This morning, I was unable to reach Matt again. I told DJ and he headed off to Matt's apartment and took him to the University Hospital Emergency Room. He was very dehydrated. They hooked him up to IV fluids and gave him antibiotics as well. They kept him in the ER for eight hours and lost all of his personal belongings.

On the way into San Antonio, I called the County Tax Assessor to see about an appointment at our home to get taxed. She said she would come out on Thursday, December 26.

Meanwhile, today, it was the David's Garden Seeds® Christmas/Birthday luncheon at Salt Grass Steakhouse on Cinema Ridge in San Antonio. Of course, I did not eat much because Matthew was so sick. I was pretty scared.

Bethany (right) and Josue (across from her) are the birthday team members today at Salt Grass. The cake was tres leches and the top was filled with fruit. It was so good!Bethany (right) and Josue (across from her) are the birthday team members today at Salt Grass. The cake was tres leches and the top was filled with fruit. It was so good!

DJ stayed at the hospital with him for quite a few hours. He knew that Matthew was fully clothed with a jacket and shoes, as well as his cell phone, charger, wallet, and belt. DJ finally left to go back to work after about six hours. Matt was still in the ER.

Admissions called me after we got home, asking about Matt's information. Then a little later, a nurse called to say they would soon transfer him to ICU. Of course, that scared me. I thought he was just dehydrated. They said he was totally confused.

Around 7pm, they transferred him to ICU on the fifth floor. At 7pm, The I Love Lucy Christmas Special came on. We watched most of it, trying to get my mind off of Matthew for a short while. At 7:50pm, my phone rang and it was an ICU doctor wanting to know if Matt takes illegal drugs. The answer is no. He doesn't even like to take over the counter drugs when he needs them. So that made me miss the end of I Love Lucy and if you know me, you know that I truly Love Lucy and never miss the specials, all in color.

Around 10pm, our pastor called me to say he had just had a good visit with Matthew and that he had no personal possessions. Matt wanted his glasses so he could see but the only thing they brought to his was his keys. They told him he had no other possessions when he arrived at University Hospital. In other words, he showed up stark naked in the winter when it has been cold. Unbelievable. The pastor got a nurse who would find his stuff.

Then I texted DJ about it. He went up around 10:30pm and spoke to the nurses and they sent someone else to find his things. Of course they came up empty.

At 2:07am, my phone rang. Of course, we were in bed. I saw it was the hospital and I was terrified. I answered it and the man on the phone said he was an ICU doctor and wanted permission to do a lumbar puncture to test Matt for bacterial meningitis. So I gave him permission, thinking he would do the procedure right then.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Juanita in the ICU bathroom with mask on. Masks were required because they think Matt may have an infection.Juanita in the ICU bathroom with mask on. Masks were required because they think Matt may have an infection.

Early Saturday morning, I called the ICU doctor. He said they did not do the procedure since Matt's labs were not right. We got ready and got to the hospital as soon as we could.

Matt's eyes were kind of glazed over but he recognized us and started telling us of all of the adventures he was having while at work. He kept saying he was at work holding meetings and getting equipment delivered around the hospital. Then he would tug at all of the tubes hooked up to him and say he had to roll and get back to work. I must have told him at least a dozen times that he was sick in the hospital and not to pull at his IVs or tubes.

While we were there, we asked five hospital workers who came in to find his personal possessions. Security came and said he came in with no possessions whatsoever. I asked him if he thought that my son came in naked. He said nothing was in the hospital that was Matthew's.

David had about enough and went downstairs to the ER. He asked to speak to a charge nurse and she told him that Matthew's things were taken to Admitting. That means that no one else, including security bothered to try to find his things. My husband then went to Admitting and got all of Matthew's things except for his jeans and underwear. They cut them off of him. But why? He was not a trauma case. They could have taken them off. The very nerve that they would take his wallet, glasses and cell phone and not give them back just burns me up.

After we left, they had to restrain him for the night. The doctor called me and told me that he got up out of bed and was trying to unplug himself from everything so he could get to work.

We got to watch another of our favorite Christmas movies, A Christmas Story.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

This is the incredible view from the 10th floor of Matt's hospital room. I snapped this shot as the medical helicopter went up.This is the incredible view from the 10th floor of Matt's hospital room. I snapped this shot as the medical helicopter went up.

This morning, I got up and called the ICU doctor to check on Matthew. The doctor said they moved him out of ICU at 6am this morning. He said Matthew does not have meningitis and is doing a bit better. He also said that he could not eat or drink anything yet. I then called his floor nurse and she told me that he was a bit more coherent than he was the night before. However, they still think he has an infection so we have to wear masks.

Then we got up and got ready to help clean up Matthew's apartment and get more laundry. We finally broke for lunch and ate Subway. Then we went to see Matthew. He was moved early this morning from ICU to the tenth floor. He still can't get up but when we walked into his room at 2pm, he was eating a cheeseburger. He seemed to be a lot better than he was last night, but he was still quite confused. While we were there, he was watching a Rocky movie on TV and he kept asking me about the fights last night...LOL!

They let him get up after we left to shower. I spoke with him a little while ago from home while he was ordering his dinner--pot roast. He has no restrictions against food now.

I am washing more of Matthew's laundry and David and I are working on our computers while watching Christmas movies! We started with It Happened On Fifth Avenue. This is a sweet Christmas movie made in the 1940s that we discovered just a few years ago. If you have not seen this one, they have it on Amazon. You will love it.

The other Christmas movies we may watch tonight are Miracle On 34th Street with Maureen O'Hara made in 1947, Yes Virginia There Is A Santa Claus, Christmas With The Kranks, and Surviving Christmas.

We did get to the Christmas movie Miracle on 34th Street.

There are still some other Christmas movies that I guess we won't be able to fit in.

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Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

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