Our Business Complex On The Farm

Sometime this week, the final building of our business complex will be delivered, probably on Wednesday! Then we need to finish it out and start using it. This fourth building will house the restrooms, a break room for our employees and a commercial kitchen where we can do some canning to sell in our David's Garden Seeds® Farm Store.

Our Business Complex-July 6, 2020-July 12, 2020

The chicken coop is right next to the rabbit hutch. They are installing an A/C unit and a porch on it. Our garden shed is up on the hill.The chicken coop is right next to the rabbit hutch. They are installing an A/C unit and a porch on it. Our garden shed is up on the hill.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Today, I had tons of website seed orders. It took me nearly the entire day to fill them all because I did not fill any of the orders over the weekend.

We did a job interview in the morning. We decided to try the young lady out by planting seeds in small pots for our fall garden starting tomorrow. If she works out and has a good attitude, we will put her to work inside the A/C, provided she wants to work for us. (Sometimes, they decline the job offer, even though we pay a lot better than fast food does.) By the way, she has been doing a great job so we have hired her full time!

Our son, Jeremy, and the two grandkids are supposed to show up on Wednesday to add electricity to the rabbit hutch. David just told me that there is no electricity to the back of the farm so Jeremy needs to fix that as it worked fine before he visited two weeks ago. 

After the electricity is fixed, we can get the rabbits. Rabbits in Texas need air conditioning. It sounds crazy but that is what the rabbit farmers say. It cuts down on a lot of deaths. It is 100 plus everyday now.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

This watermelon is growing in our garden but is not ready to pick yet.This watermelon is growing in our garden but is not ready to pick yet.

Today was another crazy day on the farm. You just can't get bored with so much going on! Once again, and hopefully for the last time, we rolled back our front fence to allow the fourth and final building of our business complex here on the farm to be delivered!

This fourth building in our business complex will have the all important bathrooms for workers and visitors alike. It will also block the view from the road of our home and business complex, except for a part of the driveway. We are planning to have two bathrooms with two stalls each and running water. Right now, we have two port-a-potties, a container of water and Mrs. Meyers hand soap outside.

The person we interviewed yesterday showed up at 8am to start planting. She met Lucy, Annabelle, and Ethel around 9am when they had to go out and use the facilities, I mean the yard. I did not realize it, but David set her up on the porch of the green shed shack where we lived last year for three and a half weeks while our home was being put together. She petted them all and got back to work. The girls were fine with her, even though they never met her before. Impressive! She stayed until 4:30pm. I wonder if she will come back tomorrow.

The internet guy we used in San Antonio to boost our internet was here to do some work for David today. An air conditioner specialist was here to look at the A/C in our home. It has not been shutting off. It has been 100+ everyday for over a week here on the farm.

A new person started work here today, planting seeds for our fall garden. It is truly hot out there. I wonder if she will be back. (She did come back to the business complex.)

One of our guys was trying to install an alarm in the store today. It kept giving him problems. In the midst of that, our Wednesday interviewee called to see if we could do the interview today. We said yes and she came in to the business complex at 3pm. This person will be helping me in the store and with orders. I have not had any help since we opened. We talked a lot. David explained the business aspect and stated what he expects. She agreed with everything. I could tell from talking to her again today that we will get along fine. We hired her and she will start with us in about two weeks.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Here comes the fourth building!Here comes the fourth building!
They just took it off of the wheels and now it will go up on blocks.They just took it off of the wheels and now it will go up on blocks.
The building is up on concrete blocks.The building is up on concrete blocks.
David is inspecting the new building in our business complex with the person who set it up here for us.David is inspecting the new building in our business complex with the person who set it up here for us.

This morning, after I had breakfast and fed the chicks, I heard the sound of a large truck. Our fourth and final building had arrived. I rushed outside and got some photos. It took a few hours to get the building inside of our business complex and get it set up on bricks.

The port-a-potty cleaner came and fixed our two rentals up in the business complex. Hopefully, contractors will get this new building fixed up with some bathrooms so we can get rid of them soon. They look ever so lovely sitting by the driveway. It will be good to say goodbye to them. But first, we have to put in a septic tank for the business complex. I sent in the form and a large check today for the new septic tank.

We called Karen back for a second job interview this afternoon and we hired her to help me in the store as well as learning other things over in operations.

I would like to say that everyone who made the move with us is doing a great job with unpacking everything and working hard to get seeds counted, packed, and shipped out. Thank you to the whole team at David's Garden Seeds®!

The white truck by the shed got stuck in the sand bank up there. David is there with the red truck. Our neighbor is on his way with the tractor.The white truck by the shed got stuck in the sand bank up there. David is there with the red truck. Our neighbor is on his way with the tractor.

After Jeremy finished doing electrical work, our neighbor had to come over with his tractor and pull his truck out of sand way up at the top of our hill. The kids went into the pool.

Max and Holley are floating in the pool while their dad is stuck up on the hill.Max and Holley are floating in the pool while their dad is stuck up on the hill.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

I got up early, fed all of the animals, including chicks, and then did dishes and put a roast with veggies in the slow cooker for tonight. I did the dishes late last night so when I went to bed, the kitchen was empty and clean. This morning, at 6am, it was filled with dishes and pots. For the life of me, I could not figure it out. Then I found David. He got up at 3am to make more pickles. I never heard a thing but he sure made a mess in the kitchen! I guess he couldn't sleep. He will definitely fall asleep early tonight. I wonder if he will make it to 7pm.

Jeremy and the kids left here this morning around 10am, after Jeremy finished installing some electric wires in the back 40. He installed some plugs and switches on the chicken coop and put in some lights. David told me that he ordered a cooling unit for the chicks because every afternoon, it is 108° plus in their coop, which is just too hot!

Jeremy also installed electric in the rabbit hutch and in several other spots all around the back of the farm.

Garrett installed intercoms in the store and in David's building and Jay's building since our cell phones do not get great reception out here. David ordered a third internet line because we can no longer get internet when we are in the house. We have our home line in the store so I can work and David's building has a new line. So tomorrow, we will have home internet again.

Meanwhile, nothing but work is happening today in the business complex of David's Garden Seeds® Farm. The mailman just took four postal boxes of seed orders with him plus six yesterday so the orders are climbing back up.

We just got a FedEx Freight delivery--it is the air conditioner unit for the chickens! Yay! David just let me know through the intercom. So I went outside and Jay, our manager, was signing for it. The FedEx driver said that it is getting harder and harder to get in here because of all of the buildings. So I shouted across the parking lot that it won't get any harder because we are through getting buildings. Apparently he had no sense of humor as he did not acknowledge me or look my way. I know he heard me because Jay was standing right next to him and he heard me.

Looking out of the chicken coop, you can see the chicks' new evaporative cooler. It feels wonderful and will give some relief when it is 105°.Looking out of the chicken coop, you can see the chicks' new evaporative cooler. It feels wonderful and will give some relief when it is 105°.

Some of our guys set up the evaporative cooler at the chicken house. David and I just went out there to check it out. They are all so happy, making their little noises and standing out there in it. I went inside and it feels great! This will help their water not heat up so much. If the water gets hot, chickens will not drink. I am so happy for them.

While I was out in the chicken coop, I got a call from Karen, a lady we hired on Wednesday afternoon to help me in the store. She gave her two week notice and they are letting her start here on Monday, July 20 so that is good news!

Now for some more good news! Good for me, at least. I heard the garbage truck out the store window earlier today as they picked up our next door neighbor's dumpster. Then the truck came in and picked up our trash a day early again! They are on a roll! It is a good thing because we already had a pile next to the dumpster since the dumpster was already overflowing as it always does!

Friday, July 10, 2020

This morning, we found out it is difficult to find a contractor to add plumbing to the new building in our business complex. It seems no one does that. So how do people put toilets and plumbing in these buildings when they are built to be houses?

We are expecting the internet man to come back out this afternoon to hook up our third line. We cannot get any internet at the house and we need it to work in the evenings.

We did some mobile home shopping today and came back to David's Garden Seeds® just before lunch. I took some veggies out to the chickens, who are enjoying their air conditioned digs! Then a barbecue caterer in Poteet, Texas showed up with a delicious lunch for us. The smoked turkey was out of this world.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Good Saturday morning! It has been a busy morning that flew by. It is now after 9am and I am at the store for five hours. I got up early and changed the sheets, fed of all the animals including the chickens and I filled up their evaporative cooler and switched that on for them as it will be another 100° plus day.

Nacho and his son were here at our business complex working on a staircase to the new building in our business complex so we can get in and start the construction. We need to put in four restrooms instead of a men's room and a lady's room with two stalls each. Not sure exactly how he will do it. He is having a difficult time finding someone to do it. Looks like our son, Jeremy, will be doing it.

Now it is 1pm and the only visitors I have had are David and the mailman. The mailman picked up about 50 seed orders and he brought me brand new David's Garden Seeds® shirts! I ordered them almost a month ago.

I filled a lot of seed orders and then I had to correct prices on the website that have changed. Now I have to restock. We are out of so many seeds on the shelf. I cannot wait for my helper to start work here. I have to wait one more week.

The internet man showed up and was in the house with David when I closed the store at 2pm. We now have internet again in our home.

I added ice to the chickens' water since it was 103°. It melted quickly.I added ice to the chickens' water since it was 103°. It melted quickly.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

We went to church today and after church, we drove into San Antonio to check out our business building. Of course, someone took all of the toilet paper so we had none after driving an hour to the city. Really?

Everything except for a few odds and ends had been packed up and taken. We got the rest. The big wall in the center of the main seed room has been taken down.

We drove home and ate a late lunch. I took a nap in front of the TV and then went out to make sure the chickens were doing okay in this horrible heat, 105° Fahrenheit today.

Return from Business Complex to Our Small Farm

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

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David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,200 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!

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chickensyardOur chickens
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goats0924Our Nigerian Dwarf goats
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officialselfiespotTake a selfie at our official selfie spot!
zinniasbutterflies092523Flowers, bees, and butterflies are everywhere!

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