This week, we are going to talk about our brand new 42 variety spring seed set. It has a total of 1200 seeds for you to grow in the spring.
Start your garden with the perfect collection of heirloom seeds with our new Spring Seed Set! This curated set includes 43 individual seed packs with a total of over 1200 seeds. There are three flower seed varieties, three melon seed varieties, and 37 vegetable seed varieties. David's selections are designed for easy planting, with varieties ideal for growing, saving, and replanting year after year.
Yes, it is called the 42 Variety Spring Seed Set but there are actually 43 varieties. Oops...When I was counting for this page, I happened to count them all. Then I verified it all with David that indeed there are 43 varieties. But they are all printed...David says we will leave it just like it is so just think of it as we are giving you a bonus seed variety.
Whether you're looking to grow fresh vegetables, herbs, and flowers for your garden or planning for the future with a survival garden, this collection is versatile and perfect for both seasoned gardeners and beginners.
Get your garden started right with this comprehensive collection of premium heirloom seeds. Perfect for a year-round garden or for prepping a survival garden, this set has everything you need. Order this seed set now and get growing!
Included Seed Varieties:
Good morning! It is 58° and today, it should make it to 86°!
Our carrier pigeon stayed put on the side porch all night long. David took it some bread but it would not touch it. I have no idea why it is still there, not moving for about 14 hours now.
Matt got here and gave the pigeon some chicken food. The pigeon still just stands there.
I just Googled it and it is probably a racing pigeon stopping to rest. I think it has rested long enough and made potty all over my railing. It has been inconvenient because we can't let the dogs out there or they will eat him. He is not afraid of them. I thought he would have flown away last night because they were going wild seeing him there. He did not budge.
Matt got here before 7am so I made sausage and eggs for three. He is here early to pull hundreds of orders from Amazon, not to mention all of the website orders. There are a lot and they are big. Amazon orders are almost all one item. Website orders can be three, four, five pages long.
I just checked at 7:45am and the pigeon is finally gone.
It is now 12:41pm and the skies are blue. The air is warm at 78° and it is a beautiful day. We have had several customers. We acquired two new rabbits today, a black buck and a broken female. They are so cute.
I still have three dozen eggs left right now. We have been filling orders like crazy. There are still so many to pull.
The temperature hit 86° just like the weatherman predicted. At 5:15pm, Matt and I went out back to take care of the animals. I took care of the rabbits and gave every one of them a carrot but I forgot to take photos of the new ones. I will try to remember tomorrow morning.
The others continued to work. We had to haul water again. Hopefully, the busted pipes will get fixed tomorrow. David says he and Matt will do it. That is the thing. No one cares about your property like you do. Workers who charge way too much will only come out when they want to, not when you need them. I am really sick of carrying gallons of water around for the animals.
We had the leftovers from Sunday night's roast and vegetables. It was so good.
You can order our new 42 Variety Spring Seed Set here.
The first seeds we will talk about in our brand new 42 variety spring seed set are:
If you enjoy growing artichokes, we've got you covered. Then we have five different varieties of beans, two bush, one pole, one lima, and the very popular in Texas dry pinto bean. These will grow very nicely in Texas in the spring as soon as the danger of frost has passed. Don't wait too long to plant the beans because the strong heat that comes on in late spring will change the texture of the beans.
If you have never grown pole beans before, you will need a trellis for them to grow on and they will climb high. Bush beans are fairly short but they are excellent producers. They flower fast and then each flower turns into a green bean. Talk about fresh...fresh green beans are amazing.
Good morning. Neuropathy in my left foot woke me up at 6:10am. It was a lousy dream anyway. My brother was running a toy train off the tracks at a funeral which was very strange...Dreams are usually strange.
So I got up and put some Biofreeze on my foot to get some relief. I went out to the kitchen in the dark and all of a sudden, David appeared and said he had been up already and the coffee was made. It was kind of funny because there were no lights on in the house.
I need to get packed up this morning because we are going to a vegetable conference near Houston. I hate packing. It is so much work and then you get home and you have to unpack. Hopefully, it won't be so bad since it is just overnight but I just don't have time for it.
I think I will make eggs with potato and sausage this morning. That sounds so good. My stupid foot is still bothering me some. I hate when it wakes me up.
I sure hope the rest of the day turns out nicely because, so far, this has not been a good day. I've only been awake now for 40 minutes but still...
It was a beautiful day. I worked on orders the entire day. Then Matt and I went out around 6pm and took care of the animals. After that, I packed. We did not have a single customer today and the temperature got up to 84°. I was really surprised because it was such a nice day.
First, we have a corn seed sale happening right now. There are 16 different varieties of corn that we are overstocked on and you can find them here. Buy any two or more and save 22% on them for spring.
Next, we have six varieties of pumpkin that we are overstocked on. You can find them here. Buy any two or more and save 22% on them for this growing season. Here is a growing hint for pumpkins. Start them in July if you want them for fall. Pumpkins take a long time to grow.
Finally, all other single packs of seeds (not seed sets) are 13% off when you buy three or more. This includes all single packs of herbs, flowers, and vegetables. You can find this sale on our website, David's Garden Seeds®.
The next seeds we will mention from the 42 variety spring seed set are:
You can plant the beets, the onions, and the carrots a bit earlier than you would plant everything else. The cabbage will grow in cooler weather as well. The broccoli and cauliflower do not like heat so get these in the ground two to three weeks before your final frost date. Click the link to get your final frost date at Just enter your zip code and your first and final frost dates will come up. Realize that they are approximate but pretty accurate.
Good morning. I slept until 4am. Then I had trouble getting back to sleep. Finally, just before 5am, I went back to sleep and I slept until 7am when Trump was barking loudly. I got up. David was in his office, ignoring Trump in the den.
I let Trump out and then David told me that at 5am, some lady in Corpus Christi called him to find out what our store hours are. They are posted on our website in two places. The hours are also on our Facebook page. When you Google David's Garden Seeds, the hours come right up there, too. This is why I turn my phone off at night. If I did not, the phone would go off constantly, with dings each time someone places an order, and all sorts of other noisemakers.
Anyway, David was happy because he said that was the longest he had slept in a very long time. I am up every two hours at night to visit the loo...Fun times!
We will be taking off for Rosenberg, Texas in just a little while. Matt will be in charge here. The store will be open for business. There are four dozen eggs in the store refrigerator so come by early if eggs are what you need.
We took off for the place and had a decent trip there. Once we got to Rosenberg, the first thing he did was find the fairgrounds. We unloaded and set up the table. Of course, the tablecloth was not packed. Instead, he packed some white curtains so we had to go to Walmart for a tablecloth.
I set out hundreds and hundreds of seeds, separating flowers and vegetables while David went up front and practiced his speech. A county agent was there and then more and more people started arriving. They started going through our seeds right then. We finally left and went to check into the hotel.
The hotel was La Quinta. Those used to be nice hotels. This was a dive. The shampoo and conditioner bottles they left us were completely empty. I could not get a drop out. Fortunately, I brought shampoo but not conditioner so my hair was not happy.
There were plenty of towels and the bed was comfortable but the place was a dive. David always makes reservations ahead of time but this place is old and the oil workers stay in it. It was pretty dirty. We normally stay in something nice but the last few times, they have been crap because of oil workers. They seem to be everywhere now. They were all over the property, smoking and hanging out. From now on, we look for the newest property in the area to stay at, not the brand names.
The office chair in the room was worn so it could not be used. David went down to see about a different chair. The attendant told him this was the best they had. Really? The carpets looked like bleach had been poured out all over the hallway.
We went out to Cracker Barrel for dinner and had a good dining experience. Then we went to JC Penney to do some shopping for David. We got back to the hotel and that is when I discovered there was no shampoo or conditioner. He did not go down and get some from the attendant and I was not dressed so that did not happen.
Next on the list of our 42 variety spring seed set are:
Collards will germinate in soil as low in temperature as 40° Fahrenheit but they like it best when the soil is about 75°.
Corn, cucumbers, eggplant, strawberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe like it when the soil is between 70° and 90°. If you are going to grow any type of melon, mix some sand into the garden bed. Melons, including cantaloupe, love to grow in a sandy loam that drains well. They like to be watered but they cannot sit in water or they won't grow. We have the perfect soil for growing melons and strawberries--sand!
We woke up way too early to go to an 8am conference. I was up and down four times in the night and was shocked when the alarm went off at 6am. I got dressed and ready. The hotel's breakfast was empty at just a little after 6am. I mean, the food was all gone. The oil workers were in there and there was no attendant around to reload the food. Can you believe that garbage? So we packed up our stuff and left the sorry place. We went to McDonald's down the road and had breakfast.
We arrived at the conference center at 7:30am. Tons of people were there. We had to sign in and get our lunch passes. People were all over our table picking through the seeds, taking them, which is what we wanted. That is how it was for most of the day, even during the speaker presentations. Soon, there were four varieties left, the ones we brought the most of, Detroit Dark Red Beets, Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflowers, Butterfly Hummingbird Mix, and Boston Pickling Cucumbers.
From 11am until we left, many of the same people kept coming around to see if we had anything else. We told them that was all we had left but they still kept coming by.
At lunchtime, the speaker said to get in line. It was a very long line and I was about halfway. While we were standing there, they had the three gold sponsors speak. There was a lot of talking and noise as people stood in that long line that did not seem to move. The speakers had to hold a microphone and most were too afraid to hold it close enough to their mouths so most of what was said in that big space was not heard. It took a good 20 minutes of standing there before the line started to move.
Lunch was meat catered by Rudy's. It was brisket, chicken, and sausage with sides of beans and boiled potatoes. No dessert but there was tea to drink. I had to go back for drinks since I could not get the tea because I had to get two plates. David sat up front waiting to speak. By the time it was his turn to give his presentation, I had finished eating and I was able to go up and take a few photos.
After that, he finally came back to eat his ice cold lunch. By then, they had stopped serving. He would have had plenty of time to go through the line with me and get his own plate so I could have had a free hand to get pickles, onion, bread, etc.
Two different women said they were with nonprofits and wanted the rest of the seeds that were not taken. David gave them to the first one. When we left early at 2pm, there were four small boxes left. We found the woman who David promised them to and told her we were leaving them for her.
We didn't get home until around 6:30pm. We passed two different Buc-ees on the trip but David would not stop so I missed out on that fun, even though I was cordial and pleasant all day long, talking to hundreds of people, telling them about the company while he was off wandering around. I did not get to wander around and see what there was that might have been fun to look at.
It took more than four hours to get home because we did not use freeways since the traffic is always bad in the afternoon.
I got home and unpacked and watched the Hell's Kitchen finale. It was worse than I expected.
Next in the 42 variety spring seed set are some leafy greens below:
Leafy greens will germinate when the soil temperature is between 50° and 70° Fahrenheit so you can start these a bit earlier. The ideal soil temp for all of these to germinate is 60° and they do not like high heat so you want these grown before the heat comes on in late spring.The butterhead and iceberg lettuce varieties do not enjoy heat.
The way to grow lettuce is to plant about a week's worth every week so you don't have all of the lettuce ripe and ready to go at the same time. It doesn't store well. Really, any greens that you plant should be grown that way. Then you have a continuous harvest of fresh lettuce to enjoy.
Good morning. It is 66° at 7am. I slept in late as I was so tired. Now it is time to go to work and see what they have for me since we've been gone for two days. Traveling is worse than I remembered.
Matt tells me there is nothing new with any of the animals.
Today is my mother's 87th birthday. I hope she has a good day. Happy birthday, Mom.
It is now 1pm. I am still unpacking boxes that we took of business stuff. I have also washed three loads of laundry and did the dishes. I cleaned the kitty box and David's bathroom. I have hung up and folded two loads of laundry. I have one more load to wash and two to dry. I have paid and mailed bills. Matt and Angelica are out there filling and mailing orders. Matt has been entering quite a few customers.
Everyone is asking about the eggs, but no one has bought any today. If you are interested, I have five dozen eggs today for $6 a dozen, cheaper than Walmart's farm fresh, organic eggs which are $6.78 and $8.12 last time I looked. Also, there are several other farms in the area selling their eggs at $7 a dozen. Chicken feed, egg cartons, labels, and ink are not cheap. We are not allowed to reuse egg cartons per the county. $6 is actually quite reasonable.
I found and moved the business tablecloths in case David decides to do one of these conferences or shows again. I believe I have done my fill for a lifetime.
I got a lot of things done inside. Then I made pretzel coated chicken thighs, noodles with butter and cheese, and green beans for dinner. Matt stayed and we had fun watching Dallas. We're on season 12 now.
Matt laid down fresh hay for the goat yards but did not have a chance to do that for the chicken yard yet.
Today we will look at okra and peppers in the 42 variety spring seed set.
The Chinese Giant is a large green bell pepper that is perfect for stuffing with ground meat and rice. We are in Texas so we like a little spice, right? The Cayenne blend gives you an assortment of colored cayennes that will look pretty in any dish. The jalapeno is the perfect Texas pepper. Everyone seems to love the Japanese shishito. It has a bit of spice to it.
Okra loves heat so plant this vegetable once the heat starts. The hotter the sun during the summer, the better the okra does. We grow okra every year. The Beck's Big Buck was originated in San Antonio and is a perfect okra for Texas.
The peppers should be planted as soon as the danger of frost has passed. A lot of gardeners start pepper plants indoors under grow lights or in a greenhouse about six weeks before the last frost to get a jump start on the growing season.
Good morning. I have been backing up my phone photos all night long and there are just a few more to go. My phone is almost completely out of power. Of course, I have 22,247 photos on there. As soon as this is complete, I will take the photos off. I have deleted many but I never have time to go through them all. I bought myself The PhotoStick for Christmas. It was difficult to get it started. It has been backing up for over eight hours.
It is foggy out but my phone is still busy so I cannot get a photo right now.
You will be happy to know that summer is here. The low is 69° and the temperature should reach 90° Fahrenheit today.
It looks like I will be working the store and the orders this morning, not to mention I have to go outside and feed all of the animals.
I just printed out another 50 orders plus there are a lot that have not been completed out in Fulfillment. This is website orders only. Add in a few hundred from Amazon.
I have been up for an hour and there are still six more photos before The PhotoStick is done. I wonder if the phone will make it before it dies. This thing takes forever...
It finished at 7:21am and now I can delete most of the photos from my phone. Also, I just took a photo of the fog and I have placed up at the top of today's post for you to see.
Well, it is now 3pm. It was a busy day. I went out and fed all of the animals. Then I got ready and went to work. I did just a few orders. Mostly, I spent time with customers, listening, answering questions, finding seeds for them, looking at their photos and hearing their garden stories.
Our first family this morning were from Corpus Christi. They were very nice folks and we enjoyed the visit. I called David to come as they wanted to meet him. Before they left, two more sets of customers came.
At 2pm, I noticed FedEx, who never comes out on Saturdays, sitting across the street from us. I went over to the gate and picked up a damaged FedEx box. Of course, it was a seed order. Hopefully, none of them are damaged.
In between, I nuked the leftovers from last night for David and me. The mailman came when I was in the store with the last customer. I guess he did not bring any mail as there was none on my desk but the bag of mail I had was gone.
I never got to finish the orders that had already been pulled from yesterday. I believe I got to close four orders. I did not get to start pulling today's orders and there are a lot.
We closed the store and went into the house. I got the honor of doing the dishes from this morning. I collected 24 eggs this afternoon, the most the chickens have given in a long time in one day!
Matt went to Constantino's, the only decent place out here in the country to get food. He got pizza, cheesy bread, and two kinds of wings. Yum!
Curse Of The Werewolf was the Svengoolie movie. We've been blessed to see it several times so we continued the streak and watched my favorite of all of the Jaws movies, Jaws 3! It's the one where the great white shark gets inside the Sea World lagoon in Orlando, Florida, and trashes the park. It's a good one for sure!
Next in the 42 variety spring seed set are radishes, squash, and tomatoes.
The Cherry Belle radish is a mild salad radish that is very flavorful. It is my favorite radish.
The straightneck summer squash is a favorite. It is prolific so you should get a lot of squash unless you get squash bugs. Some years we get them and other years we don't. Make sure that you keep an eye on all of your plants, especially squash and tomatoes.
The Pink Banana Jumbo is considered a winter squash that you plant in spring. It is a tasty squash that stands up to the heat. Winter squash is called that because the rind is thicker than the thin peel of a summer squash. This means that you can store it longer without refrigeration as long as you have not cut into it.
The tomatoes are the finest in the whole seed set. There is nothing that tastes as wonderful as a garden fresh tomato. You will need to start these indoors early if you want tomatoes in the spring in Texas. We normally start our spring tomatoes indoors at the end of December.
Once the heat hits, the tomato plants will no longer fruit. If you keep them alive all summer long, when the weather cools, they will fruit. However, that is a long time to water them. David always pulls up the spring tomatoes once the heat hits and then he starts new ones for the fall in July.
Good morning and happy Sunday. It is 69° out this morning. It stayed very warm all night long. Today is Super Bowl Sunday. We have our snacks ready to roll plus the leftovers from last night--Constantino's pizza and wings!
It is still dark out but soon I will have to get outside and feed everyone. David and the dogs are still sleeping.
I just printed out a bunch of website orders. It will be a very busy week.
I have a lot of seeds that I need to get started this afternoon. I am late but this business demands a lot of time and this year we do not have the extra help.
Church was good. We got home and had leftovers for lunch. Now I think we are going to pull orders for the rest of the day. Fun times. There are so many right now that I feel like I am drowning!
The sky is overcast and the weather is cool. There was talk today of snakes out and about because of yesterday's heat. Now I am scared to go out this afternoon and take care of the animals.
We saw a deer hanging on the fence across the street where no one lives now. It got caught on the barbed wire and very sad. I just hate to see that. I wish I hadn't.
I went out and pulled orders for two hours. David said he would join me but he never did. I went back in the house and then took care of the animals. I got 24 eggs today!
President Trump proclaimed today as Gulf of America Day. I have enjoyed thinking about the Gulf being the Gulf of America instead of Mexico and I am quite pleased. I wonder what my teachers would have thought about that after teaching us about the Gulf of Mexico. Ha ha!
Then we pulled out the leftovers and some raw veggies with dip and watched the Super Bowl. The Chiefs came to lose which is unfortunate as that is who I wanted to win. They finally scored in the third quarter.
The worst part of it all was that ridiculous halftime show. I do not get it at all.
Last in our new 42 variety spring seed set are:
There are two veggies, a turnip and Black Beauty zucchini in this final grouping of the 42 variety spring seed set. The turnips are a root crop so you can plant them early. The zucchini won't germinate until the soil is at least 60°.
After that, we have included three flower seeds. First, we have a beautiful mix of zinnias. I grow zinnias every year. They stand up to the Texas heat and they attract a lot of bees and butterflies. You need pollinators in your garden so flowers are a must. Put them in the ground as soon as the danger of frost is passed.
The Butterfly Hummingbird Mix attracts more pollinators. It is a wildflower mix so you will get a lot of pretty flowers. Plant them while it is still cool.
Last, in the 42 Variety Spring Seed Set, we have included the Mammoth Grey Stripe sunflower. This sunflower grows six to seven feet tall and has a huge dinner plate sized face. The center will have sunflower seeds that you can harvest, roast, salt, and enjoy.
I hope this week's article has gotten you excited to give David's Garden Seeds® a try and, specifically, to order our new 42 Variety Spring Seed Set!
Return from Our New 42 Variety Spring Seed Set to Our Sixth Year
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,000 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!