Christmas Ideas

There are so many wonderful Christmas ideas to implement during the holiday season. We started some new ideas now that we are on the farm, such as our six blow ups and our lit up nativity as well as the projectors on the house and in the window. Next year, we will add a lot of brand new lights on the house and on the decks. Right now, we have the ratty old stairs at the front door but we will add our front deck this spring. It will look amazing. Maybe we will add to our holiday blow ups!

Christmas Ideas

Speaking of Christmas ideas, if your home has a high ceiling anywhere, how about a giant tree that you need a ladder to put the topper on? This tree is in the hospital where my son is now.Speaking of Christmas ideas, if your home has a high ceiling anywhere, how about a giant tree that you need a ladder to put the topper on? This tree is in the hospital where my son is now.

Monday, December 23, 2019

The sun came up as a big red ball behind the huge oak tree at the top of the hill just minutes after I took this shot this morning.The sun came up as a big red ball behind the huge oak tree at the top of the hill just minutes after I took this shot this morning.

Good morning and Happy Monday! It is a beautiful morning on the farm. It is 33° Fahrenheit. We have zero workers coming out today. Everyone took the week off.

Our son says they removed his catheter and IVs so he can now get up. He says he is waiting for his breakfast tray and he is feeling so much better.

Today has been an exhausting day. We did a lot of physical work. Then we went to the office for a delicious lunch platter that David ordered for the team. After that, we went to visit Matthew at the hospital. He was sitting up in a chair when we got there with a mostly untouched lunch tray. We brought him a chocolate bar because he asked for chocolate last night.

Two doctors came in to tell him he needs an MRI because they think he has an infection in his brain. They say this because he is having a lot of trouble with his vision. We convinced him it was a good idea and then they said maybe tomorrow because there are no openings today. I hope he does not change his mind between now and then.

It took us three hours to get home from the time we left Matt's room. First, we got lost trying to find our car in the giant parking garage. I wrote down where it was, but we could not find it. So we asked someone for help who works there. She called a golf cart and the guy took us where it should be only none of us saw it. We had to keep hitting our key alarm but it took a long time to locate the car. We finally located it and then went back to our office in San Antonio. After that, we finally took off for the farm.

Today was payday and everyone but David and me got paid so I had to write and deposit our checks by phone. Then I had to write checks for eight bills. I am also doing laundry. David fell asleep on the living room couch in front of the Christmas tree. It is so hard to believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve.

One of our Christmas ideas this year was to put up our Christmas village on four different tables around the living room and kitchen. Usually, I cram it all together on one six foot by four foot folding table. There are just too many pieces now. So we have most of the pieces on the six foot table in our living room. We also have some of the pieces on the entry table in the living room. Then there are some down the middle of the island and some on the buffet.

Here are a few Christmas village pieces along with a nativity on the entry table.Here are a few Christmas village pieces along with a nativity on the entry table.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019 -- Christmas Ideas

Our son, Matt, eating cookies that I made for him in his hospital bed.Our son, Matt, eating cookies that I made for him in his hospital bed.

Today is Christmas Eve. The day started out cold, in the 30s, but soon warmed up to the 70s. I cleaned up the house, baked a cake for Christmas, and then baked some sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies.

David worked in the garden areas while I did all of this. Then at 5pm, we went to visit our son in the hospital, over an hour from the farm. The hospital was full of Christmas ideas with trees and decorations. There was a pizza party in the lobby as we walked by.

Our son loved the cookies and then ate a pizza. After that, they moved him five floors down. We carried some of his clothes and treats. He is doing so much better. We left the hospital close to 8:30pm and stopped by McDonalds for some quick dinner. Then, after an hour's drive, we got home to the farm.

Annabelle is inspecting what Santa just brought.Annabelle is inspecting what Santa just brought.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

David making prime rib in his father's kitchen. It was delicious!David making prime rib in his father's kitchen. It was delicious!
David sitting in Dad's living room. The gift is the lantern and candle holder that David's sister made us. They are beautiful.David sitting in Dad's living room. The gift is the lantern and candle holder that David's sister made us. They are beautiful.

Merry Christmas! I woke up at 4am and tried hard to go back to sleep. I finally did and then David got up and made coffee at 6am. While I was getting ready, I got to speak with one of the doctors at the hospital while he was in with Matthew, our son, this morning. He is doing well and getting better.

We had to leave the house by 8am to drive to David's father's house in Leakey, Texas to cook a prime rib for Christmas dinner for his family. The weather started out at 36° Fahrenheit. It got up to 77°.

We had time to open just a few gifts before we left. David bought me a lovely new sapphire and diamond ring which I wore. It is in the style of Princess Diana's ring. I love it.

I unwrapped a black I Love Lucy T-shirt which I then put on and wore to David's father's house. If you don't know, I am a huge Lucy fan and love everything Lucy related.I unwrapped a black I Love Lucy T-shirt which I then put on and wore to David's father's house. If you don't know, I am a huge Lucy fan and love everything Lucy related.

Of course, Santa was good to Annabelle, Lucy, and Ethel, as well as Kitty but we did not get to open their stockings until later this evening.

It took us close to two hours to get to Leakey. When we got there, David got the prime rib ready to bake. I frosted the cake I made. We also brought Hawaiian rolls and 36 cans of soda. David's father had steamed tamales (a Texas Christmas tradition) and he made delicious baked potatoes with olive oil and salt on the skin. They were so tasty! 

David's sister, Reba, made green bean casserole and pecan pie.

Before the food was ready, we exchanged some gifts. Reba made us a beautiful Christmas candleholder set out of wine glasses and Christmas balls. She also made us a gorgeous lantern for candles. It is so pretty. These crafts were really nice Christmas ideas. The lantern can be used year round.

We didn't get home until around 5:15pm and we were pretty tired. We opened the rest of our Christmas gifts and gave all of our pets their stockings. Then we had a bit of prime rib and chilled the rest of the night, except for doing dishes and more laundry. It seems the laundry never ends!

The three dogs each got a squeaky cow made of suede. They love them. Here Lucy is playing with David wrapped in a Christmas blanket.The three dogs each got a squeaky cow made of suede. They love them. Here Lucy is playing with David wrapped in a Christmas blanket.
Kitty is playing under the tree with her new toy mice and she is having so much fun!Kitty is playing under the tree with her new toy mice and she is having so much fun!
Ethel and Annabelle with David as he hands out Christmas treats in the living room.Ethel and Annabelle with David as he hands out Christmas treats in the living room.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

I used to enjoy cross stitching and I made this when our kids were young. We hang it on the tree every year. Hanging ornaments that you make and pass down is one of the greatest Christmas ideas.I used to enjoy cross stitching and I made this when our kids were young. We hang it on the tree every year. Hanging ornaments that you make and pass down is one of the greatest Christmas ideas.

Good Thursday morning. It is the day after Christmas and we are so glad we do not have to go to work or go outside and supervise anyone because our whole David's Garden Seeds® team has off for the rest of the week.

So today, David did some work outside as well as computer work for the business. I finished the mountains of laundry and put all of Matthew's clothes away in the guest room because he will be recuperating with us when he gets out of the hospital.

The property tax folks of Atascosa County came out today to measure our buildings so that they can tax us properly.

We went into San Antonio to visit our son in the hospital. He is doing so much better. When we got there, physical therapy was with him, helping him walk with a walker. We hit McDonald's after we left for dinner. I was starving and didn't want to wait an hour to drive home and then cook something.

A portion of Matthew's hospital room on the 5th floor. They moved him here on the night of Christmas Eve.A portion of Matthew's hospital room on the 5th floor. They moved him here on the night of Christmas Eve.

Friday, December 27, 2019

A wet, grey day. This is our back deck facing the next door meadow that has now turned brown.A wet, grey day. This is our back deck facing the next door meadow that has now turned brown.

This morning dawned grey and wet but the rain has stopped. It is just nice to know that it is not a work day so I can get this house cleaned up before Matthew gets out of the hospital and before our company gets here tomorrow for lunch.

We need to go get some groceries so we can feed our son when he gets out of the hospital. His room is prepared. All of his laundry has been washed and put away. The doctor told him this morning that he should go home tomorrow.

I have been looking at YouTube videos while working to get Christmas ideas to use for next year. There are so many great Christmas ideas out there.

We got the groceries from Walmart and got home and put them all away. I vacuumed most of the house and dusted. I did more laundry. However, I did not have time to fold and put away said laundry so I put the overflowing baskets in the master closet and closed the door so the company will not see it all.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

This morning, I got up early, got ready for company and for Matthew to get out of the hospital. It was a cloudy, dreary morning and the dark clouds stayed all day long. The wind picked up.

My father-in-law and his friends, Clyde and Ruth Anne arrived just after 11am. Matthew still had not been released from the hospital at this point. They brought us a Christmas gift, a beautiful sign for us to place over the mantel to cover plugs that are there since we are not putting our television there.

Ruth Anne and David with my kitchen in the background. Christmas ideas on the buffet and on the table. They were on the island but the grandkids tore them apart.Ruth Anne and David with my kitchen in the background. Christmas ideas on the buffet and on the table. They were on the island but the grandkids tore them apart.
Juanita in front, Ruth Anne left, David, David's father John, Clyde at our dining table. We still had Christmas up.Juanita in front, Ruth Anne left, David, David's father John, Clyde at our dining table. We still had Christmas up.
Ruth Anne and Clyde brought us a beautiful Christmas gift, a Welcome To The Farm sign to hang over the mantel.Ruth Anne and Clyde brought us a beautiful Christmas gift, a Welcome To The Farm sign to hang over the mantel.
My delicious seafood from Red Lobster was served over linguine and it was so good!My delicious seafood from Red Lobster was served over linguine and it was so good!

Then we asked them what they would like from a takeout place down the street for lunch. My plan had been to cook a nice meal but I was just too busy going back and forth to the hospital all week long. Clyde and Ruth Anne picked out what they wanted. My father-in-law said he didn't want any of that. He wanted to go to Red Lobster. So we got in our vehicles and drove to San Antonio. We had a nice lunch at Red Lobster. Then they all went back to Leakey, Texas and David and I went to the hospital.

I put the lantern and the candle holder that my sister-in-law, Reba, made for us and gave to us on Christmas on our coffee table in the living room. They look good there! These were great Christmas ideas. Reba etched the "S" and the words on the lantern which can be used year round.

The candle holder and lantern that Reba made for us. The tablecloth was my paternal grandmother's and graced her table every Christmas Eve when I was growing up.

By the time we got there, Matthew was discharged. He got dressed and went downstairs. I went to the hospital pharmacy to get his prescription. University Hospital has a pharmacy for patients to get their prescriptions so they don't have to get out of the hospital and wait in a long line at a pharmacy. It was so convenient! We have to say that we were impressed by each of the hospital employees we came in contact with. They did a much better job than some of the private hospitals we have used.

We stopped on the way home to pick up a few things for Matthew, including Sprite. We finally arrived on the farm and he hardly felt any mountain cedar which was quite heavy in San Antonio today. He got on the guest bed and stayed there. It was just an exhausting day for him. He was in and out of sleep for the rest of the day. In the evening he had sweet and sour chicken and blueberry bread.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Good Sunday morning! Everyone is starting to take their Christmas decorations down already so I may start taking some things down today as well. I learned about some wonderful Christmas ideas this holiday season. I love that David's Christmas ideas included lining our new blowups and our nativity scene along the front fence. One of my Christmas ideas included shining the two outside projectors on the house and when it got dark, each night they would come on. Also, the projector in the craft room played movies on the window each night so our home looked great!

Next year we have new Christmas ideas for the outside of the home, including putting colored icicles on it and on the new front porch we plan to build this coming spring.

We are staying home from church this morning to take care of Matthew. I will get the laundry put away and start taking down Christmas decorations.

We started to take Christmas down but did not get far. Most of my time was spent helping Matt :while he was awake. He slept a lot of the day awake. I woke him up at 7:05pm so he could eat some dinner. I told him it was 7:05 and he said that he had a good night's sleep. He thought it was Monday morning at 7:05am. LOL!

He then joined us in the den for a little Walker, Texas Ranger!

The front of our home with the blowups dancing in the wind. Santa looks like he is doing push ups.The front of our home with the blowups dancing in the wind. Santa looks like he is doing push ups.

Having blow ups for Christmas has been fun, one of the best Christmas ideas we have had. They come down tomorrow, with all of our other Christmas ideas.

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Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

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